Board 8 > This 18 y/o MUSLIM Kid got into STANFORD by writing BLM 100 TIMES!!!!

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04/05/17 10:14:48 PM

Do you think writing essays to get into college is stupid?

18 y/o Ziad Ahmed from Princeton, New Jersey, a Bangladeshi-American student said he got accepted into Stanford University just by writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 TIMES in the essay portion of his application!!

He attended a $34,600 a year Princeton Day School and made his letter public from the prestigious California school on Twitter along with the bizarre essay and was surprised that his essay paid off...

He wrote in the essay portion "What matters to you and why?" and said "I was actually stunned when i opened the update and saw that i was admitted. I didn't think i would get admitted to Stanford at all, but it's quite refreshing to see that they view my unapologetic activism as an asset rather than a liability. The insistence on an explanation is inherently dehumanizing. Black lives have been explicity and implicity told they don't matter for centuries and as a society, it is our responsibility to scream that black lives matter because it is not to say that all lives do not matter, but it is to say that black lives have been attacked for so long and that we must empower through language, perspective and action".

No surprise, twitter users were mixed as some supported him but conservatives say it was a cop out and didn't help him as one user said "If this isn't proof America's system of higher education is a joke, what does?"

Another said "With all of the other good thing he's done, a real ally would've wrote something poignant instead of this bulls*** attempt to look progressive"

But others defended him and said that his impressive resume was enough to get him in as he worked for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and was invited to the White House during Obama's administration.

He also founded his own teenage marketing consulting firm and an organizaation to promote tolerance and was given Ted Talks around the world on what it's like to be a MUSLIM

Ahmed was also accepted to Yale and Princton and has until May to make a decision as he's not sure what area of study he's interested in yet..His dad is an investment banker and runs his own hedge fund and his mother is an electrical engineer but now is a stay at home mom

Do you think writing an essay to get into college is stupid? let's see what people think

Ahmed's Essay -

Stanford response -

Ahmed -

"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
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