Current Events > Shut the fuck up and play New Vegas

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05/25/23 2:20:10 PM

ViewtifulJoe posted...
How do I skip the cutscenes at the start and end of Old World Blues?
I pressed a bunch of buttons and none of them worked.

Edit: No really I'm bored of New Vegas relaying the opinions of random sink fixtures. It takes ages.
Well, I recently watched a video on speedrunning Dead Money, and I think switching to Italian narration is like 10 seconds faster for the opening of that one. Try that.

But I feel you. I finally played it on PS3 a few weeks ago. Save file got too big when doing Old World Blues, so had to restart it from an older save. Sitting through that thing twice in about 4 hours was hellish.

The ball is round, the game lasts 90 minutes. That's fact.
Everything else, is theory.
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Post #52 was unavailable or deleted.
05/25/23 3:11:35 PM

KanWan posted...
Its not a surprise.. the actual landscape of NV sux compared to FO3 and FO4 with the only redeeming quality of 4 being the crafting and the build-a-world feature.

What made Fallout 3's landscape so alluring?

Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read - by DB_Insider - by Wii_Shaker
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05/25/23 5:32:13 PM

Every time someone says they prefer FO3 or 4 over NV, I'm reminded that some people just don't have taste.

"The US military is not an effective proxy for humanity" ~ Folding Ideas
Faciendere id pro RAVz
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Post #55 was unavailable or deleted.
05/25/23 5:39:15 PM

I've beaten it a couple of times already, but I do have a save that I could keep playing.

Now, FO4 was never completed by me though...
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05/25/23 5:51:13 PM

KanWan posted...
When everything is brown or green things just look like they deserve to be barren.. it was nice to have that broken up with an entire city completely in ruins.. for what its worth it felt alive and rife with Supermutants and ghouls.

New Vegas just doesnt feel that way at all even when you factor the The Strip.
Yeah I agree, I might actually prefer NV slightly but it's true that it's a bland, desolate, dead world. Same problem I had with Dark Souls. Having great RPG mechanics and whatever doesn't count for much when you're playing with those mechanics in a setting that's just not very interesting or fun.

FO4 is the best of the three from what I've played so far tbh. Way better combat, actually good environments, and slightly better companions imo make up for the lacking RPG elements
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05/25/23 6:52:03 PM

3 and 4 are vastly superior to new vegas facts
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05/25/23 7:17:11 PM

It's not on ps5
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05/25/23 8:34:55 PM

CADE_FOSTER posted...
3 and 4 are vastly superior to new vegas facts

Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
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05/26/23 9:39:09 AM

KanWan posted...
When everything is brown or green things just look like they deserve to be barren.. it was nice to have that broken up with an entire city completely in ruins.. for what its worth it felt alive and rife with Supermutants and ghouls.

New Vegas just doesnt feel that way at all even when you factor the The Strip. Hell the only two places that felt unique or deserving of any note is where you meet that awesome Nightkin community and the Khans community. Everything else just feels like such a missed opportunity to show something awesome.. for a sequel I just felt like it went back a couple of steps in that regard. It did everything else right.. but its stuff you cant see and good dialogue and quest-lines only hold merit if the actual quests are fun or interesting.

They should take you some place new.. I guess its easy to do if everything is brown.. Maybe Im just disappointed and cant reconcile how HYPE I was for FO3 AND NV and didnt get that payoff.

I mean, I disagree with this almost entirely - between Fallout 3's barren and forgettable western half of the map, endless repetitive metro tunnels, and nonsense haphazard worldbuilding that has random Deathclaws and Sentry Bots wiping out settlements because the devs didn't think to put a random encounter point a few hundred feet further away; and New Vegas having for my tastes far more interesting places to discover, explore, and pick a fight, such as (in addition to Jacobstown and Red Rock Canyon already mentioned) Primm, Nellis AFB, Helios, Black Mountain, Camp Searchlight, and Quarry Junction to name a few, not to mention the overall worldbuilding that feels like settlements were actually made based on logic and trade routes - but I do honestly appreciate that you elaborated.

Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read - by DB_Insider - by Wii_Shaker
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05/26/23 1:26:25 PM

Ive tried it 4 or 5 times. Always get bored and start something else after a while. I rarely make it much past the place with the dinosaur.

Drawings of me by CE:
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05/26/23 2:07:53 PM

You shut the fuck up.
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05/29/23 2:06:26 AM

Is the free Epic Games version playable on the Steam Deck?

I already got the game on Steam a couple years ago on my old laptop, but I never finished my first playthrough and its been too long since I last played so I would probably want to start over. Also, I remember modding the hell out of the game and being pretty far in, so it would take too much work to reinstall all my old mods to play again on my Steam version.

I also dont wanna delete my old save file in case I come back to finish it one day, so starting fresh on Epic Games might be the better move.
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Post #65 was unavailable or deleted.
05/29/23 2:16:54 AM

I like Fallout 4 more. I just can't get into New Vegas no matter how hard i try. I understand that it has a better story than 4 but the gameplay is just not my cup of tea.

XBox Live GT: MastaMez PSN: KoolMez
The Topic Killer \_0_/
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Post #67 was unavailable or deleted.
05/29/23 2:45:24 AM


My latest build was a high int, low cha build with a ban on speech and barter, focusing on energy weapons, science and repair. It made things interesting since I usually go for high speech, and energy weapons are pretty scare in the beginning. Did go black window and cherchez la femme, so my character is a nerdy engineering bisexual with absolutely no rizz.

"The US military is not an effective proxy for humanity" ~ Folding Ideas
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