Board 8 > B8UCA Presents: Korayashi vs. ZaziGuado in a Japanese Tables Match!

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02/25/18 11:06:05 AM

24. Botta

Botta went a lot higher than I initially thought he would. But, as I was doing the write ups for all the other players, I realized that I really did have a bit of a spot soft for Botta. First of all, he looks like a beast. Is that scars he has? And the red hair goes well with him and his scars. Also, I enjoy his plethora of Venom moves that he has available to him early on. Always fun to cripple the enemy with Botta. He has the best looking Venom Tackle, despite all of them looking the same. All of that said, he suffers by being a Besaid Auroch, and therefore being a tad bit forgettable. I mean, if you was a recruit you had to find, he would have a lot more staying power. But instead, he is just that guy you look to initially replace. I dont know too much about his stat growth either, but he seems serviceable. Overall, Botta doesnt seem like someone I would want to mess with. It wouldve been cool if they gave him a bit of a temper or attitude or something personality thing we can see like that. He would be higher if that was the case.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:06:58 AM

23. Datto

Oh Datto. At once he was probably a little bit higher than this. Probably Top 15. However, he has slipped a bit, for whatever reason. He has a cool look to him. Nice headband, bald monk style head. Must be to make him more aerodynamic in the water. Believable, since he gets a speed boost himself up into the 90s. It doesnt bug me as much as the others, but he still suffers a tiny bit because of it. One thing that I think is interesting is that when Tidus and Wakka are on the team together, he is always am I on da bench? Well damnit, on my team it would be Tidus or Wakka warming the bench while Datto shines! Datto helps a lot in early game with his quick speed spurt over the first few levels. He can clear the defenders with his speed and get off a Nap Shot at the goalie if it doesnt go in. Lots of nostalgia with Datto, too, as I remember keeping him on my team for a bit and enjoying the ball handling with him. Overall, Datto has given me some fun experiences in Blitzball, and he earns a pretty nice spot because of it. Used to be higher, though.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:07:29 AM

22. Wedge

The enigmatic Wedge lands here at number 22. Ive gotten to the point where anytime I place a character, I tell myself that is way too low for them and try to find someone else. Very difficult to rank right now. Wedge is a badass, though. Cool guard getup, much cooler than Biggss getup. Plus, this guys is a beast early on. He starts with, what? Like 17 SH at level 1? Thats pretty wicked. When you have the high of shot at such a low level, the shots look so much more wicked and harder kicked. Its a treat to shoot with Wedge early on. And not soon after, Wedge becomes a beast on defense, opting for wicked kicks to bodies as opposed to wicked kicks to blitzballs. And then he random ends up having the second highest CA in the game. And this brings me to my point against Wedge: I hate how he doesnt have a defined position throughout the game. Sure, I dont mind if, say, a defender moves to MF, or a MF moves to defender, but why does a forward have to move to goalie? Its just annoying to me. That said, the joys of playing with Wedge at the FWD position early on are special to me, and Wedge finishes at a respectable 22 on the list.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:08:18 AM

21. Jassu

Time for the last true Auroch to fall. Jassu is here backed by a **** ton of nostalgia. He was the first Auroch I really started liking. He was pure amounts of badass. He had a cool look to him, and looked like someone who could beat me up. Really, Jassu has many similarities with Botta, which is why they are pretty close on the rankings. The difference is that I knew Jassu would make it to around this point. Jassu, if I remember correctly, uses Whither Tackle at the beginning of the game, which is pretty neato, and helps a ton. Though he doesnt look as cool as Botta performing it, its still nice to look at. I LOVE how he has 3 SP more than everyone else, though. How random is that? And for what reason? HmmI dig Jassus name too. If I had to rank Auroch names, his would be top or second tops, depending on how Im feeling. Overall, Jassu is a rad dude, and the only thing that drops him is that he is an original Auroch, and therefore its hard for me to give him much of a personality in my head.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:08:37 AM

20. Mep

Kicking off the final third of list is probably the oldest blitzer in the game. Mep is the monk from Kilika Temple. He wears a robe, which I dont like, but his badassery helps me majorly overlook that fact. Seriously, the guy is an old monk, yet he beasts for awhile in the sphere pool with all the younguns. And besides, his robe looks pretty cool. It doesnt look as overwhelming as Svandas robe, or Viluchas dress. And Mep isnt going to be used for shooting either, so I dont have to see him shoot with the robe on. Mep is also a pretty badass name. I like the short and sweet names, and Mep fits that bill perfectly. I dont know, there really isnt that much to say about Mep, other than he is just a rad dude. Its fitting he doesnt stay too good for long, though, since hes old. He is as good as he should be. Oh, and his BL early on is wicked awesome. Its a treat. Right.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:09:19 AM

