Board 8 > Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 34: Daily Lives of b8anime [milky holmes]

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03/16/12 11:56:00 AM

- Discuss what you're watching/reading/weekly releases 'was okay'
- Post a link to your MyAnimeList
- make fun of other people's opinions
- Post progress on visual novels too if you'd like
- show of the season is MILKY HOLMES

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Upcoming Spring Chart
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oh there's this cool new update to mal graphs that you should check out (substitute your MAL username in to get your stats)

Destroying evil with friendship~
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03/16/12 12:01:00 PM

board8chat is funky

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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03/16/12 12:07:00 PM


time for some Spring Anime Action

Column 1

Shiba Inuko-San - furry bull****
Arashi no Yoru ni - furry bull****
Digital Remaster of Nadia something - pass even though I have no idea what it's about
cardfight vangaurd season 2 - doubtful, I probably won't even ever finish season 1
Hyouka - lit club + mystery bull**** means it's probably going to be terrible but I will almost surely try it out
Shining Hearts - no idea what this is but it sounds like a jRPG aka something only 13 years olds, SuperAngelo128, and swordz9 would be interested in. if it has Go Shiina on the soundtrack, NioraptH as well
NYARYL~ - hell yeah, will watch of course
Hiiro no Kakera - obligatory reverse harem series of the season that I will be PASSing on as always
yurumates - this sounds like it might actually be interesting. will check it out. although since she literally graduated from high school and is planning on going to college it will be difficult for NEETs such as myself and swordz9 to identify with the main character
Shirokuma Cafe - Daily Lives of Bears. **** yes
Koi-Ken! - I got as far as dating sim and then my brain immediately triggered the 'pass' flag. sorry, I'll leave this one to the rest of you since it is more your speed.

Destroying evil with friendship~
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03/16/12 12:16:00 PM

Beyblade - I guess this is still popular in Japan. Well, good for Beyblade.

Accel World - Silly premise but maybe it will have good action or something. That thing has a terrible character design though what is that

Mysterious Girlfriend X - I've received intel from swordz9 himself that this probably isn't as fanservicey as it seems but literally all of the studios anime are ecchi anime so maybe they will embellish it. I'll check it out though, probably masturbate to the fanservice, and then say it's terrible which I assume everyone else will be secretly doing doing.

POLARBEAR CAFE - I don't know how I can say no.

Saki Spinoff or something - I downloaded the first show recently so I will probably watch that soon and I will watch this if I like it.

AKB0048 - My god this sounds so dumb. Even dumber than "AKB48 anime" sounds. Also the girls are really weird and gross looking for being an anime about an idol group.

Queen's Blade Rebellion - probably masturbate to the fanservice, and then say it's terrible which I assume everyone else will be secretly doing doing.

Koi-ken - dating sims on cell phones what will they think of next

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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03/16/12 12:23:00 PM

Column 2

space bros - eh, sounds kind of boring actually. I'm thinking most people anticipating it will probably be disappointed but who knows!
Gakkatsu! - this sounds like it might actually be funny (debate comedy) and sort of unique as well. plus it'll be a 5 minute flash series so even if it's not great it won't take much effort to follow. definitely planning to watch this.
more Pretty Rhythm - disappointing show, doubt I'll even consider the second season worth watching
Thomas - no
Amnesia Girl - makes me think about how I wish I could have amnesia and forget that kurtfisto exists, but I doubt I'll watch this since it sounds dumb
Jormungand - I'll try it out, probably be offended by how dumb and unrealistic it is, and immediately drop it
Natuiro no Kiseki - what will they think of next
Train Hero - not interested
Tsuritama - I'll probably wait and try this out after it is done airing, I've noticed that is sort of a pattern with noitaminA shows and me
mysterious girlfriend X - I have received intel from swordz9 that the series isn't entirely about awesome drool fetish stuff so I will PASS
Queen's Blade - isn't there like 20 seasons of this already lmao how do people even watch this crap. oh wait *looks at Zea's write-up* now I see

Destroying evil with friendship~
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03/16/12 12:35:00 PM

That moment when you yourself are confused at why you're still watching a certain show, but at the same time know why you're still watching it.


Hopefully the only show I only watch because of... technically two people, but one is tied to another one in order for the show to remain actually funny.

Other than that. Finished Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and this time a canon relationship made me pause the anime and cheer (as of spoilers, it wasn't EdWin).

