Current Events > SJW's aren't real.

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10/04/17 12:52:06 AM

I challenge any "anti-SJW" to name 5 "tumblerinas"
Seriously. The amount of projection the "anti-SJW" crowd gets away with is absolutely unreal. I challenge any "anti-SJW" to name 5 "tumblerinas" they personally know in real life enough to confirm that they're 100%, all the time, some kind of caricature of 3rd Wave radfem vegan pansexual sexually identifying as an oven mitt who exists in a state of perpetually harping on others for "microaggressions" 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Barring maybe the odd college student who happens to attend a college that has a resource center for alphabet soup activists, and even then, many of those people are outliers and overly zealous and precocious young people who will largely tone down their overbearing behavior as their beliefs mature. People are more than just a 2 dimensional cut out of their political ideologies and civil rights concerns. A person is more than their youtube videos and reddit posts about their personal political and social affiliations.

The truth is, these "anti-SJW" types hyper-inflate this chimeric boogeyman so they have something to constantly complain about and make themselves feel superior to people who aren't "woke" to their particular brand of "social justice," where THEY are the true victims of prejudice and oppression by the "fascist liberal agenda" that, ultimately, wants to throw all cis white males into concentration camps and gas them or some shit. It's un-fucking-believable. If you were to take them at their word, mo-hawked Xirs are somehow more of a threat to society than the fucking KKK, who, you know are the fucking KKK. The entire spiel is identical to the tactic the GOP uses to divide and conquer the US public. Prop up a boogeyman because its easy as fuck to hate things instead of trying to understand them.

Call me a lunatic, but their actual manufactured outrage about a practically non-existent manufactured outrage is tiresome, hypocritical, and belies a deep seated, barely camouflaged clutch of bigoted "isms" that they ironically parrot any time politics are brought up with all the self awareness of Rhesus monkey flinging their verbal diarrhea at mirror in a Gallup self-reognition test.

(yes, Im aware of the Inception level irony of being outraged about people being outraged at people who are outraged about blah blah blah... at a certain point, someone needs to call people out on their bullshit though, and Edgelords get wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too fucking much credit around here on the daily. See also; Bill Burr videos regularly making the front page on this very subreddit... his latest video entitled "Enough with the Trump Nazi Hysteria" should be enough of an indicator that this guy is king of the neckbeards, and not some kind of enlightened neo-Niestzch. Y'all are just justifying oppression with pseudo-intellectualism and it needs to fucking stop.)
I am Kaname_Madoka
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10/04/17 12:55:08 AM

I am Kaname_Madoka
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