Current Events > GGOA Plays: Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles -ongoing spoilers-

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05/20/22 1:14:21 AM

Not sure if the Wii light gun games really warrant a playthrough topic, buuuut I've made a topic for every other game in the series so far, so why not?

Been chipping away at the RE franchise in release order for like 2 or 3 years now. Here's a quick summary of my thoughts so far:

RE 1: Very fun. Loved the voice acting.
RE 2: Great sequel.
RE 3: A step down. Didn't like Nemesis nearly as much as Mr. X. Setting was cool though.
RE CVX: Enjoyed it quite a bit. Not as much as 2, but more than 3.
REmake: My favorite I think. Phenomenal remake.
RE 0: Weak, but some good stuff. Slugs sucked, lack of item boxes sucked and the character switching wasn't great. Core was still fun.
RE 4: Masterpiece. Maybe cheesier than I'd prefer, but the gameplay and design were so good.

Now it's on to Resident Evil 5, but not before popping some fresh double As into my ol' Wiimote.

Don't really think there's much new story here? I think it's a retelling of RE 1-3 with more Umbrella stuff fleshed out? Either way, while I may have skipped Survivor and Dead Aim and been unable to play the Outbreak games, I've decided to include the Chronicle ones. Especially when someone in my RE4 topic said that it explained where the fuck Krauser came from cause his unexplained inclusion in 4 was trash.

Planning on going through Umbrella Chronicles, 5 and Darkside Chronicles pretty close together to finally make some more progress on the series. HLTB has this game down at 7-12 hours long, so I'm guessing this won't be a very lengthy topic, but fuck it. It's 1am here. Let's go.

My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
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05/20/22 1:23:09 AM

Also as a side note, I've platinumed every RE game in the series so far that had one (CVX, REmake, 0 and 4), but I'm playing this shit on the Wii cause it sounds a lot more appealing to play with a wiimote than a PS3 analog stick and that shit costs like $35 on the PSN store and fuck that shit when I can just play this for free.

My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
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05/20/22 1:31:21 AM

Alright starting it up. Sadly I do not have the Wii "Zapper". I don't even remember that being a thing.

Good to hear them have the starts screen "RESIDENT EVIL" guy. Not his best one, but it's good enough.

Uhhhh gonna go with normal difficulty for now. Might bump it up if this game's cake.

Oh wow. We're covering RE0? Makes sense. Just a bit surprised to start with the non-fan favorites Jill & Chris.

Wonder if the character selection matters. I'm going with my girl Rebecca.

My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
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05/20/22 1:36:29 AM

Cleared the first stage. Yeah this is a bit of fun. About what I expected. Would probably be more fun to play in an arcade or with a second player.

Got an A rank. Had some trouble with the giant scorpion and had to use a first aid spray. Also not sure I've got throwing the grenades down since they took a few attempts before actually launching them each time.

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05/20/22 1:43:24 AM

Well I died to a slug. For some reason the knife decided it didn't want to work.Hope it was just me screwing up and the controls aren't wonky and unreliable. Could make things frustrating. Just slashing the controller but didn't want to use the knife for some damn reason.

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05/20/22 1:45:40 AM

Alright it was me. Gotta hold down A.

Still can't get grenades reliable though.

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05/20/22 1:53:56 AM

Boy they are frugal with the checkpoints. Sheesh. Fucking forgot about these god damn monkeys. I freaking hated these in 0. This is reminding me that I hated a lot of enemies in 0.

Died again, but think it's just more me getting overwhelmed and fucking up.

Killed the bat an cleared the stage with a B rank. Felt MUCH better by the end of that one. Started shooting any objects that have blink with the recital over them. Going through my guns a lot faster with the C button. Being smarter with my ammo. Aiming's getting better.

Also figured out that grenades are hold A down first and then press B. Much better. For some reason I thought a motion was involved too.

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05/20/22 2:05:42 AM

Getting the hang of this, but calling it here for the night. Just wanted to dip a toe in, but hopefully I can get a few solid hours in tomorrow. So far I'm enjoying it. Takes some getting used to, but there's solid enough mechanics here and the light gun gameplay with the wiimote is fun.

