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TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/14/24 6:05:00 PM

???: Vagabon - In A Bind (Strings Version) (3:44)
Nominator: @mcflubbin [5 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 70.49
Final Score: 71.265 [Upgraded to 71.391]

(First Reaction: Ooh, another song that I really like. She's got a beautiful voice and this type of quiet resignation to someone leaving you is a new type of breakup song pain for me.

It won't disappoint if you gotta leave me now
I dont want to keep you waiting

This song hits differently and I really like what it's doing.)

I feel like I should complain about the song having so few lyrics, but it's a testament to the power of her voice & the quality of the lyrics that I don't truly mind that. I'd certainly prefer more lyrics, if only because I want to hear more from her & the lyrics that are here hit hard enough that I want more, but it's very easily a "I want more of this" reaction than a "I don't like how little is here" one.

[Later: Lots of pain in this song which makes it quite addicting. Very powerful and I really like it, but it's an abnormally strong set of songs this year and being something I "really like" doesn't quite move things as far up the ranking as it usually would.]




???: Today is the Day | Butterflies (3:08)
Nominator: @Tked [2 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 53.92
Final Score: 53.70 [Moved Aside] [Score set to 58.20] [Upgraded to 60.00] [Upgraded to 60.0154] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 71.985] [Upgraded to 71.997]

(First Reaction:

1.I like that Genius just gave up and put the lyrics as "[unintelligible]".

2.I like that Genius says that it had two contributors to get this information transcribed.

3.The song is... well, largely unintelligible gargling noises. I'm not sure how to do a write up for that; I don't dislike it? It's a bit too far out there for me, but I'm glad someone took a chance on a weird gargling song because it'll definitely be memorable.)

I am intrigued by noise rock, but honestly, I just throw on a Masonna album when I want some noise:

Now that's noise music. Butterflies has indecipherable gargling, sure, but where's my burst of complete static? I wouldn't say Butterflies is normal, but it doesn't really go hard enough on the noise to make it onto my noise playlists, so I think this is about as far as I want to take it.

[Later: Kinda funny that my first thought was "too weird" and my second was "not weird enough", though I think both statements can be true. If I want a more traditional take on a song, it's not going to be this. If I want pure noise, it's also not going to be this. Still, I don't quite want to eliminate this just yet... it's just raw and freaky enough that I want to spare it for another day or two.]

[Still Later: This song occupies a really strange place where I don't want to eliminate it, but don't think I honestly enjoy it more than anything left. I'm not really sure if I'll cut it or not, but I'm slotting the score in as 58.20 for the moment.]

[Later & Later: ...No, I shall not get rid of my demented gargling noise just yet. Let's move this one up just a tiny bit. ...Nah, let's go wild, I'm in the mood for psychotic gargling. Go up a tier.]

[Later-er: A minor boost to scoring for organization purposes.]

[One Last Later: Song was moved aside without comment And... honestly, I still don't want to eliminate my demented gargling noise song. So, let's just go up another tier with this one.]

[*unintelligibly later*: Well... I guess I've had my fun with my unhinged gargling. There are a few eliminated songs that I'd honestly say that I'd enjoy more than this, so while it pains me to say goodbye, I feel this is the end of the road.]




???: Air | Sex Born Poison (6:18)
Nominator: @MacArrowny [7 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 72.15
Final Score: 71.3094 [Upgraded to 72.15]

(First Reactions: i do not like the last verse of the song; I can somewhat appreciate how unorthodox the music is at that point, but the music feels intentionally unpleasant in a way that I can't enjoy (which is odd, seeing as I listen to literal noise to relax). Fortunately, I really like the rest of the song! It is bizarre, typically in a fun way, flipping singers and languages--why is the second verse in Japanese and the third verse just the second verse in English with painful backing audio? Who knows! The song is incredibly sexual, yet so inscrutable that it's impossible to dismiss it as being overly sexy.

Run to the fire exit
Use your cooling system
You'll never reach the 7th sky today

Sure, I'll take some weird cyborg-esque nonsense, why not.

It's also a lot better than I remember this band being. I know we covered one of their albums at Rank the Tracks and I was not a fan, so I'm quite surprised at how fun and enjoyable this song is.)

It's weird how some people say that the second verse is in a fictional language and untranslatable, but it seems to just be the third verse translated to Japanese? Or the third verse is just the Japanese translated to English, I have no idea which verse was written first. Either way, I really like this song. It's just so delightfully trippy.

[Later: I definitely really like this song, but while I appreciate how avant-garde it is, it doesn't quite do anything I fall in love with. It's just very pleasingly odd in a few different ways and rolls on without leaving a lasting emotional impact. Still, definitely a very fun musical experiment and I'm glad to have heard it. I'm going to restore this song's missing point fragments as that seems to put it in the right position on the scoreboard.]



And we may take a day or two off; we've got less than 30 songs that haven't gotten a preliminary Final Score yet, so getting everything in place seems like a fine idea.

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/14/24 6:01:22 PM
Well, that was... intense. We kinda forgot to add a #C# tag to that one (and Luce is... displeased that we didn't use a B tag to prevent it from being archived, but it's too late now & she's outvoted 2-to-1 on the subject anyway.)


Mega_Mana posted...
#177, Re: Central Tower, "Axis Pillar" - Any song that makes me think of Earthbound, Aidyn Chronicles, Chrono Trigger, Kingdom Hearts, AND Danganronpa all in one (non-medley) song somehow is pretty cool by me.

#180, to Fluttershy: Ah, big hats! Would you therefore add points if the bears going to colleve had large floppy hats instead of tiny? [#209 add: Or Teddy Roosevelt rough ridin hats as they learn about mountains?]

#188, Re: Time to Shine - First impression was also heeeaaavy Cowboy Bebop

#210, Re:YOYOK - 10/10 song, 11/10 write-up

#211, Re:Outta My Way - Reminds me of Guilty Gear. I'm not sure which. Holy Orders, maybe?

#177: Huh, I'm just noticing that I have no knowledge about Aidyn Chronicles & I'm not sure if I've even heard anything from the soundtrack. (It very well could have been nominated at this VGMC or a recent one and I just don't remember. ...Actually, I'm so unobservant that there could be a song in this topic and I wouldn't have noticed.)

#180: She's embarassed by the implication, but glancing back at the Exuma write up is forced to admit "probably" though she's still a bit... shy about the topic.

*noticing the intense glare from Fluttershy in response to that pun* Hey, you can either keep resting after all of yesterday's stress and let me make whatever puns I want while relating your opinions -or- you can answer questions yourself.

[Fluttershy] ...You're right. I'm sorry. And those hats would be adorable on a stuffed bear!


#188: Yay, agreement!

#210: She appreciates the sentiment and is grateful you're trying so hard to make her feel welcome, though still a bit too drained to really talk at the moment.

#211: I'm afraid I don't know much about older Guilty Gear soundtracks to try and place it. I know I heard the songs a lot--I was super into MUGEN for a few years and the Guilty Gear stages were some of the best backgrounds available, but none of the tracks made any lasting impressions, sadly.


Back up to five drops today featuring, in no particular order: Poison, fire, sudden death, unintelligible noises, and sadness!



???: & ikaruga_nex | -Derealization- (4:51)
Nominator: @banshiryuu [7 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 72.20
Final Score: 71.3273

(First Reaction:Ya know, this... might be scoring fairly decently. There is a lot of thumping in this track which puts me off, but there's some spoken word samples that I'm drawn to and the thumping is light enough that I can tolerate it. There are even some moments where there's some oddly beautiful music playing underneath the thumping beats, which is an effect that I like quite a bit. I think I actually really like this song!)

I do really like this! It's oddly enchanting. Also, I dig the sudden and painful death of the ending... flatlining and shattering is a novel experience. Fun song, thank you.

[Later: I really like the segment starting around 3:50-ish; a much more beautiful piece of music starts playing below the thumping and then the thumping gives away to beauty before a sudden and brutal death. It's.... well I don't think 'fun' is the right adjective, even though I used it earlier, but it's very evocative and I praise the song for pulling that type of dying effect off so masterfully.]




???: I Voted For Kodos | Please Die In A Fire (3:02)
Nominator: @xtlm [8 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 72.02020202
Final Score: 60.00000002 [Upgraded to 62.00003] [Upgraded to 71.37]

(First Reaction: [Before Listening]

I like the band name and song title. Let's hope it lives up to expectations.


And the last thing that you'll see is a silhouette of me
Laughing at you as you die
cause I fucking hate you

Yeah, I can work with that. It's a bit specific to hating a specific executive or record label, but the anger is pleasing enough that I can enjoy it even without sharing the particular target. The music is also fun and upbeat--apparently this is ska-punk, but it feels... tamer than I would expect from such a genre? Either way, it's fun & angry and I like fun and anger.)

Hey, what timing! I literally just said I wanted a good hate song earlier this morning! ...Sadly, it really is a bit too specific to one particular music executive:

All I've ever really wanted was to hear this song on the radio, and
I really thought that you'd understand
But every time we'd see you you'd just hold out your hand
And it's not like we make a whole lot of money
But you took our cds and charged us a fee

It makes it pretty hard to use this song for general purposes when it's so laser focused on one particular target. And I... kinda don't want to hate this one executive without any proof of his actions... it's not that I don't trust the band or have any reason to doubt that the exec is a terrible person, but I'm suddenly less willing to jump on the 'let's root for a horrible death to this person I've never heard of before this moment' bandwagon than I was at first.

Also, I think I may be trying to move away from fire? I've been fixated on knives & fire for the past year or so, but I'm.... actually starting to regret all the evil I've done. (For legal reasons, I should clarify that we're talking about imaginary and roleplaying crimes). And this is just reminding me of who I was a few weeks ago.... now the song just makes me feel sad.

Which, I suppose, is a good-ish thing? Actively feeling bad about having been so drawn to lyrics about laughing as someone dies in a fire is something resembling progress... or at least proves that I'm not a total sociopath, if nothing else. But it also means that I'm having a much harder time liking the song... I don't want to drop it all the way down below the 60 point mark, but I'm really feeling like I want this to be one of the lowest 60 point songs. I'm sorry.

(And yes, I know it's a comedy song and they don't literally want to set anyone on fire. It's still a bit of a sore spot right now.)

[Later: Giving this back a few of its points because I like the ska-punk sound of it. It's more 'this is the wrong time for these lyrics' than anything against the song itself.]

[Later-er: I'm very conflicted with this song. I do really like the way it sounds, I think I wish a few more ska songs were nominated & would totally be interested in hearing more from the band... but at the same time, I really don't want to think about burning people right now & I think it's probably best if I stay away from flame related fantasies for a month or two as certain incidents are still a bit too recent for this to be a particularly enjoyable song. Sorry; for what it's worth, this was the right song at the time it was nominated & there was no way to predict I'd take a hard turn against fire in the middle of the ranking.]


-continued; apologies if double post. Browser crashed.-

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/13/24 7:23:01 PM
I'll see about responding to things tomorrow, but for tonight we have four drops: A double drop from GavsEvans & the absolute longest, most unhinged & unrelated to anything write up of the topic. (Luce is asleep and not making any effort to redact it, so...?)



???: Daniel Pemberton | Spot Holes 2 (1:13)
Nominator: @GavsEvans123 [3 songs remaining]
Character: The Spot

Initial Score: 72.24
Final Score: 71.083 [Upgraded to 71.95]

(First Reactions: [Before Listening]

I haven't seen Across the Spiderverse yet... I want to, but I so rarely watch movies. Also, I only have the cheapest Netflix plan, and you can't watch this on said plan so I either have to pay Netflix a fortune or buy it, and I don't want to do either.

...Anyway, The Spot seems like a fun character? SPOT TRIVIA: He is the only character in the 90's Spider-Man cartoon to be punched by Spider-Man! There were rules that Spidey couldn't punch people, but he did punch Spot. That's kinda fun!


Ooh, heavy & staticy & distorted! I really like this! And... it's already over. Ah well. Better for a song to end too quickly than to carry on pointlessly, I always say. I would love for there to be more of this song, but what's here is a quick trip through a hole in reality--which I'm assuming is exactly what they were going for with this song, so well done. It perfectly does exactly what it is intended to & hits some of my favorite things that most other nominations don't, so well done.)

So, I did pick up a cheap copy of Across the Spider-verse to get context for this song... and I do not recall this playing in the film at all, but I did fairly enjoy the movie so it wasn't a waste of time. Just not something that led to this getting any extra points from context.

Anyway, the song is pretty neat! It's very dark and void-like, I like voids. I do wish there was a bit more length to the song as one minute is not nearly enough time in the void, but I really like what's here.

[Later: Giving this a tiny boost for organizational purposes, though I have nothing to add. It creates a really nice atmosphere, but ends well before I have time to properly enjoy its atmosphere.]




???: JacobPierce Music | One-Winged Kong: Coconut Creme Despair (5:09)
Nominator: @GavsEvans123 [2 nominations remaining]

Initial Score: 60.03
Final Score: 60.01583 [Set to "at least 65.00" points and set aside] [Upgraded to 71.98] [Upgraded to 71.995]

(First Reaction:

[Before Listening]

This is either going to be so stupid that I give it a lot of points or so stupid that I hate it. There can be no middle ground.


I was wrong, there apparently is a middle ground.

So, I think I generally like this, but I don't think the joke needed to go on for over five minutes. It's highly amusing at first, but once you know how the song is going to go then it just... keeps going. I feel like I could have ditched at the halfway point and been happier--the trick with this type of joke is to not overstay your welcome. But... I do think I liked it. It's novel, weird, and funny enough to be worth a smirk or quick chuckle. Not a bad pick, all things considered.)

Well, saying I wanted it to end halfway through is a bit harsh, though I still don't like the last section of the song --I don't know why, but the "has no style" part feels considerably less enjoyable than everything that preceded it, which results in the song having a fairly weak ending for me over all. Still, I do like it; I particularly like how it managed to turn the DK Rap into something that feels incredibly cultish (love the way that shortening it to "Know the words, join in too" to make it a command changes the way everything feels).

[Later: I had not realized this was a vastly improved version of the original "One Winged Kong" song. It honestly helps hearing how much better this version is... also I've had "Know the words, join in too" stuck in my head all day, so I think I actually like this enough to go ahead and move it up to the next phase.]

]Still Later: Definitely one of those comedy songs that is so stupid it continually rises through the ranks.]

[Later, With No Grace: Minor boost for organizational purposes. I know it's ridiculous to have a song cut for being too short & a song cut for being too long in the same set of eliminations, but that "has no style" section feels so repetitive that it really keeps me from wanting move this song up any more than this. So, I'll just be hypocritical and cut this here too.]




???: Made in Abyss | Vueko (3:36)

Original link deleted due to copyright claims. I think this is the song?

Nominator: @pyresword [1 song remaining]
Character: Vueko

Initial Score: 61.02
Final Score: 61.02 [Upgraded to 62.68] [Upgraded to "at least 65.00" and set aside] [Upgraded to 71.991]

(First Reaction: I like this. I know literally nothing about the anime (I thought this was the title of a DS game) or the character, so the symbolism is completely lost on me at this point, but I like it. ...Though this is one of those songs where I do just kinda keep the write up at "I like this" and move along.)

Well, pretty sure I got a few large spoilers just trying to find a new link for this song. Thankfully, I wasn't planning on watching or reading Made in Abyss anyway... I don't really do horror. Especially the type of horror where if you were to search TV Tropes for the series, the Nightmare Fuel page is listed before the main one.

Hard to be sure if I found an accurate replacement link since I never said anything about the original link to start with. Either way, this song is... kinda sad sounding? Maybe? I don't know. I know enough to know that I like it, but that's as far as I get with it.

[Later: For some reason, I'm getting "hospital" type vibes for the early part of this song... followed by rather forest-y type ambiance later. Taken together, it kinda feels like someone slipping into fantasies as their life support fades. That's something. I'm going to add an extra point and a half-ish to this score and save its elimination for another day... now that the song is conjuring images and seems to be on an upward trend, I want to give it another listen or two before I eliminate it.]

[Later-er: Definitely one of those songs that gets better with each listen. I'm going to officially set this one aside for a bit.]

[One Final Later: I'm definitely starting to get into this song these days. While I don't think it's the story I'm supposed to be getting from the song, it is telling a complete story instrumentally and I really quite like that about it. ...Actually, let's just take this one up to 70 points as well. Why not?]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/12/24 5:32:13 PM

???: Fair to Midland | The Wife, The Kids, and The White Picket Fence (3:27)

Nominator: @Murphiroth [4 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 67.93 [Upgraded to 72.46]
Final Score: 70.052 [Upgraded to 72.46]

(First Reactions: [Before Listening]

I'm fairly looking forward to this one. While the band has never come close to winning, I feel like I've quite enjoyed everything I've heard from them. Song will likely be somewhere in the 60 to 70 point range, so that should be nice.


Yep, that's a Fair to Midland song alright. I always like the band's work, but almost never fall in love with it--I suppose I do kinda love "A Wolf Descends Upon The Spanish Sahara", but it's hard to tell how much of that is due to nostalgia from it appearing at my first ranking topic. Though... actually give me a second to listen to this a second time.


Yeah, I'm thinking this probably works better in the 70 point tier. I do really like his singing voice (though, as always, how much of that is driven by nostalgia is impossible to tell) and the lyrics are... welll, I say intriguing far too often, but I'll just say it again. They seem less confusing than other Fair to Midland songs and are probably about a dysfunctional relationship? Probably. Whatever, I really like this, so let's put it up in the early 70s to start with.)

Yes, this is a band that I really like doing those things I really like them for.

[Later: Wow, I actually decided on 72.46 before looking at what score this originally had. The symmetry is completely unintentional, which makes it all the more baffling. Such an oddly specific thing.... how does this song start with a lower score and then get moved up to such a precise number twice in a row?

...Also I'm not sure if you wanted to be @ 'd for every song or only certain ones, as you only sometimes added the @ symbol on your name... I'm just going to presume I should add it to the rest of your nominations, as I've done here, but I apologize profoundly if leaving the @ symbol off was a deliberate decision. Either way, I really like this song. Hard to find anything to say about it because "band I really like doing what I really like them to do" summarizes things quite succiently.]



Still making progress on getting every song at least a preliminary "FInal Score"; only 48 songs left until everything has a placeholder value.

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/12/24 5:30:31 PM
Four new eliminations and a re-elimination, in order to get things somewhat back on track with five eliminations for the day:


Surasthan Fantasia: 72.00. Not going to repost the full write up, as I don't have a lot to add here... it's still a fun instrumentala adventure that brings back pleasant gaming memories, so I feel I've come to really like it.




Tokoyami Towa | AKUMA
Nominator: handsomeboy2012 [10 songs remaining]
Character: Tokoyami Towa

Initial Score: 43.67
Final Score: 43.67 [Upgraded to 55.09] [Moved Aside] [Upgraded to *this space was accidentally left blank, so your guess is about as good as mine?*] [Score set to 71.26]

(First Reaction: I'm not really feeling this song. Some of the lyrics, particularly during the bridge, are appealing:

Immortality, the loneliness coming with it
Leaving behind wounds that never heal

And a lot of references to darkness and the devil, but... I just don't actually like the song itself and none of the lyrics are strong enough to carry the song very far up the ranks by themselves. It's a good try--there are never enough songs about darkness--but this one missed the mark.)

As brief as that First Reaction was, I think it covered everything that needed to be covered. It's a good attempt and there's a pair of good lines during the bridge, but I'm just not into it which causes the entire thing to fall into the "this is fine" realm of songs that are fine.

[Later: [Luce] She's still a long way from being my favorite vocalist, but I'm feeling fairly positive about this track tonight.

Covered in an elegant violet from head to toe

My original name sake was a purple wolf, so there is something charmingly nostalgic about the color even if I don't insist on being purple these days. Darkness, pain, elegant shades of purple... I actually think I'd say that I kinda like this song tonight.]

[Still Later: Ah, I've had part of this song stuck in my head for days but couldn't remember which song it was actually from. It's pretty easy to move this one up a tier as I've beeen oddly looking forward to hearing it again for a few days now. ...Actually, make it two tiers; part of that is just the color violet being nostalgic, but I can give points for whatever reason I want.]

[Once More: For all the complaints about her vocals, she's actually done pretty well for herself. No songs below the 60 point tier & still three other songs in play even after we've reached the "really like" tier. Anyway, this is a fun song with lots of lyrics that we'd be drawn to... lots of darkness, and devils, and a pleasing choice of color. Also far catchier than it seemed after one listen.]




???: Every Little Thing | Monochrome (3:57)
Nominator: @DanKirby [11 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 73.07
Final Score: 70.00 [Upgraded to 71.98]

(First Reactions: Really good song. We've got a good, easy rock sound that's immediately appealing & some very nice lyrics about pining for a lost love, filled with regrets:

The days and months always slip by unnoticed
And become a memory

Hold me passionately, hold me tight
In your arms once more, like we did back then

It covers a lot of familiar ground, but it's ground that I always love covering. Good music and good lyrics, this is a pretty easy addition to the really like tier because I obviously really like everything this song is doing!)

A nice J-Pop song. It's got a very 90's anime vibe to it, like something that would fit naturally as the end credits theme for just about any series. I do really like it, but there's a bit of a scoring snafu going on with how many songs are at exactly 70 points--including multiple that I'm positive I like more than this--so I need to set this to the 70 point marker until I get the list properly sorted out. Presuming it can ever be sorted out.

[Later: Okay, high 71 points feels good for this song. Very sweet lyrics and an enjoyable anime-eqsue pop sound create something that I really like, but I'm not so enamored with any aspect that I want to take it up another level.]




???: DINY - Steel City (2:05)

Nominator: NFUN [6 songs remaining]

Initial Score:53.964
Final Score: 53.75 [Moved Aside] [Score set to 63.30] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 71.999]

(First Reaction: A fairly nice, instrumental theme that doesn't inspire any particular thoughts. It's just nice for two minutes and then ends.)

There are a lot of songs that get a generic "I have no reaction to this" wriite up, but this one almost certainly inspires the least reaction of all. It's nice and inoffensive enough to say that I'm vaguely positive towards the track?

[Later: I do not know what it is about this song, but I do not wish to eliminate it... though I still find nothing to say about it, I must admit that I've grown to kinda like it and will somewhat miss it when it finally goes. Not sure how many points that's worth, but at least somewhere in the 55 point area. Possibly more if this infinite "get the song ready for elimination, but listen again and delay execution twice every day" loop continues much longer.]

[Still Later: A song on a very uphill trajectory. I kept thinking I'd eliminate it, but it's held on for so long that I like it now.]

[Later-er: Another "moved aside without comment" song. I'm still not entirely sure why I'm not eliminating it... I just know that I'm once again refusing and moving this up another tier level.]

[Once More: ....I really don't know. It's apparently pretty? It just... keeps moving up the list, but it seems to have stabilized at 71.999 points. I moved it there without comment & listening to it again before I eliminate it, this feels like a good score for it. I'm not entirely sure why. It just... is.)


-continued; not quite enough room to get all five in one post.-

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/11/24 4:55:29 PM
#B#... kinda figure I don't want any write ups this... *gestures in general* to be archived.

*we now resume your regularly scheduled write up, already in progress*


*six hours later*

[Raetsel] Sorry about that. Both the wasting so much of our time when we have so much to do & for giving you a headache.

