Board 8 > So why IS the drinking age (In the US)21 anyway?

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Dark Young Link
09/14/11 2:48:00 AM

Alright, so I understand that drinking too much is bad and that kids shouldn't drink. I wouldn't have much of an issue with the drinking age if not for other things.

The age of consent can vary, some places it's 18 and in other places it's less. Hell in SC it's 14(though it may bee 16 soon or something)

The typical age to get your drivers licence is 16.

The age where you can enlist in the army (and pretty much choose to die for your country) is 18.

So why is the drinking age 21 when you can arguably engage in far more dangerous activites when you're younger?

I never understood this...

Congratulations, LMS. In a topic where Liquid Wind said that women shouldn't be allowed to vote, you are still the worst poster in this topic. - kevwaffles
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09/14/11 2:50:00 AM

Yeah, I wonder about that too.

Oh, I am one yet many.
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09/14/11 2:53:00 AM

Originally, the age to vote and do other things was 21. When the draft happened and stuff, and the age was changed to 18 for it, the government had to lower the voting age too.

After prohibition, the government set the drinking age to 21 (prior to the draft where the voting age was still 21 I believe). States actually have rights to change this, or not enforce it, but they lose government funding if they decide this route.

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09/14/11 2:56:00 AM

All funding?
That's a bit harsh.

Oh, I am one yet many.
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09/14/11 2:57:00 AM

Raka_Putra posted...
All funding?
That's a bit harsh.

I think it's just funding for highways. I could be wrong though.

From his looks Magus is Macho Man Randy Savage as an anime zombie. The black wind howls, and one of you will snap into a Slim Jim ooh yeeeah! -sonicblastpunch
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09/14/11 2:58:00 AM

no, only part, and only for something specific I believe. But, why would a state give up money? Losing government funding basically means losing jobs, which means losing more money.

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09/14/11 3:06:00 AM

I don't understand it, here it's 18 and I think that's perfect. It goes hand in hand with being an adult, going to university, or working and having some income to blow on booze every now and then. I don't think people are going to be anymore responsible with drink at 21 as they would be at 18. Heck i'm 23 and still aren't responsible, but then again I am British and we do love getting p****d, we're famous for it ^_^

Velcro - what a rip off.
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09/14/11 3:12:00 AM

I think it's just never been changed because, at least in theory, it makes sense. By 21, you (should, at least) have experience... Being an adult. Driving, having a job, responsibilities, etc. Thus, you've had plenty of time to get experience doing those things WITHOUT alcohol, and any potential impact it may have if you do start SHOULD be lessened. This is better than somebody who has only been driving on their own for a year suddenly being able to drink as well. At least, in theory, of course.

SEP Nash, Smelling Like the Vault since 1996
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09/14/11 3:19:00 AM

Actually, the reason the drinking age was set to 21 was basically as an anti-drunk driving measure.

Before this most states had lowered their drinking ages in response to the 26th Amendment.

SubDeity wants to vote for Calvin Coolidge. [Evil Republican]
Play Der Langrisser.
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09/14/11 3:51:00 AM

weren't there tests done at one point in like Michigan or Wisconsin with a lower drinking age and drunk driving like majorly increased

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