Current Events > Wasn't there a time, not too long ago, when being red pilled was a *bad* thing?

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05/12/17 9:07:13 PM

I've seen it used on this forum in a positive sense, equated "seeing the light" on certain issues... I've been on the Internet for a good long while, and I can clearly remember a time when being red pilled was roundly mocked. As I understand it, its usage derives from toxic online PUA communities who push an awful, destructive narrative that sexism is fake, feminism is a hate movement, men have it harder than women, everything the media teaches about relationships is a lie, and what women really want is to be dominated, controlled, manipulated, abused, and even raped.

Can anyone explain what's happened in the last few years that now this term is being used in a positive light? What's is it that's caused people's hearts to harden so, that's led them to embrace these sorts of extremist views?

It isn't just with respect to women and feminism either. I've also seen being "red pilled" cited to justify disrespect towards immigrants, gays, refugees from the Middle East, transsexuals, and ethnic and religious minorities. Doesn't this fly in the face of everything we were taught to believe in school and in church and by our parents? Lessons like, "Don't judge a book by its cover," "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," and such? What's caused so many people to be led off the path by this hate-filled rhetoric?
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05/13/17 8:57:15 AM

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05/13/17 9:00:17 AM

Red pill is not seen in a positive light outside of red pill
When it's kids, it's "bullying" but if it were adults, it's stalking, harassment, assault, criminal threats and just general abuse. -Tmk
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05/13/17 9:02:55 AM

awesome999 posted...
Red pill is not seen in a positive light outside of red pill

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05/13/17 9:04:33 AM

I don't get why being "Red pilled" seems to be just about feminism and women hating.

"Red pilling" should be about being aware about truth about random stuff/paranornal/conspiracies. ie. Edward Snowden stuff and Wikileaks making us "Red pilled" to shit government and stuff is hiding from us. like what the robots were doing to humans in the matrix.

basically to be Red pilled should mean pretty much the same thing as to be "woke af".

not women hating neckbeard shit
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05/13/17 9:25:39 AM

You're confusing it's acceptance amongst forever alone dorks here, as acceptance amongst the general population.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
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05/13/17 9:34:33 AM

Trayvon posted...
not women hating neckbeard shit

It's sad how these people (and throw in rape tendencies along with that) have taken a cool reference from The Matrix and ruined it.
I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your sister.
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05/13/17 9:36:10 AM

Trayvon posted...
I don't get why being "Red pilled" seems to be just about feminism and women hating.

Because the subreddit that IS about hating women and trying to use them for sex and nothing more hijacked it.
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05/13/17 9:37:39 AM

yeah the entire "redpill" movement and online community has been horrible for years
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
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05/13/17 10:18:12 AM

scoobydoobydont posted...
awesome999 posted...
Red pill is not seen in a positive light outside of red pill

Twinmold posted...
You're confusing it's acceptance amongst forever alone dorks here, as acceptance amongst the general population.

These. It's still a bad thing. You'll also notice it's a common saying amongst Trump supporters referring to being aware of the "Deep State" that's out to get everyone.
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The Great Muta 22
05/13/17 10:39:36 AM

It's still considers bad. And people who think reading leaks from biased sources that reveal "THE DEEP STATE!!" makes them aware of some deep seeded truth are just as bad.
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05/13/17 10:40:43 AM

Just that it refers to a shitty overrated movie makes it bad
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The Great Muta 22
05/13/17 10:41:39 AM

wah_wah_wah posted...
Just that it refers to a shitty overrated movie makes it bad

This too
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05/13/17 10:44:49 AM

if i'm not mistake, the term started out as meaning, "see the light, learning the truth, etc. etc." but then the toxic, red pilled, male dominated community took the term and it went from there. when my buddies and I say the term, we are always referring to the "see the light" definition
"Who dares, wins"
3DS FC: 1521 3697 7272
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05/13/17 2:54:37 PM

The Great Muta 22 posted...
It's still considers bad. And people who think reading leaks from biased sources that reveal "THE DEEP STATE!!" makes them aware of some deep seeded truth are just as bad.

