Current Events > Immigration is the Real Issue (CE think out of your box)

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01/22/21 2:48:25 PM

Remember the kids in cages? They are still there. Now people from Honduras are looking for economic sanctuary. Honduras had 2 devastating hurricanes and now that Trump is gone they thought - like me - things have changed. But no, good ol' Joe (and I voted for him)

He ignites my hot button by --- we will get vaccine and medical expert support

He ignites others' hot button by --- you will have to pay to keep your guns

He ignites others' hot button by --- transgenders now have rights

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Friend sent me link to Hondurans several days ago and link to gun control concerns. I have been reading the board about transgender concerns.

I have been thinking. As important as lock downs and vaccination is to me this immigration issue is more important. It is more important to all of us.

At least see the pattern CE. Let us all be the best we can be. There are more important things to us.

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I live in Pilsen where many of these immigrants will end up. I am not enthusiastic. I know that this has to be done. I know that government leaders who are refusing to do it are working against my interests and your interests.

CE it is a matter of we think in our box and we need to think out of it. And yes I am just talking which is cheap. So CE get on board and you can keep me honest.

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01/22/21 2:51:07 PM

Rather a Zoom Thanksgiving than an ICU Christmas.
don't compare games to feces -- if you've an opinion worth mentioning, do so civilly
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01/22/21 2:52:46 PM

Who posted

"If you cannot explain it simply, you do not understand it well enough."-Albert Einstein
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01/24/21 12:34:36 AM

Another distraction is maybe student loans will be forgiven.

Spend 5 minutes checking out where the country is with immigration, maybe? The fetid matter is distributed so it is hard to find. The money being paid out to Mexico and Guatemala is part of trade treaties and defense treaties and it is hard to find. As you may have guessed, I have not found it. It is just that

You have Mexico with all of these roadblocks. Mexico never had them before and I think that the training, gear and money is coming from our country. Then you have Guatemala working to keep the immigrants out of the usa. Why?

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01/24/21 12:37:03 AM

America: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."
Brown people "Ok we're here."

Park Minyoung NOONA <3
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