Current Events > Possible Sarin Gas Attack in Syria

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04/04/17 11:36:29 AM
Has Assad's fingerprints all over it, of course. Bombing hospitals afterwards is a real nice touch.
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04/04/17 11:46:58 AM

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04/04/17 11:53:20 AM

Wow what is wrong with that government? Attacking their own citizens? Is staying in power really that important?
When it's kids, it's "bullying" but if it were adults, it's stalking, harassment, assault, criminal threats and just general abuse. -Tmk
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04/04/17 11:55:39 AM

awesome999 posted...
Is staying in power really that important?

yes, men like that have always existed
( `\(o),,_/` : o : : :o `-, ...I'm watching you... scum.
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04/04/17 12:03:18 PM

awesome999 posted...
Wow what is wrong with that government? Attacking their own citizens? Is staying in power really that important?

Would you surrender to jihadists that will probably crucify you and rape your daughter/s, just to avoid civilian casualties?

Both sides are fucking evil in this war but it's not hard to see why there's no regard to collateral damage. So much is invested in the outcome.
"Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice." ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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04/04/17 12:27:33 PM

But remember one side is terrorist the other side is just fighting a war.
#NotMyPresident #JustUs #PathOfExile
#WeAre12 #12thMan #Seahawks #Belieber #AugmentorsICO #PokemonGo #twitterfriends #MMA #PopularHashtags
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04/04/17 12:29:00 PM

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04/04/17 12:37:33 PM

Anarchy_Juiblex posted...
awesome999 posted...
Wow what is wrong with that government? Attacking their own citizens? Is staying in power really that important?

Would you surrender to jihadists that will probably crucify you and rape your daughter/s, just to avoid civilian casualties?

Both sides are fucking evil in this war but it's not hard to see why there's no regard to collateral damage. So much is invested in the outcome.

Well that's not wrong.

Chemical warfare is disgusting and sad though
When it's kids, it's "bullying" but if it were adults, it's stalking, harassment, assault, criminal threats and just general abuse. -Tmk
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04/04/17 12:44:17 PM

Death toll is over 100
#NotMyPresident #JustUs #PathOfExile
#WeAre12 #12thMan #Seahawks #Belieber #AugmentorsICO #PokemonGo #twitterfriends #MMA #PopularHashtags
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04/04/17 12:46:49 PM

Don't click on the #Syria hastag on Twitter. There's lot of images of dead women and children killed by toxic chemical warfare.
#NotMyPresident #JustUs #PathOfExile
#WeAre12 #12thMan #Seahawks #Belieber #AugmentorsICO #PokemonGo #twitterfriends #MMA #PopularHashtags
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04/04/17 5:11:45 PM
Sounds like peace talks may collapse as a result of this. I'm not even sure that's a bad thing.
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04/04/17 5:24:29 PM

ElatedVenusaur posted...
Sounds like peace talks may collapse as a result of this. I'm not even sure that's a bad thing.

it has always went south :(. nothing new.
civilians always seem to pay the price for it too.
--- current progress of earned trophy's
#standwithdoge- The_Doge
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04/04/17 7:48:50 PM

Is anyone watching this live on FB?

just vans full of kids I'm guessing are dead/dying
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
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04/04/17 7:50:55 PM

thronedfire2 posted...
Is anyone watching this live on FB?

just vans full of kids I'm guessing are dead/dying

No. Saw it on the news earlier. Bunch of censored pics so I assume it was horrific.
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04/04/17 7:53:07 PM

I think I just watched like 200 people die
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
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04/04/17 7:53:58 PM

awesome999 posted...
Wow what is wrong with that government? Attacking their own citizens? Is staying in power really that important?

If Assad loses, he's a dead man. So to him, yes.
She said, "oh my vote is as red as my blood"...
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04/04/17 8:12:45 PM

Sounds like Mossad.
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04/04/17 8:14:34 PM

CowboyDan posted...
awesome999 posted...
Wow what is wrong with that government? Attacking their own citizens? Is staying in power really that important?

If Assad loses, he's a dead man. So to him, yes.

Pretty much. He'll gas the entire country if he has to. Unfortunately for the innocent citizens America has a president in power that will let him do just that
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04/04/17 8:18:23 PM

Axiom posted...
CowboyDan posted...
awesome999 posted...
Wow what is wrong with that government? Attacking their own citizens? Is staying in power really that important?

If Assad loses, he's a dead man. So to him, yes.

Pretty much. He'll gas the entire country if he has to. Unfortunately for the innocent citizens America has a president in power that will let him do just that

To be fair, Obama didn't really seem to be doing much either. This isn't the first gas attack, after all. It has been going on for years.
She said, "oh my vote is as red as my blood"...
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04/05/17 6:08:54 PM

CowboyDan posted...
Axiom posted...
CowboyDan posted...
awesome999 posted...
Wow what is wrong with that government? Attacking their own citizens? Is staying in power really that important?

