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ssb_yunglink2 posted...

Its arguing that the way we do records now is much different than before streaming, which is true.

certain records are just much easier to break now with the new rules, even if its still a great accomplishment

Oh they're arguing it's easier, not more difficult? See I thought it was the other way around, saying that things are much more difficult now. Like how Thriller held the record for highest selling album of all time, which made sense back then when you absolutely had to buy the music to listen to it rather than just go on youtube for free.
Why was Ben Reilly the exception in that example you provided?

Anyway I don't even think it's worth dissecting NWH because the movie in its entirety just exists for fan-service. Even while watching none of the plot made sense which is completely fine because actually seeing all 3 spidey men was absurdly cathartic.
What exactly is the tweet arguing?

Anyway I like sza, her chorus was the only part I liked of that Black Panther song with the whiny ass voice, kendrick lamar I think.
That's a shame I really liked them. From crab cakes to even bay biscuits, Red Lobster had some food I enjoyed eating.
And yes I'll say what we're all thinking to get it out of the way: it's a shame they didn't get matthew lilIard as shaggy back as he was born for the role.

With Sabrina Carpenter this time. I really like Jake Gyllenhaal as Fred and would have liked to see him in a (better) sketch next time.
First off let's get a couple of things out of the way. ASM movies are garbage especially the first one so let's not even talk about that, it has a spidey who basically commits the equivalent of sexual assault so fuck that movie. We'll focus on the original trio and if we absolutely have to, the holland ones.

Second, the Wrestler Promoter was absolutely in the right. Peter didn't last in the ring 3 minutes. Not to mention he was on the wrong side of history with Bonesaw's husband. Now, whether or not a contract was even signed, and what it stipulated, is a whole other matter, which should include clauses like in the event of Bonesaw's defeat, what will happen.

But it's still an interesting contrast, the difference between being a good samaritan and trying to be a good samaritan. It's not about being able to help everybody, but trying to do what you can. If you can do what spiderman does, but don't, and then the bad things happen... they happen because of you.
ExtremeLuchador posted...
Is this why Switch 2 might be digital only?

Oh hell no. Nintendo are already the worst, so them joining Sony and Microsoft in doing online, DLC, and digital combined with their "no sales no bundles" policy thing just ended up fucking over gamers more.

If they take a leaf out of Sony's book and do the digital only route... good god. The worst part is we'll be screwed while the mainstream at large won't even care and happily rebuy all the stuff they already own, again.
hockeybabe89 posted...
They're kinda fun, but I wish some of the other stuff came back like firefighting

I miss being "fireproof" in GTA San Andreas after suffering through all the firetruck missions and then throwing a bunch of molotiv cocktails at gangs while laughing maniacally as I walk through the fire completely unscathed.

The new games don't even have anything close to capturing that kinda enjoyment.
YellowSUV posted...

Hah, that's cute. They look really similar to the azumanga daioh characters too
GTA 4-5 and Red Dead Redemption have a ton of these mini games like throwing darts or bowling or playing cards and I honestly couldn't imagine anything more boring. The controls range from finicky to passable but aggresively boring. Even Nintendo minigames aren't as bad as these. But Rockstar keeps putting them in so they must be extremely popular with the fanbase.
I only recently found out that he'd made a movie he'd been trying to make for the past 50 years after watching a youtube video about his daughter and analysis of godfather 3.

Was surprised at first that he'd do such a thing but looking back it makes sense that he would do creepy behavior like that, considering.
In the original twilight princess every time you found a rupee, the game would constantly tell you that you found a rupee and how much it's worth. Even after you save and close the game, the moment you return it once again resets and pops out that notification box again.
I mean really now. Unless you don't own the console itself, there's no reason not to have gotten kh 1.5 and 2.5 on ps4. They were practically giving it away, bundling both of them for less than $20. I give it a pass for KH 1 but it's a bit of a disservice not to play kh 2.5 when we waited patiently for nearly a decade to finally get kh 2 final mix.
thisworld posted...
Microsoft Modern Mobile Mouse

That's definitely pretty flat, reminds me of those Apple ones. Gonna see if there's one at the store to try out

The... hump or arch of a mouse actually hurts my hand, I'm looking for a more smaller, a flatter mouse, that I can rest my hands on without that large back. It's kinda weird they even have that because trying to rest my hand on that while my wrist is slightly arched is uncomfortable.

Any suggestions for a flatter wireless pc mouse? I usually do wireless mouse and keyboard combo but the wireless keyboard I have is pretty great, has a rest pad and everything. So I'm fine with just getting the mouse separate. I hope having two usbs for a separate wireless keyboard and wireless mouse don't interfere with each other on a pc
Hambo posted...

A few years ago I learned my friend had never beaten Maleficent and when I offered to help, I was shocked to find out it was the first fight. I think I ended up beating both forms for him, then somehow he beat Riku without too much trouble. Then later he got stuck on Chernabog for some reason and is still stuck there to this day.

Another friend got stuck on the final boss and I realized it was actually kinda tough if you aren't over leveled. I just beat FM the other day and the solo flying fight is crazy annoying and way harder than I remembered. I actually had to use several elixirs, and I usually forget about items in KH games.

Damn I don't know what's crazier in all that, but Chernabog? I've tried to lose at that fight, just to see if he can fight back. Dude literally just stands there folding and unfolding his arms.

