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TopicAre you accepting and supportive of transgender people?
09/04/17 6:21:40 PM
Everybody is entitled to be respected. It's common courtesy. Respect is given until a person behaves in a way where they are no longer deserving of that respect.

Instead of demanding others respect you, ask yourself what have YOU done to be respected?

I'm not going to respect you because you feel you are entitled to it. In fact, demanding respect when you have done nothing to earn it will make me respect you even less.

Take some responsibility instead of being a victim.

Two irrational people means that the entire transgender population is. Got it.

No duh the opinion of two trans people doesn't represent the opinion of the entire group of people, but the fact is there. Transgenders DO think like that.

A general statement was made, and I responded with a generalization that proved it to be false. In order to get out of responsibility for answering for this, you resort to the "Not All" card.
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TopicAre you accepting and supportive of transgender people?
09/04/17 3:09:32 PM
The majority of transgender people are reasonable and want to be treated like the average person should be treated: with respect.

Respect is earned, you are not entitled to be respected.

They don't demand special treatment or demand that you be attracted to them.

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TopicAre you accepting and supportive of transgender people?
09/04/17 1:46:47 PM
Depends on what you mean by "accept".

I don't agree with treating Transpeople as special snowflakes that must be granted special rights and must be immune and protected from criticism. So no, I do not "accept" them.

Seems ridiculous that some idiots are still bothered by trans people existing

"People disagree with my views and have a different opinion from me, so they must be idiots."
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TopicAre you ready to admit you regret you didn't vote for Hillary
09/02/17 6:18:53 PM

Trump Train til the end, and will be in 2020.

The funny thing about Trump critics is that they cannot name a single, specific argument as to why he's a terrible president or doing a "horrible job" besides CNN talking points.

All you're doing it making it easier for him to get re-elected.
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TopicObesity: Whoose fault is it?
08/30/17 5:19:11 PM
1) Lack of Moderation. It isn't what **** you eat, it's how much you eat. You can eat at Mickey D's and KFC. Just don't do it everyday.

2) Doing nothing to burn off calories you eat. If you're going to eat crap, better burn it off.

3) Wide Convenience. Little incentive to actually get off and actually do something yourself when you can have others do it for you.

4) The person itself. Outright laziness. The "Fat Acceptance" movement is a complete testament to that laziness.

5) Bad relationships.
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TopicProfessor fired for saying Texans deserved hurricane because of Trump
08/29/17 7:27:07 PM
That's simply wrong. This is no different from a con/lib right-leaning person being fired for saying there are two genders, or that Ghostbusters 2016 is a terrible movie, or criticizing BLM.

Free Speech should be extended to everyone.

You run a business and stand behind someone who says some incredibly insensitive s*** like that

So, you should lose your job because you hurt someone's feelings. Okay.

No different from the SJW's and "snowflakes" this board derides so much.
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TopicCalifornia legislation suggests fine or jail time for misgendering a transgender
08/29/17 4:55:47 PM
You weren't even listening were you? Medicine works differently on trans people than on EITHER default sex. Organ placement and functionality becomes a bit different too.

Yeah, I bet it does.

Either way, fortunately I live in a state with a medical system that isn't stuck in the binary. They have more classifications than male and female.

There are only two genders.
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TopicCalifornia legislation suggests fine or jail time for misgendering a transgender
08/28/17 9:17:57 PM
Skye Reynolds posted...
People who intentionally misgender are jerks

There are only two genders.
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TopicHow many bf/gf have you had?
08/27/17 6:38:21 AM
BF's: I don't swing that way.

GF's: None. Lone wolf virgin for 28 years.
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TopicTrump's six-month approval rating hits historic low
07/16/17 1:17:10 PM
He lost the popular vote in 2016.

Doing the right thing and being a leader isn't popular.
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TopicMistrial declared in the Bill Cosby trial
06/17/17 4:17:43 PM
so you feel bad for a rapist cuz he is too old, but no mention of feeling bad for his victims

"He's a rapist because I say so! Throw him in prison!"
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TopicWhy did people on Twitter celebrate when Scalise was shot?
06/15/17 7:17:12 PM
Free Speech, TC. It extends to everyone. Even hypocritical libs who want to censor it.
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TopicTrans woman denied access to fully nude woman's spa
06/13/17 1:11:20 PM
thelovefist posted...
megamanfreakXD posted...
Yeah. He's a male right?