As well finished another older anime, Elemental Gelade. Not a bad anime, but was just predictable. Good ending but odd in one aspect that made no sense, but nevermind that part.

Official Pidgeot of the B/W Boards Clan
Quite frankly my Deerling, I don't give a Wormadam- GenesisSaga
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03/16/12 12:41:00 PM

I thought Working! was pretty hilarious. which characters are the ones you like?

Destroying evil with friendship~
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03/16/12 12:45:00 PM

Souma makes moments funny and Satou I like, partially because of love triangle failure.

Find it sad the two characters are the male chefs.

Official Pidgeot of the B/W Boards Clan
Quite frankly my Deerling, I don't give a Wormadam- GenesisSaga
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Mac Arrowny
03/16/12 12:50:00 PM

Yamada only good Working character

All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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03/16/12 12:53:00 PM

Souma is pretty great. Yamada is also pretty funny although I found her a little more annoying in the second season. cause the stuff she had done in season 1 that was more funny, they just drove it into the ground with her doing her gimmicks over and over into and through all of season 2 with no real change or development.

Column 3

Saint Seiya Omega - never seen Saint Seiya but it is shounen ****
soccer anime mk2 - I don't like soccer
more Jewelpet - I wish this show was easier to keep up with since it's actually pretty hilarious
Kuroko no Basuke - I do like basketball, will probably check this one out at the very least
Eureka Seven AO - not interested
second season ZOMBIE - nope, not even if they added Cordelia from Milky Holmes to the cast
Sankarea - this is going to depend on what the show is actually about. I may do some research or I might just wait and watch the first ep. if it is ecchi or shounen romance I will just PASS. anything else, I may give it a try.
Kimi to Boku 2 -
Sakamichi no Apollon - this doesn't really POP to me so I'll probably pass, although at the very least it doesn't sound awful like most of the anime that has come out in the last two years!
Accel World - lol hell no
AKB0048 - earlier I asked the question 'what will they think of next'. apparently, this was it.

Destroying evil with friendship~
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03/16/12 12:55:00 PM

caught up with bleach up through aizen's defeat. holy crap what a terrible finish. for how prolonged the arrancar arc was it still seemed rushed and anti-climactic at the end.
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03/16/12 1:17:00 PM

Column 4

Ozuma - heck yeah. this is the spring show that stood out to me immediately as the one I would want to see ahead of all others. even if it turns out to not be as good as expected, I'll probably follow through with it just because it has a mysterious factor which draws me to it.

Rock Lee - dumb idea

Sengoku Collection - I can't even tell what this is. an anime based on a social networking based game or

Upotte!! - what do you call anthropomorphized guns anyway. either way, this is one step removed from furry bull**** (if that)

Phi Brain s2 - eh. if I ever get around the finishing the first season (not likely. too long and not interesting enough)

Fate/Zero cont. - nope

Acchi Kocchi - this looks like it might be a 5 min flash series, in which case I will follow it if it gets subbed.

Medaka Box - sounds dumb, doubt I'll even try it

ZETMAN - eh, I dunno. this one is right on the line. if there aren't any good shows next season I'll probably try this one out. if there's a few shows that I'm already watching that I like, I probably won't bother

Beyblade - never seen a Beyblade show, never want to. hey lefty what's up

Saki spin-off - extreme shoujo ai mahjong hell yes

Destroying evil with friendship~
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03/16/12 1:26:00 PM

Edwardsdv presents: The bad taste Spring Anime Chart Reviews

For those keeping track at home, I have 10 and a half shows ending this time. Will I be able to find replacements for them all WHO KNOWS?!?!

Ozuma I admit the premise here seems interesting and zea's right the "lost" anime thing makes me really intrigued. Throw in that its short, has mech in the premise and that parts of the premise deal with cloning, population demographiccollapse and traders in the desert, that its an original work and I almost wish it was significantly longer

Interest level: very high Picking up: For sure

Saint Seiya Omega
I have never been into Saint Seiya but the concept does seem interesting to me. It's an unknown length but with Bleach ending I do have room for another long-runner. I like mythology and while I am sure that Saint Seiya Omega will differ greatly from it it triggers my interest.

Interest Level: Medium Picking Up: Try-out

SPACE BROS Bros from space. I feel like this will be one of those shows I will either love or hate. While on the one hand it seems like it could be stupid the synopsis greatly differs from the hype I've heard from it. The concept reminds me of Planetes to be honest, which is different from the SPACE BROS OMG WHAT A FUNNY TITLE hype. I'll give it a shot.