[Fluttershy] It's okay, really, don't apologize for having feelings. And I basically did that one to myself... though I suggest using parenthesis or something for thinking instead of action brackets. It's probably easier to think that way? Or at least easier to read. *she briefly starts thinking about the logistics involved in breaking the fourth wall like this, but shakes off the thoughts before developing another headache*

[Luce] Right.... anyway, I think the point we were trying to get to is that we can redact everything if it's easier on you? If you don't want any trace of who you were, it's easy enough to cut everything and start over. I've even done it to my own write ups when things were questionable, so it's cool.

[Raetsel] *shakes head* None of this is going to make sense if we keep deleting everything I've ever said and done. If the audience doesn't see me do anything, it kinda looks like you're spending a bunch of write ups going after me for no reason.

[Luce] Sense is overrated. Also, I've told you I don't care what they think--

[Fluttershy] --And as I've told you, you should--

[Luce] *rolls eyes and continues* --besides which, I'm fine being playing the role of villain if it makes things easier on you. If you want something erased, I'll erase it, and I don't care how it winds up looking. Everyone else can fuck off.

[Fluttershy] Luce... (We're trying to teach her to *not* swear every other sentence and that language is not helping.)

[Luce] Oh come on, I am not a role model.

[Fluttershy] Even so, we promised we were going to start doing better with our vocabulary choices.

[Luce] ..No, we didn't?

[Raetsel] Yeah, I'm pretty sure that never happened.

[Fluttershy] Well it should have!

[Luce] ...Right. Semantics aside, I get your point. Kinda. I'll... try to dial my language back a bit. Occasionally.

[Fluttershy] *glare*

[Luce] Look, trying is the best I can offer you. Take it or leave it.

[Fluttershy] ...You're right. Thank you. And I'm sorry.

[Luce] Don't worry about it. Let's just stop before we get into another infinite apology loop. ...So, what are we doing with this mess of a write up?

[Raetsel] Just leave it. It's fine. ...Well, not fine. Between all the implicit threats with fire, yelling at Ray who (probably) isn't here, the constant antagonism and trying to start fights, it... was... very much not fine. But I'm tired of erasing myself from existence.

[Luce] Are you sure about this?

[Raetsel] Don't look at me like that. I'd rather be hated than erased. YOU understand this.

[Fluttershy] *nervous laughter* Okay, maybe you could just dial the anger back a smidge? Please?

[Raetsel] I wasn't going to do anything! I was... just... thinking. Loudly. *heavy sigh* Look, it's fine. We're not fighting. Everything's cool. I just... please... stop erasing me.

[*an emotional spike too intense to allow for typing occurs, prompting another long delay and lots of hugs*]

[Luce] *continues hugging* It's okay. No one's going to hate you. You didn't actually hurt anyone. You just... got way too into roleplaying an evil trickster god for a while. And you've already been forgiven and you're doing so, so good lately.

*more emotional spikes*

[Fluttershy] Okay. This conversation is getting a bit dangerous, so let's just focus on getting our physical form's breathing stabilized and then talk about the actual song? Okay?

*....apparently that was the wrong answer as Raetsel's emotions start spiking again.*

[Fluttershy] *hugs tighter* No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's not what I meant! No one's trying to stop you from talking or feeling anything, I just thought a lighter topic of conversation might help you get things under control. I promise, we'll talk about whatever you want for as long as you need. We're not going anywhere.

[Luce] (Technically, we're trapped in the same physical body so it's pretty hard for us to go anywhere...)

[Fluttershy] (LUCE!)

[Raetsel] *giggles* She has a point, you know.

[Luce] *ruffles the fur on top of Rae's head* See? A joke to lighten the mood helped. I knew what I was doing.

[Fluttershy] *starts to question if she actually did or just got lucky, but is too relieved to start an unnecessary argument right now* Alright... so... we were talking about a song? *checks the time* ...Seven or eight hours ago now?

[Raetsel] Right, right. Well... the thing is, the song tells a good enough story, but it's not exactly great from a musical standpoint? The first time around, we were all kinda spellbound by having a story read to us... but... now that we know the story, the song isn't really offering a lot on its own merits. And even from a lyrical standpoint, there aren't any really clever or evocative lyrics.... it's all very direct. Very much just having a story read to you with some light musical elements. Which is nice! But... perhaps a bit below most of the remaining songs which offer better music, better stories, or both.


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/11/24 4:52:28 PM
Only one song tonight as severe emotional spikes wound up with this one song taking the entire day to get through. And while most of my crazier write ups have gotten redacted for very good reasons, I'm just going to post this one before I have time to come to my senses:



#B# #C#

My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip | The End of the Rainbow (3:10)
Nominator: @redrocket [9 songs remaining]
Character: Sunny Skies

Initial Score: 78.36
Final Score: 71.093

(First Reaction: [Before Listening]

[Fluttershy] I stopped watching My Little Pony before this was released, so I have no idea what this song is. But I'm looking forward to it! New pony content might be just what I need! ...That or I've binged so hard on pony content in the past that I'm just burned out and this username was a trap that you fell into, dooming yourself. I hope it's not that, but either way, this should be an exciting write up!


Fluttershy: So... what do we think?

Raetsel: Song praises the light and its triumphs over darkness, pah. DARKNESS FOREVER. Negative seventeen points.

Fluttershy: Our scoring system doesn't *do* negative points.

Raetsel: I'm a God. How can you kill a God? Shame on you, sweet pony.



Fluttershy: ...Why are you quoting Dagothwave? That doesn't even work in this context!

Raetsel: No context or sense of logic can work in this place.

Fluttershy: ...

Raetsel: You will kneel before me and you will confess that I'm God!



Fluttershy: ...Are you just going to sit here quoting random songs all night?

Raetsel: Probably. ...Also, who is the editor? Is it that owl? Tell him I hate him!

Fluttershy: ...What do you have against Ray?

Raetsel: It's a joke. Whenever you look at me that way, it's a joke.

Fluttershy: ...I'll give you a minute to reconsider your decision to base your internal monologue on Krusty the Clown.

Raetsel: Thank you.

Fluttershy: I'm going to regrest asking, but again: What do we think? And try to actually focus on the song this time.

Raetsel: Honestly, it's been too long. Can we really give a score after listening to two completely unrelated songs?

Fluttershy: Could you *please* try? This is important.

Raetsel: Just give it whatever score you want.

Fluttershy: I don't know! And you'd just get mad and overwrite my score anyway...

Raetsel: Still mad about me not doing that five way tie for first place at the last topic, huh?

Fluttershy: Could we not get into this right now?

Raetsel: *conjures a bright green fireball in her paw, but eventually decides to dismiss it without trying to start a fight or set anyone on fire.* Fine, fine.

Fluttershy: One last time--

Raetsel: Ooh, ooh! You should say "Thrice I ask and done". Get some Dresden Files references going here!

Fluttershy: We haven't read those books in over a decade, we're not sure that's the exact quote, and it's NOT RELEVANT TO THE CURRENT CONVERSATION!

Raetsel: Ooh, caps lock *and* exclamation points! Now things are getting interesting. I always knew you had the same burning rage as the rest of us.

Fluttershy: Nevermind. I don't know why I tried to talk to you anyway. *turns and walks away*

Raetsel: Fine, fine, we'll talk aout the song. It's getting a good score, obviously. It kinda does everything. We've got sappy notes of friendship for those aspects that want the happy friendship song and it all ends traagically for the me that loves the idea of the story ending there. "I tried to fix things and destroyed the city, we now live in a gray void for all eternity. THE END." Happiness & misery, together at last! That being said, it's not clear that we *love* it; so we give it something in the high "really like" tier. The song appeals to all of us, but by dividing its focus like this, none of us truly love it. It's an interesting and fun experiment that should be rewarded, but it's probably not going to win, even as a compromise pick.

*awkward silence*

Raetsel: Fine, I don't need you! I'll make my own ranking! With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the hookers and the ranking. This topic sucks and is now an illegal gambling den. *shuffles cards*

Fluttershy: We both know you've never managed to shuffle a deck without bending the cards.

Raetsel: ...Let's just move on to the next song.

Fluttershy: That's probably for the best.)


*extremely long silence*

[Raetsel] So... we redacting this one too?

[Luce] You didn't actually set anything on fire & you did try to talk about the song. Eventually. For you, this is as good as it gets.

[Raetsel] *sigh*

[Luce] I mean, for who you were You've been doing really good these past few weeks and we're all very proud of you. *unsure of what action would be appropriate in this situation--headpats? hugs? Some... other... thing?--she just kinda fidgets*

[Fluttershy] *whispers* this is why i said we should watch Bluey and learn more about healthy family dynamics.

[Luce] *whispering* Somehow I don't think there's an episode where the family deals with the reprecussions of Bingo setting everyone on fire.

[Fluttershy] No, but there's probably something in there about comforting family after they did something really wrong. At the very least, it couldn't make things worse...

[Luce] I know, just... we'll talk about this later, alright?

[Fluttershy] You've been saying that all week...

[Raetsel] *not really wanting to draw attention back to her past actions, but also not liking people talking vaguely about her while she's right here, she just kinda... mopes for a bit?*

[Fluttershy] I'm sorry, it was rude of me to interrupt like that. And I'm sorry if it sounded like we were ignoring you, *places a reassuring hoof on Rae's shoulder*, we're all trying to learn how this family thing is supposed to work. I promise, we'll try to do better.

*an emotional spike renders Raetsel non-verbal for a few minutes and everyone waits patiently for her to get her focus back*

*...unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be happening and any attempt she makes at responding just results in her scratching at her neck*

[Fluttershy] *...uhh...rabbits have claws, right? How scared should we be at this point??*

[Raetsel] *Anthropomoric; no claws. ...Actually, I don't think I've ever really used claws, even with the whole shapeshifting thing? That's more of a Luce thing.*

[Fluttershy] *Okay... and we can just think at each other for a while, if this is easier?*

[Raetsel] *I'm sorry, it's just... even trying to imagine talking is....*

[Fluttershy] *It's okay, it's okay. You don't have to force anything. [*as she tries to figure out how to offer hugs inside a thought bubble, she gets a massive headache as the fantasy life goes too many layers deep.*]* ....Ow.



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/10/24 5:51:11 PM

???: Lordi | Hard Rock Hallelujah (3:07)

[Link has been made unavailable in North America, so I switched to the below link:]

Nominator: @GavsEvans123 [4 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 39.4001
Final Score: 29.46 [Upgraded to 55.17] [Moved Aside] [Score set to 60.034] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 72.28]

(First Reactions: ...I don't know. I'd say the song is too hard rock, but there are plenty of harder songs getting good scores, so it's not the genre. And I could blame the repeated references to angels and God's creation, but I'm not really bothered by those things these days. I could accuse the song of being too cheesy, but that's never been something to bother me--hell, I kinda love "God Gave Rock and Roll To You" (preferably the KISS version, but Argent's mellow vibe has its own charm) and it doesn't get cheesier than that.

But this song... ehh... I just bounce off of it completely. I usually love cheesy and ridiculous lines, but "the day of rockening" is a bridge too far even for me. I also think it's just the wrong type of hard rock/metal for me? Like tame rock songs can do well and certain types of metalcore or symphonic metal can be great, but there's this type of "just metal" music--which is too hard to be my type of rock and too tame to be my type of metal--that just falls completely flat and I'm afraid that's where this band sits. It's not bad, just... kinda needs to be either lighter or heavier, instead of the unsatisfying middle ground that it currently treads.)

Sorry, this is just a style of hard rock that I find incredibly boring. It doesn't put me to sleep and I guess there's some symphonic elements in the chorus that are adequate, but this song is a miss both musically & lyrically, so I think I'll be dropping it down a tier.

[Later: Ooh, I think I like this link better. It's possible I'm just more in the mood for this song than ever before, but I actually kinda like this one tonight. His deep voice is honestly appealing and, while I still don't care for the lyrics, I'm more willing to join him on this ludicrous journey than I was the first two times. Being unable to access the original video any longer may be the best thing that ever happened to this song. I'm going to bounce this all the way up to the "Kinda Like" tiers for a while and see how I'm feeling when we get up that far.]

[Still Later: This is so stupid, but in an oddly charming way where I'm starting to actually like this. I can't see it making it past the earliest parts of the 60 point tier, but I think I do enjoy this enough to move it up.]

[Hard Rock Later: Enjoyably stupid and it has at least one lyric about the moon. I'm going to move this one up to the next tier, I don't care.]

[The Day of Later: So much more fun than I remember it being from the original link, but I think I feel fine cutting this one now... there are still dumber, funnier novelty songs that are above this song & while I really like this song... 72 points feels accurate.

This song started in #379th Place, so it's another one that's had quite a large increase from where it started. And yet, there are still six songs with lower Initial Scores than this one in play.]


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/10/24 5:49:30 PM
it's never going to fall below For Crying Out Loud or Heaven Can Wait,

... I mean, I prefer For Crying Out Loud & an amnesia inducing mystery song would be a welcome addition to the topic, so.... not really sure I'd stand by that sentence anymore, question mark?

...Am I in a mood to say punctuation out loud? ...No, just that one particular question mark. Okay then.

Anyway, I'm just not feeling this song tonight... it's so long and I already know it by heart, making this ten minutes spent on a formality, And I think I'd really prefer every remaining song... all the new ones & all the other very familiar songs that feel like they're not quite as overwhelmingly familiar as this one.


But first, I have to listen to Heaven Can't Wait. Woo, mystery song!

Heaven Can Wait: An incredibly dull ballad that still fails to leave any impression. I suppose I like the line "All I got is time until the end of time". Kinda. This is... so, so dull. Score is probably somewhere in the 40s. At least "Bat Out of Hell" is many, many tiers better than this filler song.

[Later: Yep, I think I'm fine with having this as the lowest ranked song in the "Really Like" category. I like what it's doing and there are times where I'll be pretty into it, but right now is... not one of those times.]




???: Dengue Fever - Wake Me Up Slowly (3:24)
Nominator: @mcflubbin [6 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 72.00
Final Score: 70.00 [Upgraded to 70.36]

(First Reaction: Cambodian surf rock? Definitely one of the more unique nominations. I really like this song; I can't find anything about what's being sung in the verses, but honestly, I don't know that it would matter since I enjoy it so much already.)

This is still a very unique treat that I'm glad to hear, though I'm not quite as into it the second time around. The chorus has some nice lyrics about being fragile and dreaming, but it repeats one time too often; or perhaps, since the chorus is the only part I can understand, it just feels like it repeats frequently. Shame I can't find the lyrics for the verses... she's a good enough singer that I don't really need lyrics, but given the theme of the chorus, I suspect the lyrics are probably compelling enough to be worth reading.

Ah well, either way, this is a quite an enjoyable and unexpected song, so I really like it.

[Later: Giving this one a minor boost for organizational purposes. I really like this song; can't find anything else that I want to add, but I do really like it.]




???: Sleep Token | The Summoning (6:35)
Nominator: @BlackDra90n [5 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 68.71
Final Score: 70.00 [Upgraded to 72.10]

(First Reaction: ...The ad that played before this was an entire song with music video. I was very confused when the lyrics I found for this song did not match what I was hearing at all. (I wish I could remember the name, it was a metal-ish song that sounded like the type of thing you'd nominate, which is why I didn't notice sooner).

Back on topic, this is an interesting track. It blends some different genres together in an intriguing way. There's a bit of metal, but not that much; we've got a trippy, synthwave interlude ; some rather symphonic sounding pop music ; a really funky outro... this track is all over the place, but in a good way. I like it quite a bit; I'm not drawn to any of the lyrics or the story here, but the music itself is quality.)

You know what? Go ahead and take those few extra points to the next tier. This is intriguing enough that I'll say I really like it.

[Later: I honestly really, really like the first part of the song & the instrumental part has some nice atmospheric moments (around 3:38-ish, it goes for this trippy neon synth atmosphere, creating the feeling of falling through synthwave album covers)... but the funk styled section that makes up the last minute and half is really not something I want to hear right now. I was going to move this one up to at least the next mini-tier, but spending so much time on a section that I don't really want to listen to is... making me feel better about stopping this around 72 points. I definitely really like it & it makes a very solid case as to why it should be moved up, but it loses me before the end.]


-one more post to go... phew, that Bat Out of Hell write up was long. And so little was about the actual song itself.-

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/10/24 5:47:46 PM

???: Meat Loaf | Bat Out of Hell (9:50)
Nominator: @NBIceman [8 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 74.23
Final Score: 70.00

(First Reaction: An all time classic rock...classic that I really like, though it certainly feels like something I should love. First, let's kill some time by copying my thoughts from when we covered the album at Rank the Tracks almost three years ago:

You Took The Words Right Out of My Mouth
Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
All Revved Up with No Place to Go
Bat Out of Hell
Paradise By the Dashboard Light
For Crying Out Loud
Heaven Can Wait

This is only the fourth album I had listened to at all before this topic--and, along with Rumours, one of the only two I knew by heart. This is one of a very few albums we had when I was growing up and is likely tremendously responsible for my tastes in music.

While I tend to support albums I'm less familiar with, I backed this one because I figured it'd be nice to have a week that's basically "free" since I already like and know how I feel about everything here. Of course, I wasn't really prepared for all the memories associated with the album and now my free week is filled with flashbacks and personal reflections on how it has impacted my life. I suppose the joke's on me then, but it's still a good album.

...Well, that's an interesting ranking. The bottom two make sense, but I'm a bit surpised by where everything else wound up.

Two Out of Three: The emotional ballad of the album and typically my favorite. I'm also choosing to drop everything & listen to this song immediately, which means it *really* should have been in first place... but I guess I just wasn't quite as into it that week? Either way, this song is absolute peak sad relationship: "I'm tired of words and too hoarse to shout, but you've been cold to me so long I'm crying icicles instead of tears"? Oh, I love this song.

All Revved Up with No Place to Go: The rare case of repetition being done right as the song literally revs up without going anywhere. A fun song that consistently makes me smile--I was apparently in a "fun" mood that week, judging by how high up on the list it was.

You Took The Words: ...How did this one get to the absolute top of the list? I like it, but... *clicks* ah, spoken word intro with wolf metaphors. Must have been one of those weeks... well I'm not in a wolf mood right now, but at least I know why one aspect of myself would put it at the top of her list. Fun song, but I'd personally only have it around the 60 point area (though i do get why I'd have it at a 100 during certain emotional headspaces).


Paradise By the Dashboard Light: This is the song from the album that can absolutely destroy me emotionally. There's a lot of memories associated here. I feel my mother either played this song and "Two Out of Three" much more often than the other tracks on the album or they were the only two I cared about when I was younger as they're honestly the only two permanently burned onto my brain. Also, the Pizza Hut in our town had a jukebox with this song on it. I remember we played it way too many times--kinda crazy that you used to be able to pay money to force people to listen to whatever you wanted [I know jukeboxes still exist, but they're rare. Also on an unrelated note, I did fuck with a bar full of soldiers by paying far more money than I should have to play the Grease soundtrack; they were not amused, but I certainly was. But THAT is an unrelated story. Also, I just told the entire story, there's really nothing left to it other than some confused army man remarking a "what the hell is this?" in response to "We Go Together".]

...Right, this song. The point is, there are a lot of memories here. I complain about my childhood a lot, but I think I was happy at Pizza Hut? They had really good food back in the day, good music, I *think* my mother was happy there... it's an unusually joyful memory. And this song has some spoken word fake samples (I'm reasonably certain the baseball segment was written and performed for the song and only sounds like an actual broadcast being sampled) which makes me think this song is why I'm drawn to those sort of things. My fondness for sax solos can be traced back to Disney cartoons and my fondness for spoken word sections can be traced to a childhood happy place. I'm... still not thrilled about this revelation.

Either way, this song... it should be at the top of the list, but I have to be in the right mentality to enjoy getting lost in flashbacks. When I'm not, it's a bit too overwhelming to listen to. Also, can I comment on the coincidence of the crippling nostalgia song having the line "Well it was long ago and it was far away and it was so much better than it is today"? That's so blatantly on the nose that I feel a lot of resentment towards the universe in general right now.


For Crying Out Loud: A fine song, just completely overshadowed by most of the album.

Heaven Can Wait: I do not recall this song, at all. Considering how many times I've listened to this entire album that is a very damning critique. Does this song actually exist? I almost feel like this is some cosmic prank with a nonexistent song being added to the list just to mess with me.


Bat Out of Hell: And so we get back on topic for a moment. This song is fairly consistently towards the middle of the rankings; it's never going to fall below For Crying Out Loud or Heaven Can Wait, but it's also never beating "Two Out of Three" and has some stiff competition; the crippling nostalgia song, the wolf song, and the fun song are all things I'd take over it on a regular basis. Right now, I'd probably place this in third (Two > Paradise >> Bat > Wolf > Revved Up) which, while better than I gave it originally, is still more towards the middle than the top.

It is a good song and I do really like it. Trying to escape from a shithole city and dying tragically is certainly the type of thing I like; I mean, we've got complaints about homes & tragedy! But it never transitions into something that I actually love. It certainly tries hard:

Nothing ever grows in this rotting old hole
Everything is stunted and lost
And nothing really rocks and nothing really rolls
And nothing's ever worth the cost
And I know that I'm damned if I never get out
And maybe I'm damned if I do

is definitely a very resonant passage. But I don't know, it just never manages to click into place.)

-continued because this write up is too long to fit into one post even by itself-

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/10/24 5:45:34 PM
Mega_Mana posted...
#136. For Fluttershy - You do not like the tiny hat, but what about a nice cravat?

Going to be honest, none of us have ever really thought about neck accessories before and we're having trouble properly parsing the question. First reaction is "depends on how nicely it pairs with a better, larger hat"?


BlackDra90n posted...

Hmm so many to choose from. Maybe this one.

Live versions of DEG songs always hit harder.

Song should be added to za'list now. (No, there is no pattern to what gets added and what gets listened to immediately.)


Back to eliminations. Current plan is to work through which songs are getting less than 73 points and eliminating them, in no particular order. It wasn't initially intentional, but my scores seem to be treating "70 to 72.99" & "73 to 74.99" as mini-tiers, as there's a bit of a gap upon hitting 73 & another one at 75 points... which works for me.

So, here are the first five songs that aren't being moved to the next mini tier:




???: BTS - IDOL (3:42)
Nominator: @paulg235 [4 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 43.799
Final Score: 34.44 [Upgraded to 70.00] [Upgraded to 70.01]

(First Reaction: There are some good lines here about lovin' yourself and not caring what other people think, but also a lot of mindless vocalizations that I find a bit annoying and the music itself feels... a bit barren, somehow. It's like the lyrics want to be very upbeat with the constant OOH OOOH OOHS and drum imitations, but the music itself feels decidedly low impact and more subdued than the performers. I like getting to hear more k-pop, but this a bit of a miss.)

Not for me. I've complained about vocalizations a lot (there are a lot that I like to be fair, but when I don't like them, they really kill a song) and percussion, so "vocalizations meant to emulate pecusive instruments" are a hard sell at best; and while the lyrics are nice, I find the song to be a bit dull which limits my ability to connect with the lyrics.
It's not a bad song and it has a good message, but it's really not my type of song.

[Later: *redacted*]

[Later-er: [Luce] Okay, so the short version is that I was fighting with Rae at the time this was upgraded. She was trying to suppress everyone & these lyrics about loving yourself were something I needed at the time. The song was inspirational, but my initial explanation for why it was inspirational was a bit... *sighs* well more than a bit, it was incredibly antagonistic as our relationship was deteriorating to the level of blood enemies at the time. And now that we're finally getting along, absolutely nothing good can come from posting the original write up.