19. Blappa

Eigaar got screwed, and should be ahead of Blappa. I realize this now, and have found my biggest mistake on this list. That said, Blappa, is still in a pretty good position. Eigaar should just be higher. But this isnt about Eigaar, its about Blappa. Blappa is a Psyche, which gives him many bonus points on the coolness scale. His name is kinda silly, but still fearful in a weird way. He has a shaved head, which makes him look kind intimidating. And it is Blappa that I have more experience with when facing the Psyches, it seeming that he takes the majority of the shots, and appearing the be the bigger jerk of the two forwards. That makes him, just like all the other Psyches, the perfect enemy. Great stats and a great challenge comes from him, and its always fun watching him make his way towards my goal, preparing myself for the epic battle my defenders and goalie are going to have. Blappa, I salute you and your fierceness. Eigaar is better, though, and I apologize to Eigaar and all of his fans.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:09:53 AM

18. Navara Nav Guado

I dont have that much experience with Nav, despite him being a Guado Glory. Thats probably because there are so many other MFs out there that I prefer. And he still settles in at 18, which says a lot about the MFs in the field. Navs got the cool, blonde spikey hair look, and looks like a skilled Blitzball player. Look goes a long way in this sport! He looks pretty cool throwing that ball as well. It all looks so natural to him. Hes an interesting Guado as well, as he starts off with speed in the 50s, whereas the other Guados are all in around the 70s. A neat change of pace, I guess, and not bad for a MF. His PA and BL rates are awesome, which are to be expected as well. Hes got some spunk to him, telling you to get the hell out of his way while he is running around Guadosalam doing his endurance training. Thats dedication and a driven personality! I dig his name. Nav sounds so much better than Navara, though, and if his name wasnt shortened to Nav, he would maybe have settled in a littler earlier. Overall, Nav has a lot going for him, and there isnt really that much to fault him with.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:10:27 AM

17. Kiyuri

Kiyuri suffers a bit from me not having much playing experience with her. Its probably because I hate the location she is in. The Minnow? Seriously? Augh. Shes that girl who sings some song weirdly. Its cool that they gave her a bit of a voice, though. Seems to give her more of a personality. She also has a pretty cool attire. She could pass as a pirate in my eyes, which makes her badass. She is also an MF, and I dig that too, since MF is the position with my favorite players. She is also one of them all-around types, excelling in almost everything she does from the start. I dig consistency. There arent really any knocks against Kiyuri, other than her location. Its not very convenient for me to get her, especially at the start of the game. I hate that stupid boat. But other than that, Kiyuri is all cool, and that gives her a pretty high placing on this list.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:11:38 AM

16. Gazna Ronso

Ive always had a bit of a soft spot for Gazna Ronso, and Im not really sure why. Hes the Ronso MF, and he is pretty cool while performing that role. Hes got uber EN, something like 20 or so at level 1, which is so sick that it is awesome. Even though it sucks, I always laugh as my two forwards and MF swarm him, and only take out like 10 of his EN. Of course, then he wanders towards my defenders and they proceed to Venom Tackle the ball right out of his hands. Still, its a fun experience and one I look forward to early on facing the Ronso Fangs. Anyways, Gazna has a pretty badass name. I like the Zs, if you guys havent discovered that yet. This Z is placed nicely, and gives Gazna a nice feel. Gazna also gets bonus points for being the Ronso MF and passing a lot. I always love watching a Ronso pass the ball. It just looks like they could throw it to the moon. Ahh Ronsos. <3 you Gazna Ronso.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:12:20 AM