It is a transgender person that identifies as female.

So, he's a dude.
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TopicWhat 4 words could ruin a first date?
06/08/17 9:45:20 PM
"Do you like X?"
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TopicPoll on Trump's Paris decision: 59% of Americans oppose, 28% support
06/06/17 2:21:05 PM
A deal that places a burden on U.S taxpayers to pay for the polluting mess that China and India make.

But "it's good deal" because "it saves the planet" even though it said absolutely nothing about saving the planet.

Trump is bad. Gotta save the planet.
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TopicShould Christian bakeries be allowed to refuse to make a gay couple a cake?
06/06/17 2:14:23 PM
Guns_of_Verdun posted...
Should Christian bakeries be allowed to refuse to make cake for black people?

Choice in sexual orientation is not the same as being born with a skin color.

And the couple wasn't denied a cake because they were gay.
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TopicShould Christian bakeries be allowed to refuse to make a gay couple a cake?
06/06/17 2:13:08 PM
dummy420 posted...
They should have the right to refuse service as a private company. They also have to accept the consequences when it becomes known they refuse service based on the fact that a couple is gay.

They did not refuse service because the couple is gay.

They refused service because the cake displays a message that supports gay marriage, which they do no agree with.
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TopicWhy are young men dropping out of society?
06/05/17 8:29:27 PM
Years of Clinton, Bush and Obama caused this.

Young Men are why young men are dropping out of society. Very poor Male role models/leaders and irresponsible dads. Emasculated males and white knights who allow and permit women to act out of line, destroying relationships, destroying the family unit and creating divorce.

Young men simply do not know how to exercise authority over their lives, and women, so they withdraw from it.
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TopicMake a good movie, people will want to see it.
06/02/17 8:43:15 PM
I think that is a pretty novel concept.

Too bad Sony didn't do that with Ghostbusters, and people won't learn from Wonder Woman.
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TopicTrump is going to officially take the U.S. out of the Paris climate deal
06/01/17 8:42:17 PM
How did the person you are replying to, who clearly didn't vote for Trump, win him the election? Is he Russia or something?

I know it's difficult for a liberal to comprehend the concept of taking responsibility for your own failures and faults, but I'll try to explain. My expectations are very low, but I'll try.

Screaming "racist", "misogynist", and "whatever-phobe" at people you disagree with is what got Donald Trump elected. Slapping derogatory labels and names on things you don't agree with is not an argument. It's a tiresome temper tantrum. I quote:

Well done trumpanzees, you've destroyed our global leadership. But hey, you can scream slurs at hispanics, women and muslims, so it's all good right?

So, because they don't agree with you, they MUST hate hispanics, women and Muslims. And even if they did, it is still their right to do so, just as Libs are free to exercise their right to hate white people. Liberals have no problems shouting derogatory terms about White men, because of their "privilege". They say racism towards whites doesn't exist, and that it is impossible for a "minority" to be racist, when it has proven to be wrong.

Throughout last year's election. I have not heard ONE. SINGLE. GOOD argument against Donald Trump. All CNN and liberals can do peddle the same old tiresome talking points:

"Trump is mean!"
"Trump hates women!"
"Trump hates mexicans!"
"Trump hurts my feelings!"
"Trump is a fascist!"
"Trump says mean things!"
"Trump is a stupid doo-doo head!"

When people come along and ask "Why"? As in asking Libs to support their argument, They can't, or don't. When inquiries and questions are brought to the table, they are shouted down and censored for being "racist", people are harassed and physically attacked for supporting Trump, for DARING to have a different opinion. Free Speech is not tolerated in Liberal America, unless Liberals do it.

Trump did next to no campaigning last November, and he didn't need to. Liberals did all the campaigning for him, and still are to this very day.
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TopicTrump is going to officially take the U.S. out of the Paris climate deal
06/01/17 5:10:35 PM
50 years from now, when cleaner energy technologies dominate industries and coal and f***ing steam or rubbing gasoline-soaked sticks or whatever trumpanzees want to do is seen as unfeasible as using horse carriages instead of cars, people will look back and wonder how the US chose not to be part of this and kill their own economy too.

Like what, exactly?

Well done trumpanzees, you've destroyed our global leadership. But hey, you can scream slurs at hispanics, women and muslims, so it's all good right?