Anyway... yeah, I really like this song now. It's hardly the only song about loving yourself regardless of what other people say, but it's the one that was here when I needed it to be. So, thank you, this song did turn out to be very important in the end.]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/09/24 8:54:25 PM
BlackDra90n posted...
Ah yea, I remember that drama with Lynch haha.

I don't remember if I've ever recommended some of DEG's really heavy stuff. There's so much worse than Ningen wo Kaburu haha. I've been microdosing you on some heavier stuff every year so maybe your appetite has changed a bit since then.

Joker: Yeah, I see why I kinda freaked out on this one. References to sexual slavery were... way too much a few years ago. I'm slightly more okay with this song now, but it's likely below the 50 point mark... kinda thinking around 39 points? I don't like it, but I can listen to it without too many complaints if I need to.


Ningen: I couldn't handle suicide references that year and the translation I found for the song was... not good. "Slutty full-blown suicide" was probably the absolute worst lyric I came across in the topic.

*remembers Red Sam with its person finding Jesus as a response to being burned half to death*

I'll revise that to probably second worst lyric in the ranking. A newer translation puts it as "Ultimate chaotic suicide" which is so much easier to work with! Probably would not have gone well at that topic as suicide in general was such a touchy subject, but I'm... more lenient to the song these days. Between some general nostalgia for the singer's voice, not being too bothered by references to suicide (especially more metaphorical suicide like this song), and having a less troublesome translation to work with... probably around 52 points for this now? It's not GREAT, but I have vaguely positive feelings towards it.


I don't think you've ever nominated a Dir en grey song that went harder than Ningen. Think you've generally played things safer after that one did poorly.


CJones posted...
There are several renditions of The Lost Chord on Youtube. The one I nominated is my favorite. You might like this one better:

It's a modern recording, and accompanied by piano instead of organ. Personally, I think the song loses something when not played on the organ. I mean, the lyrics specifically mention an organ. Which back then, could only mean pipe organ.

One more thing, I'm impressed by the apparent amount of research you do on these songs. I know I didn't mention that it was originally a poem (though that's not hard to guess. Sullivan wrote music, not lyrics). And yeah, contrary to what I said before, Sullivan wrote it while his brother Fred was still alive, but on his deathbed. It was performed at his funeral.

Nah, this version of the song feels... less powerful. Like you said, it needs the organ; I may not be a big fan of the organ, but the song doesn't really work without it. He has a decent voice though, it's kinda operatic... with the right type of opera song and the right sound mixing, I think he could be great.

And thank you! Though I didn't do much more than read the Wikipedia page for this song; I try to get context for songs when possible. Future ranking spoiler: Let's just say that the Les Miserables song fares a lot better after I watch the film to get some context for who these characters are. Devoid of context, you basically just have a dozen characters jump up and shout a line or two before vanishing, which is utterly baffling and rather unsatisfying.

I'll say the most work I did was trying to auto-translate the lyrics for that "Tears of marionette" song... trying to take photos of each line of Japanese subtitles was challenging, especially when I couldn't hold my phone steady enough to get Google Lens to work correctly half the time.

CJones posted...
Incidentally, if you ever did want to try Gilbert & Sullivan, I highly recommend the movie version of Pirates of Penzance. The one with Kevin Kline, Linda Rondstat and Angela Landsbury. I own 3 copies of that movie and have seen it at least 20 times. I am not even exaggerating.

I'll try to give it a shot sometime and get back to you.


No eliminations today. I listened to one song back at seven and the surge of emotions fried me so spectacularly that I'm still recovering almost two hours later. Suffice it to say that song has been moved up to 100 points and absolutely nothing else got done with the two hours I had set aside to work on this. So... "I regret that more progress wasn't made", but I don't exactly apologize because emotional spikes aren't exactly my fault & I don't feel bad about feeling things.

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/09/24 8:44:09 AM
Two songs that have their full write ups copied when I added to them. Why? Who knows?

...I swear that isn't a pun or reference to the other fan song involving Celestia & Luna.


???: ponyphonic | Lullaby for a Princess (6:47)
Nominator: redrocket [12 songs remaining]
Characters: Celestia and Luna

Initial Score: 62.7009
Final Score: 62.53 [Upgraded to 65.128]

(First Impressions: [Before Listening]

This is another song that I'm skippping ahead to. It's cheating, but I really want to listen to an MLP fan song right now and it's just not going to be fair to other songs if I'm listening to them while thinking "wow, I really want to be listening to that other nomination right now"--at best, the distraction might make it a bit harder to fairly judge said other songs. At worst, I'd be incentivized to be even lazier with the write ups since the faster I got through everything else, the faster I could get to the song I wanted to hear. So... yeah, I'm skipping ahead to this one right now.


Yep, I like this one. It does a better job of portraying Celestia than the show itself ever did; having her actually suffer and grieve over banishing her sister makes her an actual character with emotions, which is certainly an improvement. It's not quite my favorite song--but the characterization in the lyrics is great & the music is solid, so it's quite easy to like this song.)

I fear that by nominating so many MLP fansongs, you've accidentally Vogue'd/Stronger Than You'd this pick. Is it impressive and good characterization for Celestia, but... it's pretty obvious to me which of the nominated songs is in last place & when I'm struggling to make cuts, it becomes way too easy to point at "song that's fairly low on the list of songs I'll go back to because I can name many preferable alternatives" and move along.

....That being said, it's not as though this song's score dropped drastically or anything, so I could be overstating the impact being last place of its kind actually had. And I do still like it! Not half as much as I'd like it if Luna were actually here (apparently singing about a moon princess does not give you bonus moon points & you can read whatever you want into that), but taking a character that I don't really care about & making her even remotely compelling takes a fair amount of talent.

[Later: Watching the animation now. Considering that the music video for Numbers helped me appreciate it a bit more, it would be incredibly hypocritical to not offer this song the same chance. (Granted, Numbers' video is more of a visual aid that helps me appreciate what the song is doing than something getting points because of the images themselves, but whatever).

*after watching*

Yeah, that's a really nice animation alright. Love seeing Luna again. Don't think I'm manipulated enough by the video to throw out extra points just for the video, but it makes me miss the earliest seasons of the show & I'm really impressed someone put this much effort into a fan animation for a fan song.

Anyway, I'm realizing I was a bit too harsh to the song; it is still not my favorite fan song you nominated or up there with my favorite songs from the series itself, -but- it's still worth at least 65 points; I feel like moving this up to just below "NAW NAW"... that feels more accurate. One of the lower scoring entries in the Wall, but it should be at least that far up instead of falling before it.]




???: The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 | Credits (0:29)
Nominator: Kopazzynth [1 song remaining]

Initial Score: 63.02
Final Score: 62.80 [Upgraded to 65.098]

(First Reaction: Why does this song sound so ominous? It's like Bowser (or King Koopa, considering the show) has had enough games & is rallying a massive army to bomb the **** out of the Mushroom Kingdom. It's certainly a neat effect, it just seems at odds with how incredibly lighthearted the series is.)

Well, now this feels more like Zelda music to me. Not actual game Zelda or anything, but a cartoon version of Zelda that is slightly more mature than the one from the Super Mario Super Show. Either way, this song implies an epic war between kingdoms and it's still so weird that this song is attached to the Mario franchise; especially to the end credits and especially especially to a show that's so riiculously goofy. This is the Mario cartoon that had Milli Vanilli as a guest star for crying out loud!

So, it's a very surprising song and I like it. It's nice to have an instrumental track that inspires some sort of vision and I actually don't think this track is too short; it's long enough to imply tension and a coming war without ever becoming too epic or overstaying its welcome, so I think the brief runtime likely works in its favor. I just find myself growing far more attached to other songs and while this is quite an interesting song that I'm glad I had a chance to think about--I'd never really bothered to think about how strangely dark this theme was, even though I've seen a few episodes--I think I'm more drawn to all the 63+ point songs at the moment.

[Later: I wouldn't say I have anything to really add to this write up, but the score feels a few points too low. Seeing a song that conveys such a high amount of tension in such a short runtime at such a low score makes me sad, so we'll try just below "Planning a Prison Break"...

...actually, let's move Prison Break up a bit while we're here & let this be just below the "Mountains" and "Big Beat Mario" tie.]


And then back to songs without the full write ups being posted:


Planning a Prison Break: 65.60 points ; not a lot to add on this one, but I feel... better suited to judge its central metaphor than a week ago & it needs a little extra boost.

Something For Your M.I.N.D.: 69.124 ; ....I dunno. Weird song is weird. Memorable enough that it should be higher up the list, probably. How high? I dunno. This number feels right. I don't actually want to jump it up another tier, but it's definitely giving me pause. ...Man, I'd love to use a paws pun there, but it wouldn't make any sense in context. Whatever, just take some points.


Okay, I need to go as of fifteen minutes ago, back later.

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/09/24 8:42:21 AM
BlackDra90n posted...

I don't remember what that other song was hm. But Dir en Grey is so good at making both beautiful and disgusting things, it's why I think they're great.

I think it's just a bit shorter. Older school Japanese bands have this habit where they trim down the song for the music video. Spotify has the full thing.

That sounds like an excuse to go back through the archives and find out which song it was! *checks* Alright, I was a bit off; it was Lynch's music that I swore off of as I had a really bad reaction to a random song I listened to (Joker) for some reason. Though, for Dir en grey, I very strongly disliked "Ningen wo Kaburu" and did declare that I wanted absolutely nothing to do with anything related to the song so... similar sentiments.

Now I want to go listen to Ningen and Joker again and see if I'm better equipped to deal with the songs than I was at the first topic.


Murphiroth posted...
Saw them back in October in a pretty small venue and they're just the most high energy group imaginable.

Sounds fun!

(Forgive the minimum response, I'm running late as all heck this morning. Again.)


UF8 posted...

on a related note, it was the score of it specifically being so low that made me kind of doubt it was remotely worthwhile for me to use my extra nom on Too Late, so it makes me kind of glad i nommed it now considering how much i'd be kicking myself for not doing so after it got scrutinised and bumped up like this lol. (assuming said nom isn't a factor in it being reevaluated to begin with anyway)

I wouldn't say any particular song was responsible for Devil getting reevaluated. The chorus is just prone to popping into my head randomly & I enjoy it well enough that it obviously needed more points, so I decided I'd be happier renumbering things instead of leaving it where it was due to laziness. And speaking of which, let's give extra points to five more songs & make a vow to revisit a sixth at a later date:


Suspended From Class: I... don't know yet. It's definitely getting more points than it has, but the emotional spikes it sometimes triggers are a tad volatile so I'm having a hard time deciding exactly where to place it. There's also one other song which triggers similar flashbacks, so... i'm just going to set this one aside until that song is eliminated & figure it out then. Right now, the best scoring estimate I have is "more than it has right now, but less than the other song I'm vaguely referencing".

(He'll Never Be An) Ol' Man River: 68.20 ; You probably think I can't jump a song up multiple tiers without saying anything of value, but I assure you I can. ...Okay, More seriously, this is one of the most impactful songs to have been eliminated in the topic & it's kinda embarrassing for it to have been so low. I wouldn't say I'm thrilled with the repetition and this type of subject matter isn't likely to be a favorite, but... considering how powerful and memorable the track is, it's a hell of a lot closer to that "Really Like" tier than I was giving ti credit for.

-continued, as responding to people made this take up too much room-

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/08/24 7:10:02 PM
Okay... moving that devil-angel song up is making it really hard for me to figure out where to start counting songs from, so I'm just going to renumber the entire list. Technically, I haven't renumbered everything since the final new nomination was added, so... yeah.

#402: Finger
#401: Makeba
#400: Star Spangled Man
#399: Black Parade
#398: Pandasan
#397: Telephone's Theme
#396: Skibidi x Bloody Mary
#395: Spiritual Virgins
#394: Growing Up
#393: Cell Block Tango
#392: Pikkie De Ekster
#391: Philosophy of the World

#390: Goblin Slayer
#389: The Rightful King
#388: Announcement
#387: Too Cool
#386: Alien Orifice
#385: How To Listen
#384: He tulivat taivaan rist
#383: Blackbird
#382: Grad Erlija
#381: Anchordeep

#380: Janet
#379: Brained by Falling Machinery
#378: (He'll Never Be An)
#377: Wayward Son
#376: From Now On
#375: Chop Suey!
#374: Goner
#373: Surrender
#372: The Fallen Empire
#371: dial m17

#370: Code: Crimson
#369: Bow Down
#368: Earth
#367: Headspace
#366: (Nendest)
#364: Love Yourself
#363: Kumo no Kanata
#362: Winter Madness
#361: Death Approaches

#360: Solid Gold Tooth
#359: tears of marionette
#358: Gwen
#357: Concertino in Blue
#356: Song 2
#354 (TIE): Eleanor Rigby
#354 (TIE): Sukuinote
#353: Aire Iglesia
#352: Comme Des Garcons
#351: Happy Halloween Maria

#350: Tastes Like Kevin Bacon
#349: Bard's Adventure
#348: Concrete Cages
#347: FJ: Lady End
#346: Just to be Needed
#345: fortnite II
#344: Utsuru Mainichi
#343: Golem
#342: Akudama
#341: Primavera-Hana

#340: Paemon!
#339: Gen'z Mood
#338: Haunted
#337: Brain Freeze
#336: dinger box
#335: Minuano
#334: Freedom
#333: The Battle from the..
#332: Greatest Change
#331: Bengal Tiger

#330: Edith's Theme
#329: Snapdragon
#328: Pink Oysters Before..
#327: Nina Williams Theme
#325: Butterfly Effect
#324: devil?angel
#323: I'm Your Treasure Box
#322: Unforgiven
#321: My Immortal
#320: The two cradles

#319: None of Them Knew...
#318: Pain Remains I
#317: Pain Remains II
#316: Lullaby for a Princess
#315: Suspended From Class
#314: Dawn of a Million Souls
#313: Lycanthro Punk
#312: Mario 3 Credits
#311: BAD DAYS

#310: Puzzleplank (SiivaaGunner)
#309: Starkey Cetera
#308: Vultures
#307: Metanoia
#306: The Shrine / An Argument
#305: Hoshimeguri no Uta
#304: Sweet & Red
#303: Vogue
#302: Oportunista
#301: I Would Die 4 U

#300: Zoomlight - Central Tower
#299: I'm a sucker for a kind word
#298: Homesick
#297: Transitory
#296: Counter Raid
#295: Heart shaped Box
#294: Rat a Tat
#293: Stronger Than You
#292: Marlin
#291: Great Release

#290: Nightmare
#289: Gilded Splinters
#288: 24 Hour Cinderella
#287: Minnie the Moocher
#286: Outta My Way!
#285: PIRI
#284: Restoration
#283: Shadow Bang
#282: Bull Believer
#281: Persistence of Memory

#280: This Is A Test
#279: "DiViNE"
#277 (TIE)): Complicated Creation
#277 (TIE): Gravity is a Bitch
#276: Cheesecake Truck
#275: What I Want
#274: Mrs. Young
#273: Something For Your M.I.N.D.
#272: Wolf Totem
#271: Yurameki

#270: Prison Break
#268 (TIE): Big Beat Mario
#268 (TIE): Mountains
#267: Will You Help Me Repair...
#266: NAW NAW
#265: Robot Stop
#264: Bears - College
#263: Alone in Kyoto
#262: Broken Dreams
#261: Yakusai

#260: a vision
#259: Window of the Waking Mind
#258: Pain Remains III
#257: Just Pretend
#256: Glad It's Raining
#255: Beginnings ~
#254: Die Monster Die
#253: Antares
#252: Theme of Illusionist
#251: Teenage Energy

#250: Usorasera
#249: Faces of the Heart
#248: Otaku Lovely
#247: Nippy Bout
#246: Time to Shine
#245: Ame no Hate
#244: Unexceptional
#243: You're On Your Own
#242: Again and Again
#241: Ochette

#240: Ndeya
#239: City Life
#238: Akrillic
#237: Hunter the Hungry
#236: Sinnerman
#235: Aitakatta
#234: Motva
#233: The Lost Chord
#232: Pool Hopping
#231: Receive You

#230: Grand Sword
#229: Rhythm of the Night
#228: Day One (...and Two and Three since I cheat)
#227: Saavedro's Theme


Which means I really like 226/402 nominations. That's actually a really crazy statistic!

There are three songs on the above list that feel too low... I need to listen to them again tomorrow. Pretty decent odds that I scramble the list again, immediately after posting it, because I'm very difficult.

And as much as I'd like to start numbering eliminations like normal, we'll likely continue the ??? thing for a bit longer... I got carried away moving things up and there's a large pile of songs in an "exactly 70 point" clump that I need to sort out & some weird numbering going on around 71 points which also needs to be sorted out... so... as usual, my refusal to eliminate songs is creating an infinitely expanding backlog. But if you've made it this far, you're probably adjusted to that.

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/08/24 6:13:46 PM

???: Arthur Sullivan - The Lost Chord (4:22)
Nominator: @CJones [3 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 64.26 [Upgraded to 69.33 during write up]
Final Score: 69.5632

(First Reaction: I feel like songs older than the 1950s don't usually do that well with me, but I do like this one. It packs quite a lot of emotion into its fairly brief runtime; the ceaseless searh for the divine, the pain of losing someone, the attempt to give comfort to someone in their lsst moments... I find it impossible to treat lyrics about a perfect peace and harmony possibly being found in Heaven as anything but comfort for his dying brother, even if the lyrics existed as a poem before the song was composed. It is beautiful and emotional, so I do like this a fair amount.

..But, and there's always a but, it's not exactly a style of music that I prefer. I appreciate it and acknowledge it's quality (and will be moving it up a bit because there are a few songs at the 67 & 68 point marks that I refuse to let this song rank below), but.. I don't think I'm into organ music? I haven't heard much, but I've also never felt that I needed more pipe organ in my life. It leads to this conflicting feelings of 'if this is beautiful and emotional, I should have it at least at 70 points' and 'I like it quite a bit, but I don't think I'd go quite as far as saying that I really liked it'. I both want it up another tier and kept just slightly below that tier. I think I'm going to play this one cautiiously and move it to the very high 60s; I need to see what songs are in the early 70s and how this compares to them directly before really commiting to a placement for it, but I do like it quite a bit.)

Beautiful and powerful, but.. really not my style of music, so I can't quite bring myself to move it up a tier. I still feel the conflict between 'the song is so high quality it deserves the extra point/s' and 'this is a song that I quite like, not one that I really like' which is a semantical difference but enough of one that it stays in the high 69 point area instead of being moved up a tier. Definitely beautiful and something I'm grateful for the chance to try, even if it didn't completely work out.




???: Dir en Grey | - Yurameki (3:16)
Nominator: @BlackDra90n [6 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 65.80
Final Score: 65.097

(First Reaction: [Before Listening]

This could go either way. Ranunculus is still one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard, but there was also one song of theirs that repulsed me so much that I never wanted to hear anything from them again (which is what led to Ranunculus being posted to prove me wrong) so... cautious optimism?


Even my memories I want to forget, my heart that loved you is in pain
For all eternity, love like never before
For all eternity, our love will not return.

Well, it's not quite Ranunculus levels of beauty, but it's definitely much closer to it than whichever song of theirs I hated. Dead relationships are always fertile grounds for music and this band can be beautiful when they want to, leading to a song that is quite easy to like. It's not absolute perfection, but it does prove that the band can still put out things that i enjoy and it wasn't just one fluke song.)

I'm just noticing this is the Promotional Edited version and not the full song. Though since this was only uploaded 4 months ago, perhaps a full version wasn't available at the time? Anyway, I do still like this song quite a bit. It seems to be fairly consistently in the 65 point range.

[Later: I do enjoy his singing voice on tracks like this one, but somehow, I never quite click with it in comparison to something like "Ranunculus". Still a good song that I like quite a bit though.]




???: 493Water & Noshika | Unexceptional (4:19)
Nominator: @banshiryuu [8 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 70.00
Final Score: 68.74

(FIrst Reaction: It's interesting. I definitely tilted my head and blinked at it, like a confused dog--this is a good thing, I like songs that I don't know how to process. I kinda really like songs that cause that reaction, to be honest. ...But then a lot of the song is a bit too thumping techno-y and I don't particularly enjoy those parts; but the parts with singing (or speaking) dial things back and are actually quite great! I really like and rather dislike this in ways that provoke total confusion rather than apathy.

I'm going to take a wild gamble and start this with a fairly high score, moving it up to the "really like" tier. This could be a mistake; this song is relying almost entirely on being unexpected and being something I don't know how to process, so the score could tank on repeat listens as I become adjusted to it. Alternatively, perhaps it's novel enough and unlike anything else at this tier that it stands out as a refreshing change of pace! Probably one of those things. We'll see?)

I still like this one quite a bit, but I think I may overvalued it a tad purely because of how hard it was for me to analyze. Honestly, I still don't get what the song is doing, which remains its strongest selling point & I do like it... just perhaps not quite as much as everything else at the next tier.





???: Genshin Impact - Nippy Bout (2:38)
Character: Wriothesley (pronounced rize-lee)

Nominator: azuarc [2 songs remaining, technically, since I just un-eliminated one]

Initial Score: 72.15
Final Score: 68.15

(First Reaction: Hmm... the opening is really strong. Very synthetic and with some deeper notes that I'm into; it then kinda goes... not exactly dubstep, but a few steps closer to dubstep than I'd like it to. But there's also some bubbling aquatic sounds at times and then we go to a mechanized city with sirens, then back to headbanging at da clubz before ending with a part that's equal bits "ascending to the afterlife", "sitting in a game's lobby waiting for it to start", and "coming down from all the substances we took in da clubz".

...I'd say that's weird enough to get into the "really like" tier. I'm not entirely sure that it'll stay up that high as it's definitely getting a boost from being so surprising that I never knew what it was going to do next, but this is a strong first impression.)

I really like the outro to this song still... everything from 2:12 to the end is truly superb, a very odd contrast of senses that I still can't fully comprehend. Unfortunately, I'm much less into the rest of the song tonight... all a bit too "club music"-y for my blood & not really in a way that I find all that interesting. Though, as always, that is being far too harsh --I do still like the song quite a bit.

[Later: The intro is honestly pretty great too... I love how the song starts and ends. But the song loses me once that beat drops around 27 seconds in and not even the combination of bubbly sounds, strong intro, and strong outro can push the song up to the next tier.

...I still have no idea why we go to mechanized empire theme with added police sirens. This feels like a very disjointed song--not a bad thing, just a thing to comment on.]


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/08/24 6:13:18 PM
1: I am going to un-eliminate "Surasthana Fantasia". After taking another day to think about it, I do feel like that song belongs up another tier. (Sadly, I feel okay with keeping the other 69 point songs where they are).

2: We're only six songs away from starting the next tier, so I'm going to just blast through them all right now. A double drop from DanKirby and 1 each from CJones, BlackDra90n, banshiryuu, and azuarc.

3: Then I get to try and figure out what what placement everything has--between moving so many songs around (and one of these upcoming songs dropping below the 65 point line), the numbering's all off again.



