Board 8 > Kazbar rates every Strong Bad E-Mail with write-ups~!

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07/08/11 5:10:00 PM

Now that ol' seems to be officially dead (Hasn't been updated since December, and I don't recall many updates in '10 to begin with), I think it's about damn time I did this. I was an avid follower back in the day, looking forward to every Monday for the new release. I haven't watched most of them in a good few years, so it will be interesting to see how I like them now.

Anyhow, away we go!

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
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07/08/11 5:22:00 PM

E-Mail #1: some kinda robot

What I thought back in the day: Boring, unfunny.

This was the first e-mail ever done, and that's pretty apparent from the get go. There's no real jokes to be had, and it's only like a minute long. I would feel bad for anyone who saw this as their first e-mail, because quite honestly it's so forgettable that it sets a bad precedent for what ends up being a very good series. Then again, most early H*R stuff isn't really funny in the first place. It makes you glad that the Chapman brothers eventually started putting more effort towards things, because if they hadn't, the site would not only be forgotten, but probably never learned of in the first place.

I've taken easily more than twice the length of the video writing this little tiny write-up, so that should be a good indicator of the situation here.

1 star out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
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07/08/11 5:28:00 PM

E-Mail #2: Homsar

What I thought back then: Yay, Homsar!

Considering how dull things started, this already shows an improvement. Not to mention no one would ever guess some dude's grievous misspelling of "Homestar" would end up creating what became a lot of people's favorite character on the site. I used to be a lot more of a Homsar fan myself, but after awhile it grew stale.

Anyway, it's probably just me, but Strong Bad just dropping a weight on top of someone to kill them amuses me. It's not super hilarious or anything, but it makes me chuckle a little. Much more than the previous e-mail could say.

2 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
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07/08/11 5:28:00 PM

Dragon for Top Tier.

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07/08/11 5:35:00 PM

E-Mail #3: butt IQ

What I thought back then: :|

This has never been my type of humor, even as a child. And obviously, the older you get, this type of thing is going to get less funny. It has. I mean, sure, making an equation based on the stupidity of one's butt, I guess, could be kind of funny (Maybe, to me at least, if it was taken to extreme measures with really complex mathematics), but as it stands, it's just not very funny at all.

1 star out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
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07/08/11 5:45:00 PM

E-Mail #4: homestar hair

What I thought back then: There's a game that let's you do that? *searches site*

It's not all that funny, but it's at least an attempt at humor. I just wish there was more to these first episodes. The mediocrity of these early episodes reflects as mediocrity of my first write-ups. At least, I hope that's the case, and I don't just suck at writing. Anyway, for the era, not bad. When compared to the rest of what's out now, barely worth watching.

1.5 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
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07/08/11 5:46:00 PM


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07/08/11 5:51:00 PM

virus #1 or bust

not that i can say much for the emails after that one. kinda stopped watching around then, i should go back and watch 'em all some day.

SunnyX ~ The cream of Robopon fanboyisim
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07/08/11 5:52:00 PM

E-Mail #5: making out

What I thought back then: I wish I had someone to make out with. Like that girl in gym class.

"You're Really Ugly (But There's Nobody Cute Around)" saves the e-mail from literally having no jokes, and even that is a gum smacker itself. You people know what I mean by gum smacker, right? Like, when a joke flops or someone makes a stupid claim or something, you do that sort of popping noise by opening your mouth. I wish there was a way to better exemplify that over the internet.

Anyway, early episode is meh. What else is new?

1 star out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
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07/08/11 6:16:00 PM

E-Mail #6: depressio

What I thought back then: I can't wait for a reply from this e-mail addre- oh, it no longer exists. Damn it.

I'm starting to think I should just keep posting the same thing for these early e-mails: "No/few jokes, not very funny, really short, completely forgettable". Again, it at least tries, but trying doesn't exactly equate to doing. I forget when the e-mails start getting really good; I'm hoping that comes sooner, rather than later.

1 star out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 6:17:00 PM

E-Mail #7: halloweener

What I thought back then: Pretty good.

Imagine having seen only the ones before this one before this came out. This episode, while not the best by any means, has good, actual humor that keeps me smiling for a majority of the e-mail. It reveals, in case you couldn't tell, all the others before it to be what they are: lame. But, it's almost entirely visual comedy, so I wouldn't be doing it justice to describe it. Good episode, especially when compared to what we've seen so far.

2.5 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
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07/08/11 6:35:00 PM

E-Mail #8: brianrietta

What I thought back then: *six months after viewing* ...oooooh, it was meant to be Brian as in Bree-Anne.

Yeah, it took me forever to realize that. Anyway, this seems to be where they started altering Strong Bad's voice to what it is today. The spanish accent is disappearing. Too bad there's really not much to this episode. It's not bad, but it is bland.