It seems like on this forum it's taken as a good thing though.
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05/13/17 4:16:50 PM

Solar_Crimson posted...
Trayvon posted...
I don't get why being "Red pilled" seems to be just about feminism and women hating.

Because the subreddit that IS about hating women and trying to use them for sex and nothing more hijacked it.

can't they post under mgtow or whatever
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05/13/17 4:20:37 PM

Glass_Phantom posted...
The Great Muta 22 posted...
It's still considers bad. And people who think reading leaks from biased sources that reveal "THE DEEP STATE!!" makes them aware of some deep seeded truth are just as bad.

It seems like on this forum it's taken as a good thing though.

By who? Trump supporters who actually believe in the nutjob "deep state" conspiracies?
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05/13/17 4:32:28 PM

It's just selection bias. You really don't encounter these people commonly or openly in public. They necessarily congregate in online communities....well because they're insufferable assholes. They only exist in either their microcosms (like a specific subreddit for them), or in dying forums like this one.

The only reason you're perceiving more "acceptance" is merely because there's less of a population here to bust their balls about it.
"He has two neurons held together by a spirochete."
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05/13/17 4:45:13 PM

You're thinking of the redpill community on Reddit 4chan etc who treat women as different species while the "positive light" stuff you're seeing recently doesn't have anything to do with that and is mainly about being against smug liberals and the media.
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05/14/17 5:33:38 PM

Soviet_Poland posted...
It's just selection bias. You really don't encounter these people commonly or openly in public. They necessarily congregate in online communities....well because they're insufferable assholes. They only exist in either their microcosms (like a specific subreddit for them), or in dying forums like this one.

Ah, but the only reason we don't encounter them "openly in public" is because it isn't socially acceptable for them to voice those beliefs. It isn't the case that *nobody* in real life holds these views; quite a few people do. That's precisely why they congregate online: because here, you have not only the protection of anonymity, but also the depersonalization wrought by the Internet that allows people to cut themselves off from all feelings of empathy.

Count me in the camp that thinks red pill ideologies (and the promotion thereof) are a destructive gateway to far more sinister beliefs, including racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslimism, misogyny, and white supremacy. That's why it's so discouraging for me to see them cheered on by topics such as this one:

And this one:

And this one:

Why is it that these viewpoints seem to have so much more cachet than they ever used to, even though they fly in the face of everything we were taught about how to be good and moral? Is it simply the politics of our time? Is it social media? Is it traditional media? There were far more victims of terrorism in 2001 than there were in 2016, yet it's only recently that Overton window appears to have moved to the point where it's within the bounds of acceptable discussion to disparage Islam as evil and Muslims as dangerous. Likewise with the red pill revolt against feminism, even though most feminists aren't radical; and with treatment of African Americans; and so on.
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05/14/17 5:36:27 PM

rational people have been saying that islam (and religion in general) are evil for many decades now
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05/14/17 5:39:36 PM

Glass_Phantom posted...
Soviet_Poland posted...
It's just selection bias. You really don't encounter these people commonly or openly in public. They necessarily congregate in online communities....well because they're insufferable assholes. They only exist in either their microcosms (like a specific subreddit for them), or in dying forums like this one.

Ah, but the only reason we don't encounter them "openly in public" is because it isn't socially acceptable for them to voice those beliefs. It isn't the case that *nobody* in real life holds these views; quite a few people do. That's precisely why they congregate online: because here, you have not only the protection of anonymity, but also the depersonalization wrought by the Internet that allows people to cut themselves off from all feelings of empathy.

Count me in the camp that thinks red pill ideologies (and the promotion thereof) are a destructive gateway to far more sinister beliefs, including racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslimism, misogyny, and white supremacy. That's why it's so discouraging for me to see them cheered on by topics such as this one:

And this one:

And this one:

Why is it that these viewpoints seem to have so much more cachet than they ever used to, even though they fly in the face of everything we were taught about how to be good and moral? Is it simply the politics of our time? Is it social media? Is it traditional media? There were far more victims of terrorism in 2001 than there were in 2016, yet it's only recently that Overton window appears to have moved to the point where it's within the bounds of acceptable discussion to disparage Islam as evil and Muslims as dangerous. Likewise with the red pill revolt against feminism, even though most feminists aren't radical; and with treatment of African Americans; and so on.