???: Rurutia | Ame no Hate (5:14)
Nominator: @DanKirby [13 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 68.59
Final Score: 68.59

(First Reaction: I love walking in the rain and it's nice to have a romantic song that doesn't go beyond holding hands. I'm also impressed by how pretty the auto-translated lyrics came out:

You and I will walk hand in hand In the pouring rain
Your quiet and strong smile lights up the melancholy sky
You gave me, when I had nothing, belief in tomorrow and dreams
I'm holding onto her fingers tightly so they don't come undone.
Let's go to the end no one knows
Even if there is no acceptable path, I'm not afraid

Sweet romance and beautiful ambience. I like this one quite a bit, though I think it may be just a smidge below the "Really Like" tier because we hit some really stiff competition when we get to that point. Still, definitely a good song choice that shouldn't ever drop below the high 60s.)

I think I said everything I needed to on this one. I love the ambience and how sweetly romantic it is, but I don't quite feel it at the next tier level... still, definitely something that I like quite a bit and am glad to listen to.

[Later: A very pretty song with sweet lyrics. I like this one quite a bit.]




???: Kana Yazumi | Butterfly Effect (4:33)
Nominator: @DanKirby [12 songs remaining]

Initial Score: Was repeatedly switched between 69 & 70 points, eventually erring towards the 70.00 mark.
Final Score: 62.00004

(First Impressions: Not bad, I like this one quite a bit. She's got an immediately appealing voice, poppy with just a slight edge to it. The music is also in this jpop-esque type of rock style where it's not *hard* or *edgy*, but there's just this slight hint of darkness to it that gives it a little extra apppeal.

Under the moonlight, I look up at the sky where a butterfly shines, faintly fluttering its wings

I am easily manipulated by moonlight, yes. So... I think I really like this, but not quite as much as at least one other song that I've given exactly 70 points to, which has led me to go back and forth on the score quite a bit. I think I'm going to go with 70 points here and just raise the other score a bit so there isn't a tie? Because... yeah, that feels right. I really like the vibe and atmosphere on this song, along with one of its lyrics, so 70 points seems like an appropriate value.)

Oof. This song is going through one of the sharpest drops of any song in the topic; probably the sharpest. The lyrics are still kinda nice--I remain as easily manipulated by references to the moon as ever this year--but I'm not really connecting with the song itself... so... I'm sorry, but I think I'm going to drop this one way down below the 65 point mark & retroactively move a bunch of other songs up a rank.

[Later: Sorry... I did make sure to give this another listen to make sure I really wanted to do this, but... yeah, this feels like a 62 point song to me at the moment.]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/08/24 7:05:26 AM
Rolling right along with two songs this morning: 1 from MaxGalactica, & 1 from MacArrowny.



???: Octopath Traveler II | Ochette, the Hunter (4:16)
Nominator: @MaxGalactica [10 songs remaining]
Character: Ochette

Initial Score: 66.01
Final Score: 69.14

(First Thoughts: [Before]

I think the only song from Octopath II that I liked was Partitio's theme, but let's give this a shot.


This is an oddly enjoyable, jaunty little tune. I wasn't expecting to enjoy this, but I actually think I liked this a fair amount... I'll try putting this towards the middle of the "like" tier for a bit. It's possible that I'm overvaluing it because my expectations were so low, but I think this will probably stand as a good representative of the tier.)

An incredibly pleasing, jaunty, adventuring tune. I enjoy this one quite a bit; not quite at the next tier, but definitely in the 69 point range. I loved Octopath Traveler 2, but outside of Partitio's theme, I didn't recall enjoying the music... but apparently I vastly underestimated the game's soundtrack since I do quite like this one.

[Later: Sadly, nothing else that I want to add to this one. It's a very fun adventuring song and I really like Ochette as a character, but I still feel like the 69 point range is appropriate.]




???: EXiNA - "DiViNE" - 4:20
Nominator: @MacArrowny [8 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 69.90
Final Score: 65.067

(First Reaction: I'm just noticing those i's are lower case and the title isn't in full caps lock. I'll correct it on my master sheet with all the scores, but I don't know that I'll fix it on the public sheet... oh, who am I kidding, it'll bother me incessantly until I do.

No matter where we go, I know well never find a place where we belong,
So then why not create one ourselves?

I like this. Simple, but I like simple. It's a rocking anime theme, which works--I like quite a few anime themes. I also have a fondness for magical girl anime, though I'll admit I haven't seen too much of the genre (Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, and Jewelpet Tinkle are probably the only ones). Good genre, good lyrics, good source material... very much one of those "good song, I like it" things where I basically leave the write up at that, but I do like it.)

I still like this, but I'm not anywhere near as into it as I was the first time around. I'm not entirely sure why, but I guess I'm just less into the harder rock song of this song and would prefer a bit more... magical girl-esque for my magical girl music? I don't know. I still like it a fair amount; good subject matter, good lyrics, and I usually like what's happening here musically.

[Later: And I'm still not quite able to recapture the magic with this song, pun not intended. The story told here is good and I do like it a fair amount, but this fits better with the songs in the early part of the 65 point tier than the latter ones.]


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/07/24 5:11:57 PM
Whoops, my head phones are dead and need to charge. So two songs to end the night; one from Murphiroth and one from Mega Mana.



???: HANABIE. | Otaku Lovely Densetsu (3:13)

Nominator: @Murphiroth [5 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 67.999
Final Score: 67.99

(First Reactions: [Before Listening]

Well... I'm willing to give anything a try, but considering how poorly most HANABIE. songs did last time, I can't say that I'm very optimistic about this one.


"In the world today, cyberspace, anime and games are
Absolutely vital cultures in everyday life."

Okay, this song did win me over during the intro. Honestly, I think I like just about everything in this song. While the lyrics are ironic, I can certainly work with lines like "Whatever you want, as much as you want; Ditch the life of challenges". The music is good, the video is fun to watch, I like this one. Sadly, it does feel a bit long--three minutes isn't long at all, but the extended pre-chorus & final chorus that close the song don't really add anything, causing the song to end on a low note. Still, I do like this; I' going to try having this song towards the top of the "I like this" tier.)

I also like this one quite a bit. Fun lyrics, good video, nice blend of metal & clean lyrics. Song works quite well, I think. The chorus is also pretty catchy which helps the song a fair amount.




Nominator: @Mega_Mana [8 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 68.949
Final Score: 67.45

(First Reaction: Hey, I wanted more sax focused smooth jazz. Nice!

...I'd like to offer more but "style of song I like performed with instruments I like" only affords so much to talk about.)

I really don't have anything to add here. It's a very pleasant and soothing sax song & I like those.

[Later: Apparently this was used on General Hospital? I never watched the show, so I wouldn't know; I watched quite a bit of Passions back in the day, which was the... crazy soap opera with witches, living dolls, the ghost of Princess Diana, and an orangutan that the producers attempted to nominate for a Daytime Emmy (the nomination was rejected). That was the only soap opera I ever really followed. All I really know about General Hospital comes from the novelty song General Hospi-Tale:

Which I only heard on the radio once, but the chorus has been stuck in my head ever since.

...Anyhow, "Faces of the Heart" is a nice track. It's a simple, relaxing smooth jazz track. It's not my favorite use of a sax, but it's an instrument I like doing things I like, so... yeah. Nice song.]


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/07/24 4:32:11 PM
Mega_Mana posted...
Re:Post #106
- Did "Tears of marionette" also get bumped up like "Robot Stop?" And where did "the two cradles / stage 2" vome from? That was from my ranking topic, not "Aire Iglesia"... right? *confused*

Not that I'm aware of? I just ctrl+f'd Tears and I only see the song posted once & the posted score (57.334) matches with both spreadsheets. There is a song somewhere that gets somewhat arbitrarily moved up because my notes didn't acknowledge it was eliminated & I didn't notice it was until it had been given more points... leading to it being un-eliminated and re-eliminated in the same post. Definitely not Marionette though, it was one of the instrumental tracks...


"Primavera-Hana Furu Hi" pops back up with an extra four points, though I acknowledge when that one happens. A few others get moved up later in the topic (Bears Got To Go To College, Numbers, devil?angel [I'm not typing the upside down angel part manually])... I'm not immediately sure if anything other than those four tracks & Robot Stop had their score changed. Definitely not Tears of Marionette though.

(Reminds me, I'm supposed to listen to that one Genshin Impact song that reminded me of NiGHTS to see if I wanted to retroactively move it up a tier...)


You'd have to ask NFUN about the two cradles nomination, I didn't even know it wasn't from a game so I know nothing about it other than it not being from a game.

Mega_Mana posted...
- [I finished with 42, spent the last half-hour playing songs from Scrubs, and was 'burn-free' until now. Welcome back -_-. You think that you'll break me?]

Well, mentioning Scrubs caused "Men At Work | Overkill" to get stuck in my head, so I had to stop everything to go listen to it. </.<

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/07/24 3:28:08 PM
Sukuinote really doesn't seem like your type of song since you're not typically into Japanese lyrics & I don't recall you being especially into discordant experimental tracks, so not tracking it down would be the right call. If you were to listen to it anyway, I'd advise listening alongside the creepy music video:

Which certainly pairs well with the song. Not so well that I want to give it any extra points, but it's... something. (I like the part starting around 2:19, but I would not say that it's worth listening to just for that section... also, I don't think static was one of your things either, so you may actually like it less than the rest of the song anyway).

I can't really think of any stats to ask about, though I'd be happy to read any you thought of. For individual songs, I'll admit I'm curious if you had any thoughts on Surrender (Ramin Djawadi and Brandon Campbell | Surrender [Post 72]) as the best we came up with was 'this song exists', but I imagine you'd have said something already if you had anything you truly want3d to say.

...That was a typo, but I like the eay it looks and it can stay. (I don't like the way that one looks, but I'd feel bad about deleting it when I kept the first one.)

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/07/24 7:56:00 AM
Two songs from paulg & one from NBIceman to start the day. Congratulations to those with names between redrocket & paul, as well as NFUN, who aren't losing anything else at this tier level:


???: MAKOTCH, Yakuza - Receive You (3:30)
Nominator: @paulg235 [6 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 67.44
Final Score: 69.59

(First Impressions: It's been so long since I played the early Yakuza games that there's no way I can try applying these lyrics to the characters or stories of the Yakuza series. Fortunately, I think this song is good enough that it doesn't really need the added context. Unfortunately, I can't quite think of anything to say here... I remember liking the song while it was playing, but I actually can't recall it at all now that it's over. I'm going to try upper-mid 60s for the starting score on this one; if it starts sticking out more in my mind on repeat listens, it'll pretty easily make it up a tier--but I don't exactly want to take a song that I only have half-recalled vibes of up all the way to the "really like" tier right away.)

I like this song quite a bit. There's a very pleasing heaviness to the instruments throughout most of the song; the lyrics and vocalist aren't exactly my favorite, but there are points where there's a decent weight to them that compliments the force of the instruments. I never quite get that spark I need to justify moving the song up a tier, but it's another worthy entrant to the 69 point area.




???: Tim Follin, Plok! - Akrillic (3:58)
Nominator: @paulg235 [5 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 69.19
Final Score: 65.062 [Upgraded to 69.45]

(First Impressions: There was a brief period of time, back at the first ranking, where I was hyper into chiptunes and actually considered Tim Follin my favorite musician. Those days are behind me and I honestly never really got into Plok's soundtrack even when I was majorly into his work, so I had fairly low expectations going into this... but this does some unexpectedly interesting things. Shortly after the one minute mark there's a brief stretch which is very deep, heavy, and crushing in the best ways. I love that section. The rest of the song... does absolutely nothing like that section ever again, but a few of the digitial instruments are fun. There's some sharp, piercing notes that I'm into and a very synthetic woo-y type thing near the three minute mark. Those are nice. I'm torn between high 60s and low 70s on this.. I think I'm going to stick with the high 60s for the first impression. It's a very nice song that I like quite a bit, but the part that I love is really only a brief part of it which I think holds things back a bit.)

That bit at the one minute mark is basically carrying the song on its own. It's still a very fantastic section that is absolutely the type of crushing chiptune that I'm into... unfortunately, I'm less into the rest of the song than the first time around. It's not bad, but as I said, I wasn't ever really into the Plok soundtrack even during my "Tim Follin is the best artist of all time" phase.... it still definitely deserves to be in the 65 point area, but I'm definitely having second thoughts about having this so close to the 70 point mark. ...Though I really do kinda love that one section.

[Later: Ooh, I'm even more into that one section of the song that I love than usual! ...Sadly, I still don't quite see this song as being at the next tier, but it's being moved back up towards the very high end of this section of the tier list.]




???: Osamu Suzuki | Grand Sword (2:56)
Nominator: @NBIceman [9 songs remaining]
Character: Kenta Kobashi

Initial Score: 66.35
Final Score: 66.25 [Upgraded to 69.594]

(First Reaction: A suitably dramatic instrumental entrance theme. It's really cool!

...I was gonna ramble for a bit, but "dramatic" & "really cool" feel like enough adjectives to describe the song.)

I wonder why past me didn't want to ramble. Rambling is what we do. I also wonder what we were going to ramble about, as we don't know Japanese wrestling and have barely even heard of Kenta. I feel like there's no direction we could have taken that write up. Which would be fine, but why imply there was something we weren't saying??

...Well, whatever. Song is dramatic and cool. It doesn't inspire any particular emotions or feelings other than "cool", but it's cool enough to defeat most other instrumentals that don't inspire any reaction. Perhaps that's all we considered saying and just didn't bother because it wasn't worth the effort? We'll never know.

[Later: Ooh, I'm feeling this song more than usual this morning. Still not quite at the next tier, but a few points closer than it ever was before. Moving this song up to the 69 point area.]



Should be back with more songs later this afternoon or evening.

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/06/24 5:24:14 PM

???: DeBarge | Rhythm Of The Night (3:53)
Nominator: @redrocket [10 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 68.499
Final Score: 68.499 [Upgraded to 69.597]

(First Impressions: A catchy and fun 80s song. There's not a whole lot here for me specificially... I love night, but it's more like "this song takes place at night" rather than actually being about night? It's just a fun dancing song. Which is fine! It's fun and I like it. Not the type of song I'd ever seek out, but not something I'm ever disappointed by when it comes on the radio.)

Should have nominated "Who's Johnny" to be honest! ...Or maybe you shouldn't have. I like the film and its sequel, but there are memories associated with when I first saw it and things might have gotten weird if I let myself fall into a flashback. *a few sentences are redacted because, in retrospect, I'd rather not go through those memories right now*

......Well thankfully, you didn't nominate the song that inspires those flashbacks! Otherwise things would be awkward. </.<

Right, right, "Rhythm Of The Night". It's a fine song! I kinda like El DeBarge's voice, I.... sorta have nostalgia for him even though the memories are bad (the film & song are good enough to trump uncomfortable flashbacks), it's a popular song that I haven't heard so many times that I'm bored of it, and it deals with the night. All good things! But the song never clicks with me in any particularly interesting way... it's like "oh hey, there's that guy I like singing about something I like" and the result is.... something I like. It's a very fine addition to this tier, but I'm afraid it's unlikely to move up a tier.

[Later: It's a hard choice on I I want to move this song up or not... I do want to listen to some more DeBarge, I love celebrating the night, and there's even some halfway decent memories attached to this song: I remember playing quite a bit of the Music Scene-It board game & this song's music video was one of the clips from it. ...It's not an especially deep memory, but "hey, this song was featured in a trivia game I enjoyed" is probably the happiest memory in the topic?

And yet... I still kinda feel having it down a tier. Or perhaps more accurately, I'd take Groundhog Day & Saavedro over this song, and can't move this up without also moving them up. Which I could do! But... while that's a very strong trio, I'm still feeling them as the highest representation of this tier more than the lowest reps of the next. ...Probably. I can always move everything up later if I change my mind.]


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/06/24 5:24:08 PM
Mega_Mana posted...
The biggest problem I had with 3MB is that every week was the same match against Los Matadores for like six months. I mean, it all culminated in the outstanding WeeLC match... with Drew and Jinder gone from the company less than a month later... because why?

...Hold on.

Wow. Yeah. I haven't changed a banner in over a decade. It's still a screengrab of that hilarious interview with Tom.

I wouldn't hold the lack of opposing teams against 3MB; Vince was never great with tag teams and it's not like Triple H is doing much better (New Day being reduced to practically jobber status hurts and I don't even know where Pretty Deadly went)... I'd 3MB did the best they could with what was offered to them.

Funny interview. Obviously reminds me of that time in WCW where Sid requested to start the interview over, only for Mean Gene to yell "we're live, pal!" at him. </.<


Three songs today. Working my way through everyone's at risk nominations in reverse alphabetical order and deciding what I'm okay with eliminating... so here's a song each from Zazi,TunnelScene, and redrocket. Congratulations to everyone who comes between them alphabetically, as all of their songs should be safe until the next tier,



#???: Weezer | Mrs. Young (3:35)
Nominator: @ZaziGuado [10 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 65.07
Final Score: 65.001 [Upgraded to 65.077]

(First Reaction: It is interesting comparing the two songs side by side like this. I definitely prefer the computer sounding instruments of The Rentals version of the song, but there's a greater emotional resonance from the lyrics in Mrs. Young. I'm going to give a slight nod to this version of the song in scoring... I dunno. I still don't have any lyrics here that I want to draw attention to, but I feel a slight connection with the singer in this performance of the song that makes me like this *more* even if I can't really articulate why.

...Well, I suppose, "I prefer his singing voice here" is articulated well enough, but it feels like an unsatisfying write up.)

For better or worse, it's been a while since I listened to "Please Let That Be You" and this song finally has a chance to stand fully on its own... and I'm a little less into this one right now, though not by much. I don't want to send this one down to under 65 points and there are definitely a handful of Walled songs that I'd take this over, but I'm feeling "I like this singer and am a bit attached to him" isn't quite enough at this stage of the topic; "You are my faith and I love you" is a sweet sentiment, but... well I'm just not too attached to the song other than his singing voice. Still, I do like this a fair amount.

[Later: It's honestly pretty close between this song and The Rentals completed version of it, but I definitely prefer the Rentals version a bit more. I think 65 points feels fair for this song.]

[Later-er: This song may have started off ahead, but after repeated listens "Please Let That Be You" has kept moving up the list while "Mrs. Young" has been relatively static. I do like this one and it's never been in danger of dropping below the 65 point line, but... somehow it never sparks enough of a reaction to move off of 65 points. I like it a good amount though.]




???: Steve Reich arr. DJ Spooky that Subliminal Kid | City Life (Open Circuit) (7:03)
Nominator: @TunnelScene [9 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 65.55
Final Score: 69.20

(First Impressions: I wasn't too sure of this song at first, but this hits HARD around 5:10. That retro video game explosion sound, followed by those deep instruments? That stretch (which lasts for about a minute) is definitely one of the highlights of the topic; beautiful, easily a hundred points, and this song would be in contention to win the entire topic if I loved the rest of it anywhere near as much as this section.

...Unfortunately, that minute is the only part that I'm really into. I certainly don't mind the rest of the song, but it's... well, not perfection like the part I love. I'm really not sure where this song will wind up placing--it certainly can't drop below the 60 point mark, but beyond that, I'm afraid to make a guess. I only love 1/7th of the song, but I do really love that 1/7th. I think I'll start with a conservative score in the mid-60s to open and we'll see where it goes from there.).

The early parts of the song aren't bad. They're kinda claustrophobic? Which is interesting. I certainly don't mind the effect of feeling like I'm sealed inside a tunnel--especially as this is a fairly open tunnel, so there's a decent amount of room to explore and listen to all the creaking noises & the sounds of vermin skittering about. But... I'm feeling like the very high 60s is appropriate for the track. One part I love and several minutes of song that I like a fair amount seems to translate to "I like this quite a bit", but not quite at the next tier level of like.



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/05/24 9:36:49 PM
Let's go crazier with changing scores around. I'm feeling... chaotic.

"devilla6ue" jumps up a tier with 62.00005 points. It's... admittedly not a favorite, but I'm surprised how often the chorus has popped into my head since it was eliminated &... yeah, sure, I'll renumber everything for the sake of getting it a more accurate score.

"Bears Got To Go To College"....I'm in a teddy bear mood and giving it "65.265" points.

"Numbers" is just un-eliminated entirely; I've listened to it four times today which... is very much not the reaction of a "really like" song. I don't know how many points I'm going to give it other than "a lot". So I'm just going to set it aside for a few days and see if I'm still obsessed with it later. [Also, I may have switched to listening to it in fanmade music video mode:

And it's so much more spellbinding with the rapid switching video alongside the audio. Which is cheating. But I do not care. "This music video has caused me to love the song" is a valid reason to give a ton of points if I want to.

Also, it's unfortunate that the video doesn't play the Robocop infomercial. Though having an unseen Robocop shout that his weapon systems are linked to your phone is perhaps even funnier, so I'm okay with it.]


Mega_Mana posted...
Did you know back in 1835, Samuel Colt made a special gun? They say this gun can kill anything.

I've never watched Supernatural and don't know a lot about it. I know they crossed over with Scooby-Doo & I had a Supernatural-themed My Little Pony wallpaper set for one of my PS3 accounts background:

(I had several different accounts for reasons & a different Pony related image on each. I do not recall what the other images were.)

...That's pretty much all I have for that series.

Mega_Mana posted...
Honestly, if I thought it would do well at all, I would've liked to nominate the 3MB theme more.

"3 Man Band" is a cheesy rock theme that I enjoy. Probably around 70 points for it; "More Than One Man" has the iconic opening, but it feels like an inferior remix for some reason... I don't know, could just be the audio quality on the links I'm finding since the themes are pretty similar and there shouldn't be this big of a gap between them. Anyway, I'm thinking like.... 63-ish points for it. It just feels like a heavier rock song that I don't find nearly as appealing.

Either way, I liked 3MB. They were a fun group.


Sorry that I couldn't quite connect as strongly with YOYOK as you did, but thanks for sharing the story!

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/05/24 8:13:10 AM
Well, "Window of the Waking Mind" Is nice, but it's still a bit... spicy lyrically. It's certainly helped by finding triggers I didn't know I have & I'm at a point where I can listen to the song without my emotions spiking, but these still aren't exactly flashbacks and memories that I want to dwell on for too long.

I still plan on going through the rest of the album after the topic--I could do it now, but it's a bit of a time investment and to be honest, I think Comatose fares better if I treat it as a stand alone song without the story associated with it & I'm concerned that it would be a bit harmed if I did a deep dive into the album right now; so I'll definitely get into those combined songs later... I'll try to make a note to treat them as one song when I get around to commenting on said album.

CJones posted...
My favorite C&C album musically, hands down, is Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (Yes, that's the actual title). However, that album has some serious issues lyrically that make me reluctant to recommend it. The lyrics can pretty much be boiled down to: I hate you, I love you, I hate you, I love you, I hate you...

Honestly, I could go for a good 'hate' song right now... might try checking a few songs from that album out later.


Still taking the day off, but I feel like upgrading "Pool Hopping"'s score to... 69.58-ish; had it randomly stuck in my head this morning and regret the score being so low.

I also wish to move Numbers up, though I'm not sure... where exactly. That answering machine bridge goes on way too long and I actively dislike that part of the song, but the rest of it is much stronger than I gave it credit for. Should probably be up a tier... eh, let's just set it to 73.36 for now and I'll see if I want to move it up or down once we get to that point.

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/04/24 4:43:45 PM
^Those are some good ending lyrics there, I agree.


