Board 8 > This 18 y/o Girl Won't Date her BOSS and now her Co-Workers are BASHING HER!!!!

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04/07/17 8:04:39 PM

Do you think it was fair to FIRE the Co-workers who Bashed Emily?

18 y/o Emily Houser from Whitehall, Pennsylvania, a former waitress at Chili's has hit back at the restaurant chain after she said she was SEXUALLY HARASSED by her manager for a year and her co-workers are BASHING her as they are celebrating their boss and that Emily is no longer working there since she's gone public with this accusations.

She started working there when she was 16 and said her boss, Josh Davidson, who was 24 at the time, made sexual advances towards her..and despite being 8 years younger than him, he showered her with gifts and "forced" her to go on dates with him by showing up at her house UNANNOUNCED

Emily shrugged off the perverted boss but says it just escalated when she turned 17 as Josh appeared outside her HIGH SCHOOL and then asked if she would be his girlfriend "in front of a bunch of people" but she refused and he still kept trying to geet her..

But when her message finally got across to him, his affection turned into verbal and physical abuse which she took at work from him and so she reported him to Chili's corporate headquarters as she noticed him trying to go after ANOTHER young employee. She handed in her 2 weeks as well before going public

Josh was not fired but relocated to another restaurant which Emily was upset about...however that accusation then spread among her former co-workers who made it clear they were on HIS SIDE and threw Josh a party on his last day that had a CAKE that said "F*** YOU Emily Houser"!!

The cake was even plastered on facebook as facebook users blasted Emily and used hashtags #TeamJosh and one person said "have your cake and eat it too hoe #petty"

Emily responded with "This is what you get when you report a grown man for forcing relations on you and manipulating you as a minor for over a year and you report it, i guess"...

Chili responded that they take these things seriously and do not condone this behaviour as ALL TEAM MEMBERS WERE FIRED!!

Emily is still devastated that Josh was not terminated and they never returned her calls for an explanation..

Emily remains positive as she has a boyfriend now and took a break from social media as she didn't want any personal gain from this but wanted to out perverts like this and to expose people who take advantage of their position.

Do you think it was fair to fire the Co-Workers who bashed her? let's see what people think

Emily -

The Cake for Josh made by her Sleezy Co-workers -