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Last Post: 7:23:01pm, 06/13/2024
I'll see about responding to things tomorrow, but for tonight we have four drops: A double drop from GavsEvans & the absolute longest, most unhinged & unrelated to anything write up of the topic. (Luce is asleep and not making any effort to redact it, so...?)



???: Daniel Pemberton | Spot Holes 2 (1:13)
Nominator: @GavsEvans123 [3 songs remaining]
Character: The Spot

Initial Score: 72.24
Final Score: 71.083 [Upgraded to 71.95]

(First Reactions: [Before Listening]

I haven't seen Across the Spiderverse yet... I want to, but I so rarely watch movies. Also, I only have the cheapest Netflix plan, and you can't watch this on said plan so I either have to pay Netflix a fortune or buy it, and I don't want to do either.

...Anyway, The Spot seems like a fun character? SPOT TRIVIA: He is the only character in the 90's Spider-Man cartoon to be punched by Spider-Man! There were rules that Spidey couldn't punch people, but he did punch Spot. That's kinda fun!


Ooh, heavy & staticy & distorted! I really like this! And... it's already over. Ah well. Better for a song to end too quickly than to carry on pointlessly, I always say. I would love for there to be more of this song, but what's here is a quick trip through a hole in reality--which I'm assuming is exactly what they were going for with this song, so well done. It perfectly does exactly what it is intended to & hits some of my favorite things that most other nominations don't, so well done.)

So, I did pick up a cheap copy of Across the Spider-verse to get context for this song... and I do not recall this playing in the film at all, but I did fairly enjoy the movie so it wasn't a waste of time. Just not something that led to this getting any extra points from context.

Anyway, the song is pretty neat! It's very dark and void-like, I like voids. I do wish there was a bit more length to the song as one minute is not nearly enough time in the void, but I really like what's here.

[Later: Giving this a tiny boost for organizational purposes, though I have nothing to add. It creates a really nice atmosphere, but ends well before I have time to properly enjoy its atmosphere.]




???: JacobPierce Music | One-Winged Kong: Coconut Creme Despair (5:09)
Nominator: @GavsEvans123 [2 nominations remaining]

Initial Score: 60.03
Final Score: 60.01583 [Set to "at least 65.00" points and set aside] [Upgraded to 71.98] [Upgraded to 71.995]

(First Reaction:

[Before Listening]

This is either going to be so stupid that I give it a lot of points or so stupid that I hate it. There can be no middle ground.


I was wrong, there apparently is a middle ground.

So, I think I generally like this, but I don't think the joke needed to go on for over five minutes. It's highly amusing at first, but once you know how the song is going to go then it just... keeps going. I feel like I could have ditched at the halfway point and been happier--the trick with this type of joke is to not overstay your welcome. But... I do think I liked it. It's novel, weird, and funny enough to be worth a smirk or quick chuckle. Not a bad pick, all things considered.)

Well, saying I wanted it to end halfway through is a bit harsh, though I still don't like the last section of the song --I don't know why, but the "has no style" part feels considerably less enjoyable than everything that preceded it, which results in the song having a fairly weak ending for me over all. Still, I do like it; I particularly like how it managed to turn the DK Rap into something that feels incredibly cultish (love the way that shortening it to "Know the words, join in too" to make it a command changes the way everything feels).

[Later: I had not realized this was a vastly improved version of the original "One Winged Kong" song. It honestly helps hearing how much better this version is... also I've had "Know the words, join in too" stuck in my head all day, so I think I actually like this enough to go ahead and move it up to the next phase.]

]Still Later: Definitely one of those comedy songs that is so stupid it continually rises through the ranks.]

[Later, With No Grace: Minor boost for organizational purposes. I know it's ridiculous to have a song cut for being too short & a song cut for being too long in the same set of eliminations, but that "has no style" section feels so repetitive that it really keeps me from wanting move this song up any more than this. So, I'll just be hypocritical and cut this here too.]




???: Made in Abyss | Vueko (3:36)

Original link deleted due to copyright claims. I think this is the song?

Nominator: @pyresword [1 song remaining]
Character: Vueko

Initial Score: 61.02
Final Score: 61.02 [Upgraded to 62.68] [Upgraded to "at least 65.00" and set aside] [Upgraded to 71.991]

(First Reaction: I like this. I know literally nothing about the anime (I thought this was the title of a DS game) or the character, so the symbolism is completely lost on me at this point, but I like it. ...Though this is one of those songs where I do just kinda keep the write up at "I like this" and move along.)

Well, pretty sure I got a few large spoilers just trying to find a new link for this song. Thankfully, I wasn't planning on watching or reading Made in Abyss anyway... I don't really do horror. Especially the type of horror where if you were to search TV Tropes for the series, the Nightmare Fuel page is listed before the main one.

Hard to be sure if I found an accurate replacement link since I never said anything about the original link to start with. Either way, this song is... kinda sad sounding? Maybe? I don't know. I know enough to know that I like it, but that's as far as I get with it.

[Later: For some reason, I'm getting "hospital" type vibes for the early part of this song... followed by rather forest-y type ambiance later. Taken together, it kinda feels like someone slipping into fantasies as their life support fades. That's something. I'm going to add an extra point and a half-ish to this score and save its elimination for another day... now that the song is conjuring images and seems to be on an upward trend, I want to give it another listen or two before I eliminate it.]

[Later-er: Definitely one of those songs that gets better with each listen. I'm going to officially set this one aside for a bit.]

[One Final Later: I'm definitely starting to get into this song these days. While I don't think it's the story I'm supposed to be getting from the song, it is telling a complete story instrumentally and I really quite like that about it. ...Actually, let's just take this one up to 70 points as well. Why not?]



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