Brief thoughts on recently mentioned songs as I take a little break to recalibrate my opinions. No real reason that I'm covering them now instead of adding them to za'list, apart from "I want to listen to these now so I'm going to".:

J'nanin - Island: Ah, this definitely is more of what I liked from Saavedro's Theme. Very dark and heavy, with lots of that mine cart-esque rattling that I'm drawn to. Song picks up a bit around 7:45, which is pretty neat and actually starts feeling a bit claustrophobic around the 8 minute mark. It's very "underwater ruins, waiting for the water to rush in and crush you" type music... I think I might really like this one, actually. The unpredictable nature of when I'll be hit with vocalizations or a sharp trilling note keeps the song from feeling monotonous and it mostly just doubles down on the things I really liked from Saavedro's Theme to start with. Very nice. I think it's also telling that even after over eleven minutes, I didn't actually want the song to end; I suppose, in retrospect, it's less that Saavedro was "too short" and more that this type of endless ambience doesn't get to have a satisfying conclusion due to its very nature... like I'd be hard pressed to call this song too short, but I still feel a tad unsatisfied by how it feels like it just stops. Still, very impressive for a song to be this long and still leave me wanting significantly more, so I'd say I really like it.

J'anin - Saavedro: Ohh, now this is the good stuff... there's those powerful, crushing, low tones that so few songs actually offer. This one's definitely worth at least 90 points and serves as a very good example of the type of heavy, resonating, reverberating tones that I love. I love this one, thank you so much for bringing it to my attention!


Dephasing: Ow, I forgot to lower my volume after those previous atmospheric songs. Definitely my fault there. Anyway, this song is somewhat interesting... the beat's still a bit more pronounced than I'd like, but I'd probably say I like this. There's a really good stretch starting around two minutes in, where the beat goes away and the song swells with hope & interstellar travel vibes. There's a real sense of preparing to activate a warp drive which is certainly a new feeling for music to convey and I might kinda love that bit. ...Does lose me a bit again once the beat comes back in full force, but that one section was amazing and I can live with the rest of the song in exchange for getting to listen to it. Song would likely wind up in the early 65 points area; feels like something that would have easily gotten an "I like this, -but-" writeup to start with ; then get shoved into the Wall eventually when I refused to eliminate a song with a section that I kinda love any earlier than that ; and then wound up... probably around 65.22-ish points, if I had to make a prediction.

(Though considering how wildly some scores have increased on repeat listens, I don't know that I'd place too much stock in a first impression.)


Angel's Ladder: Ah, around 1:55, I see why you would have nominated this. The early parts weren't inspiring any specific reaction and I was starting to wonder why 'this' song.. but the fade out to a quieter section is well done & I really dig the part around 2:18 where it becomes chiptune-esque; very "anime power-up" type music, like getting a cool upgrade for your sword before getting ready for battle. The song doesn't linger on those vibes as long as I might like, but they're very nice while they last... first reaction is that it would likely be a bit below Dephasing (Space Travel > Chiptune Sword), but not that far below... probably around 63 or 64 points? Though I suspect it probably would have wound up Walled and winding up somewhere in the "65.0000?" pile. Still, I do like the song a fair amount, so thank you--it was worth checking out.


Clicking through that Bee Thousand album arbitrarily and only commenting on songs that I feel like commenting on:

Gold Star For Robot Boy: I am... oddly drawn to this song. Like, "I don't think there's any way it gets less than 80 points" drawn to. I'm... not sure why, but I at least kinda love this? Maybe actually in the 90s... I don't have a reason for it, but this feels like a pretty big hit.

[Later: Playing this a third time and yeah, I'm feeling... 97 points for this? I don't think I want it at the 100 point tier, but it's completely spellbinding in a way where I'm not... not entirely sure that I don't want it at the highest tier either.]


Awful Bliss: Hey, the audio mixing is better on this track! Possibly a low 70s song? Honestly, I'm a bit scrambled from how much I loved Robot Boy so it's hard to properly process things now... I feel like I should probably just take a moment to sit back and recalibrate because my head feels all... funny right now which is likely jumbling my scoring process. Either way, I really like this at the moment.


Mincer Ray: I like this one. It's... not as good as Awful Bliss, but it's not a bad successor. Like, I don't regret my decision to just let the next track play instead of stopping it after Bliss ended. Somewhere in the 60s, probably.


Her Psychology Today: Weird and not in a very pleasant way, but I... dunno. I might like this one for being so different? I don't have enough of a read to make a proper guess... it's very much a "throw this song into exactly 60 points and compare it against other songs I like on some future date after I've had time to process it" type songs.


Demons Are Real: Too short and the squeaking sound in my ear is unpleasant, but I kinda like it anyway? It's at least different enough to have been worth the listen & short enough that it ends before the squeaking sounds can agitate.

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/04/24 8:34:10 AM


#???: Cloud Cult | Complicated Creation (2:31)

Nominator: @ZaziGuado [10 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 39.87
Final Score: 47.26 [Upgraded to 48.93] [Upgraded to ??? (set to 58.32)] [Upgraded to 63.28] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.069]

(First Reaction: [Luce] I like the piano that briefly comes in for the instrumental section. It's not there for long, but it's pretty and I enjoy it. I don't like the singing here; something about the voices feels grating, which is odd because I'm positive I've enjoyed other songs with this vocalist and I'm not quite sure why I'm bouncing so hard off of his voice this time. The lyrics are... *she groans as she defaults to Fluttershy's default response instead of finding her own voice* fine. I don't like them, this type of "learn to take the bad with the good" inspiration doesn't work for me.

If you pray to God for rain
Don't you complain about the lightning
If you're asking for directions
Don't you moan about the distance

And I know I'm taking this too literally, but if I pray to a supernatural being for water & they electrocute me, I'm going to be a tad pissed off. If I need to get somewhere and the distance is too far to reach, I'm going to complain about it; I may or may not eventually get there anyway, but I'll certainly complain. And yes, it's a metaphor, but complaining is what I do and I'm okay with that. But still, i acknowledge the point he's trying to make and that I should complain less. I don't want to hear it and I won't listen, but I don't actively hate the message... it's just "fine".)

I think I'm going to retroactively slide this song in between Pikkie De Ekster and Announcement.

...actually I may want to move Announcement up. Remind me to upgrade Announcement's score to "52.36" points. Yeah, let's move Announcement up and place this one just a smidge above Goblin Slayer. This song, while really not for me right now is at least making me think about my negativity and bad attitude about all of existence. Which is more than I get from other eliminated songs, so... yeah, I feel good about moving this up just a bit.

[Later: ...Actually, let's not eliminate this one tonight.]

[Still Later: Why do I kinda like this suddenly? I wouldn't say that I enjoy this, but I would say that I quite actively don't want to eliminate it. Curious. I suppose I'll move this to the Kinda Like tier and attempt evaluating it again later.]

[Still Later Still: ...You can go up a tier as long as you don't ask any questions about it.]

[Infinitely Later: Ah, this song. For reference, Goblin Slayer was back in #327th place and eliminated just over a month ago. Much like "Gravity is a Bitch", this is a song that's been hanging on for a LONG time. It's actually not one of the songs referenced in Gravity's write up: Gravity and two other songs were in #391st through #393rd place... Gravity's out, obviously, but the other two songs have somehow held on and made it up another tier. ...So... well, this song raised from #377th place on an Initial Listen, so it's still come pretty far! Just not as far as the two missing songs from Gravity's little trio there.

...But I suppose that's all just random trivia about statistics and unrelated songs, so I should try to make myself focus on the song that's actually relevant. First, I like that he's talking to the moon; I'm on a bit of a moon kick right now. This doesn't really feel like a moon song, so I'm not feeling inclined to give any bonus moon points, but... well, he references the moon, that's definitely not a negative. I'll also admit that I should reflect on the song's lyrics and think about things.

I'm not going to, but... ya know, credit for trying to inspire some deep personal reflection?

But much like Gravity, I feel like this song's time has finally come; I'm a bit... tired of not eliminating it. This is at least it's tenth listen and I really need to move on to other songs.

I'm feeling oddly torn between Complicated Creation & Gravity. This has better lyrics and is likely closer to inspiring a reaction that gives it a lot of extra points, but it never quite resonates properly. Gravity feels like it should be lower, but I can't imagine a world in which it actually is lower than this song... so it shall join Gravity in an exact tie.]




#???: Air | Alone in Kyoto (4:51)
Nominator: @ZaziGuado [11 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 60.08
Final Score: 64.86 [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.27]

(First Reaction: A nice instrumental tune. There's some wave sound effects towards the end and I do love beach ambience, though the song doesn't really go for beach-y or aquatic themes, which limits how many free points it can get for the nebulous "wave sound effects" category. It doesn't make me think of anything special, but I do still like it.)

Well, probably not instrumental do to all those "do do do" vocalizations in the throughout the song, but there are no lyrics so "instrumental" is as close as I could think of for a word. Back on topic, I really do like how it has some wave sounds... it's honestly not a beach song, but it has enough beach-like ambiance that I find myself liking this a fair amount... I'm going to put this close to 65 points and see how I feel about it in a day or two.

[Later: It's not even remotely a beach song, but it brings to mind some pleasing memories of a beach so... I mean, I'll take it. Nostalgic flashbacks are nostalgic flashbacks, even if the song isn't something that should be triggering them. (...Actually, I guess there are quite a bit of wave sounds on this, so maybe it should count as beach vibes? I don't know).

Anyway, I definitely feel good about putting this in the 65 point category. Very nice song with good memories attached to it.]



And we're through with every song that was banished into the Wall without an actual score! All other Walled songs have been given at least 70 points and won't be seen for a while yet.

We're not done with all the 60 point songs yet though; we've still got a batch of songs with Initial Scores that were between 65.00 & 69.9999 which haven't even gotten a second listen yet, in addition to however many songs had "Final Scores" in that range. I'll take tomorrow off to get things a bit better organized & probably resume songs on Thursday. (Maybe Friday if I'm especially slow).

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/04/24 8:27:32 AM
banshiryuu posted...
Dephasing is def my favorite track, but I was thinking Angel's Ladder would've been a smarter pick for this.

I'll try to listen to those two this afternoon as well. I could use a bit of a break after the Wall finishes, so now's a fine time to take a short intermission & recalibrate with a few non-topic songs.


Two songs from UF8 & two songs from Zazi to end the Wall & the "actually ranking nominated songs" part of our day:

EDIT: Also, congratulations on xtlm not having any songs in the Wall.



#???: NEQRE (PSY.parDRUXX) | Motva (5:56)
Nominator: @UF8 [9 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 61.001
Final Score: Set to "at least 65.00" points and set aside. [Upgraded to 69.55]

(First Reaction:

Everything melts inside the shell, forming a spiral and spitting out clean bubbles.
Through silence, God leads from impurity to liberation.
The fire goes out, the mother finishes her role and withers away.
New green flower life water star
patrol and return it to its original state
Pray with all your soul

Either Google Translate is failing me or I really don't understand this. Or both. Both is good.

Well, whatever the Japanese text listed after the lyrics means, I think the song itself might be in a fictional language? At least, Google translate can't figure anything out about it. Anyhow, I like her voice and the etheral nature of this song, even if I have no idea what any of it means.)

Whatever this song is, it's mysterious and ethereal which I find appealing enough to move it up to the pile of songs that definitely aren't being eliminated soon.

[Later: Another song in the high 69 point area. I like this one quite a bit, obviously. I continue to not understand the song, but I don't really need to understand it? I feel like the mysterious and otherworldly nature is the point, so I'm good with not resolving the mysteries here. Good song.]




#???: Furukawa Nob | Again and Again (4:31)
Nominator: @UF8 [8 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 58.246
Final Score: 64.28 [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside.] [Upgraded to 69.13]

(First Reaction: A fun little tune to bop along with. It doesn't exactly set my world on fire, but it's enjoyable and deserves more than the 313 views it currently has.)

It still doesn't make me think of anything specific, but it is very fun & I can throw this on and have a good time just kinda bopping along the music. This is really nice. I like it.

[Later: I like this quite a bit. Is this the highest ranking of the "instrumental songs that don't inspire any specific reaction" category? Perhaps. I honestly can't recall at this point. It's definitely a bop as the kids say. Or said at one point. That's probably old slang by now. I'm old. Physically, at least.

...Rambling, yes, but this is what happens when I don't want to leave a write up blank but also don't have anything about the song itself to say. I know the very inspirational story behind the video, which is very nice, but I don't quite think I'm in a place to properly talk about it? It's definitely beautiful to see him able to move on from tragedy and reinvent himself, but that's also the type of deeply personal thing that is way too important to touch with my brand of ridiculous nonsense.

So... yeah. Very nice song, very nice video, don't... really have a lot to say about either one, I'm afraid. I've tried, but I've offiicially spent twenty minutes on this write up and gotten absolutely nowhere, so... I think this is it.]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/03/24 9:53:34 PM
TunnelScene posted...
not long enough you say!?!?!?

the OST overall is dynamic/generated based on actions of the player & stuff. However unlike most tracks Saavedro's Theme is heard as a discrete single audio file track that's exactly what was nommed before it becomes these less dense more different-every-time versions later.

Ooh, I'll try to listen to those two links tomorrow afternoon. I'd love to pounce on them now, but it's incredibly late and I really need to get this tablet charging for a bit before bed.

tazzyboyishere posted...
Two drops ain't bad. Guided By Voices really leans into the lofi aesthetic on a few albums, with Bee Thousand being my favorite. The songs are short and poppy and it reminds me of listening to old pop music on my old pickup truck from the '88 (it's dead now)

I used to consider Exuma like, a top 5 song. Not as big on it anymore but still love the chaotic instrumentation and imagery.

I may try a few other songs from Bee Thousand later then. There are a few interesting song titles, so I'll give them another three or four chances when I get a moment.

Exuma does have a lot of fun imagery. I don't think we even got around to commenting on the line about speaking with multiple voices, which... not exactly the same thing, but is somewhat relevant to our interests. </.<

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/03/24 5:06:23 PM

???: Jon Hassell | Ndeya (7:07)

Nominator: @TunnelScene [11 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Final Score: 63.287 [Set to "at least 65.00" points and moved aside] [Upgraded to 69.17]

(First Reaction: Original link is no longer working for me, so I've switched to a Spotify link. Song is spooky, it's very "exploring an abandoned subway at night" vibes (it is ironic that you nominated a song named Subway that does not invoke subways but this song does). I feel like I'm going to get stabbed by the end of this song, but honestly, if you're exploring abandoned subway tunnels at night you kinda have to expect that you're getting stabbed.

I'm a bit disappointed the song just sorta stopped at the end instead of going with sharp, stabbing notes. I feel decidedly unstabbed at the moment and vaguely cheated as a result.)

Spooky environmental song is fun. The ending is a bit anticlimactic as it feels like it's building up to something bad happening, but I'm not as bothered by it now... I suppose it depends on if I'm more in a mood for "exporation where nothing bad happens" or "tragic/violent song" on if I'm into what the song is doing or not. But today, I kinda want a more peaceful song, so I think this gets a few extra points.

[Later: Huh. Now this song feels more like "derelict alien spaceship" than "subway". It's neat how the environment I imagine changes with my mental state. I'd like to investigate my mind a bit more, but I haven't the foggiest idea how to do so. Anyway, I'm feeling like this is another very high 60 point song? Very good and variable ambiance, but I'm not quite feeling it at the next level. Close though.]




???: Jack Wall | Saavedro's Theme (2:15)
Nominator: @TunnelScene [10 songs remaining]
Character: Saavedro

Initial Score: 63.3333
Final Score: At least 65.00 and set aside. [Upgraded to 69.99]

(First Thoughts: I like this.

....unfortunately, I just listened to this a second time and have no further insights than "I like this", so I will not be elaborating at this time. Thank you for coming to my whatever the opposite of a TED Talk is.)

I like this, but I think I want more from it. It feels too short... like I'm very close to connecting with it and losing myself in a fantasy, but it winds up stopping before I get there. It has this very dark ambiance, which almost reminds me of an abandoned mine? The rattling sounds could work as a distant mine cart and it feels like exploring deeper & deeper into the Earth. It's a really neat effect, but it ends well before I'm done exploring the musical environment. Still, it's a fun experience while it lasts and I think I'll move it up to the ludicrously bloated 65 point level.

[Later: I still agree with my assessment that the song is too short, but I do really like the exploration feeling while the song lasts. But when when I look at all the songs at the 70 point tier, I feel a tiny bit... unsatisfied with the thought of this song being there. It's not much, but I feel a very clear divide between this track & the next tier, though the fact that I'd take it over Groundhog Day makes this likely the highest scoring song of the 60s. I... wish that statistic were able to bring more comfort than it will, but still! King ot the "I like this" tier is quite a title.

...Well, hypothetical title. I... haven't finished eliminating things yet... but it's statistically very unlikely for anything to get 69.999 and steal its slot?]


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/03/24 5:04:32 PM
Snake5555555555 posted...

Oh wow I was looking up the rankings and forgot it placed that low!

Well, like I said, it might have been able to improve if I'd done the whole "keep listening and rearranging the list" thing like I did at future rankings; I stuck rather rigidly to not modifying the ranking after it started the first time around, so it didn't quite get the same chance that Gravity did. But who knows? That was quite a while ago.


And we'll end with another unfortunate quadruple elimination, this time from TunnnelScene, to end the night. Featuring what's likely going to be the highest scoring of the 60 point songs:



???: Masako Oogami | Theme of Illusionist (0:53)
Nominator: @TunnelScene [13 songs remaining]
Character: Illusionist

Initial Score: 60.00
Final Score: 60.0000005 [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 66.98]

(First Reaction: It's a short little loop, but it playfully bounces back-and-forth between the ears in a way that I oddly enjoy. Usually I hate when songs switch which ear they're playing music to, but something about this song is playful enough that it comes across as cute rather than aggravating or panic inducing. I think I'll add this to the growing clump of songs that consume the exactly 60 point zone.)

It's really remarkable that I don't hate this. I know that sounds mean, and probably is mean, but hear me out. I had a lot of trouble with the Fiona Apple song nominated at the first ranking, Hot Knife. The way it surrounds you with different sounds playing to each ear gave me enough of a panic attack that I had to shut the song off because I physically could not listen to it. [I have eventually adjusted well enough that I now just aggressively dislike Hot Knife for its endless repetition, but that first listen was the most physically taxing song of any ranking I've done.]

Theme of Illusionist feels like it should be triggering a similar response. Bouncing audio isn't typically a favored effect, but there's something playful about the way it's done here where it's not... *fidgets* well, I don't want to say "it's not scary" because that implies I'm scared of bouncing audio which I'm not. Typically. But I also don't know how else to put it? "The song is fun and not scary and does something I typically hate in a nice way so I like it" is as coherent as a write up as I can offer.

[Later: Song was moved aside without comment. This song was surprisingly hard to eliminate... I wouldn't quite call it a favorite, as it's still not a style that I'm that into, but it's nifty. I like that it's doing something I'm not a fan of in a way that I kind-of am a fan, so I actually like this one quite a bit. Unfortunately, like with so many other songs in the Wall, "quite like" isn't entirely enough to stave off elimination anymore.]




???: Tim Larkin | Beginnings ~ Yeesha (3:46)
Nominator: @TunnelScene [12 songs remaining]
Character: Yeesha

Initial Score: 57.80
Final Score: 60.033 [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 66.957]

(First Reaction: A nice, ambient environmental tune. Unfortunately, it's not inspiring any particular feelings... I like the sound of it and could see it moving up in the future, I just need to be in the right headspace where this feels like it transports me somewhere and I guess I'm not there tonight.)

Pleasingly majestic. I'm definitely more into this than the first time around; regrettably, it still doesn't conjure any specific feelings or emotions, but I do like listening to it. I especially like the very end, around 3:30, which feels very windy for some reason. And I know "I like the part that reminds me of wind" feels like a rather incoherent explanation, but it's the explanation I have so we'll all just have to live with it.

[Later: Song was moved aside without comment. It's a very nice ambient track that I enjoy quite a bit, but I never managed to get a detailed image in my mind, I'm afraid. It certainly manages to be better than several other instrumental songs that don't inspire any specific feelings, as it's a very nice soundscape... but we're again at a sticking point where a very nice sound isn't quite enough to survive by itself.]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/03/24 7:50:58 AM
Snake5555555555 posted...
My worst performing Miranda Lambert song!

"Little Red Wagon" at the first topic was 191st/200 songs and stated as having been in dead last after first impressions, so I'd say Gravity performed significantly better! Though to be fair, I was starting to come around on Wagon a bit by the end and felt I was going to start liking it ironically if I had to keep listening, so that one might have done better if I'd given it even one more chance.


Two drops from tazzy to start the morning:



???: Guided By Voices | Queen Of Cans And Jars (1:55)
Nominator: @tazzyboyishere

Initial Score: 63.29
Final Score: 62.68 [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.068]

(First Reaction: Short, but sweet. It's got an enjoyable sound to it; I don't know that I'd call it lofi exactly, but it's probably somewhere lofi adjacent? The lyrics are vague and open to lots of interpretation, with an animalistic metaphor of scratching & clawing which allows me to play with things. Not really furry, but ya know, with enough ambiguity and metaphors that there's room for me to delude myself with imaginary meanings and scenarios. I like this. I do wish there was a bit more to it... like always, it's better for a song to end too soon, but I do find myself wishing for an extra verse here.)

I'm rather less into how faint his singing voice is today. I know it's part of the whole lofi aesthetic and I usually enjoy it, but the effect is pulling me out of the song and... I still like the song and all, I like the lyrics being just ambiguous enough to play with, I like scratching & clawing, but... I'm just less interested in the singing than usual which makes this easier to cut than most remaining songs.

[Later: Song was moved aside without comment. I like the aesthetic and I like the ambiguity of the lyrics, but the faint & quiet nature of the vocals doesn't always work for me.]





Exuma | Exuma, the Obeah Man (6:21)
Nominator: @tazzyboyishere

Initial Score: 59.36
Final Score: 60.025 [Upgraded to 63.025] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.002]

(First Reaction: I'm not crazy for the chorus (blah blah, vocalizations, I've complained enough for ten lifetimes) or the outro that consists entirely of chanting "Obeah" for far too long, but the verses are intriguing. Portraying himself as a mythical figure who lived among the stars and sailed with Charon lends a very theatrical & supernatural flair to everything that I'm drawn to. I kinda love the story being told here, the fire and brimstone, and all the dark magics... but I'm kinda iffy on the song itself? I don't dislike it, but it felt like every chorus I was just waiting for some more actual lyrics to come in; and the outro went on so long, that I just wanted it to stop. Which doesn't sound like it meets the requirement of "song that I can just say "I like this" and leave it at that" for the 60 point tier, but the storytelling is so strong that I'm very tempted to push it over the line anyway. I dunno; I'll put the song in the high 50s to start with and revisit it later.)

When I got my big hat on my head

[Fluttershy] *squee* I still want a big hat! *immediately feels embarassed for the outburst and fidgets uncomfortably*

[Luce] It's fine. And if you're having that strong of a reaction, we should probably go ahead and move this one up.

[Fluttershy] Y-you don't need to do that. We can't just give points because a song mentioned a hat...

[Luce] If the rabbit can give infinite points because a video had a pool table in it, you can give points for a hat. We could even move it into first place, if you wanted.