Interest Level: 5.5 Picking up?: Try-out

Shiba Inuko-chan
A couple weeks ago saveus_maria made a joke about this series. I suspect that joke will be funnier than the series itself.

Interest level: swordz9/10 Picking Up: LMAO

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 1:37:00 PM

Rock Lee
Welllll. No thanks. Not a fan of Naruto in the first place. Certainly not going to start for this thing.

Interest level: As interested as I am in the most recent anime sales figures Picking Up: When Rock Lee flies

Ginga e Kickoff
Whats with all the sports anime lately? Was there a really popular one that set the stage for this recently? Anyway this probably wont be as good as even Knight in the Area and long-running sports anime... no thanks.

Interest level: Sports anime/10 Picking Up: When I run out of other things to do ever.

Gakkatsu Look at DAT synopsis. According to MAL:

In a fictional school, "Tender Tank" Rareko is constantly opening absurd yet strangely enthusiastic debates, this way creating a lively classroom life. Bringing up tremendous themes, she and her classmates exchange words like sword-strokes, and here and there even a profound remark is slipped in.

A fun and informative debate comedy, packed into only five minutes each time.

huh well this does sound interesing. Ok sure, lets pick it up.

Interest level: piqued Picking up: For sure

Wolf and Goat Anime 4kids.

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 1:37:00 PM

From: saveus_Maria | #010
Sankarea - this is going to depend on what the show is actually about. I may do some research or I might just wait and watch the first ep. if it is ecchi or shounen romance I will just PASS.

yeah you're passing

thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
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03/16/12 1:39:00 PM

I am returning to the topic for the new season (not that I ever left, I just don't post).

Ima just skip the stuff I will never watch.

Cardfight!! - I will probably watch the first season eventually and might pick this up.
Hyouka - Seems like it could be interesting but I probably will come back and watch it.
Shining Hearts - Im not sure about it at all and will probably not watch as it airs.
Nyaruko-san - Going to watch as it airs cause of the pose in the picture.
Yurumates - I might end up watching it, need more information.
Koi-Ken! - Ima check it out and see what its like

Kikansha Thomas - Recently my parents have told me that I used to love Thomas and with this airing now it might be a sign that I should watch it. But im not going to.
Tasogare OtomexAmnesia - I don't really like shows with a ghost heroine cause I either feel bad for the mc or they get together and the ending is ruined.
Jormungand - too much thinking for me too watch.
Tsuritama - Will probably watch but not as it airs.
Nazo no Kanojo X - I don't like the premise but if I hear its really good I might look into it. But probably not.

I'll do the rest later.

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03/16/12 1:44:00 PM

Sengoku Collection

Based on a moe social networking service says it all to be honest. Skipping it

Jewelpet Kira Deko
Sequel to a show I once dropped. Skipping it.

Pretty Rhythm Dear My Future
Sequel to a show I once dropped. Skipping it

Nadia, the Secret of Blue Water digital remaster

I pulled this synopsis from MAL.

In 1889, the world is on the pinnacle of great discoveries in technology. In mankind's grasp for the future, a sinister foe known only as Gargoyle, obsessed with restoring the former Atlantean empire to the glory it once held, begins his plans to take over the world. Nadia, with the help of a young inventor, Jean Ratlique, and Captain Nemo of the submarine Nautilus, must fight to save the world from Gargoyle and Neo-Atlantis. Based on the Novel '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' by Jules Verne.

This actually seems really interesting in the same way that the other "anime based on classic lit" is and I may actually watch this one day but watching a completed series re-air is dumb.

Interest level: Fairly High Picking up: maybe the full series later

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 1:45:00 PM

oh god it's a shounen romance and it is ecchi

Destroying evil with friendship~
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03/16/12 1:46:00 PM

From: Colegreen_c12 | #016
Nyaruko-san - Going to watch as it airs cause of the pose in the picture.

colegreen you have been sorely missed

Destroying evil with friendship~
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03/16/12 1:50:00 PM


Ehh, no thanks I've got enough guns.

Koroku no Basuke

Sports anime. No thanks.

Thomas the tank engine

Loved it as a kid, but I will be shocked if it even gets subbed.

Cardfight Vanguard S2

I watched most of S1 but i grew very fatigued with it and still am.

not picking any of these up

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 1:52:00 PM

also that is some interesting info on Nadia and makes it actually sound pretty neat. although it's not something I'll likely watch while it is airing, if at all.

