Poll of the Day > The 2nd New PotD Hunger Games. Official topic

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Stupid Pirate Guy
04/13/17 1:16:12 AM

Night 4

Balor put his clothes back on and left the scene of Shark’s murder. He smirked to himself at how irresistible Shark had found him and how he able to use sex as a weapon so easily. He started fantasizing about how he would seduce his next victim when he started to itch his arm. He payed the itch no mind at first but as he walked along the itching grew more and more intense. He rolled up his sleeves and noticed that the rash that he had before had returned and his skin was breaking out into red hives. As this realization hit him he started to feel nauseous all over again. He blamed this sickness on his stupid early mistake of eating the bait worms, they must have somehow contracted him with an illness. As he scratched his shoulders and chest he felt a sudden and urgent need to defecate. With no suitable facilities anywhere around Balor ducked into a small alcove, squatted down and began to shit uncontrollably as the waves of nauseousness overcame him.

Mario had carefully descended into the darkness down the spiral staircase and found himself in a small room with a cement floor. He could see the outline of light shining through a door and he grabbed for the knob. With some force he was able to open the old door and found that it led into a sewer system. Old flickering lights hung from the wall illuminating the dank passage. He was standing on a platform that was just above the level of the water that was rushing through rapidly. He could hear the rain falling in through the various drains filling the sewer with the acidic water. He hurried along the side being careful not to get too close to the water. He needed to get out of this sewer system fast before the water level rose any higher.

As the buildings and the world above were slowly being eaten away by the acid rain one figure remained wandering the arena completely exposed to the corrosive chemicals that fell from the sky. Koga was all but unrecognizable at this point in both body and mind. He walked aimlessly, his skin charred to a dull gray. His hair had all been burned away along with his clothes as well. He had no memory of why he was in this place or really who he even was. Flashes of moments came and went through his mind, but it was nothing that he could piece together in a cohesive manner. It was almost as though whatever instinct allowed him to walk freely in the toxic environment severed his connection to his humanity. He had no wants or desires. He just walked with no goal in mind. The hunger games completely forgotten along with all of the lives that were lost along the way.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
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Stupid Pirate Guy
04/13/17 1:16:47 AM

Obama was doubling back to try to regroup with Shark. He was disappointed that Shark hadn’t come with him after Tardis, but he wasn’t going to hold that against his only remaining ally. He found his way back to the room where he and the others performed the mass execution and there was no sign of Shark so he continued forward down the tunnel. After searching the various side rooms and alcoves he found who he had been looking for. Shark lay naked splayed out on the ground with his guts putrefying on the floor next to him. Obama turned and scanned the room holding his knife at the ready. His alliance had been completely dismantled and Shark’s killer had to be somewhere nearby.

As Balor lie hunched over in the alcove relieving himself uncontrollably he began to vomit once again. Tears streamed from his eyes as he felt like the entirety of his insides were being forcibly projected out of his orifices. He pressed his head to the floor while taking gasping breathes when he saw that the veins on his left wrist were sticking out and pulsating. They had turned a sickish purple color. He clumsily removed the Rolex that he had been so happy to find early in the games. His skin underneath was raw and looked to already be partially decomposing. The beautiful golden watch had been a trap set by the capital. Something about it made him sick. With all of the strength that he could muster he smashed the watch into the concrete until it broke open. Inside it was revealed that the watch contained no gears or other clockworks, just an empty vial attached to several tiny hydraulic needles that had been piercing into him over the last few days making him increasingly ill. He wanted to cry out in anguish over this discovery but he had already started to heave deep from inside himself once again. He coughed and choked up blood all over the floor as his bowels continued to purge relentlessly. He collapsed in the pile of his own excrement and died of dysentery.

Koga wandered through the twisting alleyways of the outer arena. His vision was dull as he scraped along walls and knocked over debris as he continued forward. It seemed as though he was cursed to wander the desolate wasteland for all eternity when a memory came back to him reminding him of his purpose in the games. He needed to kill and be the last to survive so that he could return to his home. It suddenly became very aware that the transformations he was going through were bad for him but he would need to use this new strength to his advantage to kill the other survivors and win the games so the capital Dr’s can restore him to his true self. He gritted his teeth and began to run forward, filled with the urge to kill all that would stand in his way. As he ran down a tight alleyway he kicked over a trashcan. As the trashcan flew back a high pitched beeping sound rang out followed by the explosion of a proximity mine. Things seemed to move in slow motion for Koga as he was hit by the explosive force. He saw the trash can go flying into the sky and shatter into fragments. He was thrown back hard but he somehow managed to survive. He tried to rise from the ground but soon came to notice that his right leg had been blown clean off of him. He didn’t even feel pain from the severed leg as he rolled onto his back. Deep inside his chest he felt an intense burning. The explosion had ripped a hole in the hard gray skin protecting his chest. The acid rain continued to fall and entered Koga’s gaping wound. His skin had developed protection from the acid, but his insides remained weak and vulnerable. He was trapped on his back unable to turn himself over as a torrent of toxic rain poured into him continuously. He screamed out in feral cries as his vital organs were burned and seared open.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
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Stupid Pirate Guy
04/13/17 1:17:12 AM

