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Last Topic: 11:24:02am, 08/29/2023
Lines and quotes that live rent-free in your head

Posts: 49
Last Post: 3:58:16am, 07/25/2024
BrohammedAli posted...
Not everything needs to be able to be discussed with everyone, you're right.

If you can't talk about your values with your friends, you have shitty friends.

If my oldest friend suddenly decides to support Trump and has no issue with his platform's blatant transphobia, it doesn't matter that we were in the first grade together. They're a shitty friend and they don't need to be in my life.

It's weird that you wanna talk about being socially stunted while ignoring the fact that people and friendships change all the time and there's nothing wrong with reassessing your relationships when new information comes to light.

Do you feel like theres one level of friendship? Like, we either talk about everything or nothing? Friendships are way more complex than that. Thats why I made my NPC reference lol.

I have friends I can talk about business ventures with and some I cant because theyre silly with money, but can talk about family drama with them still. I have friends I can talk about family drama with but I dont wanna hear their politics or religion. There are people who you may connect with through religion but you might not feel comfortable talking to them about new ways to please your partner sexually lol.

We have close real relationships, distant relationships and all sorts of stuff in between. Not everyone needs an invite to whatever youre doing. I just dont understand cutting people off unless its some extreme shit, which is definitely the minority of the human population. That would be an unnecessary exaggeration just to pretend to not see the point lol. Intellectual dishonesty type stuff

Don't hate the player, hate the game. I only play the cards I was dealt.
Gamertag: BiggLaw4

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