Destroying evil with friendship~
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03/16/12 1:56:00 PM

I just remembered in rate the anime character there was a character literally named "Gargoyle" from Nadia who only got one vote

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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Mac Arrowny
03/16/12 1:59:00 PM

It'd be nice if they cut the filler out of Nadia. Last few episodes so good.

All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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03/16/12 2:10:00 PM

Phi Brain S2
Just like CFV I made it though part of this series but just wasnt quite interested enough to continue. So uh, no thanks.

Eureka 7 Ao
I am cautiously optimistic about this as E7 is one of my favorites. However a sequel this far removed from the original could go either way. Anyway definitely picking it up

Interest level: high Picking up: Definitely

Tasogare OtomexAmnesia

literally an anime about a ghost girl. It looks it could be okay but I have no opinion on it as of yet.

Interest level: low picking up: if it gets good reviews Ill take a look.


Its a mystery anime whose only real distinguishing feature is that it is being animated by kyo ani. This will probably garner it a large number of watchers to review it.

Interest level: low Picking up: If it gets good reviews

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 2:14:00 PM


Weird noses the anime. Premise sounds like it could be good, but I'm actually guessing it'll be just an above average title.

Saint Seiya Omega
How long is this? Do I want to commit 3 years to this show? Do I even want to commit 1/4 of a year? Probably not.

Space Bros
I see on the picture there is a dog in a spacesuit. Spacedog the anime. Could be a good emotional type.

Shiba Inuko-san

Rock Lee tries to be Chris Rock the anime
See the title of the anime.

Ginga e Kickoff!!
Are they seriously dumping another soccer anime on us? Even if this is good, it's going to have a hard time staying on a watch list with Knight in the Area currently lobying for the top spot next season.

Looks like it might be fun.

Arashi no Yoru ni
If you change the animals with a fox and a dog and such you could have a good show.


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03/16/12 2:18:00 PM

Fate/Zero 2
Sequel of an anime I once dropped, skipping

Kore-wa Zombie Desuka 2

Sequel of an anime I loved. Picking it up


Seems somewhat interesting, I like the concept and will give it a test-drive to see if it executes well. It won't.

Interest level: Medium Picking up: Trial period

Shining Heart- Shiawase no Pan
I'll admit this sounds interesting but Id much rather play the game.

Interest level: Medium Pick-up: Trial

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 2:28:00 PM

Acchi Kocchi

I like the concept here. May be my token haremish show. The promised short length makes that promising too.


Ok I admit I laughed at the guy being obsessed with zombies, but the female character here seems like she could be a source of some interesting drama.

Interest: More than angelo Pickup: Trial period

Natsuiro no Kiseki

Very little information about it. But Sunrise original work, could be interesting.

Interest level: Sunrise/10 Pickup: Trial


Didnt this anime already air once?

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 2:31:00 PM

Medaka Box

I like the basic premise. Reminds me of some sort of middle ground between Haruhi and Sket Dance. And while I hate haruhi, I love Sket Dance. Picking up for sure.

Interest: High Picking up: Yup

Kimi to Boku 2

Sequel of a show I loved. Picking up.

Train Hero

Seems interesting, but also hardly seems to be anime.

Hiiro no reverse harem

No thanks

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 2:31:00 PM

Kuroko no Basuke looks pretty awesome, gonna check that out. Definetely gonna check out Rock Lee when I'm caught up on Naruto. Also considdered Sankarea and Natsuiro.

Then see what gets good ratings and check that out.

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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03/16/12 2:38:00 PM


Seems like one of those pretentiously dark anime that I hate but most people love.

Interest level: none

Sakamichi no Apollon

noitamina has been kind of week recently, but I do generally enjoy coming of agestories and this sounds like a decent one.

Interest level: Medium Picking up:Trial


This one sounds crazy and the artstyle looks really distinctive. I like me a good anime with a crazy premise. Let's do it!

Interest level: High Picking up: For sure


The concept sounds kind of neat but I was expecting a more josei/seinen kind of artstyle and the one provided doesnt look like itll go that way. I could be convinced to pick this up if its good though.

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 2:44:00 PM

Beyblade anime

Beyblades are still a thing?I used to have fun with those a million years ago.

Accel World

This sounds like it could be pretty good. I like the concept and the promise of non-harem romance and action.

Interest level: high Picking up: Yes,please

Nazo no Kanojo X

Another anime that features non-harem romance. The art looks kind of distinctive too.