Koga writhed on the ground being cooked from the inside out. He could feel his lungs burst as he spit up blood all over his face. He remained out in the torrential downpour of acid for the duration of the games, leaving behind nothing but the husk of his stone-like carapace.

Mario dove into a pipe as the acidic sewer water rose above the platform on which he had been standing. He had no choice but to keep moving forward and try to find an area where the acid wouldn’t reach. He slipped through the damp pipe keeping his ax close in hand. He worked his way through the pipe when he found himself standing on top of a grated floor, the area below was well lit and seemed to be clear of the water. He swung his ax down onto the grate several times before it burst open. He dropped below and found himself in a long tunnel which may have one day long ago been used as a type of subway system. He looked around in all conceivable directions and determined that he was alone.

Obama had his back pressed against a small alcove in the tunnel. He peaked out to see Mario walking the opposite direction from him. He had made a lot of noise smashing through the ceiling giving Obama plenty of time to hide and get the jump on him. As Mario continued up the tunnel Obama snuck along behind him ducking into the various small alcoves waiting for a chance to get close enough to plunge his knife into Mario’s neck. After several minutes of pursuit he saw Mario jump up to a raised platform to side and disappear around a corner.

Obama rushed to move in, not wanting to lose sight of his prey. As he approached the ledge he saw Mario standing over him looking down with the large ax in his hands. Obama stepped back surprised as Mario leaped from the platform with his ax raised high and swung it down onto his target. Unable to orient himself in time Obama took the ax to the side of his arm and he shouted out in pain. He was lucky, if Mario had swung that ax much harder he could have cut him down then and there. But as things were Obama moved forward and took his opponent head on. He rushed Mario as he pulled the ax free shoving him hard against the concrete wall. Obama reached for his knife and swiped for Mario’s throat but he managed to dodge as the blade scratched against the hard surface. Obama continued to push forward as blood rushed from his open wound. He kneed Mario in the abdomen and cracked the handle of his knife against the back of his skull. Mario was dazed and began to reel back. He looked at Obama’s face and saw the same look in his eyes as the day he threatened to murder him in his sleep. His eyes stared through his soul daring him to make a move. This time, he would not be a coward. Mario yelled out and charged forward giving his ax a wide horizontal swing. Obama managed to side step the swinging blade and stuck his knife into the belly of the charging Mario. Mario fell to the ground dropping his ax to his side. Obama continued to look down on him with the same dark stare. Mario was injured and frozen in fear. He quaked and quivered as Obama reached down and took his ax into his hand. Mario looked up at his opponent one last time as Obama’s face turned sullen and he swung the ax down severing Mario’s head from his body.

With his opponent defeated Obama dropped the ax and leaned against the far wall. He straightened his tie which at this point was tattered and covered in blood. After a few moments the tunnel was filled with a bright white light. The concrete walls began opening up revealing capital soldiers and medics who stepped out to escort the games victor from the battlefield. Obama nodded to the men coming to his aid and thanked them. He was able to leave this place and see his family once again but he knew that he would always be tormented by the lives that were lost here in this arena.

Guybrush is my homeboy.
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04/13/17 1:24:30 AM

Stupid Pirate Guy posted...
He collapsed in the pile of his own excrement and died of dysentery.

not gonna lie, kind on anti-climactic lmao
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04/13/17 1:25:00 AM

also, i beat shark and RC so everything is OK
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04/13/17 1:27:09 AM

What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
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Stupid Pirate Guy
04/13/17 1:31:49 AM

The official winner of the 2nd New PotD Hunger Games is Barack Obama nominated by @SkynyrdRocker.

Two games down two none poster victors. Who shall be the first PotDer to rise above the rest? You can begin volunteering and nominating people for the 3rd games now.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
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Stupid Pirate Guy
04/13/17 1:32:14 AM

CountessRolab posted...
Stupid Pirate Guy posted...
He collapsed in the pile of his own excrement and died of dysentery.

not gonna lie, kind on anti-climactic lmao

KogaSteelfang posted...