15. Graav

Finally, the last Goers goes off the board. I like Graav, for whatever reason. Maybe it is because he is actually the best Luca Goer, and lives up to his hype. I mean, he is still just as big a douche as Bickson is, but he has the skills to back up his douche behavior, unlike Bickson. Sure, his stat growth isnt that impressive, but in the storyline game, he is a wall to get around. He can pass, block, take a hit, and if you are not careful, he will score one on Keepa. He is just so all around good to start with that you cant help but hate him. Plus, I like his name. I say it like Grahv though Grave could be pretty cool I guess. Graav should probably be a little lower than where he appeared, probably just before the top 20, but I love those memories he gave me in that first game ever. Hes got that perfect enemy factor that the Psyches have, only his stems from nostalgia for me. He gets owned in every game that isnt the storyline game, but Ill be damned if he isnt a pain to play against that very first game.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:13:07 AM

14. Zalitz

There are two reasons why I love Zalitz enough to place him in the top 15: Name and look. Zalitz is top 5 for me in terms of Blitzball player names(which I plan on making a list of at the conclusion of this list). It has a great ring to it, and I love me the Zs. Normally Im not a fan of Zs in names, but all the Zs used for the names of blitzers are great. Zalitz is also a old salty sea dog, retiring from life at the sea to play Blitzball. Aww yeah. I bet he was a pirate. Zalitz the Pirate. Love to see the dude with a beard. I guess a third reason to like Zalitz would be he is such a challenge when a team signs him early on, like the Psychesyeah. Great fun, I do say about that. The huge HUGE weakness with Zalitz, though, is that he becomes useless very quickly, and thats no fun. I wish I could use Zalitz, but he is quickly dwarfed by so many other players. I like a challenge, but Zalitzs stat growth is just frustrating. Must be him aging. If only he was in his prime as a sailor

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:13:44 AM

13. Rin

Ahh Rin. Here is somebody that benefits from having an actual personality in the game. Rin is our favorite travel agency owner. The thing that has really propelled him up this list is his look and voice. He sounds like this suave Rico Suave kind of guy, and one of my favorite things in FFX-2 is when he says Sphere Break! when he introduces the game for the first time. And if I remember correctly, Rin has a nice pair of abs. Rins abs > Vaans abs. Also, MF just seems like the perfect natural position for Rin. He has decent passing, and a very good BL rating. High BL ratings are fun. I always enjoy watching a player snatch a pass out of the air. Rin suffers from me not having too much experience with him. Sadly, as much as I like him, Ive never really put him on many teams for a long time. I dunno. There are just so many more MFs out there that I like. MF is so loaded to me that its hard for me to stick with one or two. I want to try them all! Rin is a very cool dude, and him being lovable as a character benefits him greater than perhaps any other factor for any other character.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:14:20 AM

12. Isken

Isken got higher than I thought he would. Pretty much the main reason I like Isken is because he becomes a ****ing tank, and he looks the part. I always view him as very broad shouldered, which goes very well for a tank. He also gives me this sort of German vibe. He also plays for the Beasts, which helps his cause. If I remember correctly, he was affected by Sins toxin, so hes an inspirational story in a way as well! But yeah, there really isnt much for me to say about Isken. I like him, and he is one of the better shooters in the game after awhile, but he is one of those players that I havent gotten much experience with, despite knowing I like them. Basically Iskens look and beastliness are what propelled him this far, and there isnt anything wrong with that.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:15:02 AM

11. Ropp

Ropp missing out on top ten status may come as a shocker to people, but not to me. Honestly, I thought Ropp would be gone a little earlier than this. The dude is just too damn good at this whole Blitzball thing. Its unfair, really, and thats why I have a sort of dislike for him. But Ill be damned if I do not respect Ropp for his abilities. To be a top defender from level 1 (or his case, 5 I believe) is damn good. He is in a convenient location, too, for anybody who just wants to play Blitzball for the items and Sigil and be done with it. Lets not forget that Ropp looks like a total beast as well, sporting a kickass pair of goggles and a pimpin bandana that may as well be a fedora or something with the way he *****slaps people in the sphere pool. So, while I do have an overall dislike for Ropp, since he is way too damn good, I have to respect him for his abilities and the challenge he brings to the game if you are lining up against him, and the fact that he looks the part of a badass. Keep doing your thang, Ropp. Also, gloat a bit. Be that player that everyone loves to hate so that Im not alone in the dislike but respect category.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:15:37 AM

10. Larbeight

Kicking off the top ten, I go with the best shooter in the game at level 99. Larbeight has mad skillz, and he plays for the Beasts, which are both pluses to him. He also looks good in his Beasts garb. In case you forgot, I dig the Beasts a lot because they seem to have this cool backstory that gives them a good reason to play Blitzball: Kilika has been destroyed by Sin, and the only source of joy left for the citizens of Kilika is the Kilika Beasts. Larbeight, in my mind, could be considered the captain of this team. He is also the guy that when you come back to Kilika is pounding away at the dock trying to fix it. You can tell he loves his town.