You linked to my topic where I asked if you had seen a documentary. You suggest this topic cheers on ideologies that are a gateway to racism, anti-semitism, anti-muslimism, misogyny, and white supremacy.

First of all do you think that painting with such a broad and damning brush is fair?

Secondly don't you at least entertain the possibility that rather than large swaths of people being willfully evil and hatefilled, there might be some subset of some of the issues that you don't understand or are not aware of, and that you could gain awareness if you listened to people as opposed to linking them to things like racism and hate?
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
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05/14/17 5:44:51 PM

Glass_Phantom is a shitposting troll. I wouldn't spend too much time on him, joe
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05/14/17 5:46:32 PM

QuantumScript posted...
Glass_Phantom is a shitposting troll. I wouldn't spend too much time on him, joe

Oh ok.

That's too much effort for trolling, IMO. They should take it easy.
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
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05/14/17 5:46:35 PM

QuantumScript posted...
rational people have been saying that islam (and religion in general) are evil for many decades now

I'm going to assume you live in the United States of America, like I do. =) If I'm wrong about that, I apologize.

Whatever your beliefs about Islam and religion are, we live in a country where the freedom of worship is enshrined in our founding documents. Likewise, we're taught from an early age that it's **wrong** to pigeonhole anyone according to their sex, their race, or their religion.

I don't know about you, but back in elementary school, they taught us a word for when someone does that... They call it "prejudice."

Why is it that so many people seem to have forgotten these lessons? I'm trying to put my finger on the reason why... Is it simply the increasing distance in time from when we were all kids, and these lessons were drilled into our heads? Or is it something else particular to the age we're living in? Speaking for myself, was brought up in a Christian household, instructed with morals like "Love thy neighbor," "Love thy enemy," "Turn the other cheek," and "Open your heart to the suffering of others." Why have so many others abandoned these precepts in favor of... I don't know, some kind of secret truth that preaches selfishness, suspicion and hate?
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05/14/17 5:47:50 PM

QuantumScript posted...
Glass_Phantom is a shitposting troll. I wouldn't spend too much time on him, joe

Proudclod calling anyone a shitposting troll, LMAO
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05/14/17 5:57:40 PM

Wtf is "being red pilled"?
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
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05/14/17 6:00:13 PM

It still is
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05/14/17 6:01:27 PM

QuantumScript posted...
Glass_Phantom is a shitposting troll. I wouldn't spend too much time on him, joe

@QuantumScript Whoever you are, I'm sure there have been people in your life who loved you and nurtured you and tried to make the world a better place for you to live in... Family. Friends. Maybe even people you didn't know all that well, strangers who passed in and out of your life. Maybe even people you only knew from online, but who offered to help you anyway. Who treated you with kindness, dignity, and respect, even though they didn't have to, but they did it because they thought you were worth it, and capable of so much more.

Please, don't dishonor those people. Don't disrespect what they tried to do for you. You're a child of the Universe, and a child of God -- but so are the rest of us. Please, for the sake of your own happyness and your own inner spirit, find the strength inside of you to be equally as kind. Rise above this comfortable pastime of trolling, and only do good with your life. I will say a prayer for you tonight.
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05/14/17 6:02:07 PM

You do sound like a troll
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
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05/14/17 6:02:51 PM

Deadpool_18 posted...
Wtf is "being red pilled"?

When you wonder why women don't like you even though you're such a nice guy. Those people all banded together and started a group where they get together, bemoan the evils of women and reminisce about the days where women stayed in the kitchen and kept their mouths shut.
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05/14/17 6:03:12 PM

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05/14/17 6:07:08 PM

Ampelas posted...
Deadpool_18 posted...
Wtf is "being red pilled"?

When you wonder why women don't like you even though you're such a nice guy. Those people all banded together and started a group where they get together, bemoan the evils of women and reminisce about the days where women stayed in the kitchen and kept their mouths shut.