Sorry I just work with what the simulation gives me.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
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04/13/17 1:32:16 AM

I'll play again.
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04/13/17 1:33:14 AM

I want to say that I greatly enjoy these topics. They're fun and well written. Also, I very much liked my character being a bit unhinged and sometimes dangerous.
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
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04/13/17 1:35:17 AM

I nominate Susan Boyle.

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Stupid Pirate Guy
04/13/17 1:36:46 AM

Tardis2015 posted...
so close who gave me the spiders.

Something that I was trying to do was make the recurring characters from the last games carry over characteristics from previous games. Which is why you had memories of Jen from the island even though that experience had never happened to this version of yourselves. All of the recurring tributes were clones of themselves from the previous games and those that underwent various transformations kept some of those characteristics. Koga had the ability to "Hulk out" and adapt to deadly environments, but he wouldn't turn into a complete beast like he did last time. Where as Jen in the last game was killed by parasitic spiders that had been using her body as a host, but in this game the spiders were merely dormant inside of her to be released upon her death and not cause her any actual harm.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
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04/13/17 1:41:04 AM

I guess put me in again if you don't mind. But if sign ups are full and someone else wants in, feel free to swap me out.
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
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04/13/17 1:41:37 AM

KogaSteelfang posted...
I guess put me in again if you don't mind. But if sign ups are full and someone else wants in, feel free to swap me out.

Nope, you're in. Don't be this passive.
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Stupid Pirate Guy
04/13/17 1:43:56 AM


Sign up topic here, I will add everyone who already volunteered now.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
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Stupid Pirate Guy
04/13/17 1:46:28 AM

KogaSteelfang posted...
I want to say that I greatly enjoy these topics. They're fun and well written. Also, I very much liked my character being a bit unhinged and sometimes dangerous.

I'm glad you enjoy them. I've been very pleased with the feedback I've received from these. I've always enjoyed writing fiction and these topics are a nice creative exercise to get that part of my brain working again.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
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Stupid Pirate Guy
04/13/17 1:49:08 AM

CountessRolab posted...
I nominate Susan Boyle.


FYI I'm going to make Susan such a dirty whore.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
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04/13/17 1:50:41 AM

Noticed there's a third topic so I'm presuming the game's have ended.

Sadly I haven't had enough time to read this (except the Bloodbath and part 1 I think) so I'm sorry for not posting feedback.

is it possible to somehow get a version that won't archive like you did for some people with the first topic?

Sorry for not reading!
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04/13/17 2:01:04 AM

I just realized Balor still had my letter. He better not have wiped with it. >:(
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
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Stupid Pirate Guy
04/13/17 2:01:20 AM

TheGreatNoodles posted...
Noticed there's a third topic so I'm presuming the game's have ended.

Sadly I haven't had enough time to read this (except the Bloodbath and part 1 I think) so I'm sorry for not posting feedback.

is it possible to somehow get a version that won't archive like you did for some people with the first topic?

Sorry for not reading!

Sure. I still need to get around to doing that with the first one. Just pm me your email and I'll get it to you.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
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04/13/17 4:08:25 AM

Stupid Pirate Guy posted...
CountessRolab posted...
Stupid Pirate Guy posted...
He collapsed in the pile of his own excrement and died of dysentery.

not gonna lie, kind on anti-climactic lmao

KogaSteelfang posted...

Sorry I just work with what the simulation gives me.

I just realized that it looks like I was agreeing on it being anti climactic. I was just making that "yep" comment because I predicted the winner, and me losing in some dumb way.
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
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04/13/17 4:34:22 AM

Koga, not as dumb as mine.
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04/13/17 4:57:32 AM

You didn't manage to be the only one killed by acid, while being the one immune to it.
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
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04/13/17 11:06:41 AM

@CountessRolab ! You were supposed to live long enough for me to kill you! You jerk!

Well, that's by far the longest I've survived in any Hunger Games though. 4 whole days! Sure beats all those times I've died day 1. And the last to die.
Stupid signature!
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04/13/17 8:04:34 PM

KogaSteelfang posted...
I just realized Balor still had my letter. He better not have wiped with it. >:(

buttsecks can be messy
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Stupid Pirate Guy
04/17/17 11:51:22 PM

Bumping for reasons
Guybrush is my homeboy.
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Stupid Pirate Guy
04/20/17 2:03:06 AM

34 pages total in this one, a solid 20 less than my first, glad I stopped going into excessive detail on the unimportant stuff. Again, hit up with pm if you want a doc version of this games or the first one.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
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