However, there is one downside to Larbeight. Well, maybe two. The second, more insignificant reason is that I have doubts about how to say his name. I usually say it like Larr-bay, but occasionally Ill catch myself adding the t on the end there. The first, and more important, reason is that Larbeight is a little on the boring side. He has no pizzazz, he just goes about his business. And while you have to respect his abilities, he is just boring. In my mind, he is kind of like Roger Federer when he was going about his domination in tennis for that time. He didnt do anything that really made people take not of him other than be awesome at his sport. I mean, Larbeight doesnt even have the GOAT aura around him that would benefit others. He is just really really damn good. At least I can dislike Ropp for being really really damn good. But still, Larbeight is a great player, and probably deserves to be in the top ten no matter who is doing the list.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:16:12 AM

9. Giera Guado

Giera Guado is the first part of my favorite forward tandem in the game. The second part, obviously, is Zazi Guado. There is nothing cooler than using the Guados and watching them swim, pass, and shoot by the competition. They cant take a hit very well, but thats okay. That challenge makes it even more fun and allows me to play with more finesse. Giera, in my eyes, is the weaker of the two. To begin, he isnt very accessible. 1000 gil per game is a very steep price early on, which is where I like to get my blitzball fix. Plus, its a pain to have to farm for gil anyways when it gets low, as easy as it is at later levels. Really though, thats the only major fault with Giera. He has a badass name that rivals his counterparts, and hes got that badass Guado look as well. If I remember correctly, hes got this pretty cool reddish hair going for him. Another thing I like about Giera Guado is that he is what I view as the team captain for the Guado Glories. I deduct this from his position and his salary. He gets some respect points for that. Overall, Giera Guado benefits from having a badass name and race, which is enough to boost someone VERY high on this list. If he was more accessible, he may even be my Zazi Guado. Though I doubt it.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:16:43 AM

8. Argai Ronso

I dig Argai. He is easily the coolest Ronso Fang, and its not really that close. He just has the badass aura about him. If I remember correctly, he can learn Sphere Shot. I know for sure that Basik Ronso can learn Sphere Shot, but it looks so cooler when you see a guy named Argai backflipping in the air(water?) and giving a mighty RONSO KICK to a poor blue ball. I like to think that sight would even give Nimrook a scare for at least a second. Have I even gone into how badass the name Argai Ronso is? He sounds like a pissed off Russian with that name. A Russian Ronso. I gotta say that would be a nifty sight. As far as captainship goes, Im kind of torn between Argai and Gazna being the captain of the Fangs, which hurts Argai a little bit since he cant break away from the pack as much because of it. Also, if memory serves me right, Argai Ronso, too, is a little hard to obtain. I dont really have the patience to forfeit 32 straight exhibition matches, plus however long it takes to get the Ronsos to sign somebody else. Still, the badass factor cannot be denied for Argai Ronso, and that gives him a very nice spot on this list.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:17:57 AM

7. Berrick

Berrick is a ****ing jerk. He can do everything: Pass, Block, Endure hits, Tackle. The only thing he cant do is Shoot, which is a good thing, because if he could, he would be totally broken. Like, we are talking almost Brother-level broken, which would not be good for his spot on this ranking. Of course, he actually benefits from having his godliness since he is a member of the Psyches, the team that everybody, or at least I, loves to hate. Berrick is in on almost every encounter, since he is the MF of the team. Therefore, he is to be constantly dealt with in every mathup. Finally got a break away and the only person between you and Nimrook is Judda? Well, it looks like Berrick was able to get in on the action. You can break through Judda, yay! But now what do you do with Berrick staring you in the face? You cant pass or shoot over him, and you cant breakthrough him. The only thing you can do is hope that luck is on your side. It usually isnt.

I salute Berrick for being the ultimate challenge and thorn in my side in the sphere pool. He is a huge reason why the Psyches are so difficult due to him being a factor in probably over half the encounters in the match. He is a Jack of all trades and a master of being a douche about it, and I love him for it.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:18:44 AM

6. Tatts

I had a lot of troubles with this position. It was between Tatts and the next entry on this list for who should get snubbed out of the Top 5. In the end, Ive settled on Tatts.

