Current Events > I need help with TEW 2016, please.

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06/17/17 1:03:44 PM


I don't know if you've been to CE before, but we can talk about pretty much anything here. Your topic on the PWB might get shut down for being off-topic. Anyways, I ave quick questions for you.

Is there a way to see which companies have TV Deals before you select them?

I still don't know how to book a Touring Company vs a normal one.

What might be some of the options I might turn off to help me learn the game a bit better? For example, maybe I could turn off the Time Requirements so I can just focus on making a good show and not having to focus on hitting time limits. Just suggestions for a newer player

Pre-Booking is just to remind me of things, right? It doesn't effect the match rating if I Pre-book a match on a PPV?

When doing angles, what are some good suggestions? When I was playing before I would just make three of them - World, Tag and whatever the mid-title was, and would put the workers into those lots. Like I would have 3-5 people in the World Title angle, and that's how I would do them. Is that okay, or do you have any suggestions?

How do Tournaments work in the game?

Any of course ANY good advice you can give would be helpful. Thanks
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06/17/17 5:01:47 PM

Bad_Mojo posted...

Is there a way to see which companies have TV Deals before you select them?

Go into the editor for the database. Select to view TV shows, you can filter them out by promotion. If nothing comes up, they don't have a show. You can make one right there, but it needs a broadcaster deal. So, add it a broadcaster deal with the promotion and show. I'd suggest making minimum quality 0 so they don't pull the plug on you at least until the deal runs out.

Bad_Mojo posted...

I still don't know how to book a Touring Company vs a normal one.

I'm not sure. I've only ever played with WWE and TNA.

What might be some of the options I might turn off to help me learn the game a bit better? For example, maybe I could turn off the Time Requirements so I can just focus on making a good show and not having to focus on hitting time limits. Just suggestions for a newer player

So, for just learning the game (I'm also there with you), I'd turn off most of the stuff on the right side of the preferences, morale, fog of war, and dirtsheet (if you have a bad rating, this explains why). Most of the right side helps with fantasy booking better.

Bad_Mojo posted...

Pre-Booking is just to remind me of things, right? It doesn't effect the match rating if I Pre-book a match on a PPV?

I'm honestly not sure. I know in 2005 that advance booking, or pre-booking, built heat for the match so it helped the PPV and match rating. Not sure if it follows the same idea in 2016. Also, if you pre-book, it saves you a little bit of time going through the menus as you can just add the match or angle directly to the card.

Bad_Mojo posted...

When doing angles, what are some good suggestions? When I was playing before I would just make three of them - World, Tag and whatever the mid-title was, and would put the workers into those lots. Like I would have 3-5 people in the World Title angle, and that's how I would do them. Is that okay, or do you have any suggestions?

I always make separate singles or tag storylines and book different angles in accordance to those.

For example, my Payback booking. I had a storyline involving Christian, Bryan, and Heyman. A separate storyline involving Cena and Kane. My understanding of what you're saying is you put all of them into one angle. That may be better if you have a company with shorter TV shows and you want your main guys all appearing.

However, you show ratings are based primarily on your top 3 angles and top 3 matches. So, you would ideally want a couple angles that will give you a high rating. I personally love freestyle angle because
A) It allows me to be a bit more creative with what to do
B) Allows me to focus on a worker's strengths.

Bad_Mojo posted...
How do Tournaments work in the game?

A tournament title? This is kind of like Royal Rumble and King of the Ring. A tourney title is a yearly event that occurs on the same month every year (you check this in the title database). Just hold the match sometime that month, and put the title on the line. The title needs to be active though.
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06/17/17 5:28:42 PM

Thank you!

DarkDragon386 posted...
A tournament title? This is kind of like Royal Rumble and King of the Ring. A tourney title is a yearly event that occurs on the same month every year (you check this in the title database). Just hold the match sometime that month, and put the title on the line. The title needs to be active though.

I mean like brackets. Let's say you book The King of the King, how do you lay out the matches.

Would you just book it like this -

Styles vs Corbin
Nakamura vs Dolph
Styles vs Nakamura

And speaking of which, how DO you book a Rumble? Do you pick the order?
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06/17/17 5:32:31 PM

Yeah, you'd kinda have to keep track of the brackets yourself. I put them in the note pad personally.

As for the Rumble, you don't pick the order. You can pick the finalist, runner-up, ironman, and most eliminations, but that's about as in-depth as you can get.
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06/17/17 5:51:25 PM

DarkDragon386 posted...
Yeah, you'd kinda have to keep track of the brackets yourself. I put them in the note pad personally.

As for the Rumble, you don't pick the order. You can pick the finalist, runner-up, ironman, and most eliminations, but that's about as in-depth as you can get.