1.5 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
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07/08/11 6:36:00 PM

You better give "Rampage" and "Army" a 5/5

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07/08/11 6:39:00 PM


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07/08/11 6:41:00 PM

Burningating the countryside

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07/08/11 6:46:00 PM

homestarrunner still exists?

Did I step into a time warp

It will launch for $350 with some Wii Sports s***. I bet my life on it. Damn, that KoolAid guy is awesome - NGamer64
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07/08/11 7:13:00 PM

E-Mail #9: i love you

What I thought back then: I wish I had a big knife...and a red headband.

Well, it lead to the song about fhqwhgads, so there's that. And that painting would be pretty cool. But on its own, this e-mail is just another yawner.

1 star out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
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07/08/11 7:19:00 PM

E-Mail #10: trevor the vampire

What I thought back then: Meh.

This episode is a little better than I remember it. I'm a fan of "they just died, here's all the memories they gave us" jokes, and so that works out in this episode's favor. Still, it's not like I'm clutching my sides, gasping for breath laughing. Not even an outloud chuckle...just kind of amusing. It has that over some of the others so far, though.

1.5 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
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07/08/11 7:29:00 PM

E-Mail #11: i rule

What I thought back then: (-_-)

Another one of those "this leads to something that ends up being memorable someday, but on its own, there's nothing here to entertain me" episodes.

1 star out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 7:40:00 PM

E-Mail #12: credit card

What I thought back then: No idea. I don't even remember watching this one O.o

Silly, and not that funny, but not as snoozefestive as some of the others (Like the idea of a site where I can buy a spaceship and a two-headed cobra in one place). I'm still waiting for them to hit their stride though. I get the feeling it's going to be a looooong while at this rate.

1.5 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
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07/08/11 7:49:00 PM

E-Mail #13: i she be

What I thought back then: It's like when I use MSN

It really does bring back memories of when my former best friend and I used to IM over MSN Messenger all the time. Those were good times, although the story behind that whole thing is kind of sad. But what in the Hell does that have to do with this write-up?

Nothing special. End of story.

1.5 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
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07/08/11 7:57:00 PM

Dammit, just skip to Trogdor.

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07/08/11 7:58:00 PM

E-Mail #14: duck pond

What I thought back then: It's been awhile since I've fed ducks. I should do that! *doesn't ever do it again*

The point this e-mail was trying to get across was that feeding ducks is boring. While the actual act at least has cute ducky factor, this e-mail takes a manifestation of its message, becoming boring itself. Funny how that works out.

1 star out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 8:02:00 PM

Kid's Book for #1 IMO.

darkx got banned. :-\
Currently playing: Final Fantasy XIII, NSMBW, Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
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07/08/11 8:08:00 PM

E-Mail #15: the basics

What I thought back then: I've gotta try that Coke down the shirt trick.

(For the record, it pisses people off pretty bad, but it's worth it)

I'd like to point out that the way Strong Bad talks in this one almost makes it seems like the creators themselves knew they were putting out some pretty droll stuff at this point in time. Makes you wonder why the even bothered. I mean, I'm glad they did for what they ended up giving us, but man, if THAT was the best I could put out at the time? I'd have abandoned ship right there on the e-mails project.

1 star out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 8:18:00 PM

I am going to ironman through these early episodes even if it kills me, by the way. We're getting up to AT LEAST 40 today.

E-Mail #16: band names

What I thought back then: Big Nife is an awesome band name.

Who would have guessed that both Limozeen and Taranchula would end up being constantly referenced throughout the rest of time on the site, with actual songs being written and performed. And yet Big Nife, the coolest listed, doesn't get any love. Bollocks, I say. The names themselves work toward the episodes favor to me. Really, it's not all that funny, but it kept me entertained, somehow.

2 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 8:24:00 PM

I'm still waiting for the last level of the Stinkoman 20X6 game.

(not really)

"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
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07/08/11 8:27:00 PM

E-Mail #17: studying

What I thought back then: Another one I don't really remember watching before.

The e-mail on it's own is middling between kind of amusing and boring, but that is all saved when you click the link in the video that leads to this page:

That's some legitimate comedy right there. Bumps the entire e-mail up a full star, in my opinion.

2.5 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 8:27:00 PM

From: kevwaffles | #027
I'm still waiting for the last level of the Stinkoman 20X6 game.

(not really)

Oh how I wish they would release that. Man oh man oh man how I wish they would release that.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 8:28:00 PM

why are you even doing this if you hate all of them

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07/08/11 8:30:00 PM

From: TimJab | #030
why are you even doing this if you hate all of them

The early ones really aren't that great. Or did you not read any of the write-ups where he has repeated that ad nauseum?

"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
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07/08/11 8:33:00 PM

From: TimJab | #030
why are you even doing this if you hate all of them

I don't hate all of them. I love a majority of them (Everything Compy Era-on is great). But the early ones are SO. DAMN. BORING.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 8:37:00 PM

Yeah, it's ironic, but it really gets good around the time he gets an email complaining that they aren't that good anymore.