You won Trump the election, not the "Trumpanzees". Keep it up, and you'll win him 2020 as well.
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TopicWhich country is the least racist and/or xenophobic?
04/22/17 10:08:52 AM
EffectAndCause posted...
Despite what liberals think, the United States.

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TopicIf a girl wears skimpy clothing and guys give her attention, is it her fault?
04/13/17 5:01:54 PM
legendary_zell posted...
Where's CE's calls for personal responsibility and behavior change for entitled people who apparently literally can't control their eyes and mouths? Why are they being absolved of responsibility that's actually 100 percent theirs?

Because people are not delusional white knights like you who believe that women are totally innocent and do not create problems. You believe women are pure, rules and biology doesn't apply to them, and can do no wrong.

Women create the problems they have, but cannot bear the responsibility for the consequences of their actions. They should NOT be punished. What you're really saying is MEN are responsible not only for their own behavior, but for women's behavior as well, which I also agree with you on.

I agree with you 100%. Men are 100% at fault and Women should be protected. Under the stipulation that women are to be treated like children. We'll call out the creepers and throw them in jail/wherever for their "harassment" or whatever, at the same time, we place guidelines and restrictions on women, because they cannot bear the responsibility for problems they create.

In CE's view it's your fault if someone harassed you if you choose to wear certain things, it's just something that magically happens, with no agency on the part of the guys who do it and it's the responsibility of women not to provoke men into acting like baboons?

It iS your fault. Its a little thing we call "accountability".

But like you said, personal responsibility and accountability doesn't apply to women. It's falls squarely on the man. He is 100% responsible. So we pretty much admit women are not to be treated as equals to men. They should be treated like children.
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TopicIf a girl wears skimpy clothing and guys give her attention, is it her fault?
04/13/17 4:39:36 PM
This is about as great as a room full of men deciding women's rights laws. Who knew that Edwardo, who gets a hard on from "tatas" would be the bastion of insight into what women think?

Well, as we can plainly see that Men have to shoulder the responsibility not only for their own behavior, but for women's behavior as well. Women should have no say in laws regarding their own rights.

Well he's actually being sexist, so yeah get on his case. Afterall he's detracting from the more sane points made here.

"Women dress provokatively! Its not my fault! Make her stop provoking me!"

This is a sane point to you?
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TopicIf a girl wears skimpy clothing and guys give her attention, is it her fault?
04/12/17 7:43:18 PM
P4wn4g3 posted...
^Just for an example of actual sexism, this dude should suffice as the difference between rational men and rapey/creepy/objectifying guys.

You say sexism like its a bad thing. Hurt Feelings and calling people "sexist" is not an argument, white knight.

You're the objectifier, you're probably one of those MRA's who cast the blame on women for your failures instead of taking responsibility.

Actually acknowledging the fact that men and women function differently and should be treated differently based on that is not sexism, its biology.
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TopicIf a girl wears skimpy clothing and guys give her attention, is it her fault?
04/12/17 7:27:28 PM
Mystere posted...
Nothing is ever a woman's fault.

Women actually are to blame for a lot of things, but it is not their place to take responsibility for it. Even when it is their fault, it isn't their fault.

That's why they should not be given rights or have the responsibilities shouldered upon them. They should not be treated like equals to men, when they cannot bear the responsibility of men. "Egalitarianism" will never work.

The phrase "Get back In The Kitchen" exists for a reason.

Men are to blame for everything.
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TopicIf a girl wears skimpy clothing and guys give her attention, is it her fault?
04/12/17 7:26:31 PM
What you're talking about is the consequence of dressing slutty being sexual harassment. What you're not understanding is sexual harassment should never be a consequence of anything.

Biology and human sexuality doesn't care about your Feminism. It exists, wether you deny it or not.

Guys have d*cks. They get hard when they see girls and their tatas. It's basic human biology. Women KNOW they can manipulate male libido and sexuality. Thats why they dress provokatively in the first place. That's why porn is a billion dollar industry.

"Dressing for yourself" is classic woman myth. It reeks of female irresponsibility, and once again, demonstrates why women are children who are not accountable for their own behavior.
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TopicIf a girl wears skimpy clothing and guys give her attention, is it her fault?
04/12/17 4:02:43 PM
The illogical leap you're making is that bearing responsibility = being catcalled. No, a woman should not "bear responsibility for her actions" by being sexually harrassed on the street, which is what catcalling is. And no, let's not paint this like it's your civic duty to creep on women because they left the house looking trashy.