If Assad loses, he's a dead man. So to him, yes.

Pretty much. He'll gas the entire country if he has to. Unfortunately for the innocent citizens America has a president in power that will let him do just that

To be fair, Obama didn't really seem to be doing much either. This isn't the first gas attack, after all. It has been going on for years.

Previous attacks were with chlorine gas, which, while still terrible, is way less lethal than sarin. Sarin is neurotoxic.

Obama did get Assad to turn over his chemical weapons stockpiles, but that wouldn't have stopped him from simply making more. Which seems to be what happened.
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04/05/17 8:02:06 PM

Axiom posted...
CowboyDan posted...
awesome999 posted...
Wow what is wrong with that government? Attacking their own citizens? Is staying in power really that important?

If Assad loses, he's a dead man. So to him, yes.

Pretty much. He'll gas the entire country if he has to. Unfortunately for the innocent citizens America has a president in power that will let him do just that

Yes, because the last time we interfered and overthrew a dictator it went just swimmingly.
Oh wait, it was, actually IS a complete cluster fuck disaster. 16 years and two presidents later, we're still "freeing" Iraq, civilians are still dying en masse, and terrorism has actually increased since the invasion of Iraq.
You people never learn, and are incapable of seeing beyond the immediate "solution". There IS no solution. Meddling in middle eastern affairs has always, always made the situation worse than it was before. It's also interesting how the people crying the loudest to just willy nilly go in and overthrow a fucking government with absolutely no plan in place for what fucking happens after that are typically not willing to enlist and go fight for their freedom. As stable as the US is, it would be absolute chaos if we were invaded and our government overthrown
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04/05/17 8:05:38 PM

Mmmmlibtears posted...
Axiom posted...
CowboyDan posted...
awesome999 posted...
Wow what is wrong with that government? Attacking their own citizens? Is staying in power really that important?

If Assad loses, he's a dead man. So to him, yes.

Pretty much. He'll gas the entire country if he has to. Unfortunately for the innocent citizens America has a president in power that will let him do just that

Yes, because the last time we interfered and overthrew a dictator it went just swimmingly.
Oh wait, it was, actually IS a complete cluster fuck disaster. 16 years and two presidents later, we're still "freeing" Iraq, civilians are still dying en masse, and terrorism has actually increased since the invasion of Iraq.
You people never learn, and are incapable of seeing beyond the immediate "solution". There IS no solution. Meddling in middle eastern affairs has always, always made the situation worse than it was before. It's also interesting how the people crying the loudest to just willy nilly go in and overthrow a fucking government with absolutely no plan in place for what fucking happens after that are typically not willing to enlist and go fight for their freedom. As stable as the US is, it would be absolute chaos if we were invaded and our government overthrown

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04/05/17 8:13:27 PM

Axiom posted...
Mmmmlibtears posted...
Axiom posted...
CowboyDan posted...
awesome999 posted...
Wow what is wrong with that government? Attacking their own citizens? Is staying in power really that important?

If Assad loses, he's a dead man. So to him, yes.

Pretty much. He'll gas the entire country if he has to. Unfortunately for the innocent citizens America has a president in power that will let him do just that

Yes, because the last time we interfered and overthrew a dictator it went just swimmingly.
Oh wait, it was, actually IS a complete cluster fuck disaster. 16 years and two presidents later, we're still "freeing" Iraq, civilians are still dying en masse, and terrorism has actually increased since the invasion of Iraq.
You people never learn, and are incapable of seeing beyond the immediate "solution". There IS no solution. Meddling in middle eastern affairs has always, always made the situation worse than it was before. It's also interesting how the people crying the loudest to just willy nilly go in and overthrow a fucking government with absolutely no plan in place for what fucking happens after that are typically not willing to enlist and go fight for their freedom. As stable as the US is, it would be absolute chaos if we were invaded and our government overthrown


Not conservative at all, way to pre judge and look like an ass.
I'm just a guy with common fucking sense. Nice job not refuting any of my points too. Probably because I'm right and you know it, no matter how much it triggers you. Adults have discussions, try it sometime.
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04/05/17 8:16:36 PM

"I'm a troll with a troll name that thinks people want to go to war with everyone they disagree with but please take me seriously"
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04/05/17 8:19:13 PM

yeah why troll this topic

there was literally live video of them stripping kids in the street, hosing them down, and tossing them in the back of a van with like 10 others
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
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04/05/17 8:30:13 PM

Axiom posted...
"I'm a troll with a troll name that thinks people want to go to war with everyone they disagree with but please take me seriously"

"I'm a liberal cuck who apparently doesn't understand saying the government should 'do something about it' means going to fucking war. I've also never heard of the occupation of Iraq!"
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