Current Events > Texas Woman had her Sign SEIZED by POLICE after Conservative OUTRAGE! Is it Bad?

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10/06/18 9:50:00 PM

Do you find this sign offensive? - Results (3 votes)
66.67% (2 votes)
33.33% (1 vote)
Police in Texas have SEIZED a Political sign after a Texas Conservative Politician and his supporters cried foul for the "offensive" sign on a lawn!!

Republican Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller took to Facebook to complain on the homemade yard sign by Marion Stanford from Hamilton

Miller, who is up for reelection in November posted pictures of the sign that said "Your Vote Matters". He said "This is in Hamilton, Texas and is supposed to be Judge Kavanaugh's young daughter. Notice my opponent's sign in the background. The Democrat sleaze knows NO bounds!" even though there's no evidence suggesting the identity of the figure.

Behind that are signs supporting Democratic Congressional Candidate Julie Oliver and Beto O'Rourke and another sign advocating against him with his opponent Democrat, Kim Olson, a 4th generation farmer and tired US Air Force Colonel.

The police arrived on her property and removed the sign or they would confiscate it and ARREST her.

Pete Kampfer, a city manager of Hamilton told the newspaper that Miller told police to take the sign and denied any notion that the police threatened to arrest her or forcibly took the isgn.

Marion said they threatened to arrest her for the "offensive" sign if it was not removed and wrote "True to Republican form, they now say i requested them to take the sign away. Will their 'alternative truths' never end!?"

She made the drawing after the 'exasperating experience' of listening to Brett Kavanaugh testifying on September 27th and said it was inspired by Ann Telanes for the Washington Post in 2017 when she drew an Elephant representing the GOP

She also denied that the girl in the picture was his daughter and said "I've never actually seen a photo of his daughter but i sure hope she doesn't ahve any resemblance to this talentless drawing. So i ask you, you see a) pornography? b) a sign encouraging child abuse c) inappropriate material?"

Miller said the sign was vulgar and plain wrong and had no place in someone's yard visible from the street and had no business attacking Brett Kavanaugh

First Amendment expert Dale Carpenter said it's possible the city infringed on her first rights to free speech and said the sign was not obscene and no court would find it that way.

Do you think this sign is "offensive"?

The Sign -

Republican crybaby -

Kim - His opponent
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...THIS ACCOUNT ONLY
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10/06/18 9:51:20 PM

Would someone please think of the children?
I don't hate people, people hate me.
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10/06/18 9:53:34 PM

good imo. looks a little too much like CP
I obviously like you at least a little to even talk to you -cornman
one day I hope to post a message so great it ends up in someones sig -Two_Dee
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10/07/18 5:10:41 PM

10/10 sign. Will vote blue this midterm.

catboy0_0 posted...
good imo. looks a little too much like CP

Well Republicans are really interested in that, aren't they? Didn't they try to convince the world that Hillary ran a child trafficking ring?
Rainbow Dashing: "it's just star wars"
AutumnEspirit: *kissu*
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10/07/18 5:11:40 PM

" supposed to be Kavanaugh's young daughter"

Looks like a generic cartoon girl to me
Rainbow Dashing: "it's just star wars"
AutumnEspirit: *kissu*
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10/07/18 5:12:53 PM

It's stupid, but not offensive, and at any rate free speech goes both ways.
Proud to be part of the 1% of society that's smart enough to realise Australia is not real.
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10/07/18 5:13:58 PM

Place-holder sig because new phone and old sigs not saved :/
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ultimate reaver
10/07/18 5:17:19 PM

I can't stop cracking up at the idea that Kavanaugh's daughter is apparently the symbol you see on the doors of women's bathrooms. just an armless gender-creature
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10/07/18 5:20:00 PM

It was pretty scummy but not really worth taking the sign away. Just let her keep it and continue receiving dirty looks for it.
"You will pay dearly for your futile resistance!"
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10/07/18 5:20:22 PM

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10/07/18 5:27:42 PM

We have had political commercials that feature heavy allusions to children getting nuked, and somehow this is too much for people?
You know how fads are. Today it's brains, tomorrow, pierced tongues. Then the next day, pierced brains.
-Jane Lane
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10/07/18 5:31:42 PM

Texas police now get a huge lawsuit.
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10/07/18 5:32:07 PM

SweetieBelle462 posted...
I can see the justification in taking it down.

No you can't, because there is none.
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Nomadic View
10/07/18 5:34:17 PM

I personally think its distasteful, but it absolutely should not be censored or compelled by government to be removed.
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10/07/18 5:36:42 PM

so we're clear, people itt want people to be able to post signs of people getting sexually assaulted in their front lawns?
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10/07/18 5:37:10 PM

Amazing how Republicans can't take offensive jokes when the insults are targeted towards them.
I have nothing else to say
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10/07/18 5:37:11 PM

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10/07/18 5:41:55 PM

Kim Olson, a 4th generation farmer and tired US Air Force Colonel.

Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
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