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Community » snake_5036
Dakimakura posted...
I blame porn for objectification still occurring. Not just porn but ALL horny pursuits. It must be banned for us to be righteous.
touch grass
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he's fine. I don't actively watch or consume game grumps, just occasionally, or compilations of funny moments. his best content is still the awesome series
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WingsOfGood posted...
They aren't

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it's going to cost 2 dollars. that's why it's called the switch 2
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Sonic Advance Collection, sega.
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I'll just take that egg on the face, then >_>
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RetuenOfDevsman posted...
So I used the rotten food cheese on The Fear. I beat him legit a couple of times many years ago. This way is easier. Basically, when his stamina starts running out, he always goes for food that's already lying out before killing his own. So if you toss a bunch of rotten or poisonous food everywhere, he'll eat that and puke, losing even more stamina. Seems he can't puke himself unconscious though, so I finished him off with a punch, lol.
You can super cheese him with an oversight(?) where stunned enemies will lose stamina even to lethal weapons. Fake death pill > wait for him to turn around after inspecting your body > wake up and throw a stun grenade > assault rifle for an easy stamina kill

I have no idea if enemies killing another enemy will count as a kill, though. I'd assume not, but some natural occurrences (like falling off a bridge) still count as kills. Meanwhile, shooting explosive drums and killing enemies won't count as a kill <_< I do hope your run isn't ruined, though, especially this far into the playthrough.
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SerperiorThanU posted...
lol fucking supreme court justice using "dog ate my homework" level excuses.
It's par for the course for someone who argued you need to let presidents be immune from crimes or else they will try to commit crimes
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ssjevot posted...
And it isn't just news or politics, literally a gaming sub will have certain group opinions you either share and get a bunch of upvotes or get mass downvoted for having.
Yeeeeep. Try describing TotK as anything better than used tub water on the Zelda subs (including r/TrueZelda, a subreddit that claims to have been made for more serious and civil discussions) and watch as you've just enacted a ceiling of 0 points for your thread or comment.

It's just social media in the guise of a forum.
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Even ignoring this, I look at how much plastic my work site throws away every day, plastic that could easily be recycled and isn't contaminated, and it's probably more than my house uses in a year. Putting climate change on the individual instead of on corpos is the biggest scam the industry ever did.
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XxZiomaxX posted...
Seriously... It's been 3.5 years since PS5 released. How is this thing going to release with worse performance than a Series S?
The same way PSP and DS launched with worse performance than the PS2 and Gamecube. And, really, all handhelds vs their respective consoles...
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So, just a few hundred less than I currently make but I don't work anymore, or kill myself physically and mentally for more money I don't need.

Yeah, easy option 1 vote.
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Naming it the Wii U was bad, but I think the complete lack of marketing until 2015 (and even then it was anemic, and focused solely on Mario Kart and Splatoon), the reveal trailer focusing entirely on "the new controller" without mentioning anything about a new console, and the system having a near-perma drought through its life all did way more damage (seriously, even the worst Switch year is a diamond mine compared to the best Wii U year).

"Do you guys not have phones?" upset people online, but those same people went out and bought a $70 online only game filled with microtransactions later resulting in Blizzard's most successful launch. And the few of those people who are whales made Immortal a successful game in spite of all that outrage. So, good job on the lack of self control there for everyone, Blizzard suffered nothing at all.

Xbox One reveal, though... That single-handedly took Microsoft from a top dog in the game to cratering the brand overnight. At this point it even seems like Microsoft is going to leave the hardware arena and focus entirely on trying to become the Netflix of gaming.
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jeffhardyb0yz posted...
will it finally beat ps3 graphics from 18 years ago?
The Switch 1 already does that.
TheGoldenEel posted...
Breath of The Wild and Super Mario Odyssey, basically the only games they made for Switch that had any degree of innovation
what other games do everything that tears of the kingdom does (ascend, ultrahand, recording 30 seconds of history for every loaded object in a scene, physics based sound system, etc)?
legendarylemur posted...
This entire topic, people massively overrate how the PS3 used to look lmao. It'll be like one of those things where you go back and realize holy shit, these games all look super dated now, but because a lot of games on PS3 didn't age well and offer too little past their graphics, nobody has played a PS3 game in eons to truly know for sure.