Interest level: Medium Picking up: Trial

Penguin Cafe
I am glad to see Studio Pierrot, with its newfound non-bleach commitment has decided to focus on a more serious anime.

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 2:44:00 PM

Just one episode left of Highschool DxD now. I have really been enjoying that actually. Hope it gets a second season. Well, we do have an OVA to come this fall at least.

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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03/16/12 2:46:00 PM

Sengoku Collection
When will they stop using this premise for an anime?

Jewel Pet 4
A fourth season I'm not watching.

Pretty Rhythm Dear My Future
Dropped S1

Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water remastered

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03/16/12 2:47:00 PM

Saki 2

A sequel to an anime I love but this looks like it has a different everything. It may not be very good at all. But I'll check it out

Interest:High Picking up:Trial


This reminds me of Macross only without the mecha/political aspects. It might be interesting butI suspect itll have more in common with Idolm@ster than Macross.

I'll wait on the reviews for this one

Interest: Medium Picking up: not right away.

Queens Blade, no thanks

Koiekn is a mobile phone game, probably wont be good.

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 2:48:00 PM

It's not a sequel, it's a spinoff or something.

Destroying evil with friendship~
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03/16/12 2:54:00 PM

Will be hilarious or terrible.

Kuroko no Basuke
Might be okay. But then again it's another sports anime.

Thomas the Tank Engine Anime
Who is gonna be Mr. Rodgers?

Cardfight 2
Has Kai lost yet?

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03/16/12 3:00:00 PM

Pick ups:

For Sure tier(7.5):

Kimi to Boku 2
Zombie 2
Eureka 7 2
Accel World
Medaka Box

Trial Anime(8.5):

Saint Seiya Omega
Nazo no Kanojo
Saki 2
Sakimichi no APollon
Acchi Kocchi
Natsuiro no Kiseki
Shining Hearts

So I am replacing 10.5 anime with potentially 16, though probably significantly less once some(see nearly all of the trial and likely more than one of the FO SHOS) of these get culled out.

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 3:03:00 PM

From: saveus_Maria | #035
It's not a sequel, it's a spinoff or something.

I mean even the artstyle looks different. I mean E7 is a spinoff too but it at least still LOOKS the same, you know.

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 3:05:00 PM

The spinoff manga it's adapted from has a different artist than the main series

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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03/16/12 3:05:00 PM

From: saveus_Maria | #021
also that is some interesting info on Nadia and makes it actually sound pretty neat. although it's not something I'll likely watch while it is airing, if at all.

And yeah this makes it sound really interesting. But Ive got such a backlog that itll be a long time.

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 3:06:00 PM

From: _Zea_ | #039
The spinoff manga it's adapted from has a different artist than the main series

Does it have the same author?

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 3:09:00 PM

let's see

High Priority

Space Bros
Eureka Seven AO
Fate/zero 2
Kimi to Boku 2
Sakamichi no Apollon
Accel World
Mysterious Girlfriend X

Probably Zombie and Saki as well plus I'll check out anything else that gets a good reception.

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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03/16/12 3:10:00 PM

Finally someone other than me that is actually planning on watching Fate/Zero 2

Official Pidgeot of the B/W Boards Clan
Quite frankly my Deerling, I don't give a Wormadam- GenesisSaga
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03/16/12 3:11:00 PM

From: edwardsdv | #041
Does it have the same author?

Yeah, same author for both.

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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03/16/12 3:12:00 PM

From: WickIebee | #043
Finally someone other than me that is actually planning on watching Fate/Zero 2

I think most of the people who post in this topic will be watching it. It'll probably be the most popular show of the season.

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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03/16/12 3:13:00 PM

Of the people giving reports, I've seen the two people actually saying something to be no's... so that's why I said what I did.

Official Pidgeot of the B/W Boards Clan
Quite frankly my Deerling, I don't give a Wormadam- GenesisSaga
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03/16/12 3:15:00 PM

Oh yeah I know and fyi, edwardsdv is a huge hipster who just hates anything popular

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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03/16/12 3:20:00 PM

I do NOT. I did give it a try. I just disliked it.

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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03/16/12 3:21:00 PM

obviously you just disliked it because you're a hipster heh heh

Destroying evil with friendship~
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03/16/12 3:24:00 PM

Hmm maybe.Maybe I have natural hipsterish taste. Let me go drink some PBR and cheer for John Cena now.

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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