Probably won't be posting as often once I get into the swing of things and will just focus more on the story side of things which...I'm not expecting a whole lot to talk about really. This appears to just be a very condensed version of the games so far, but I am hoping for a few new bits of info on how Wesker came back to life and whatever. Flesh some stuff out. Cause I play Resident Evil for the overarching story god dammit.

My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
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05/20/22 11:03:38 PM

Alright back in and sadly the very next mission was the end of RE0. Had I known that I woulda kept going last night.

That was fast. Proto Tyrant looked much less cool and went down like a bitch. Didn't touch me once. The giant slug monster at the end on the other hand was a pain in the ass. Ran out of ammo fast and had to fight him back with the pistol. Wasn't hard just very time consuming. Didn't see much ammo at all lying around and maybe if I shot more of the area I'd have found some, but it felt like I had to constantly be shooting the boss so he wouldn't attack me.

No more insight on what happened to Billy.

Did Rebecca sound this...anime girly in the original?

Anyway, on to the Spencer Mansion I assume.

My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
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05/20/22 11:05:40 PM

GameGodOfAll posted...
I'm going with my girl Rebecca.
Ahem...Rebecca is my girl.

Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
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05/20/22 11:34:54 PM

Oh unlocked a Wesker level. Awesome. Gonna save that for now and go onto RE1.

Absolutely crushed that one. Didn't die or use a first aid spray once. Collected a ton of documents and junk. Came down to the wire against the Yawn though. Ammo's real tight.

Going through the mansion like this in first person is quite cool. I'm a massive fan of REmake, so seeing it from this perspective while going through such a familiar layout is real nice. Crimson Heads are just as terrifying in first person.

Unlocked a Rebecca side mission. Maybe it shows how she got to the mansion? Gonna check that out now. Maybe I'll go back and do that bonus Wesker mission too. Kinda thought all the bonus ones would just be Wesker and what he was up to while all this went on. Also his voice is ridiculously evil and douchey.

One thing I'll say is cycling through weapons is a bit of a pain. Wish I could quick select my shotgun for 1 quick blast on a Crimson Head and then go straight back to my handgun.

My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
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05/21/22 12:14:57 AM

Oh lord Russian Umbrella goons. Oh no this guy looks REALLY dumb.

My wrist is starting to hurt. Died to this absolute doofus twice and seems pretty annoying. Gotta just constantly be shooting at him even when the camera turns my back to him otherwise I'm eating shit. First person dodging punches and charges...not feeling this one.

My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
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05/21/22 12:17:26 AM

Yeah this fucking blows.

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05/21/22 12:25:36 AM

Got it, but I hate these new guys.

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05/21/22 12:42:53 AM

Okay beat Plant 42. Easy. Bit of a bullet sponge so more tedious than anything, but easy enough.

Stopping for the night to save my wrist.

My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
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05/21/22 4:22:07 PM

Finish the Spencer Mansion. So what I got from the retelling of RE1 is that it woulda went a hell of a lot faster had Chris and Jill not split up. Very disappointed we didn't get any Barry. Also disappointed no Lisa Trevor but maybe I should be grateful since she's horrifying. Does this mean Barry's dead in canon? Didn't he show up in 3? Ah whatever. Probably thinking too much into it. Only big reveal is that Wesker injected himself with some bullshit right before Chris & Jill got there and dying to Tyrant was all part of his brilliant genius master plan for brilliant geniuses.

Played Rebecca's parts and got to see poor Richard get got by the Yawn.

Also Yawn's got fucking derp eyes in this.

My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
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05/21/22 6:11:40 PM

Sadly the big Tyrant reveal scene in this failed to live up to the original, just like REmake did.

Wesker's RE1 missions now. Actually tossing off his glasses that say "Property of Umbrella" and stepping on them. M'wah. That is cinema.

Red Queen? I never saw the movies, but is that a movie thing? Sounds familiar. Or is that a codename for Alexia? My memory on CVX is a bit fuzzy.

I'm getting A and S ranks for time, enemies hit and objects destroyed, but files obtained fluctuates. Critical hits is always a C. IDK what I'm missing there. Figure headshotting zombies with a shotgun should count, but I'm only getting 1-3 per stage.