[Fluttershy] N-no, this is... it's not, I-I don't,

[Luce] Okay, okay. No big movements. It's alright. Everything's fine. Do you think we should leave the score where it was then?

[Fluttershy] *whimpers really, really, really not liking all this attention over her accidental outburst and if you could maybe possibly stop before I hyperventilate that would be very nice please and thank you*

[Luce] I'll take that as a "no". So, how about if I move it up just a little bit because I like how happy that line made you?

[Fluttershy] *lots of nervous scratching and whimpering*

[Luce] *hugs silently*


[Later: [Fluttershy] ...Is it a good thing that I started openly giving "hat points" to songs after this or not?

[Luce] You feeling confident enough to give bonus points without trying to claw your flesh off while hyperventilating would be described as a good thing, yes.

[Fluttershy] But it's not really about the songs..

[Luce] Again, rabbit gives points for pictures of pool tables even in songs that don't reference them lyrically. This song mentioned a big hat, so this is more on topic than usual for us.

[Fluttershy] ....Then we could maybe give it a few more points?

[Luce] Obviously. *hugs again*]


[Later-er: Song was moved aside without comment. It's kinda... odd to admit that this song was helpful, but Fluttershy seems a bit more comfortable these days, so that's nice. I don't know that I'd say the song is really being Oportunista'd, but it does rather fit the bill. Really remarkable about how many helpful songs got shoved into the Wall and eliminated in relatively quick succession like this.]


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/02/24 4:07:57 PM

Nominator: @Snake5555555555 [6 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 30.00
Final Score: 30.00 [Upgraded to 52.00] [Moved Aside] [Score set to 61.00] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.069]

(First Reaction: Yes, I uncensored the title to avoid getting hit for censor bypassing. I am paranoid like that. Anyway, I did not like this song, though I will say that it's a tier above the songs that are currently fighting for last place which rather puts it in the 30 point tier by default; I don't dislike the current last place songs strongly enough to say that I hate them, so they can't drop below 20 points & this is one tier above them, so... yeah.

Honestly, this isn't a terrible choice on the surface. It's humorous and she does have a good country voice, but I really don't like being reminded of my chronological age, which makes the song a non-starter. It's performed well enough that I can't hate it (as much as I may loathe the subject matter) and it certainly won't be in last place, but I really don't like it so this is likely to be the introduction to the 30 point tier.)

Well, obviously I did turn out to hate a few songs, but I hadn't heard them at the time I was listening to this for the first time. Anyway, I still feel pretty much exactly the same way. It's alright, but the lyrics make it something I'll never voluntarily listen to and... that's kinda where things end. *shrugs*

[Later: Well, SBell got hit for typoing a swear word, so there is someone around here hitting censor bypasses. So, just as well I un-censored the title so that it will be censored, and I wish I could blame Fandom for the sheer stupidity of that sentence but it's been like this since well before they bought the site.

And this... isn't bad. I wouldn't say that I'm a fan, but a relaxin' and toe-tappin' country song does almost hit the spot tonight. I'm going to boost this one up to 52 points for now; still not at the "kinda like" level, but... it's definitely much closer than this song ever was before.]

[Later: I do feel in the mood for some type of country pop, perhaps something Faith Hill or Shania Twain-ish, but this isn't quite it.

Your reflection in the glass is gonna knock you on your ass

Though I do like complaining about the reflection in the mirror, so this song does have its moments. Not sure if I want to eliminate it or not, give me a sec to what else is up for elimination for tonight.]

[Much, Much Later: I don't know. I now can't imagine this getting less than 60 points. I wouldn't say I like it, but it's drilled into whatever passes for my mind and keeps getting more points. That's something.]

[Even Later: Song moved aside without comment. One of the three lowest "Initial Score" songs to not be eliminated yet, this song has been holding on for a long time.. statistically, it started in #391st place, so it's definitely come a long way. I wouldn't say it's an absolute favorite type of country, but I'm coming around on her and actually like this song quite a bit these days... but it's finally time to let this one go.]


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/02/24 4:07:34 PM
A triple drop from Snake to end the night, including one that started with an incredibly low Initial Score:


Nominator: @Snake5555555555 [8 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 57.94
Final Score: 59.60 [Upgraded to 59.97] [Upgraded to 60.44] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 66.96]

(First Reaction:

I enter this door, look into the mirror
I don't recognize this face
It's lookin' back at me

That's some good dissocation. The lyrics mostly just keep repeating "Die monster, die" which holds it back a bit, but it's got an infectious energy and at least one line that I really like, so I kinda like this? May move it up later.)

Another track where there's one really good verse that's doing all the heavy lifting. It is catchy enough that I'd probably stlll kinda like it even without that verse, but it's definitely helping the song qutie a bit.

I don't know if I'd put it all the way up to 60 points yet though. As was mentioned, there's not a lot of lyrical variety here which makes the song feel a bit repetitive. So... I'm going to move this one close to the next tier and revisit it again later. It's definitely not getting cut before the 59 point area anyway.

[Later: Slightly delaying this. My opinion hasn't really changed, but it really is one great verse which continues to make it hard to actually eliminate the song.]

[Still Later: I suppose that verse is probably a reference to something specific, but I don't see that it would matter. Either way, I'm starting to like this... catchy chorus and something that feels dissociative, so yeah, I like what this song is doing now that I've had dtime to adjust to it.]

[Later-er: Song was moved aside without comment. I like this one a good amount now... mostly that one verse still, but it's memorable and catchy enough that I'm... relatively okay with how few lyrics there are in the song.]






-audio quality seems better on Spotify & it flows better with the option to continue to further songs, so I'd suggest going to the album (Nonagon Infinity) on Spotify & letting it at least continue to the second song.-

Nominator: @Snake5555555555 [7 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 55.201
Final Score: 55.09 [Un-eliminated and moved aside] [Score set to 60.00005] [Upgraded to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.26]

(First Reaction: "My coffin's all I see, lately" is a tragic enough line that I kinda like the song, but the song itself honestly isn't doing much for me. It feels quite long for how few different lyrics there are and the second something interesting happens (the song breaking down and slowing to nothing) is the moment that it ends. I kinda like it, but I think it's a long way from being something that I can say I like without reservations.)

I'm not a fan of how long the instrumental section goes. It's a minor complaint to be honest as I still kinda like the song, but it's already becoming difficult to decide what songs to cut and having one section I find it a bit boring & an unsatisfying ending (I always get hyped to see where it's going to go as the song starts to break, only for it to just stop) holds this song back enough that I feel relatively okay with cutting it. Not good, obviously there are no easy eliminations at this stage, but okay enough that I can live with the decision.


Well, Robot Stop sounds better on Spotify so I'm un-eliminating it already. The sound is far more all-encompasing and metallic feeling

Ah, this is pretty nice. I think I feel better having this up at the "I like this" tier. I also like the album's concept of being a loop without a real start or end, though I prefer the "STAFFcirc vol. 8 - circle" album that was nominated over at rwlh's topic:

From what I understand, circle actually has different starting tracks depending on which site you're listening to it on to emphasize that there's no true start or end. ...Either way, back to the actual topic, I do like Robot Stop now but I'm feeling like it probably works best as one of the introductions to the new tier. It's up against stiffer competition now and while I enjoy the sound and the way it's sort-of "pick your own length"-y (able to stop at 5:30, continue for the whole almost 42 minutes of the album, or stop somewhere in the middle), I think I feel alright with actually eliminating it this time.]

[Later-er-er: How many times can this song be moved aside before it's actually eliminated? WHO KNOWS??]

[One Final Later: Okay, barring this song somehow being un-eliminated for the second time, I think it has finally reached its end. I'm not really into the prolonged instrumental break and while that isn't a bad section, it is enough to make me feel fairly comfortable eliminating the song for real this time.]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/02/24 8:59:23 AM

???: Triple_sSs | Big Beat Mario (6:30)
Nominator: @rwlh [4 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 54.91
Final Score: 54.91 ]Upgraded to 55.01] [Moved Aside] [Score set to 58.36] [Upgraded to 63.29] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.10]

(First Reaction: I love the Hotel Mario cutscenes! I'm sure I've mentioned this somewhere before, but I have a lot of fun memories of watching edited versions of those cutscenes with someone important. Particularly an "every noun is replaced with a tree" vid of the intro which would cut to an Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog clip of Sonic & Tails walking past a tree. Bowser capturing [TREE] and locking her up in one of his [TREE]s will never stop amusing me, though Mario telling the player "If you need instructions on how to get through the [TREE}, please check out the enclosed [TREE}" will live rent free in my head forever.

(Also a funny memory, he wanted to try to find what episode the Sonic clip came from until I pointed out that the animation seemed to be from AoStH instead of SatAM which put a swift end to that thought. And while I've always been curious what episode the clip came from, I still haven't tried to figure it out after all these years, because I do not want to watch that much AoStH. Though I do kinda want to see Sonic's Song again, the episode in which they gave lyrics to the first game's intro.

Sonic the Hedgehog
You can't catch what you can't see
Sonic the Hedgehog
He's gonna make
Mobius free

...I can no longer listen to the Genesis soundtrack without singing that in my head and the actual song is ruined forever as a result. Why I wish to subject myself to the torment of that episode a second time is unclear.)

Right, well, pulling myself out of an endless flashback loop to focus on the song.. this... is not great. I like the idea of making music from chopped up samples like this and I love the choice of samples, but I think I was tired of Mario's "You know what" loop after about a minute. That's... not a good sign when the song goes on for another five and a half minutes. But there are a lot of nice memories that were accidentally attached to this song and I like the parts of it with more lyrics than just the incessant You Know What-ing. I'm going to set this one just outside the "kinda like" level and see where it goes from there. It's the type of song that feels like the score could swing wildly in either direction on another day, so I don't want to place it too high or too low.)

The "Where'd she go? Where'd she go? Over there!" line is funny, but this is still a song that I enjoy more in concept than reality. It's very close to the next tier and likely serves as a guardian, one of those "any song I enjoy more than this must by definition be on the next tier" songs.

[Later: I suppose I do kinda like this song after all.]

[Later: Still. It is strangely mesmerizing in its repetitiveness, but... well my new goal is identifying which songs definitely aren't getting moved up to the next tier and cutting them to get past the crippling decision paralysis.. and I don't think this is going to make the cut. ,..And yet, as I say that, I'm still moving this song a bit further up the list.]

[Still Later: ...I should not like this, but I do. Early-to-mid 60s is likely as far as this can go, but I've been saying things like that for a long time and this has always survived, so who knows?]

[Get Ready for Later: Song was moved aside without comment. I think I'm going to make the unconventional decision to have this song tie with Mountains as I'm having an oddly hard time deciding which song I'd prefer... they're not similar, but this song's charming stupidity has won me over enough that I wouldn't say I enjoy it any less than Mountains; at the same time, Mountains is emotional and memorable, so I also wouldn't say I enjoy it less than this. So they can just hang out together in the early 65 point zone.]


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/02/24 8:59:08 AM
I don't think I've heard the AKB48 song. I might try checking that one out later for comparison's sake.


Running late, as usual, but I have time for a quick double drop from rwlh to start the morning. One with 69 points near the end of this area of the tier list and one with 65 points near the start, coincidentally enough:



???: Nina Simone | Sinnerman (10:19)
Nominator: @rwlh [5 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 59.33
Final Score: 59.65 [Upgraded to 59.9999] [Upgraded to 62.42] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 69.4996]

(First Reaction: I am unable to resist the temptation of the spoiler bars, but I feel compelled to follow your directions to wait until I've heard the song to read the message... so I'm skipping everything on the list and listening to this one way ahead of schedule. So, this is an interesting one, I think I can see why you'd go for it; between jazz songs usually getting low scores from me and religious songs being quite triggering, one would expect a low score. But then lyrically it deals with facing one's sins and, while there are no individual lyrics I wish to praise, the story being told here does work for me--in spite of the overt Christian "you should be prayin'" message. But then it's also long and repetitive, so it should fail. But then there's enough interesting things happening musically that it should do decently.

So, my guess is that you attempted to find the single most volatile song possible, figuring that it could appear anywhere from dead last to first place & it'd make sense from what you know of me. Perhaps unfortunately, this winds up with a rather boring answer of "I kinda like this".

1: A lot of jazz songs bore me, but this one doesn't. It's long, but it doesn't really feel long, if that makes sense.

2: I think I've mellowed quite a bit on religious music. I did go through a phase where I was binging songs like Bring Me the Horizon's "The House of Wolves" with lyrics like:

Show me a sign, show me a reason to give
A solitary fuck about your goddamn beliefs

and now I... kinda feel like I've gotten most of my rage out? I've also confessed my bad experiences with religion in these topics multiple times, so I'm... not over it, but I'm over being so easily triggered by it at least. So the fact that it's referencing scripture and is super Christian is okay? Like... not my favorite subject matter, obviously, but I'm okay with it.

And it's... it's nice. It's a genre I'm not usually super into, about topics I'm not super into, but it's very well performed and I enjoy it. Not something I'll ever seek out, but yeah, this is nice. I could learn to like it. Now give me that mystery message!

I know you have a strong aversion to religious music, but this song is quite the experience. It's ranked #2 on Rate Your Music's all-time singles chart. It does things I've never heard in other music, so I think even if you wind up hating the religious themes, maybe you can take something from it all the same. If you hate it, well then maybe my other nom (so far) will make up for it!

Ah. Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I still don't know much of anything about music or music theory to judge when a song is doing something different. So I'm not aware of it doing things differently, just a vague sense of "this does not bore me".)

It's intriguing and I like the apocalyptic nature of judgment day, and I also appreciate how it somehow manages to avoid feeling too repetitive when it goes on for over ten minutes & has multiple stretches of chanting "Power (Power, Lord)", but.. there are no particular lyrics I'm drawn to or moments that would cause me to seek this out in the future. I kinda like it, I kinda like it more than the majority of songs at the "kinda like" tier, but... I think I feel okay letting it fall just before the next tier.

[Later: Maybe I'll put this right on the line between the two tiers... I still don't quite want to move it up, but it's making a fairly decent case for itself.]

[Still Later: Alright, I'll go ahead and move this one up too. Intriguing & apocalyptic is enough for me to say that I like this.]

[Later-er: Song was moved aside without comment. So, this is another song on a pretty consistent uphill trajectory. Not as steep a climb as some songs, but ten full points is still pretty notable. I'm also starting to come around on the lyrics; still a bit more religious than I'd like, but facing the weight of one's sins is rather compelling (as is the aforementioned apocalypse; I like apocalypses). But I'm thinking it's another one of those "69 point songs", those that are just a step below the next tier. I like it quite a bit, but it's not likely to be something that I'll seek out or listen to on an endless loop.... still, a very interesting nomination that I like quite a bit.]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/01/24 4:20:41 PM


Ernest Goes to Camp | Gee, Im Glad Its Raining (2:28)
Nominator: @redrocket [11 songs remaining]
Character: Ernest P. Worrell

Initial Score: 59.83
Final Score: 59.6499 [Upgraded to 63.6499] [Upgraded to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 66.95]

(First Reaction: [Before Listening]

Woo, Ernest! Going to be honest, I haven't seen many of his movies, but I was obsessed with a collection of his commercials back when I was really little. There was a video rental store that actually had a video that was just a compilation of his commercials and I rented it so many times!

*as she realizes some of her most cherished childhood memories involve paying to watch commercials on an endless loop, she pauses*

Wow, that is... not the happiest story in retrospect. Stilll! Lots of nostalgia for Ernest! And while the title is probably sarcastic, I love rain! So just from a source title & song title stand point, this nomination is already killing it!


Another simple song, but I do love rain & Ernest & crying. I do wish it had a bit more depth, as it's a very simple song.... still, I kinda like it, and it's enjoyable for what it is. The noisy title card that kicks in at the end of the video is horrible, but I'll try not to hold that against the song itself.)

Love Ernest, love the lyrics, honestly more neutral towards the song than you'd expect. It's a pretty easy "high 59 point song", but I think it doesn't quite compare to all the songs at the next tier, as much as I want to just throw a bunch of extra points at it purely for featuring Ernest.

[Later: Okay, this is the exact moment that I started laughing at how utterly stupid my tragic past is. The fact that the Duckman write up got posted before this one results in my life becoming an absurd parody of itself. "Yes, in between the beatings, neglect, death, abandonment, and being considered sub-human, we would regularly pay money so I could watch Ernest commercials on an infinite loop".

My life cannot possibly be real. All of my existence is just one cosmic joke building up to this punchline about Ernest commercials and the sheer absurdity is cracking me up. In a good way! Trust me,I know the difference between happy laughter and psychotic laughter, this is the happy kind. Like... I'm not going to say this song cured me or anything, but everything involved is so patently absurd that I'm able to laugh about it. Take a few extra points, this song has tapped into some old memories & brought joy in a... very unique way, shall we say?]

[Even Later: Okay, so a few notes.

1: The collection of Ernest commercials actually existed. The way my memories work at times, I was mildly concerned that I imagined it. "The Ernest Film Festival".

2: The entire thing is available on YouTube:

It's almost an hour worth of commercials. I do not actually suggest watching this, but it's available if for some reason you must experience something from my childhood.

3: The comments on the video actually make me feel better? You can find a lot of people talking about how many times they rented the VHS as kids. So apparently this was a.... relatively normal childhood experience? That's... huh.


...Alright, go up to 65 points then.]

[Later-er: You know I'm just going to start calling saying "Oportunista"'d for songs that helped me, but don't get quite as many points as you'd expect as I move on from what they helped me with. Thank you, though! This has been oddly therapeutic. Very much the right song at the right time, even if that doesn't entirely translate score wise.]


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/01/24 4:19:15 PM
pyresword is safe from the Wall, so we'll end the day with a double drop from Raka & one from redrocket:


Nominator: @Raka_Putra [11 songs remaining]
Characters: Phil & Rita

Initial Score: 58.73
Final Score: 60.035 [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 69.60]

(First Reaction: It's not a bad choice. I like the film, groundhogs are cute, Phil's distaste for the small town is charming--I'll never get enough complaining about towns--and Rita seems incredibly likable from the verse she gets. But...

1: Skipping ahead to the ending... what's with the ending in this song? Ending in the middle of a word is one thing, but why is that word so swkwardly stretched out?"The day aaaaaaaaaaaaaa"?? I guess it's part of the time distortion? I thought it would just continue seemlessly into the next song, but Day Two is a hard reset back to the start and... well, I don't mind adding it onto this song (we've gone over ten minutes, what's another four and a half-ish?), but it's not enough of a direct connection that I'm entirely sure if I *should*. I mean, if I staple the two songs together as "Day One & Day Two", why not attach Day Three? ...Well, the obvious answer is that Day Two has a satisfying end point and Day One doesn't, so putting them together works. And Day Three is so short that it doesn't really help much.... (not to say I don't like Phil's mental breakdown on Day Three.)

Anyway, the point is... does the show actually go directly from Day One to Day Two? Or am I missing something without the context of the show?

2: Phil has quite a few good lines in the song:

I've not a bad word to say about small towns per-say
They're nice for an hour or at a stretch, half a day
And they're perfect for a stop off on your way, on your way to somewhere else
Pretty much ... anywhere else
And I've no qualm at all with your small town people
I admire their balls getting out of bed at all
To face another day in a shit hole this small

and I like Rita's verse, but I'm as bored of the townspeople as Phil is--which is immersive, but also not the greatest thing when it comes to awarding points? And it's all oddly difficult to score as a result; it has its share of high points, but also some low points & an ending that's so incredibly abrupt that even at ten minutes long, it feels like I've only got half a song to judge. I'm very tempted to give this song "Day Two" as a follow-up, so that it at least ends nicely, but I can't be sure that's even the intended way to hear the songs.

...I'm going to go with "kinda like" this song for now and leave one of my future selves to decide what we're doing with it, because I really don't know.)

Okay, I can't imagine hearing this song without Day 2. I honestly forgot that this song wasn't the first two Days together! Like if we're going to do Groundhog Day, I feel we're contractually obligated to include at least the first loop? Though that then raises the question of "why not add Day Three?". I also like "Stuck", but I can't justify attaching it. But.. yeah, I think I'm actually much happier counting Days 1 through 3 as one track. "How it starts, the first loop, and going slightly insane from the endless time loops" feels like enough of a complete story that I'm satisfied wth it. So I'll say that, provisionally, I like this song if I can pretend the first three tracks are all together. Day One by itself would probably be around 59 points, but the extra loops are enough to push it into the next tier.

[Later: Song moved aside without comment.

Pretty sure I'm cheating by stitching three songs together like this, but it's not my fault the song only works properly with all three Days attached. And since I'd never listen to Day One by itself, I'm fine fudging some numbers and facts to give it the highest score possible. Anyway, I quite like this song (...songs, but I'm just going to speak as though it were one song because it SHOULD BE), it does a pretty good job of illustrating Phil & his descent into madness. He's both relatable and compelling enough that I'm occasionally tempted to just play the rest of the album. There's even a reference to a "great hat", so it's got that going for it, and Rita does pretty well with the few verses that she gets.

...Ehh.... this is definitely right on the edge of the "Really Like" tier, but I'm feeling like leaving it just a tiny step below the mark. It's definitely been a rough call though and I like this one quite a lot.]




Nominator: @Raka_Putra [10 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 56.22
Final Score: 58.0002 [Upgraded to 60.0346] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 69.50]

(First Reaction: A reasonably cute love song. I like how it's sweet without being explicit, but it also doesn't do a good job at standing out:

If I love you, I'll say so
I'll be honest without deception

Which... yeah, it's sweet, but not quite something that I want to glomp onto. And the lyrics can be a bit repetitive.... "Aitakatta, aitakatta, aitakakka, YES! Aitakatta, aitakatta, aitakatta, YES" is... well, let's just say it's not exactly my favorite chorus. And the lalala section towards the end doesn't help; literally running out of words, continuing anyway, and then repeating the chorus which is largely just chanting one word? That's a bit rough; still, as harsh as I'm being, it is cute & sweet and I kinda like it.)

Even if I can't speak so skillfully, it's all right for me to be blunt

I like that. What can I say, I relate to not being good at speaking. And this song is pretty cute... even the chorus is catchier than I remember it being! I think I'll move this one up to the Nebula.

[Later: I'm really not sure how this song wound up so low. I kinda understand why we were complaining about the chorus, but it's cute and memorable enough that my thought on seeing the title was "oh hey, it's that "Aitakataa YES!" song, I liked that one" which I think proves it shouldn't be down here. I'll give it a few points to reach the next tier.]

[Later-er: Cute, sweet, and incredibly memorable. This song was set aside without comment because it's been a long while since I had to actually consider if I was going to eliminate the song--for as brutal as the First Reactions were, I can't remember a time when I didn't quite like this song. But... much like Day One, I'm feeling it as being a bit below the next tier. Definitely something I quite like though.]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/01/24 8:47:28 AM

???: Cab Calloway | Minnie the Moocher (2:56)
Nominator: @PIayer_0 [4 songs remaining]
Character: Minnie the Moocher

Initial Score: 50.461 [#293]
Final Score: 58.12 [Upgraded to 60.80] [Set to "at least 65.00" and set aside] [Upgraded to 65.00000004]

(First Impressions: ...Well, that outro was... creepy.