"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
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07/08/11 8:40:00 PM

From: kevwaffles | #031
The early ones really aren't that great. Or did you not read any of the write-ups where he has repeated that ad nauseum?

i scrolled

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07/08/11 8:42:00 PM

E-Mail #18: stand up

What I thought back then: Why did my elementary school never hold a talent show?

What's sad is the bad comedy Strong Bad did in front of that audience isn't much worse than some of the early e-mails.

To sum it up: *snore*

1 star out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 8:48:00 PM

E-Mail #19: tape-leg

What I thought back then: :/

Worst. Episode. Ever.

0 stars out of 5. Yeah, that means I should probably have given some episodes like a .5 out of 5 or whatever, but screw it. If anyone saw this episode first, they would never watch the series again. It not only has no humor, it sucks the humor out of the room.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 9:02:00 PM

E-Mail #20: spring cleaning

What I thought back then: *sets "DELETED!" to play whenever he empties his recycle bin*

Got that great sound clip invented in this episode, and while, yes, it's still not up to snuff with what's to come, it's not bad. Especially when you consider they aired an e-mail that talked about how disappointing tape-leg was.

Nope, not bad at all.

2 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 9:05:00 PM


Nanomachines: The cause of and solution to all of life's problems.
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07/08/11 9:11:00 PM

E-Mail #21: cartoon

What I thought back then: Man, commentary is so boring.

And yet nowadays I love commentary tracks on DVD's. Not to mention Valve's use of commentary in their last few games. Character commentary is always the best.

Anyway, it's funny because it shows how boring that guy's idea would be. So the premise of the video worked exactly as planned. Go figure.

2 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 9:27:00 PM

E-Mail #22: sb_email 22

What I thought back then: What is treacle? *looks it up*

Apparently this e-mail didn't actually come out until after episode 40. The weird part being that was after things started getting good, and yet this one still has that early episode "shruggish" feel to it. It's not even as good as the two that come before it in number.

1.5 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 9:37:00 PM

E-Mail #23: little animal

What I thought back then: Need to get me one of those Kick the Cheat plushes. (Never did)

Part of me wants to just dismiss this one as once again having little humor. But there's something about Strong Bad's straight-forwardness about kicking The Cheat and little animals that makes giggle a bit.

2 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 9:53:00 PM

E-Mail #24: the bird

What I thought back then: Where did I put that Palm Pilot of mine?

The entire joke is that you can't see anyone flipping you off in this e-mail because no one has fingers. It's a particularly bland joke.

1 star out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 10:04:00 PM

E-Mail #25: super powers

What I thought back then: Eugh, beer.

I still think that, by the way.

Anyway, the episode isn't particularly funny, but it keeps my attention, so whatever. It does what it needs to.

2 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 10:12:00 PM

E-Mail #26: CGNU

What I thought back then: lol, "prinicpal"

It's short, and doesn't make fun of college commercials enough in this sense. Still, it's funny, the rundown of the "courses" you can take being the highlight here.

2.5 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 10:23:00 PM

E-Mail #27: 3 Wishes

What I thought back then: Why does everyone like croissants so much?

This would be yet another 1 star episode, except for that whole speech about how e-mails don't need the word "crap" signed by the writer cracks me up more than it should. Not to mention it helped curb that trend.

2 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 10:30:00 PM

E-Mail #28: 1 step ahead

What I thought back then: Why aren't there more CYOA games out there?

This is an episode where you can choose what Strong Bad does to Strong Sad, and I really like it. The "Maybe" option, where Strong Sad has his hands glued to his face but enjoys it, thinking he's gone blind, is the best option, but all of them are good. The best episode up to this point.

3 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 10:43:00 PM

E-Mail #29: superhero name

What I thought back then: What's a danish?

Later, I tried one for the first time. Gooooood stuff. Anyway:

Stiny! You're e-mail resulted in a decent episode!

2.5 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/08/11 10:59:00 PM

E-Mail #30: 12:00

What I thought back then: Well that was lame

Did we really have to revert to the complete lack of humor department? Here I was thinking we were almost back to the golden days, and bam, we're thrown back to the stone age. Thanks a lot for that.

1 star out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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07/09/11 1:29:00 AM

E-Mail #31: sugarbob

*the retrospect comments as a separate entity are hereby stricken from the formula*

Not bad. Strong Bad typing as the hot women with all the chatspeak is the highlight, and the way he uses the e-mail the same way one would use a phone is kinda funny too. Overall, decent.

2 stars out of 5.

Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
I know I'm not getting rid of this signature, BTW.
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Grapple M1
07/09/11 3:24:00 AM


Like a midget at a urinal, I was going to have to stay on my toes.
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