Lurker > UT1999

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"Huh?" "Whose footprints are these"?
UT1999501/27 11:28am
Best Amusement Park in the world/your personal favorite?
UT1999601/27 10:43am
What do you usually do with your old cell phones?
UT19991001/27 5:21am
What is your favorite tv theme song of all time?
UT19992801/26 10:56pm
"We still have armies in the Ukraine"
UT19991001/26 8:27pm
How many out of state vacations do you have planned for this yr?
UT1999301/26 8:14pm
Do you own a blue UV light germ killing wand?
UT1999201/26 7:29pm
Did you like beauty and the beast more or aladdin?
UT1999301/26 5:48pm
Watch this awesome PS5, Mickey Mouse video
UT1999501/25 12:05pm
Is there another 1st world country other than the u.s. where abortion is such a
UT1999701/25 9:53am
Do you hate shoveling snow more or maintaining your lawn?
UT19993401/25 12:08am
Do you like disney world more or disney land?
UT19992201/24 7:40pm
Do you like Bob Dylan's music?
UT1999801/24 7:09pm
C/D There are no atheists in foxholes
UT19993901/24 2:56pm
How often do you eat ice cream in the winter time?
UT1999501/24 12:36pm
What was your favorite thing that louie anderson was in?
UT19992001/24 10:46am
Do you still usually wear a watch?
UT19991001/24 10:00am
You think there's a good chance that the series x outsells the PS5?
UT19991401/24 5:02am
Do you like regular oreos more of the double stuff ones?
UT19991001/24 3:55am
Those of you here who don't already have a PS5....
UT19992201/24 1:21am
Do you consider yourself a fan of the NFL?
UT19993501/23 8:07pm
Any of you think the prices of the ps5 might go down or they might be more
UT19991101/23 3:28pm
Any of you think had that asteroid not wiped out the dinosaurs that humans...
UT19993201/23 2:09pm
C/D Abortion is no one else's business but the pregnant women and maybe her
UT19992101/22 10:26pm
Any of you believe the MS , activision deal will not go through?
UT1999601/22 6:07pm
Have you ever seen a mom insult modded on this site?
UT1999701/21 10:13pm
Do you believe that pluto is a planet?
UT19995901/21 8:04pm
Any of you have kept up with what your high school graduating class is up to?
UT19991401/21 4:16pm
Do you believe that MS would still have gamepass if the sales figures for last
UT1999401/21 9:33am
It's been confirmed that call of duty will remain multiplatform, but why would
UT19991701/20 11:23pm
Do you own a cat or dog?
UT19991201/20 8:24pm
Do you think more highly of Sony or Microsoft?
UT19991001/20 6:23pm
Would you ever be interested in adopting a child?
UT19991101/20 5:54pm
Do you think the future of sony and PS looks pretty bleak?
UT1999701/20 1:21pm
Do you think that playstation or xbox has the better exclusives?
UT1999901/20 12:49pm
Do you believe that the quality of the call of duty games will go up..
UT1999201/20 12:37pm
Any of you think microsoft buying activision was good for the gaming industry
UT19992301/18 11:09pm
Do you have a low or high opinion of bobby kotick?
UT19991901/18 10:55pm
Do you believe that the series x will sell more units than the ps5...
UT1999701/18 10:16pm
Now do you believe that the series x will sell more units than the ps5?
UT1999701/18 1:01pm
Do you think that the call of duty games will still come out for playstation?
UT1999301/18 12:45pm
Did you hear about that "tribute" to betty white on google today?
UT19991101/17 9:54pm
Who was your favorite of the 4 golden girls?
UT19991001/17 8:12pm
What is your favorite tv theme song of all time?
UT19991001/17 7:19pm
Did you have to work today?
UT19991401/17 7:17pm
Are you a religious person?
UT1999101/17 6:43pm
How many extremely religious people do you personally know?
UT19992901/17 6:59am
Do you believe that novak djokovic should have been allowed to play at the ..
UT19991601/17 6:15am
What's the youngest person's funeral you've ever been to?
UT19992001/16 4:43pm
Do you think the new Matrix movie did well enough to warrant a sequel?
UT19991801/16 4:03pm
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