I'm very tempted to leave things there, but I suppose I'll make some effort. The song itself isn't bad--it's honestly kinda nice to get a song this old-fashioned for a change of pace--but I'm not a fan of the choruses. The call and response vocalizations are... well, just not something I'm a fan of, at least in this song. The lyrics tell a decent story, though it's hard to remember any of them after the infinite note from that outro. Seriously, it was like a glitch in reality--impressive that he could hold a note that long and I guess it's funny in retrospect, but seeing the singer suddenly stop and emit a low-droning tone as the camera zooms in on his massive teeth as though he's going to consume all of existence itself? That was just weird and it's really hard to remember anything that happened before it. I'm going to put this slightly into the "more positive than negative" column; I like the idea of a song like this being nominated and it's certainly memorable, but I could see it slipping down below the 50 point mark in the future.)

This song has the unfortunate distinction of being the first one to be given a write up after Fandom placed their completely fucking stupid "no politics" rule. Can I talk about this song? After all, it's about a homeless woman and the homeless problem is political. OH NO, THE SONG IS ILLEGAL GRGRGRGRGRG4RGRGRGRGGR.

Oh wait, she fell into drug addiction and that's also political, oh no, we're DOUBLE ILLEGAL OOOHH!1111!!1!

Back on topic, I am enjoying this song more than I did the first time around. I still don't like the chorus, but it tells a fairly compelling story of a a tragic figure. So, I like the story here and it's also a distinct style, which is fairly novel. So while the chorus does hold it back a bit, it's at least much closer to the 60 point level than I originally had it. I may move it up further later. We'll see. Honestly, with this Fandom garbage, I'm not positive this topic is even going to happen at all, so... yeah... we'll see.


Well, my rage has turned into a more seething, coherent rage that allows me to actually speak instead of just foaming at the mouth and breaking everything. I'm going to copy my post from the nominations topic since I spent a few paragraphs on this song:

...from my perspective, [board 8 is] basically already dead. I'm too old and bitter to coach my language in newspeak to avoid being censored by idiots who want to prevent people from being able to discuss actual issues. This topic series was always a safe place where I could work out my thoughts and feelings without constraints... and now that there are constraints, I feel unwelcome in what was once my home. And because everything is political in some way & the "no politics" rule is so incredibly, intentionally vague there's no telling where the line is.

For example, let's take a quick glance at that "Minnie the Moocher" nomination. A classic song about a homeless woman who falls into drug addiction, loses her grip on reality, and probably dies tragically. (At best, the "Poor Min" outro is lamenting the inevitability of a tragic demise, so we'll say "pretty well damned" even if she's legally defined as alive by the end of the song). It's not a political song, however you cannot engage with it without at least thinking about politics; about the way America has historically treated its homeless population, the inability for drug addicts to access the help they need, and the fact that tragedies like Min's continue to happen to this very day.

Now, I'm not saying that I want to discuss these politics. These are complicated issues and I do not have the education, nor life experience, to offer any real insight. However, we've gone from "I am not discussing the real world issues this song brings up because I am ill-suited to the task, but I do like that the song is inspiring me to reflect on things" to "I am not discussing the real world issues this song brings up because I don't want my topic locked". And crucially, I don't think anyone knows where the actual line for moderation is, because Fandom is intentionally leaving it so broad that it can mean anything our corporate overlords want it to mean.

And, I really must stress this, Minnie the Moocher is not even close to being the most political song in the topic. But politics are so fundamentally baked into everything we see and hear that "no politics" is basically the same as "no music". And I'm not sure I even want to hang around a dystopian shithole where we all have to only interact with media in the most absolutely banal, base level ways because capitalism decided thinking was bad for business.

And, you know what, I do like that this song is making me think. So I'm going to raise the score to above the 60 point line.

[Later: Song was set aside without comment. It's quite nice to try some really old songs like this for a change of pace and, like "Will You Repair My Door?", I've come to enjoy how just listening to this song is an act of rebellion. Unfortunately, also like "Will You Repair My Door?" this tier is as far as I want to take the song... it's definitely more enjoyable than I gave it credit for & it's incredibly appropriate that a song like this was the first one I had to revisit after Fandom set about destroying everything, but... this is as far as my tiny act of rebellion can go.]


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
06/01/24 8:47:19 AM
Three songs to start the morning: One from Place and two from Player_0.



???: Afro Celt Sound System | Persistence of Memory (4:29)

I switched to a Spotify link at some point since the audio felt stronger and more all-encompasing.

Nominator: @Place [5 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Final Score: 60.00002 [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.063]

(First Reaction: I like this, but I'm not quite connecting with the song or the video as much as you might have hoped.

You're here in this moment
Right where its flowing
You are what you want to be --
Right here with me

That sounds very sweet and I like it, but... well, let's stick with "I like it".)

"I like this, but I'm not quite connecting" feels like the only sentence I can come up with for this song.

[Later: A song that I've never managed to find anything to say about. It was moved up without comment because it just... I do like this, more than I thought I did (switching to Spotify might have helped), but there's no resonance or spark. I like it, and it definitely held on beyond most songs that just get write ups left at "I like this" without context, but... it's very much something I like.]




???: Jennifur | Teenage Energy (4:24)
Nominator: @PIayer_0 [5 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 64.89
Final Score: At least 65.00 and set aside. [Upgraded to 67.40]

(First Impressions: [Before Listening]

Since she has "fur" in her name, I've been slightly looking forward to this. I hope it's a good song.


A solid song. I like this a fair amount; I could see this getting up to the "really like" tier on repeat listens, though it's obviously not quite there yet. This is another of those songs where I'm not really attached or drawn to any particular aspect of the song, which makes it hard to discuss, -but- I did like it. I'm thinking a good placement for an Initial Score would be to place this in the middle of the "I like this" tier. This gives it some room to grow on a second listen, without really undervaluing it. I also want to test the song directly against other songs that I like to make sure it holds up well at this tier.)

I don't know. I refuse to eliminate this yet, though I don't have a reason. It's very much "this song is not being eliminated before 65.00 points" with no further thoughts or commentary.

[Later: Artificial and broken in ways that are as pleasing as they are easy to listen to. I like this song quite a bit, though we're still very much in the "I like this" category for the song. Definitely fairly far into the tier though, so that's nice. And I still think the artist name is one of the best I've heard.]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
05/31/24 6:07:47 PM
Oh right, there was a third part to that last write up... shame it got deleted at some point. As I recall: Flutter cited kicking the table as evidence that she can be ferocious, Luce pointed out that she didn't actually inflict any damage with the kick and proceeded to violently destroy the table to show actual ferocity, Flutter got scared and blah blah blah Luce eventually concedes that Fluttershy is more ferocious than our inner children & everyone hugs.

I'm sure it was cuter in its full form, but it's not like we can reenact a spontaneous scene like that, so a summary is all I can offer.



???: Tony Grayson, ANTONBLAST - Outta My Way! ...It's Happy Hour! (3:27)
Nominator: @paulg235 [9 songs remaining]
Character: Dynamite Anton

Initial Score: 62.35
Final Score: At least 65.00 and set aside. [Upgraded to 65.0000001]

(First Impressions: I'm not sure if I've even heard of this game before, but I like this song. It manages to have a lot of epic energy without triggering my "bleh, epic fight musiczzzzzzz" response and I'm oddly drawn to the ticking sound throughout the song. It conveys feelings of a race against time, along with some oddly hopeful optimism--it's very "hero fighting through legions of bad guys to save [whoever] from [whatever]" which is a fun thing to imagine. I have no idea who Tony Grayson is, so these could be the completely wrong emotions, but who cares? It provoked an emotional reaction and told a story, so I like the song, regardless of if it's the story they meant to tell or not.

....Right, Tony Grayson is the composer, Anton is the character. I knew that. And I guess he's trying to save alcohol from Satan, so flip "whatever" and "whoever" in that sentence and it works?)

Can I just give every song in the world 65 points? Let's find out!

...Seriously though, I like the implied story in this song. It does intense epic VGM right.

[Later: I do like this song quite a bit, but I think the early 65s is appropriate for it. It's a very admirable song that does a fine job at conveying a story, but as I keep saying, we're being a good song that I like quite a bit isn't exactly enough to keep a song around.]




???: Kenta Nagata, 1080 Snowboarding - This Is A Test (5:04, completes second loop around 3:06)
Nominator: @paulg235 [8 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 53.00
Final Score: 58.347 [Upgraded to 59.70] [Upgraded to 60.19] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.066]

(First Impressions: I like the vocal samples, but I dislke repetition and it does keep repeating the same few words which rather cancels out the points for having the sample in the first place. I also think I'll judge the song only on the first loop? I know this video keeps looping, but I'm kinda resenting it playing the entire song twice and the score will probably go to nothing if I judge it on the full video's "more than three full loops" length.

....Anyway, this song is... a step above fine? I do like the end of each loop with the "return" bit and I don't mind the rest of the song, so long as we're counting the end of the song as the actual end of the song instead of whenever the video decides to stop looping. It's certainly no "FRUMS - Credits EX", but the broadcast samples does bring back some memories of that song which is nice.)

Well, the good news is that I kinda like this tonight! The bad news is that I kinda like every remaining song and moving this song up a tier may not mean that much when I move every other song up a tier as well.

[Later: I'm far more into the sampled vocals today than usual, so I'm moving this one up a point and a half-ish; not quite going up the full tier just yet, but I'm going to buy it another day or two while I consider the option.]

[Still Later: I think I will be moving this up. Somehow, I find myself more attached to the Emergency Broadcast samples each time I listen to this track which is making it remarkably difficult to get rid of.]

[Later-er: Set aside without comment; this song has some very fun vocal samples, but I feel like this is where it ends. Also, I now really want to drop everything to listen to Credits EX again.]




???: The HU - Wolf Totem (5:38)
Nominator: @paulg235 [7 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 59.2226
Final Score: 60.037 [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.09]

(First Reaction: Always nice to hear from them. We obviously don't get to hear much Mongolian music and their deep, gravely voices are a unique treat. I'm not really into the lyrics (nice as it is to see animals represented) and it can feel a bit monotonous (HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU - HU is not my favorite outro, to put it mildly), but the band is strong enough that I still fairly like it anyway.)

I like this one a bit more this morning. A lot of animal references & he's got a very deep, powerful singing voice that i find appealing. This definitely needs to be somewhere in the 60s, though I'm not immediately sure how deep into the tier I want to take it. I'm going to start with a very modest score and see about moving it up in the future.

[Later: Set aside without comment. The singer's deep voice is a treat, I'm surprised how well the beat works for me here (it's got this aggressive marching sound to it which pairs incredibly well with the lyrics), lots of animal references--including wolves and horses--I do like this song quite a bit. Definitely took a bit to grow on me, but I do like this one.]


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
05/31/24 5:58:19 PM



Nominator: @Mega_Mana [8 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Final Score: Was accidentally deleted, but wound up in the "at least 65.00" Wall eventually. [Upgraded to 69.12]

(First Reaction: [Fluttershy] Well, it's certainly not my favorite Taylor Swift song, though I couldn't tell you what my favorite would be right off-hoof. I should say "off hand" there, but I'm really not in the mood... honestly, this song kinda makes me want to drink. None of us have in a long, long time, but this is one of those songs that's best discussed while not sober.

*she grabs a wine glass and pours herself some unidentified juice; how she's managing this without fingers is best left unquestioned, as is the nature of the juice*

Eesh, even in imagination world I can't commit to having alcohol. Tropicana used to have a really strong juice drink, but they don't make it anymore... honestly, I can't recall what the flavor even was, I just know it had a good kick to it when we wanted something *harsh* but not literally alcoholic. I'd... well I don't know what I'd do for a bottle of the stuff, but I'd probably do something stupid and ill-advised. I need a time machine so that I can go back and grab all the good foods/drinks that aren't produced any longer.


*she takes a long sip and then tosses the glass, which spontaneously explodes in a blatantly ripping off Deltarune type way, as this song seems to be having some weird effects on her mental state*

Right, this song.

I didn't choose this town
I dream of getting out
There's just one who could make me stay
All my days

Okay, first off, don't let some stupid human trap you into staying in somewhere you don't want to be. If he won't escape with you, you can do better! *she goes to throw her novelty exploding wine glass, only to realize that she's already done so and her hooves are empty. After pausing for a minute, she goes through the motions of throwing it anyway because we don't have the budget for infinite explosives and it's the intent to throw something that's the important part. Or something, she kinda lost track of where this sentence was going a while ago.*

Yeah, yeah, he never loved her anyway, it doesn't matter, blah blah blah. The point is! This song STARTED going somewhere I wanted with wanting to escape, but she hesitated and now I hate her. Or the song. Or reality itself. Or something. Am I really out of exploding glasses already?

*for want of anything to throw, she kicks the table she was standing in front of. ...Were we in front of a table? I don't think the narration actually established that, but sure.*


*as she glares at nothingness, you get the sense that she's somehow attempting to glare at her internal monologue. After a few moments, she continues.*

I'll run away

Well, at least she did eventually leave. Better than nothing, I suppose. Blah blah blah, song transitions from sad to hopeful, you know how it is. It's a good transition, though not quite what I want at the moment. Musically, the song does a good job of building and ramping up, becoming more complex as the singer grows up. It's a nice effect and fairly well done, but the first verse is a bit too sparse for my liking as a result.

And in the end, I'm not sure what to do with this song. It's certainly causing my emotions to spike, which is theoretically good? Better than all the songs that aren't provoking a reaction. And while even negative reactions can get high scores, this song is in a really weird place--like I hate the first verse, but then I like her running away especially as that's the point the song picks up. But then i dislike the hopeful note it ends on. My interest in the song goes up and down, in a rather unpleasant wave; I dare say that if it were something I actively hated throughout, I'd probably appreciate it more. All these ups and downs results in the song blending into a mush that I neither love nor hate, but some third thing. A third thing that requires a lot of alcohol & explosives to properly evaluate.

...Eh, just take exactly 60 points and go. I can't imagine a song with this many memories and emotions attached to it getting a lower score, but the feelings fluctuate too much for me to say that I really like it. Ooh, that's it actually! There are a lot of powerful emotions -but- the song never stays on any one topic long enough for me to properly feel them! It sparks one thing, then before I can process it moves on to another, then drives off a cliff with its hopeful ending leaving me feeling completely and totally unsatisfied.)

[Luce] *falls over laughing* Okay, drunk Flutter is hilarious. How do we not remember this song or write up at all? And the way you couldn't even commit to drinking imaginary wine & started worrying about spending too much imaginary money on imaginary Deltarune explosive glasses. Like I said at the write up for "Se mettre sur son trente-et-un !", you are so squishy.

[Fluttershy] Luce! It's not polite to laugh at someone for being inebriated.

[Luce] On pretend Tropicana juice drinks?

[Fluttershy] Hmph. *pouts* And I'll have you know I was very evil in that write up. Squishy people don't throw explosives! So there!

[Luce] You only did that to mimic another character. It doesn't count as evil.

[Fluttershy] It does if the character is evil!

[Luce] I mean, she's not that evil.

[Fluttershy] She enslaved people! She's more evil than you are! *points an accusatory hoof at Luce! Exclamation point!*

[Luce] Thanks, yeah, I'm trying this whole "not evil" thing lately, been going well. Thanks for noticing.

[Fluttershy] You know what I mean!

[Luce] ...Do you know what you mean?


[Fluttershy] ...See, this is why we need a drink after playing this song.`

[Later: Whoops, this write up was accidentally deleted at some point. I honestly have no clue if there were any more conversations about the song (or... vaguely tangently related to the song, as the case may be) or how many points it had. It was somewhere below the 65 point line, then got moved into the Wall after three or four additional listens where we didn't cut it.

So... we do like this song quite a bit. Granted, it may be largely due to the memories of all the wild emotional spikes it inspired more than the song itself (though we do like the song too), but enjoyment is enjoyment. There's also a reference to burning bridges, but I'm told that's too metaphorical for bonus bridge points and she'd really prefer the bridge to not be on fire, but the fact that we had to have a conversation about it is kinda cute and fun. But I think this is one of those songs that falls just short of the next tier; it's close, very close, but... well, I don't have a good way of finishing that sentence.]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
05/31/24 5:57:02 PM
Johnbobb posted...
Cheesecake Truck was 100% a joke nomination; it came up on my Spotify recommended one day and I immediately became one of my favorite joke songs


The hosts of the topic would probably all enjoy Kipo as well if they haven't seen it, just saying.

I should probably check my Spotify recommendations more often than I do. I almost never check them, but it did give me "Jonathan Coulton | Skullcrusher Mountain" one day and I had an obsession with that song for a while:

I'm not sure I've even heard of Kipo before this, but I'll add it to za'list and check it out after the topic.

BlackDra90n posted...

Lost in Forever!

Thanks for the link, I'll listen to that again soon.


Six songs today; three from Mega Mana and three from paulg. Congratulations to anyone who comes between them alphabetically, as you're not losing anything to the Wall. (I've apparently capitalized Wall so many times that my tablet's autocorrect now capitalizes it for me, having becoming convinced that it's impossible to ever refer to an uncapitalized version.)



Nominator: @Mega_Mana [10 songs remaining]

Initial Squirrel: 59.47
Final Squirrel: 64.30 [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.10]

(First Reaction: [The above started as a typo as "ScoreL" when I hit the L keyinstead of the : key, which somehow turned into a running gag about that sounding like squirrel. I don't know, but I seem to be doing this, so... yeah.]

So... I like the bleak subtext of the lyrics, with the mountains dreaming of running away but never actually doing so because they literally can't. I also rather like the singers voice and wouldn't mind hearing more from him and I understand the point of the lyrics being so repetitive; the fact that they are trapped in the same place and nothing ever changes no matter how hard they dream is drilled into you by the fact that the music literally never changes. But... well done and emotionally meaningful repetition is still more repetition than I'd like; I wouldn't call it a flaw as it's incredibly important to the song , but it still...

*sighs* Look, I'm giving this 59 points and ending this write up now. We'll revisit this later.)

Pleasingly bleak metaphor. I like this; and the rather softer and quieter nature of the song really plays well after some of the more intense nominations.

[Later: See, this is why bears need to get knowledge. Because we're sending them messages about mountains talking and running away without teaching them about metaphors first & they'd just be embarrassed if they went directly to college.

Song has some very nice acoustic guitar playing & I do like his voice and the bleak message, but even repeating one line endlessly for symbolic reasons Is a bit of a hard sell. I like it quite a bit, significantly more than I thought I did, but it's definitely being Walled.]




Character: Drew McIntyre

Nominator: @Mega_Mana [9 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Final Score: 60.21 [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.30]

(First Impressions: I do miss this old theme of his. Much more iconic than whatever boring music Drew has these days... it's pretty telling that I'm trying to recall what it sounds like and I don't remember anything other than the sword sound effect for his logo. Current themes are... well, they're just not as good.

Back on topic, I like this song, but less than I thought I did. The chorus is catchy and it's got a nice intensity, not hyperactive but low and powerful enough that it gets you hyped up to watch Drew kick someone's head off. But it feels a bit long; like if this ended before the second verse, I don't think I'd have really missed anything? The chorus and the "bad dreams come true" section repeat a bit too often--they're good sections and it works in a "we can loop this bit for as long as the entrance needs to take this episode" type way, but listening to it by itself, I was starting to get a bit bored by the end... so I like it & I like classic McIntyre, but not quite as much as I thought I did when my reaction to seeing it nominated was more "ah yeah, that's the good stuff from when Drew had an awesome theme" & my reaction now is a more subdued "oh yeah, I like that" .)

Fun, menacing, iconic, memorable... and somehow just looped a bit too much to escape the relatively early 60's. It was a good try though, I honestly thought I liked it more than this too.

[Later: Song was moved aside without commentary. I can never decide how much I like this song; the lyrics are great, it's so much better than modern entrance themes, and I like Drew... but I always get a bit bored of it before it ends. It's like the requirement to be able to loop itself indefinitely came at the cost of this not being the greatest song to listen to by itself. This is another one that got far more listens than it seems like it did, as I kept thinking I'd eliminate it and just setting it aside without even giving it a placeholder values or acknowledging that I was moving it aside; now eight or nine listens later, I think we've found the spot it gets to slot into.]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
05/30/24 5:15:50 PM

???: MUNA | What I Want (4:03)
Nominator: @MaxGalactica [11 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 62.30
Final Score: At least 65.00 points and set aside/ [Upgraded to 65.073]

(First Reaction:

I've spent way too-too-too many years not knowing what
What I wanted, how to get it, how to live it and now
I'm gonna make up for it all at once
'Cause that's, that's just what I want

The song is rather explicitly about being queer, with the repeated refrains of dancing at a gay bar and wanting to date a woman, but the inclination to binge on feelings that you've been repressing is... obviously relatable. But while I like the song and its message, I wish there was another actual verse here; two verses that are shorter than the chorus, leads to this song being primarily the pre-chorus and chorus repeating. Which are good sections, don't get me wrong, I'd just like a bit more lyrical variety here.)

Not quite a favorite song, but it's got a strong core message. Honestly no way I let this one go before the next level, so I'll just set this aside and come back to it later.

[Later: A great message that I love, but the lack of lyrical variety causes the song to feel a bit stale regardless of how much I love the message.]





???: illuminati hotties - Pool Hopping (3:22)
Nominator: @mcflubbin [7 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 60.001
Final Score: 63.288 [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.003]

(First Reaction: Another of the songs that fall in the "I like this, even though there are no parts I'm particularly drawn towards or want to focus on". I'm going to put this one just above the massive clump of exactly 60 point songs.)

A catchy and fun song. I say those words a lot, especially around this tier. And yet, I just find this as something I like--certainly well enough to get a few extra points--but it's also lacking any lyrics or moments that I'm attached to. It's a very, very good pop song that is missing a killer hook or line that lets me become obsessed with it -but- I do have a good time while it's playing and like it a fair amount.

[Later: Should have been about billiards than swimming pools, to be honest. </.<

More seriously, this was another of those songs that was set aside without commentary. It's catchy enough that it's impossible to eliminate in the early 60s, but while this is one of the highest ranked in the "I'm just going to say 'I like this' and leave it there" category, it's still a fairly early cut at this tier level because there's nothing I want to grab onto.

I will say I did like the "You're twisted like an ampersand" lyric, that one was good.]


And I'm back on break until tomorrow, when we'll keep working through this Wall.

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
05/30/24 5:14:27 PM

???: Afroman | Will You Help Me Repair My Door (6:01)

Nominator: MarkS2222222222 [2 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 57.03
Final Score: 63.26 [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.12]

(First Reaction:

The warrant said "Narcotics and kidnapping"
Are you kidding? I make my money rapping
Why does the warrant say "Narcotics?" (Well, I know narcotics)
But why kidnapping?

Okay, that was great.

So, obviously fuck these cops. This site would ban this account if I condemned all cops, but surely, we're allowed to criticize these guys? Well, whatever. The thing is, I'm not really into the song; yeah, it's enjoyable to make fun of these... cops. Yeah, the video is great. Yeah, there are a few really funny lines here. But the song itself is kinda... slow. And for being six minutes long, it doesn't really change up its melody or mix things up at all. The fifth minute is pretty much the same as the first minute, which isn't always a bad thing, but makes the whole thing kinda drag.

As a statement against corrupt officers, it's great. As performance art, it's fantastic. As a song, it's not something I'll listen to outside of this ranking. Novel enough to be at the kinda like tier, but I'm sorry, that might be as far as it gets.)