First off, let me say that Tatts has one of the cooler player designs. I dig pretty much everything about him. I especially like the pants, for some odd reason. Hes also a MF, and a pretty good one at that. It seems like a natural position for him. He is also a Kilika native, which is awesome as well considering my obsession with the Kilika backstory I like to consider in these rankings. And then there is his badass name. I love the name Tatts. Its probably a Top 10, if not Top 5, name for me of all the blitzers. It just rolls off the tongue well: Tatts. However, one thing that Tatts suffers from is how inconvenient he is to obtain before you have the airship. After you sail into Luca, you are unable to go back to Kilika until you reach I believe Guadosalam, which is a bit of a drag since I like to play right away whenever I start up a new game. I used to have a file dedicated to playing blitzball, but I guess I deleted it, which is where these considerations of inconvenience are coming from.

Overall, Tatts benefits mightily from his appearance, position, and his name, as well as his location. Even without his location, he would be Top 10. He is just that cool looking. Appearance and name are both very important to me in these rankings, and Tatts having two of the best has skyrocketed him up this list.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:19:29 AM

5. Nimrook

Kicking off the Top 5 is the biggest ***** of them all: Nimrook. If you live under a rock when it comes to blitzball, Nimrook is the best goalie in the game for pretty much the entire game. He is also a member of the Psyches, and is just another piece to the ass-kicking group of Al Bhed. Even if you are able to breakthrough successfully and get close enough to the goal for an uncontested shot, you still have to deal with the uber high catch of Nimrook. Also, he seems to usually be on the upper half of the number modifier, making things even worse. Honestly, I love it. The Al Bhed Psyches are the perfect challenge early on in the game, and a lot of it is thanks to Nimrook being a wall in the goal at lower levels with his 16 or 18 CA at LEVEL 1. Nimrook gets probably the largest amount of respect points compared to every other blitzer in Spira. Hes just mad good.

Of course, there are the finer details that catch my eye about Nimrook as well. First off, his name is so very badass. Definitely up there in terms of favorite names. I thinks its the rook part that does it. His appearance isnt anything flashy, which gives him that no style points, just get the job done vibe about him. That can add to his annoyance, because he doesnt look like a prick making you hate him. You only hate him because he is so damn good. He isnt quite at Ropp levels for me, though. I love the challenge he gives me, and I respect all he does. I love it when I can respect a player because of the challenge they provide.

Nimrook is the best Al Bhed Psyche for being easily the most recognizable, and being one of the most feared. The first thought anybody has when the Al Bhed Psyches Besaid Aurochs shows up on the league or tournament matchup screen is time for Nimrook. Unless, of course, Nimrook is already on your team. But then you dont have any fears at all and every game is just a test to see how many goals you can score. I dont like that, personally, but to each their own. Either way, Nimrook kicks large amounts of ass, and people always remember his name.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:20:02 AM

4. Vuroja

With Vuroja now appearing on the list, we only have one more blitzer that starts the game on a team. Whoever could that be?

Anyways, Vuroja is pretty badass. In fact, he comes close to defining badass. Can you all guess why? Say it with me here: He has a mother ****ing eye patch. Who doesnt love to see a seasoned older man sporting an eye patch as he swims around the sphere pool? I bet he lost his to a Spire equivalent of a shark while he was practicing off the coast of Kilika Island. Vuroja is just minding his own business when the shark comes and steals his damn blitzball! Now, this is Vurojas lucky blitzball, and he cant afford to lose it, so, he grabs a rock and passes it straight at the shark. It hits the shark, and angers him. Turning around, the shark begins to charge! But, Vuroja, being prepared for this, quickly has another rock positioned in his hand and he whips it again at the shark, this time for MAXIMUM DAMAGE right in the eye. Vuroja then quickly flings off another rock, this time at the other eye for MAXIMUM DAMAGE! The shark quickly turns into pyreflies and Vuroja grabs his blitzball and runs home. Later that day, as Vuroja is looking off into the ocean off of a beach of Kilika. Enjoying the scenery, he begins to warm up for his evening jog home. He begins backpeddling to enjoy the scenery a bit more, and the moment he turns his head, he collides right into a tree, a branch going right into his eye. Ouch.