No, that's great to hear. I haven't touched WWE yet since they're a bit too big for me and need too much focus on story lines
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06/17/17 6:09:01 PM

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06/17/17 6:25:35 PM

I didn't know pre-booking adds heat. Maybe that's why my PPVs do well, lol. I usually pre-book (but only for PPVs) just because it saves time when I'm booking the PPV. This game is ridiculously overwhelming at first. I remember turning on 05 for the first time and saying "nah" because of how long all the shows took to book. Eventually you get a feel of it though and you find things you do and don't like. As for what settings you recommend changing, if you don't like dealing with the time, then get rid of the time. I personally leave the time one on, but again I changed Raw to 2.5 hours because 3 felt like an eternity. As for other settings, I turn off match aim and sex appeal requirements. Those just aren't fun to me and just annoy me. I sometimes turn off crowd management, definitely when I first started playing the game. Sorry I'm not more useful about this right now, I just got back into it like a week ago so I'm trying to remember answers to your questions and whatnot, but DD did a good job with most of them
Not changing this sig until Sami Zayn wins a world title or gets released 5/13/17
Previous: Not changing this sig until the Undertaker retires 10/19/10-4/2/17
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06/17/17 6:28:43 PM

That's okay, thank you for your help. There is a board for this game if you guys didn't know -

But it's not active, lol
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06/18/17 11:20:22 AM


Okay, my champion (Shane Douglas) just went down with an injury. One, how can I see how long he'll be out for? And two, is there an angle where I can have him vacate the title?

Speaking of injuries, is there a way to see if I can get them fixed? For example, Curt Hennig has a really bad back. Can I spend money to get him fixed?
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06/18/17 2:12:59 PM

Go to medical in the office tab. There you can see how long he'll be out. If it has an asterisk next to his name, you can use him in angle. There's also a heading just for available surgery. If their name appears under that box, you can get them surgery so they'll be back quicker if it's a success. If it fails, they'll be out longer.
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06/18/17 2:15:26 PM

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06/18/17 2:21:31 PM

DarkDragon386 posted...
Go to medical in the office tab. There you can see how long he'll be out. If it has an asterisk next to his name, you can use him in angle. There's also a heading just for available surgery. If their name appears under that box, you can get them surgery so they'll be back quicker if it's a success. If it fails, they'll be out longer.

God damn it, I can send him to surgery. No options. So I have Curt Hennig under a pretty big contract and he can't work for another 2+ years. I guess he can manage, but I wanted him in-ring. Oh well, live and learn.
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06/18/17 3:21:10 PM

Son of a bitch!

Just got to my first PPV, but it's not being broadcast anywhere, and I can't go back and change that, lol. Any way I can cheat a bit with the Database to make someone show it?
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06/19/17 2:36:26 PM

Bad_Mojo posted...
Son of a bitch!

Just got to my first PPV, but it's not being broadcast anywhere, and I can't go back and change that, lol. Any way I can cheat a bit with the Database to make someone show it?

You may have to bite the bullet.

If you have a backup file or aren't in PM mode, you may be able to negotiate a deal with broadcasters.
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06/19/17 3:12:02 PM

DarkDragon386 posted...
You may have to bite the bullet.

If you have a backup file or aren't in PM mode, you may be able to negotiate a deal with broadcasters.

I'm sure you're right. Oh well, it's just the start
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06/20/17 2:11:49 AM


Could you please tell me how to set up a Road Agent, please? I know you can have an Auto one, but I don't remember how to set it up. Under TV Controls?

Right now I have to select one for each match, and I know you can have it preset. Thanks
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06/20/17 6:37:08 PM

Another question -

Is there a way to filer out the people I already have booked on a show?
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06/20/17 6:48:27 PM

Mate, ask on the TEW forums:
Define what you mean by setting up a Road Agent for me.
You have do two things (technically just one but it makes a bit easier if you do the first part):
This is optional
When offering a contract, under "your role on the roster would be:", you can pick road agent - IIRC, this mainly means that they expect to be a road agent. So you might offer it to someone who has good skills for road agent but you won't them in the ring at all, including angles (usually). So something like a guy who's injured but has great ring psychology might fit for example.

It does make it easier to get them to be road agents only, for example.
After that when making a match: IIRC, you can set it up as a road agent on the right hand side I think?
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06/20/17 7:19:18 PM

^ I mean when you're booking a match, you have to select someone as the Agent of the match. The last time I was playing this, I found a way so I don't have to select a person each and every match, it was already selected, but I can't remember how to do that.
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06/20/17 7:31:27 PM

Bad_Mojo posted...
^ I mean when you're booking a match, you have to select someone as the Agent of the match. The last time I was playing this, I found a way so I don't have to select a person each and every match, it was already selected, but I can't remember how to do that.

It was always selected whenever I did it. Randomly, but the game always selected someone
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06/21/17 12:42:38 AM

So many unhappy people =x

You can't all fucking win, shut the fuck up
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