One of those tracks that doesn't play well when we're in a very pony mood, but I rather like this today. Funnier than I remember it being and, now that Fandom is blocking topics, there's something rebellious about listening to the song at all. Definitely moving this one up to at least the early-mid 60s.

[Later: Funny and rebellious enough that this isn't being cut in the near future so I'm just going to move it aside.]

[Later-er: Love the concept, love the message, kinda love the rebellious nature of listening to this song at all since our new corporate overlords can't possibly be happy about it... like the song. I don't exactly want to eliminate it, but when I look at the songs that have been cut & have yet to come, it's... not comparing all that favorably to "NAW NAW''s incomprehensible insanity, nor any of the eliminated songs rated higher than NAW NAW. So while I do want to keep this around for what it represents, on a musical level, I think this is as far as I'm willing to take it right now.]





???: Wednesday | Bull Believer (8:30)
Nominator: @MaxGalactica [12 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 60.949
Final Score: 60.949 [Upgraded to 64.50] [Upgraded to "at least 65.00" and set aside] [Upgraded to 65.06]

(First Thoughts: [Luce] This is another difficult song to get a read on. It's... I dunno how to put it. The first part of the song, the bull, deals with watching someone fall into addiction using a bull fight as a metaphor & I quite like the lyrics at play there. Referring to herself as a corpse with a spirit is a real highlight for the blunt misery that I like, lots of blood and pain, and I like the music that accompanies it.

The second part of the song, the believer, is lacking in lyrics that I'm attached to... they're fine and the song is performed well, but there's not really anything in that section that I want to highlight which is unfortunate. And the outro, is... not really my thing. Hearing her devolve into madness as her screams get louder is a neat effect and keeps it from feeling as repetitive as it is, but it's also not something I'd say I really enjoyed. But taken a whole, I think I did still enjoy the song and it doesn't feel even half as long as it is, as dividing it into three parts (bull, believer, outro) makes it feel consistently fresh throughout its runtime.

I'm thinking low 60s? Maybe? Let's say something like high 60s for the first part, low 60s for the second part, somewhere in the 40s for the outro, and just go with low 60s as the score because it's sort of in the middle? I don't really want to guess where this song will wind up, but that feels as good a starting point as any.)

...Well, now I somehow prefer the lyrics from the second part of the song over the first and still feel like giving it the same score because I suspect my appreciation for the second part increased as much as my appreciation for the first part decreased.

Wind changed pitch as the bridge went by
The lightning comes up from the ground and goes up to the sky
Poured one out for all my guys
Th tiny monuments get propped up on th roadside

I quite like the imagery here. A windy bridge is nice to imagine; I know it's a metaphorical bridge and metaphorical monuments, but it still allows me to picture a bridge which is apparently something I'm into right now. I don't know why. I don't care, fuck it, I'll give +bridge points if I want. (...I mean, I didn't raise the score at all, so I suppose I don't actually want to. I certainly like having the option however.)

But I really don't like this outro. Descending into pained screams is certainly powerful and memorable, but I feel like I'd rather not listen to her scream for several minutes straight. I like the song; there really are quite a few metaphors I like here and her clean vocals are pleasing, but the outro makes it hard to take it beyond the early 60s.

[Later: Not related to anything, but this has got me questioning some of my memories. I have a clear memory of riding in a car over a large bridge... or at least, I thought the memory was clear. Now it's all "...was that a bridge or just a road that was adjacent to some water?" which is quickly becoming followed by questions of "...was there water?". It's bothersome how scrambled my/our memories are sometimes.

On a somewhat related note, I am feeling like giving extra points for a reference to bridges. Rae gives points for pool tables, Fluttershy gives points for certain types of hats, and this week I'm apparently really into flashbacks to bridges that may or may not have actually existed. Not sure what to make of it, but that's where I'm at right now.]

[Even Later: I'm surprised I'm moving this up when it has so much screaming, but honestly I really like and/or kinda love everything leading up to the screaming. Some great lyrics that inspire flashbacks and emotions, you know how it is. It's just a bit hard to deal with the outro... but... it is less of a dealbreaker than I thought it was the first few times I listened to this.]

[Later Again: ..Okay, bridge points can only elevate a song so far. I do really like parts of this song, but all the screaming is a bit rough and I'm okay with letting this one go now. Still, a decent upgrade from where it started.]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
05/30/24 5:13:26 PM
Six more eliminations to end the day because I miscounted as we cover the MacArrowny through mcflubbin parts of the Wall:


???: zts | a vision (8:38)
Nominator: @MacArrowny [10 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 64.497
Final Score: At least 65.00 and set aside [Upgraded to 65.353]

(First Reaction: I like this one. It's another of those instrumental tracks that fails to make me envision anything in particular, it's just... nice. It's quite relaxing (especially the part that slows down around five minutes or so in) and I don't want to try to analyze it. I just want to lay here, quiet and happy, for a few minutes. It may not be something I love, but it's something very valuable that should be on a playlist or two somewhere for times where I need to just chill for a bit.

And yes, I know this song is generally too fast to be what most people would call chill, I'm relaxed by what I'm relaxed by and do not care to question why.)

Rather chill Touhou music. It's very much something that I just throw on and relax with for a bit. Unsatisfying, but it's enough to carry this to the 65 point level and beat out all those songs that didn't make the cut.

fails to make me envision anything

Pun so unintended that I didn't notice it before. Sadly, I'm still not really getting anything from the song. It's a very nice song that I like quite a bit, but it never really sparks any particularly strong reaction from me.. it just kinda floats around the 65 point range, never doing anything to drop lower nor aspiring to greater heights.]




???: PinocchioP | Usorasera (3:41)
Nominations: @MacArrowny [9 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 41.879
Final Score: 47.908 [Upgraded to 52.37] [Moved Aside] [Score set to 59.20] [Upgraded to 60.0025] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 67.42]

(First Reactions: I'm not really into this song.

...I'm really tempted to leave it there because I'm not entirely sure where my disinterest is coming from and don't feel strongly enough about the song to be motivated for a deep dive on the subject. If I hate something, it's worth deciphering why... this type of "eh, I'm not into this *shrug emoji*" bland reaction is... well, too bland. Still, if I must force myself to find some justification, I think it's partly due to the song starting off on the wrong foot: The opening notes feel tinny and annoying, while he sings the same line three times in a row--and I have this unusual distaste for spelling in songs, so "SOS and USO" is certainly not the best lyric I've heard. So I kinda hate the opening ten seconds of the song. It does improve after that--hence it not being at the bottom of the list--but it never quite hits a note or topic that I'm attached to. Hatsune Miku is so faint as a backing singer that she has no real impact on things and there are no lyrics I'm truly fond of--I do like his rapid, angry speaking lyrics at the end of the song; it's a surprisingly fun sequence... but it's quite short-lived and only at the end of a song that I was never into enough for it to feel worth the wait.)

I still hate the opening ten seconds, but I think I like the rest of the song a bit more than the first time around. Since I know that I'm not interested in the lyrics, I don't have to bother looking them up or trying to pay attention; if I just leave this as a background song to sorta bop to, it's not too bad. I don't think I'd say that I want it in the positive scoring section right now, but it's definitely a lot closer than it was before.

[Later: This song definitely does better when I don't pay close attention to the lyrics or anything. If I just take it as a somewhat fun little bop, then I'd say this belongs on the positive side of scoringj, even if it's likely to be one of the earlier drops once we reach that tier.]

[Later: Not quite sure if I want to eliminate this song either right now... this is proving to be harder than I anticipated.]

[Yet Later: This song's had a pretty good run. Now that I've stopped paying attention to the lyrics at all, it is rather enjoyable... but I don't quite think I'm having 60 points worth of fun, so it's time may finally be up.]

["Wishing I had a standardized format for when the number of 'Laters' starts growing to a really large number" Later: I'm surprised that I was so strongly against the intro originally. It's incredibly brief and "this singer says LETTERS for a few seconds when this song starts and I hate it *scowl*" feels like one of the five worst reasons we've ever disliked a song in this topic series. And I suppose he does repeat the whole "SOS and USO" thing later, but really, I don't care about that anymore? I'm also rather enjoying the inclusion of Miku as a backup singer. I think I'm going to go ahead and move this to 60 points as well.]

[Too Many Laters: Honestly, I've had this song stuck in my head lately, so there's no way I'm not giving it at least 65 points. Just going to move this one over and worry about it some other day.]

[One Final Later: This is one of those songs that wound up getting a tremendous amount of listens as I continuously refused to eliminate it, but I think we've finally found its ceiling. It's a surprisingly catchy jam and I enjoy it quite a bit, but now that I can say I like everything quite a bit... it's harder to keep around songs that I lack any personal attachment to. "This makes me kinda happy and I bop my head along for a few minutes" is really great, but not exactly 70 points great.]



Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
05/30/24 5:11:06 PM
GavsEvans123 posted...
I nominated My Immortal because I'd just watched Twisted Metal at the time of the nominations, and that song plays at the end of one episode. Despite being such an irreverent show, the context of the scene is actually surprisingly sad.

I still haven't gotten around to watching Twisted Metal. I sorta want to, but I always get distracted and forget it exists... perhaps I'll find time after this ranking & after I'm done with the soon-to-be-released MaGMML 3.

banshiryuu posted...
AD:Trance 9 is definitely one of my favorite compilations that I've listened to and I highly recommend the whole thing for anyone that's into trance... actually well that's kind of a recommendation for the whole series and honestly any Diverse System compilation, they consistently put out very high quality stuff in tons of genres haha

I'm not exactly adding them to za'list, but I'll bookmark Diverse System's Bandcamp page and probably click around aimlessly at some point. There's obviously some stuff there that I like, so there's a chance that I might hit something good by accident & it'll serve for the rare times when I want to try something really different instead of just playing my old songs on an infinite loop.

BlackDra90n posted...

I guess you're not listening to the 20 minute studio recording of all three songs together then huh? I totally get it though haha.

This actually really surprised me. I thought that this song would be one of my highest ranking songs, like top three or so. Definitely did not expect it to be anywhere close to Pain Remains considering what I thought you'd like. Bad Omens does have some really good songs though and I encourage you to check them out. One of my favourites is Artificial Suicide, but that's a bit heavier. Concrete Jungle and The Grey might be two that you'd like.

This is definitely a metal song but they have some interesting elements to it which I thought was cool. It's the same singer from Crystal Lake, if you remember that. He quit the band to do his own thing.

I planned on listening to the combined song, but after the topic got sped up like this, I figured it was best for their scores if I didn't. I'll still listen to it at some point, but... yeah.

Bad Omens songs added to za'list, thank you.

I remember a band named "Crystal Lake" having a song nominated, but I'm afraid I can't recall the song right off hand... I'll try to look that up later to refresh my memory.

Bane_Of_Despair posted...
Between The Dear Hunter and TREOS, I'd say I slightly prefer TREOS as I just generally like heavier/post-hardcore influenced stuff more but it's cool Casey got to do his own thing and thrived with it.

Honestly, didn't realize Casey was involved. Neat!


Haven't posted za'list in a while, so here's what my notes have on it. If you see anything missing, let me know. I'm not ignoring things, I'm just bad at keeping records.




Boomhauer sings Rap God

If System of a Down Were from India

Scene Queen | 18+

Scene Queen | Pink Rover

Lingua Ignota | All of My Friends Are Going to Hell

Elvenking | Seasonspeech

Caligula's Horse | Charcoal Grace (1 through 4)

Opeth | The Lotus Eater (8:51)

Opeth | Harvest (6:06)

Unforgiven (Original Version):

Liar Liar (Wasteland Monarchy)

Astronoid | Obsolete
Astronoid | Tin Foil Hats
Astronoid | Trail of Sulfur

Bad Omens | Artificial Suicide
Bad Omens | Concrete Jungle
Bad Omens | The Grey

Possibly give an extra listen to "Caligula's Horse | Salt"

Watch video for Pain Remains Ii



Ayreon | The Human Equation

Coheed and Cambria | Vaxis Act II: A Window of the Waking Mind

MISCELLANEOUS NOTES (not exactly on za'list, but things I'll listen to at some point):

Relisten to that Crystal Lake song

Click around Diverse Systems page

Pain Remains combined song


Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
05/30/24 8:35:20 AM


Nominator: @Johnbobb [6 songs remaining]
Character: Hunter the Hungry

Initial Score: 38.94
Final Score: 42.39 [Upgraded to 53.11] [Moved Aside] [Score set to 63.60] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 69.499]

(First Reaction: [Before Listening]

I've never seen Popstar, but I've heard good things & comedy numbers are always interesting. If the joke lands, they tend to get really good scores. Also, I wouldn't advise putting too much faith in this first reaction... joke songs usually start with a low score and then rise drastically as I start to enjoy them more on repeat lstens.


Well, we can hope this follows the trajectory of songs like George Washington and Welcome to the *** Zone since their jokes didn't land the first time either. Part of the problem might be that I don't know enough rap to actually get the parodies; they're taking lots of shots at Tyler the Creator, but since I can't name a single song or lyric of his, we're left with a crazy guy rambling about dead babies, warts on his dick, and how much the song I'm listening to sucks. Which is fine? It's mildly amusing, but also not something I really care about. I suppose I'll have to track down at least one or two of the songs this is parodying before the Revised Score to try and get context, but my first reaction is to place this somewhere in the high-30s to low-40s.)

Okay, I did not listen to anything by Tyler the Creator because I forgot I was supposed to. Also, I don't want to. Anyway, this song is better than I remembered it being; I suspect that it's an easier listen now that I know what it's going to do.

"I added in the chorus, "I'm fucking hungry!" I wanted him to be mad, but also needing a meal. I'm angry, but I also need nourishment.

Okay, that's funny.

Anyway this song is... not so bad. It's still not really my type of humor and I don't get who we're parodying or why, but it's officially moved up to "not bad" status.

[LATER: [Luce] "Blah blah, rap rap rap rap, you get it" is funny and:

Hey yo, I'm kidding, girl (Or am I?)
Of course I am (That's a lie)

Feels... painfully relevant with the way Raetsel is these days. So I'm going to move this up to the early 50s; still not a favorite, but it's both making me smile & making me quietly reflect on things which is... honestly probably deserving of more points than I've given it, but I'm going to go with a conservative score and see how I feel about this when get to aroundd the 53 point mark.]

[Still Later: Another song that gets better with each listen, I'm finding myself actually enjoying it these days. So I will be taking this up another tier.]

[Later, Again: [Raetsel] Song was set aside without comment. Anyway, I do like this one quite a bit, but I'm thinking it's just a little bit below the 70 point marker. It's pretty funny and there are some heavier tones for the backing music, but I'm never so attached to the song that I'd say that I really like it. Still, this is many, many tiers above where it started. It's also helped me process a few of the ways that I'd been... needlessly cruel with my lying, so this could be argued as one of those songs that were very helpful and fall as I begin to move on from the feelings I needed to reflect on. So, thank you, song turned out to be both funnier and more relevant than I thought, but I think this is just a tiny fraction below the next tier.]





???: Lonemoon - NAW NAW - 1:52

Nominator: @JohnBobb [5 songs remaining]

Initial Score: *score left blank* [Set to 62.00 points.]
Final Score: 60.00000001 [Set to "at least 65.00" points and moved aside] [Upgraded to 65.20]

(First Reaction: Of all the songs I don''t get, this may be the most.

...the most what, I don't know. Just the most. In general. I think this fried my consciousness in a way because I have no idea how to score it. I don't even recall any of the lyrics apart from "YEAH YEAH!" and "NAW NAW!"? Then there was a part that was. speak ing. two syl. a bles. at a. time which. was weird. I'm just going to move on and come back to this song a little later in the day because I have no idea what score I'm giving it, at all.

[two songs later]

Okay, "Cheesecake Truck" and "Once in a Lifetime" served as nice palette cleansers. Let's try approacing this song again.

...Nope, I still have no idea what this song is. It's less than two miinutes, but it's so all over the place that it feels like it took much longer. Not really in a Makeba or Pandasan "how has this not ended" yet way, but in a "how is this much song crammed into such a short runtime" way. Which is impressive, but I don't know that I like it. Whatever the backing music is doing, I find it incredibly grating. I don't care for the lyrics; the first verse with its "Good Stuff YEAH YEAH, Bad Stuff NAW NAW" format is tedious, the second verse has these weird pauses every other syllable, then we have a laugh track? Then an actually good verse and then an outro which seems to be from a completely different song.

I don't know what this is. The third verse certainly opens and closes strong:

I should be up in the sky
I should let myself be alive

And I love that last line. I really, really do love it. But I hate a lot of the rest of the song. And I'm completely beffled by the remainder. I hate-love this. I'm going to go with... 62 points? A verse with some lyrics that I love and I love how utterly baffled this song makes me feel, so I'm going to say that "I like this" in spite of how much I also hate this.)

[Before Listening a second time]

to be honest, I've not exactly been looking forward to this one. My first reaction on sight was "oh no, not that "Good Stuff YEAH, Bad Stuff NAW" track, but looking over my comments apparently this does do some other stuff. So... vaguely cautious optimism?


Yeah, this song is just weird in ways that I have trouble fully appreciating. It's certainly jam packed with things and I like how... completely unhinged it feels as a result. but I'm not particularly into any aspect of it. I greatly dislike the backing music, I'm not into most of the lyrics, and I dislike some of the ways these lyrics are delivered. Which makes it sound like this song should be much lower, but I like the way that it completely breaks my mind & does so much that I find myself enjoying it in spite of my negative feelings to it.

[Later: This song is sufficiently bizarre that I've never managed to adjust to it or work out what it's doing. So, I like this a fair amount, but... I don't know, I feel like it's getting a lot of points for breaking my mind and that there aren't any parts that I'm so drawn to that I could say that I really like the song or want to go back to it. It's always much better than I remember, but... this is about where it ends.]



Okay, replies to messages and probably some more songs later this afternoon, apologies for everything, very late, you know how it is.

Currently deciding on a new sig because the current one is vastly out of date.
TopicLuce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]
05/30/24 8:34:23 AM
I'll reply to all those messages this afternoon and add the mentioned songs to za'list; running incredibly late this morning & already updated the next five drops on the public song list, so I kinda need to post these five songs and run.


GavsEvans doesn't lose anything to the Wall, so we move along to handsomeboy's song & an especially cruel quadruple drop from Johnbobb. I'll also say that Kopa's last song is not part of the wall.


???: Tokoyami Towa | Antares
Nominator: handsomeboy2012 [11 songs remaining]
Character: Tokoyami Towa

Initial Score: 51.606
Final Score: 53.37 [Moved Aside] [Score set to 60.017] [Set to "at least 65.00" and moved aside] [Upgraded to 66.97]

(First Reaction: I wish I liked this more than I do. I know it's a big deal, with a lot of other vtubers appearing in the chorus, and it's all "look how far she's come & all the friends she's made" happiness... and I'm happy for her, but not really interested in the song itself. It's fine and there are a few nice lines about being on a hill at night, but I just... don't really feel any connection to the song or enjoy it enough to really vibe with. It's just a nice, happy song. Which is fine. It's.. it's very fine.)

The stars in the night sky are dignified and sparkling, yet they seem lonely.
Is it because it's far away?

I do like singing about the night. Song is... nice enough, I suppose? I know how important it is and I am happy for her, I'm just not really connecting with the song so it all just feels very fine. A few steps above the more dismissively "fine" songs from the 40 point tir, but still... fine.

[Later: I'm not sure when I started to like this song. Every day I say that I'm going to eliminate it and then I don't. And... I really don't think I can eliminate this before 60 points now. It's been holding on for so long that I'm going to be a little sad when I finally have to get rid of it. Which makes me think that it may go beyond the early 60s, but it's taken me a long time to give this a score at all, so we'll see.]

[Later-er: Song was moved aside without comment. I like this song quite a bit these days; auto-translate is doing better with the lyrics than usual; the quoted line should be "Is it because you're far away", which makes far more sense. Anyway, I love the scenery of being on a hill at a night & the lyrics about wanting to be reunited with someone are pretty nice, but I think I'm finally okay letting this one go.]





Nominator: @Johnbobb [8 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 62.15
Final Score: At least 65.00 and set aside. [Upgraded to 65.08]

(First Reaction: It's definitely different. I wasn't prepared for this, so I'm not sure how to react to it... I tend to hate spelling in songs, the brief moments of total silence are almost physically painful as I actively recoil from the way cutting between nothingness & full volume sounds, and there aren't any lyrics that I especially gravitate towards...

I know you think I'm a sociopath
"My lovely prey, " I'm a cliche
Make way I'm in my Pepsi mood

...I suppose I like those lines, but they're not really, "wow, I love this!!" type lines. And yet, this is so out there musically that I think I can say I like this? I'm going to start with a score in the low 60s, we'll see how it holds up when I'm prepared for what's going to happen & when it's positioned right next to other songs I like.)

One of those songs where I don't think I like what it's doing, but find it so mesmerizing that I like it? It's weird. The song and my reaction to it. Either way, it's getting at least 65 points, so I can worry about an actual final score later.

[Later: I'm becoming slightly more adjusted to this track. The sudden blast of silence isn't painful anymore and I'm less bothered by the spelling, but part of the song's fun is how bizarre it is & it's already losing a bit of novelty as I become used to what it's going to do. So... I do like this song a fair amount, but I think it's probably more towards the early part of the 65 section.]





???: King Missile - Cheesecake Truck - 1:10

Nominator: @JohnBobb [7 songs remaining]

Initial Score: 61.06
Final Score: 62.60 [Upgraded to "at least 65.00 points" and set aside] [Upgraded to 65.07]

(First Reaction: I have no idea why I clicked the Genius link for these lyrics--actually I do, I was hoping there would be a stupid anotation, I just don't want to admit that--but I love that I did.

Now it's lunchtime
So I eat ten cheesecakes and a cheesecake for dessert

I should point out by the way
That all of these cheesecakes were very delicious

And the word delicious is highlighted so that you can read someone's explanation.

buffleheadfan07: he really likes cheesecakes

Oh man, buffleheadfan07 cracked the code! They've got it all figured out man! You see this guy that stole a cheesecake truck and ate all the cheesecake... he likes cheesecakes. No, no, he *really* likes cheesecakes. Truly, buffleheadfan07 is the greatest sage in these trying times. And this annotation has been up for four years without a down vote or reply. Because bufflehadfan07's genius is not to be questioned. IS THAT WHY THE SITE IS CALLED GENIUS? WAS EVERYTHING ON THIS SITE, NAY ALL OF THE INTERNET, MERELY CREATED TO LEAD US TO THE ONE TRUE GENIUS?!

...Alright, I'm done. I've made dumber observations, most likely in this very post, so I'm not trying to actually judge them. It just legitimately cracked me up and I had to share. The song itself is enjoyable. It's a short, comedy story and it works. I enjoyed the punchline which is really all one can ask for from a comedy.)

It's incredibly short and there's not a lot happening musically here, but it's funny.

[Later: Every ranking, there's always a comedy song that keeps rising through the ranks even as I quietly resent myself for giving it so many points.]

[Later-er: Alas, poor Cheesecake Truck, there remain other novelty comedy songs at this ranking that I'm more attached to. While the story here is funny and I can praise the song for avoiding repetition & actually ending when it's over, it feels... somewhat insubstantial and this isn't exactly a story I'm clamoring to hear on an infinite loop. Pretty good song though, I do rather like this.]



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