So anyways, thats the origin of the eye patch as told by ZaziGuado. Was the shark story necessary? Probably not, but it was needed to show how badass Vuroja is. You see, this is why Vuroja starts off not as good; he hasnt quite adjusted to using only one eye. As he gets a feel for playing with only one eye, he starts to become the dominant player and person he once was! Everything comes full circle,people.

Certainly there are other things that make Vuroja awesome, but the eye patch is the main thing. Quickly, though, there is the team he plays for, more about his look other than the eye patch(grey hair, green looks good on him, face looks hardened), and his name is decent enough to not make him suffer, though I wonder if he could have gotten placed a step higher with a more badass name. Despite the awesome past he has involving sharks, he seems to not be as flashy as he could be. Hes another one of those just gets the job done types, which is okay. All of Kilika seems to be like that. Its a respectable trait.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:21:02 AM

3. Zev Ronso

Zev Ronso is easily the coolest Ronso blitzer in the game. The Fangs are fools for not having him on their team, as he is probably the best of all the Ronsos when all is said and done. Zevs got it all pretty much: the look(Ronsos look quite badass playing blitzball), the name(Zev is a badass name for a Ronso, though I dont think it would crack top 10 of my favorite names of all blitzers), and he has the position(I normally play him at MF early on, though I think when it is all said and done, he is a better DEF). Plus, he is very easily accessible, being that he is in Luca and is not with a team when you start blitzball. Its wonderful that you dont have to mess around with contracts with him, and I find it funny how I can just walk to the Ronso dock, walk up to what looks like one of their reserves, and just put him on my own team. Youd think Ronsos with all their pride would want to stay with the team of their brethren. Whatever though. Its my gain. Zev, if I remember correctly, also has some decent SH early on, so if Im feeling in the mood for a mega Ronso kick, I can do it and still have a chance for a goal. %uF04A

Overall, Zev Ronso benefits most from being a Ronso and being very easily accessible early game. And then there are all the other superfluous factors that have mattered so much to me in all of these rankings. Zev finds his way onto almost every one of my teams.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:22:00 AM

2. Zazi Guado

I loves me some Zazi Guado. I really really do. He has the best name in the entire game and I fell in love with it when I first saw it. Im sure the name Zazi has been used in video games and other places before, but this was the first time I ever saw it. Im going to name my kid Zazi. Okay not really, because my girlfriend wouldnt go for that at all, unfortunately. Im pretty sure Ive brought it up to her before. Name could very well be the biggest reason Zazi is this high on this list. Another reason would be that he was one of the first players I ever recruited, and Im pretty sure the first ever non-FA player I ever recruited. I remember being super stoked when the Glories didnt resign his contract, because I was convinced that Zazi Guado was the best player in the game after playing the Glories and seeing his stats. Ahh I was young, but that is the joy of the nostalgia that comes along with Zazi Guado for me. A couple of other pluses for Zazi Guado: His character design and his style of play. I dig his design. I dig the Guado design in general, and he just looks so much cooler with the name Zazi in addition to his thin and lean awesome design. He just looks like a blitzball player. I also love the abilities of Zazi in the sphere pool. Ill admit it would probably be harder to love him as much as I do without him being serviceable in the water. He has great all around skills, but has just enough of a handicap with his EN that he doesnt completely dominate.

However, there is one downside to Zazi Guado that ultimately made him finish one spot below NUMBA 1, and that is his ease of access. He starts off on the Guado Glories for I think something near a 20 game contract, and he is also in Guadosalam. Now, I am constantly deleting files from my memory cards, and occasionally Ill delete my FFX file. Then Ill want to start up a file to play blitzball, which means Ill have to get to Guadosalam and then get through Zazis entire contract and play the reset game hoping the Glories dont resign him. And ugh do I hate having to play through three cloisters of trials and such and such. I want as close to instant gratification once I am allowed to play blitzball as possible! Yeah, its a little nitpicky, but it bugs me to have to go that little bit further than I have to for my number one.

So overall, Zazi Guado is totally awesome and I love him very very much. Unfortunately you have to play the reset game with him, and sometimes travel all the way to Guadosalam if you restart your entire FFX file just to obtain him. Its too bad, because I would love to put him number 1, but I feel that would be an injustice to my real number 1.

And that, as they say, is Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:22:42 AM

1. Kyou

Because it needs to be done.