Oh Jesus
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
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05/14/17 6:07:58 PM

joe40001 posted...
You do sound like a troll

I am not. =) I'm just another passenger on this ride we call life. All I want to do is to spread as much light, and love, and goodness to the rest of the world for as long as I am here to share it with you all. If denouncing hatred and speaking about kindness makes me a troll to you, then that probably says less about me than it speaks about you. But everything is in the eye of the beholder. =)
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05/14/17 6:15:05 PM

Ampelas posted...
Deadpool_18 posted...
Wtf is "being red pilled"?

When you wonder why women don't like you even though you're such a nice guy. Those people all banded together and started a group where they get together, bemoan the evils of women and reminisce about the days where women stayed in the kitchen and kept their mouths shut.

It has gone beyond that of late... These days, if you are red pilled, it can also mean that your eyes have been opened to the "truth" that all feminists are evil, self-serving women who are out to oppress men. And that your eyes have been opened to the "truth" that all Muslims are evil, bloodthirsty people who oppress their wives and want to spread their hateful ideology across the world. And that your eyes have been opened to the "truth" that we Caucasians are the biggest victims of racism, and that there is a conspiracy in place to eradicate our entire race through intermarriage with minorities. That kind of thing.
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05/14/17 6:19:11 PM

Glass_Phantom posted...
that there is a conspiracy in place to eradicate our entire race through intermarriage with minorities.

Oh god so those dickheads have now adopted the white genocide bullshit that neo nazis try to push. Why not they're already jokes so might as well become racist jokes
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05/14/17 6:20:26 PM

Glass_Phantom posted...
Ampelas posted...
Deadpool_18 posted...
Wtf is "being red pilled"?

When you wonder why women don't like you even though you're such a nice guy. Those people all banded together and started a group where they get together, bemoan the evils of women and reminisce about the days where women stayed in the kitchen and kept their mouths shut.

It has gone beyond that of late... These days, if you are red pilled, it can also mean that your eyes have been opened to the "truth" that all feminists are evil, self-serving women who are out to oppress men. And that your eyes have been opened to the "truth" that all Muslims are evil, bloodthirsty people who oppress their wives and want to spread their hateful ideology across the world. And that your eyes have been opened to the "truth" that we Caucasians are the biggest victims of racism, and that there is a conspiracy in place to eradicate our entire race through intermarriage with minorities. That kind of thing.

Well, it explains why there's such a correlation between redpillers and Trump supporters. Both have persecution complexes of the highest scale
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05/14/17 6:22:16 PM

@joe40001 I didn't answer you earlier. I don't know if we'll have much common ground, but I would be happy to listen to whatever legitimate grievances you think the red pill movement espouses.
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05/14/17 6:24:35 PM

Glass_Phantom posted...
@joe40001 I didn't answer you earlier. I don't know if we'll have much common ground, but I would be happy to listen to whatever legitimate grievances you think the red pill movement espouses.

Ok, watch the documentary
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
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05/14/17 6:25:36 PM

joe40001 posted...
Glass_Phantom posted...
@joe40001 I didn't answer you earlier. I don't know if we'll have much common ground, but I would be happy to listen to whatever legitimate grievances you think the red pill movement espouses.

Ok, watch the documentary

He wants legitimate grievances.
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05/14/17 6:26:08 PM

scoobydoobydont posted...
joe40001 posted...
Glass_Phantom posted...
@joe40001 I didn't answer you earlier. I don't know if we'll have much common ground, but I would be happy to listen to whatever legitimate grievances you think the red pill movement espouses.

Ok, watch the documentary

He wants legitimate grievances.

So you know the documentary that you haven't seen is not legitimate how?
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
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05/14/17 6:27:14 PM

joe40001 posted...
Glass_Phantom posted...
@joe40001 I didn't answer you earlier. I don't know if we'll have much common ground, but I would be happy to listen to whatever legitimate grievances you think the red pill movement espouses.

Ok, watch the documentary

No... I want to talk to you, a fellow person. I can't talk to a documentary. I'm showing you the respect of wanting to hear your point of view... You can stay and have a discussion or you can decide to walk away if you think it's not worth your time, it's up to you.
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05/14/17 6:28:59 PM

Glass_Phantom posted...
These days, if you are red pilled, it can also mean that your eyes have been opened to the "truth" that all feminists are evil, self-serving women who are out to oppress men. And that your eyes have been opened to the "truth" that all Muslims are evil, bloodthirsty people who oppress their wives and want to spread their hateful ideology across the world.