I'm talking about taking personal responsibility of actually preventing this "street harassment". Something women are clearly unable to bear. Again, once again proving my point that she is NOT responsible for the choices she makes, the situations she puts herself into, and not realizing that there are consequences for the choices. She is a child.

Creeping on women is not something you're entitled to do regardless of the situation, that shouldn't be hard to understand. If you think she's dressed like a trashy slut then that's fine. Judge her privately or maybe vote to make some draconian law on public decency a thing. But nothing about that situation gives you free reign to sexually harrass someone.


More like she should not be allowed on the street alone and unattended. Just like you wouldn't leave a child on the street alone and unattended. If women have to be babysat from "creepy" words from strangers, then they must be protected like children. What do we do to protect children? We put curfews and rules on them. Women should not be allowed on the street alone.

You can't have it both ways. You can't be a child then demand to be treated like an adult.

As far as Dave Chapelle goes, he's the overall problem. He is one of the many irresponsible men who allow women to get into dangerous situations.
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TopicIf a girl wears skimpy clothing and guys give her attention, is it her fault?
04/12/17 12:28:00 PM
Some women may dress provocatively with the intention of getting attention from people. Some women may dress that way for themselves. Either way, that does not entitle ANYONE to treat someone else poorly. A person does not have the right to bully/catcall a woman under those circumstances.

Exactly, even though the situation is clearly of her own doing, she is unable to bear the responsibility and consequences for her actions and behavior. So even though it is her fault, its not her fault because she is not accountable for her actions.

If I go outside, wearing a police uniform and a fake badge, people will treat me like an officer, even though I'm not, and the cops for arrest for impersonation.

You don't go to a job interview dressed like you just slept on the street for the past week and expect to get a job.

This concept of responsibility does not apply to entitled women like this lady. They want to do whatever they wish and not bear the responsibility for their own behavior, but then hypocritically demand to be respected. Which is totally fine. They are just spoiled children who need supervision.
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TopicIf a girl wears skimpy clothing and guys give her attention, is it her fault?
04/11/17 10:36:49 PM
You seem to be trying to make some kind of point, but all you've done is discredit yourself.

Butthurt because you can't refute what I said. it's okay. It happens to everyone.

Anyway, anything beyond respectful glances and attempting to have actual conversations (and giving up respectfully if they're not welcome) is wrong regardless of what any human being is wearing. It's possible to just want to look good without opening yourself up to being accosted by every person with male genitalia. People are not always dressing up for that type of attention.

But because of our culture, so many guys don't seem to get that. They think everything is catered towards them and get offended when they find out its not. They see a girl who's not dressed like a nun and think that's a greenlight for all forms of creepitude. Because she didn't "cover up", she obviously wants to experience a bunch of negative things on the spectrum from creepy stares, to groping, to being followed, to rape. That's why people connect all these things, from staring and catcalling, to more extreme behavior. It all comes from the same dangerous mindset of "she's wearing x so I'll treat her a certain way".

This stuff isn't hard, but many people in this topic are wildly off the mark and are exhibiting the exact type of mindset that makes all my female friends scared to take public transportation or walk around at night. Pretty much all of them, experience some creepy ass stuff, I've seen it happen in front of me. And its clear it comes from this mindset.

Translation: "Women are above reproach. Men are evil. Bow down and worship me! I can do whatever I want, when I want, and whatever happens is not my fault!"

I agree wholeheartedly. Women are helpless children and innocent victims and are not responsible for anything that happens to them. Men are to blame for everything.
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TopicIf a girl wears skimpy clothing and guys give her attention, is it her fault?
04/11/17 10:01:58 PM
Is it her fault? You know what? No it isn't her fault. She's basically admitting she's a spoiled child and therefore not responsible for anything that happens to her.

She is NOT responsible. And not in the way some might think.

So instead of placing the accountability on her, we should take accountability off of her. She should not be allowed to be alone on the street by herself. Just like how you wouldn't leave a child alone, she should not be left alone without adult supervision.
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TopicNBC NEWS: President Trump has launched over 50 Tomahawk missiles, striking Syria
04/07/17 9:46:37 PM
Trump has massive balls thats for sure.
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TopicSay Trump had an angry racist profanity-laden rant against black people recorded
04/06/17 3:05:28 PM
Sada_Pop posted...
Iodine posted...
A bunch of outrage that would ultimately lead to nothing happening.

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