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Community » squall567
Trumble posted...
False equivalence. The Nazis were kicked the fuck out of power (which is also what should happen to Netanyahu and co); the Germans worked towards peace with the Jewish population.
That worked because the Nazi party and Hitler were never very popular amongst the German population. How do you do that with the Likud party and Netanyahu when they are more popular since Oct 7th in Israel?

SHRlKE posted...
Not necessarily restricted to the Jewish population but the below article is full of interesting bits.

Those are good ways to start the process but I am not optimistic that any of these will ever happen in our lifetime.
How did the Nazis and the Jewish population work towards peace after the Holocaust?
Why does she look like Eve Fartlow?
If Trump was President now, liberals would at least pretend that what's happening in Gaza is a tragedy instead of justifying how it's a-ok to kill children in Gaza because Biden is running the show now.
Nah, I'm still seeing Zionists justifying the attack on Rafah.
DarkAssassin89 posted...

This. That sounds horrible.
It's only horrible if you are broke. Living a long life with billions in the bank would be amazing.
When a foetus is exposed to ancestral memories, they have no self to maintain their own personality because they haven't had the chance to develop one yet.

This leads to the possibility of an ancestor personality taking over.
It's great because we now get to see all the people who would have been against emancipation, against the civil rights movement, supported the Vietnam war, supported the South African apartheid state, and supported the Iraq War.

It's refreshing seeing these people expose themselves and stop pretending to be "the good guys".
Words0fJokeAc posted...
It's ok, they're going to investigate themselves

Zoks posted...
They don't even do that, the US will just say how concerning these reports are and nobody will care.

They just called it "fake news".
Brianna "I failed to grift from the left so I pivoted to the right wing grift" Wu?
Like designing sneakers at Nike dream related or just reselling sneakers?
Yanis is the GOAT
Zikten posted...
Supposedly before Russia invaded Ukraine, he was telling people very confidently, that an invasion would not happen. I don't know. I didn't even know who he was back then. But I think a lot of people still give him shit for that
He's a dumb streamer who just gets his takes about Russia Ukraine from some bozo called Zelensky.
RchHomieQuanChi posted...
I believe RDJ recently said he'd be down to come back. Ruffalo, Hemsworth and Renner are still around so the only question marks are ScarJo and Chris Evans.
There were certain rumors about Chris Evans floating on the interwebs.
China is just a dog whistle.
Maze_ posted...
Mick Lynch is vile? I like him :(
Never mind, I was dumb and had a visceral reaction when I saw Starmer. Lynch is cool :)
Maze_ posted...
We can talk about Starmer or Mick Lynch
still vile
Remake was released on another platform and Rebirth isn't. Seems simple enough?
obligatory One Winged Angel
LordFarquad1312 posted...
Kinda wild they brought back a gag character only for it to be a gag again.
That's the beauty of Invincible. There are always big things happening in universe but we only see Mark's adventures because he is the main character of the series.
Actually this is gonna end up being pretty funny since she's gonna be in the crossfire of the anti-zionists and the anti-wokes.
Anti woke nerds be like "Eww, a woman that will be nude in silver? I want to see a nude man in silver instead!"
when you make your partner come
Give billions to Israel in exchange for a war with Iran. What a deal!
Do it X-2 style with the dresspheres again and it would be fire.
Back_Stabbath posted...
There is no more scathing a review than "Watched/Saw ______" from Kojima
40% of all cop families are abused. Wouldn't be surprised if she was forced into this situation.
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
youyou realize democrats didnt overturn roe V wade and that Mitch mcconnell is a republican right

Biden: "Vote me as President and I will protect abortion rights"
Proceeds to get elected and do nothing.
At least when Trump wins, liberals will pretend to care about Palestine because Trump bad.
SpiritSephiroth posted...
Wait did they actually say that first part? >_>
You asked?
Conservatives calling it a false flag in 3 2 1
McSame_as_Bush posted...
There's probably a person or two who opposes it for some other reason.
How is the machine going to sustain itself without the depressed youths who have nothing to live for?
Community » squall567