These two points seem contradictory to each other.

If someone saw feminism as an evil ideology that's only geared towards giving selfish women power, but also held the belief that Islam is a misogynist ideology...why would they have a problem with the religion spreading to areas of the world where feminism is prominent?

Wouldn't they be more likely to believe that one is a the solution for the other?
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05/14/17 6:30:42 PM

Glass_Phantom posted...
joe40001 posted...
Glass_Phantom posted...
joe40001 I didn't answer you earlier. I don't know if we'll have much common ground, but I would be happy to listen to whatever legitimate grievances you think the red pill movement espouses.

Ok, watch the documentary

No... I want to talk to you, a fellow person. I can't talk to a documentary. I'm showing you the respect of wanting to hear your point of view... You can stay and have a discussion or you can decide to walk away if you think it's not worth your time, it's up to you.

Men are very uniformly treated unfairly in family court. Men can be forced to pay child support to children they were tricked into having or aren't even the father of. There are at least some demonstrable things like these where men are treated clearly unfairly.

You can respond to points made in the documentary, so I don't know why if you are trying to get more informed you wouldn't want to get the points directly from there.
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
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05/14/17 6:33:06 PM

ClockworkHare posted...
Glass_Phantom posted...
These days, if you are red pilled, it can also mean that your eyes have been opened to the "truth" that all feminists are evil, self-serving women who are out to oppress men. And that your eyes have been opened to the "truth" that all Muslims are evil, bloodthirsty people who oppress their wives and want to spread their hateful ideology across the world.

These two points seem contradictory to each other.

If someone saw feminism as an evil ideology that's only geared towards giving selfish women power, but also held the belief that Islam is a misogynist ideology...why would they have a problem with the religion spreading to areas of the world where feminism is prominent?

Wouldn't they be more likely to believe that one is a the solution for the other?

You're trying to apply logic to redpill mentality. Doesn't apply. Muslims = bad, Feminism = bad, regardless of how the two correlate
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05/14/17 6:39:03 PM

awesome999 posted...
Red pill is not seen in a positive light outside of red pill

It's seen as positive by people who aren't white knight cucks.
I have a signature. Apparently this is important, but I still don't have my secret cool kid decoder ring yet.
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05/14/17 7:05:15 PM

joe40001 posted...
Men are very uniformly treated unfairly in family court. Men can be forced to pay child support to children they were tricked into having or aren't even the father of. There are at least some demonstrable things like these where men are treated clearly unfairly.

Yes, you're right! There *is* a systemic bias against men in family court. Your point about child support is also well taken, but I think that's really at the mercy of state law, so it's not quite as systemic.

Also, you didn't mention it, but I'll add this: men who are abused by their wives, even viciously so, are routinely mocked and castigated in our society. It's a very sad thing, and it's something we as a country should take more seriously and do our best to correct.

There's not anything intrinsically wrong about bringing up these issues. I'm sympathetic to a lot of them, maybe even most of them. But the problem isn't necessarily these core issues. The problem is the culture of the red-pill movement, the types of people who predominate amid its ranks, as well as its militancy and its misogyny.

It has to be said that the implicit meaning of "being red-pilled" has expanded beyond good-natured support for combating the inequalities faced by men. These days, it encompasses a LOT of hatred and bitterness towards feminists and women in general.

The ideology on the red-pill and MRA subreddits treats everything as a zero-sum game; i.e. if you're in favor of women's rights, that means you're the enemy, because you can't be in favor of equality for men. Feminists are vilified, and it's almost an official sport these days for members of men's rights and red-pill subreddits to find the most absurd pro-feminist posts on the Internet and hoist them as evidence that feminism is evil.