Good final bit to RE1 with Wesker vs. Lisa in the foyer. Glad poor Lisa got a lot of play here. Thus far she's by far the most tragic figure in the franchise, especially for villains. That all made me want to go replay REmake again honestly.

Done for now though. Up next is RE3 with Jill and Carlos which is cool. Though that also means I gotta fight rocket launcher wielding, tentacle arm dealing son of a gun, Nemesis.

My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
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05/22/22 4:14:30 PM

Beat the RE3 levels. They really chopped that game down. Was cool seeing the RPD with upgraded graphics. Nemesis fight wasn't too bad once I figured out how to stop his tentacles.

Unlocked Ada's mission and that was cool seeing how she got out of Racoon City all bandaged up like the woman from SH4.

Still not sure how exactly the chain of command in Umbrella works. There's some old guy with an oxygen tube in a chopper with the Russian asshole who keeps cutting himself with his dumb knife, Wesker's in his Separate Ways turtleneck and blazer ordering Ada around. Guess we gotta get to the point of Code Veronica where Wesker's the big cheese.

Unlocked another batch of levels that I have no idea what they're gonna be. I believe Darkside Chronicles is RE2 and Code Veronica, so maybe this is all new content to show what happened between 2/3 and CVX?

My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
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05/22/22 4:22:47 PM

Cool topic. I haven't touched this game in years but there's a level I like a lot coming up and I'm not sure what counts as a spoiler so I'll wait.

Still waiting on that third threat
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05/22/22 10:21:43 PM

ViewtifulJoe posted...
Cool topic. I haven't touched this game in years but there's a level I like a lot coming up and I'm not sure what counts as a spoiler so I'll wait.

Just starting the last section now.

Wow so they are full on doing a brand new campaign. This absolutely should have been in like...a mainline game if it's Chris & Jill teaming back together to take down Umbrella for good (well it's not gonna be for good good, but still). It is very cool seeing the 2 main stars (pun) back together after...5 games?

Hmm, is this before Code Veronica or 4? I'll need to check out a timeline after this.

Like all the monsters coming back in the big super evil Russian lab. Though it means those fucking monkeys are back! Hate 'em.

Oh my god...look at this fucking NERD.

Least he's easy. Second form was much better. I'll take that as a new super duper Tyrant. Prototype Tyrant is still the coolest looking though.

And that is it for the main game. Got 3 more secret levels by the looks of it. Probably will go through those tomorrow unless I feel like a bit more late tonight.

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05/23/22 12:49:35 PM

Man why does Wesker have such a hard on for Chris? Jill did just as much to fuck up his plans in 1.

This stupid Russian asshole is talking to freaking GLaDOS. Guess that's the Red Queen.

Of course his name is Vladimir. OH NO NOT THIS GUY AGAIN. And there's two now. Whatever. I have way better equipment now, so I can take 'em.

Horrid boss fight. Easy too really. Shooting giant monsters that vary up attack patterns works real well here and hordes of zombies that want to overwhelm you, but these super repetitive fist fight boss battles are dreadful. Works with Nemesis or Tyrant cause they do their thing, but this was literally a loop of 4 different attacks and QTEs over and over and over.

Final boss is another bad one. He looks fine, but it's just a nonstop pattern that is super easy to dodge once you know what to do. The same QTE's over and over again and a bullet sponge to boot. Ah well.

Bosses in the last section sucked, but I liked the overall bit of story enough. Not the new characters, but I'm glad to get what feels more like the "mainline" story. Guessing this sets up Wesker vs. Chris in 5 or 6. Looking at the timeline...this was after Code Veronica, but before 4.

Was hoping for some tease of Wesker or Ada going after Las Plagas.

Awwww shit Hunk time.

Hunk time over and I kinda saw his face.

Tried Special Stage and that doesn't seem like it's worth the time lol. No award apparently, so I think I'll save my wrist the pain.

Wonder if I should play Darkside Chronicles before 5. Nah I'm going release order. They did both come out in 09, but 5 still came out 9 months earlier.

Anyway, that concludes this incredible, uber popular, highly demanded playthrough topic. I'll see you all when I play Resident Evil 5 very soon.

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