Kyou is my favorite blitzballer. However, Ive found it so hard to put into words exactly why, and that is a contributor to the lack of finishing the list. I think a large part of it is pure nostalgia. Kyou was either the first or second or something like that Blitzball player I ever recruited, and the moment I got him in the sphere pool, I fell in love. He was totally badass back in a time when I actually cared about how good a player was. He could pass and tackle and could take a hit and had awesome techs and if I remember correctly, he even had a bit over the standard 60 speed. Simply put, Kyou can beast on damn near Ropp levels early on in the game. And dont forget his awesome goalie ability. He has pretty good CA in late game, and I think he got the techs needed to excel at the position as well. This gives him a sense of versatility. Ill take Kyou over Wedge any day. Kyou had a Brother effect on my team in that he was doing everything, well, everything except scoring. I would put Elite Defense on him with Venom Tackle 2 or whatever his super awesome tech that he started with and he would just flat out ball on every single player that came near my goal. The difference between him and Brother, though, is that I actually enjoyed having him ball all over faces from the defender spot. Kyou also has a pretty badass character model as well. Hes a former crusader with a pretty cool helmet that I thought was a mask or something at first. Actually, if you are familiar with Beclem from FFX-2, then he pretty much looks exactly like that. How I would have creamed my jeans had they actually used Kyou as Beclem. Oh, and then there is the totally super god awesome name. I dig the simple names like Kyou and Zazi and Tatts and such and such, and Kyou has to be top 5, no lower than top 10 on a bad day. It just rolls off the tongue so well, and I can pronounce it without worry. Totally awesome. Hes got a pretty cool backstory: He was a crusader who participated in operation miihen, but after the horrific disaster that it was, he decided to quit being a crusader and was forgiven or something by the monks at the temple of Djose. So, he then turns his awesome crusaderness into awesome blitzballerness.

So, after that huge wall of text highlighting why I think Kyou is awesome, are there downsides to Kyou? Not really, no. I guess I could say he woud be even better if he was available in Luca upon the gift of blitzball, but I think that is just being super duper greedy. Maybe a flaw is that his name isnt as cool as Zazi Guado? But again, he cant be completely perfect. Kyou would be on any team I ever devised, so long as it wasnt a theme team or something. He doesnt have a flaw for a game of pickup blitzball.

Overall, Kyou is the ****ing man, and if you dont have him on your team, then your team sucks.

And that, as they say, is a vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:23:48 AM

This is a vote for Kora as apology for the list above.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 11:55:31 AM


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02/25/18 11:55:37 AM

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02/25/18 1:05:48 PM

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02/25/18 1:15:11 PM

You're counting this shit Zazi

Votes for Zazi
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
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02/25/18 1:15:20 PM

Votes for Kora
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
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02/25/18 1:22:12 PM

Respect vote for Zazi. Cool list.
Bear Bro
The Empire of Silence
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02/25/18 1:22:50 PM

But now back to Kora
Bear Bro
The Empire of Silence
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02/25/18 1:32:43 PM

Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
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02/25/18 1:33:18 PM

Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
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02/25/18 2:29:13 PM

Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as BK_Sheikah00, Guru Champ!
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02/25/18 3:11:33 PM

--- ~Drak
"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris
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02/25/18 3:23:36 PM

Bear Bro
The Empire of Silence
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02/25/18 3:23:53 PM

Bear Bro
The Empire of Silence
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02/25/18 3:32:13 PM

Bonus Content
Nav Guado

Those are the posts that scored Tayblings

And then also this vote for Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 3:35:33 PM

I always wanted my finisher to be called the Guadoslam because it kind of sounds like Guadosalam, but I wasn't sure if people would've gotten the reference.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 3:37:07 PM

I also wish I could've created a theme song called Table Shatters.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 4:21:28 PM

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02/25/18 4:21:32 PM

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02/25/18 4:45:56 PM

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02/25/18 4:54:05 PM

After this match when we rise into the heavens, I hope our spirits meld into one being: Korazazi.

Until then, Zazi.
Zazi is OP.
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02/25/18 4:55:46 PM

Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as BK_Sheikah00, Guru Champ!
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02/25/18 5:23:38 PM

Korazazi is such a great name for a superuser of some sort.

Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
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02/25/18 5:24:52 PM

Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as BK_Sheikah00, Guru Champ!
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02/25/18 5:27:40 PM

Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
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02/25/18 5:28:32 PM

Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
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