Moreover, the red-pill movement was one of the major direct-entry points to the Alt-Right, the other being GamerGate. As a result, it's been corrupted, and a lot of the precepts of the Alt-Right movement have wormed their way into the red-pill "canon," if there is such a thing. That's why "being red-pilled" has expanded to include opposition to gays, lesbians, transsexuals, Muslims, Jews, black people, and anything considered socially progressive or liberal. @joe40001, by embracing the movement of "being red-pilled," you're also giving the rubber-stamp to a lot of other really dark things it's associated with. Maybe inadvertently, but that's the truth -- it's been corrupted, much the same as advocating for white pride has been corrupted by Nazis and the KKK.

Given its association with the Alt-Right, it also has a predisposition to be very conservative-leaning politically. This is just my opinion, but I think that's not very logical. Right-wing political beliefs care even less about some of the inequalities faced by men than left-wing beliefs do. Consider the violence faced by men in prisons, the frequency with which male inmates are subjected to rape and abuse -- that's something I'm against, and most liberals are also against. Right-wing ideology brooks no compassion for that.

In short, I think your heart might be in the right place on a lot of these issues, but you're REALLY ill-served by identifying with the red-pill movement. There's a lot of baggage there and a lot of bad apples that do your cause a grave amount of harm.
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05/14/17 7:08:43 PM

I honestly don't see how people can say Glass_Phantom is a shitposting troll. He presents well thought out opinions and doesn't try to be condescending or an ass about it.
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05/14/17 7:10:26 PM

So you don't support something because you define it by it's worst elements?

Then literally feminism, BLM, and pretty much everything else shouldn't receive your support either.

Also, I never identified with the movement, I asked about if people had seen a documentary aboutit and said there were some good points in there.

I don't think it's fair to condemn so many people just because you like to paint with a broad cynical brush. You could do that to any opinion and so it really renders that effort meaningless.
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
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05/14/17 7:32:34 PM

joe40001 posted...
So you don't support something because you define it by it's worst elements?

@joe40001 No. I don't support it because of its foundational elements.

This is Zion for the Red Pill movement. This is the Holy Land. This is where the terminology comes from, where it all started.

Here are some of the threads on the main page. You can click on some more of them if you want, but I'll save you the trouble.

Thread: Blue Pill example: Cuck co-worker begging to be bent over and get drilled for the rest of his life.
As much as I like to blame women for most shit in western society, it is impossible to ignore the fact that men still do most of this shit to themselves. This shit is more cringe than I can handle and I needed to share. For every dumb slut there are 1000 men willing to castrate themselves for reasons I still can't wrap my head around....

Thread: Meditations on a Decade in the Game: What Works?
If you want to get good with women the best thing I could tell you to do is learn to manipulate people in general. Learn how to control their opinion of you. Learn how to assume an air of mystery. Learn how to manage your persona and image. Learn how to go into a party where no one knows you but by the end of the night everyone WANTS to know you, everyones talking about you and all the women want to be the first to fuck you. If you're halfway aware and try at all you can get very good at this and fuck tons of sluts quickly. Women don't care about who you actually are, they care about your image, or who others think you are... You can generate an image in a second, think of a magician who can conjure illusions for people and keep them on the edge of their seats. This is because the magician is lying. If you are telling the truth no one gives a fuck. Lie to them. They need it, they fucking crave it. Lie to the women and they won't let you stop.

The Red Pill was founded as a forum for men to discuss *sexual conquest* by way of manipulating and disrespecting women, NOT as a platform for equal rights. If you're embracing the phrase in that sense, then you've misunderstood the meaning entirely. When people say "red pilled," that term has a very *specific* connotation which has *nothing* to do with getting better treatment for men in family court, nor any of the other things you purport to care about. Furthermore, you should understand that the rest of us are speaking about "being red pilled" in a VERY different sense than the way you're choosing to interpret it, which seems to be a very whitewashed interpretation. If you're serious about these causes, then I urge you *not* to celebrate the red-pill movement, but to go out of your way not to mention it as much as possible.

Furthermore, I'm inherently suspicious of any documentary that makes use of the term "The Red Pill." To me, that comes across as a transparently propagandistic attempt to recruit more people to the Alt-Right by offering up something that looks harmless enough, but sets the lure to reel people deeper into the cult... Kind of like tobacco companies handing out candy cigarettes to children. I haven't watched the documentary, so perhaps it's just naively innocent. I don't know.
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