The amount of screen tearing that generation had is revolting. And the framerates were significantly unstable and far worse overall than the Switch. Even hitting 720p was a challenge and rare. Halo 3 ran at 1152x640 for instance. I think some people played that whole generation on a CRT which masked a lot of its very evident flaws, or they weren't yet addicted to binging DigitalFoundry coverage for the wrong reasons.
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It's fine, and I'm someone who can easily tell the difference. It will always be around in games because choosing 30fps or 60fps is a matter of the devs making the choice to aim for those framerates, not a matter of hardware.

I do feel bad for the people in here that apparently can't play >99.99% of games ever released, though, since the only locked 60fps games on consoles I can cite off the top of my head are Super Mario 3D World and F-Zero GX.
PraetorXyn posted...
It baffles me how so many people think frame rate is a matter of sight. Its a matter of feel. Low frame rates feel choppy, like you move and theres lag between when you press buttons or move the mouse and it actually happens.
It's also a matter of sight (movement is smoother). Some games just control like shit in the mud regardless, like Soulsborne games.
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FolkenRawr posted...
Was that an actual problem? >_____>
The first reveal trailer didn't even mention a new console. Just kept repeating "The New Controller" over and over again.
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cooked his ass again
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Getting into a random encounter and dying without being able to make a single move takes patience that some people don't have.
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LonelyStoner posted...
Bacon doesnt belong on a burger.
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Irony posted...
Is this sarcasm? Both of those games especially Tears of the Kingdom run like garbage
If you think BotW and TotK run like garbage, wait until you see ScarVi in action.
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>brianna wu

deserved, next
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ModernPost posted...
Do I want to know wtf that is?
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What's wrong with them? Well...
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No, I have more people ignored and blocked than are ignoring/blocking me, I would think. Though there are one or two users over on the Switch board that post genuinely well-made messages that have me blocked and I'm unsure why because I don't remember interacting with them at all.
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I never vibed with it at all. I legitimately got further in Legendia than this game (though I never finished Legendia, either...).
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They're holding back for Switch 2 because they saw what having a fantastic first year did for them with Switch 1. I'd only expect remasters/remakes and Prime 4 multiplat for Switch 1 at this point.
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You felt your sins weighing on your neck.

It's genuinely better than entire games in this series, and it pulls off a past/present connection wonderfully unlike the disaster that was 4-4's MASON system. Gregory and von Karma make excellent rivals, Katherine Hall is lovely, and being able to see the events that practically started the whole series had me stand up and take a break from playing when it was pieced together. Really! Gustavia makes a suitable villain when revealed, and the set pieces of the gallery are striking. von Karma's penalty delivery even sets up for the next case on top of explaining an intriguing piece of information from the very first game. I guess if there's a negative to be had, Butz being involved in the case was something I sighed at.

I debated giving this case the highest score, but it really is that good for me. I can only offer nitpicks for criticisms. The team deserves a round of applause for delivering this as "only" the third case of the game. Easy top 5 case for the series imo.
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This is really difficult....

I think ultimately I have to go with Resident Evil 1 Remake, but RE0, RE4, Metroid Prime, and F-Zero GX (notable for impressing even Nintendo, if Nagoshi is to be believed) are all in the running too. That system had a lot of impressive games.
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Enclave posted...
I've never even been warned before, only a handful of times (probably able to be counted on one hand) have I even lost karma and even then it's been like single digit loss. I don't know why people are so worried about getting moderated, it's not that hard to follow the rules.
I was warned once and only after my entire active posting history was wiped. Anybody getting suspended is actively breaking the rules multiple times and omitting context in their complaints about "being suspended for inoffensive posts."
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The case goes on quite a bit too long, and it almost felt like it was going to try and approach I-5 for most dragged out case when I played it. Courtney and DeBeste are both at their most obnoxious, and I don't find Dogen or Roland that interesting, but the most offensive thing about this case is just how long it is. At least we get to see how Frank's doing, and Shields is just a delight.
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The original trilogy and Rogue One are the only ones worth watching
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The only other first case that challenges it is 4-1. This game easily has the best overall cases of the series (the "low" point is the second case, and only because it's so dragged out), making it all the more disappointing that it still hasn't officially come to the west.
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Have I time traveled to 2015 somehow?
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Community » snake_5036