I definitely agree about the flying part that one took me aback when on 1.5 when playing on hard, thank goodness I already had a ton of elixirs and items and stuff, really more than I could ever need.
CableZL posted...

Would the Dai Li count as earthbending villains?

They were... just following orders


But seriously I like how much I dislike how the dai li have no loyalty. You think they're like the secret service, but nope. First they align with the equivalent of the evil vizier instead of the king, then when azula comes in and they see the power shift they side with her against their former evil vizier. They're kinda the worst.

Is she telling the truth/is this actually possible?
Lol, the first 2 seasons both were water bender villains.

I like that in Korra, the main villain was our first airbender villain, at lease if you can consider that an airbender with the spirit portal somehow gifting a whole new generation of humans wind powers, rather than natural born wind benders.

So we got water bender villain, airbender villain, and earth bender villain. To contrast with the avatar's fire nation all being the villains. That was one of the good things about Korra, it explored all new avenues and contrasted perfectly with Avatar.
I'm positive that's an RE 4 enemy. Then what were the RE 4 flying bugs called?
Huh. I've heard of people getting stuck at Riku (of course) but I've never heard of people getting far enough in the game to reach the end, and get stuck there, long after they've defeated Riku like thrice.
DrizztLink posted...

Oh my god that was amazing.

And even more apt nowadays
AceMos posted...

wish i could get crash 4 but cant afford even thoe its currently on sale which is extra annoying lol

It's been on sale so many times though, that's when I got it. Last I checked it was as low as $20. It could go even lower in the next sale
bigblu89 posted...

I don't know if pretentious is the right word, although you may be right.

Upon rewatch, like Juno, it's definitely a movie that thinks it's more "clever" than other movies.

I always said that about Gilmore Girls whenever I watched it.

What's wrong with juno? And wouldn't it be better to compare it to napoleon dynamite and superbad? They're all teen comedies that kids back in high school praised and quoted constantly

american beauty was garbage when I first watched it, and it's still garbage now. The kevin spacey allegations do help to bring it into new light though
Murphiroth posted...
Gimme a Mayan, Incan, or Olmec game.

Ah forgot about those, that must have been the 3rd suggestion. An ancient south american or central american civilization.
Printerscape posted...
Yea, I brush twice a day and Im still gagging. Wisdom teeth is fine, but brushing deep into my tongue makes me gag. I hate it.

The tongue thing is also a challenge. Dentists online say to brush your tongue or scrape your tongue but doing that is like when the doctor puts the tongue depressor in your mouth, it's next to impossible to do it to yourself without getting a reaction.
Oh wow I actually had a showerthought to make a similar topic. Need to brush my wisdom teeth which are all the way at the back of my mouth, and pushing my toothbrush that far activates my gag reflex. Yet I need to brush them because last time I went to the dentist he said everything was good except for my wisdom teeth and that I needed to get in there and brush them. He could tell I was not reaching that far back.
As far back as 2010, hell maybe as far back as when AC was first announced, people had dropped suggestions and started clamoring for ancient egypt and also feudal japan. When they actually did ancient egypt, I was shocked. Then I became more shocked when I ended up loving it and considered fun with possibly the best protagonist in the series, rivaling even Ezio.

But the fact that now they've finally closed the loop, done all the suggestions... it's pretty crazy how far we've come. What else did people ask for? AC in space? Modern day AC?
Murdle? That sounds exactly like my sense of humor, want to check this out
Oh is that where Crash 4 got the not dying idea.

I only bothered getting the colored gems for Crash 3 since it's the easiest one.

The remaster trilogy was the only time I'd ever beaten Crash 1, it was too ridiculous to do on the original BS ps1 version with no saving and limited lives. So that was fun.

Also beat Crash 4 recently, overall pretty good game, if super frustrating.
I've held off on getting a couple of games that are available on ps4 just to be able to justify my eventual ps5 purchase. Since I do want to play games like gow 2 and sm 2, I thought might as well wait for ps5 "pro" before I get the new console.

Plus I still have like, a couple more games on ps4. Might as well completely finish my backlog so I can shelve ps4. Running out of room after all.
ai123 posted...
He's very famous in the UK as a non-offensive, middle of the road, entertainer.

That's a good parallel to jimmy carr then, a UK based offensive, middle of the road entertainer. Yet that dude has like 4 netflix specials... also he was nice enough to put up his old standup for free on youtube, like 12 hours worth of content and specials.

Meanwhile can't find anything on michael.
DrizztLink posted...

I liked this take on it.

Notice how they staunchly ignore that Kassandra and Woman Eivor are the canon protagonists.

Kassandra isn't greek?
A) Does that justify allowing him to create tbbt and 2.5 men? I think yes to the former, no to the latter

B) Why can't I find the actual intro on youtube? WTF. There was a video from way back in 2007 where is it
radical_rhino posted...
Still waiting on a sequel.

Funny thing about that, I was reading up on it and nph once made a joke years ago about how maybe if there's another strike they'll finally be able to do a sequel.

Then lo and behold another strike did happen.
TomClark posted...
"Send To All" on his Saturday night show is pretty funny.

He seems like a sport, I'd like to find more of him
I can't find the rest of his stuff on netflix or disney plus or starz or even prime. I don't even know how many specials he has.

I related to this on a fundamental level.
Asherlee10 posted...
I feel like this exert from The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams, albeit one of the best Brits to grace the Earth, is relevant.

This actually did happen to a real person, and the real person was me. I had gone to catch a train. This was April 1976, in Cambridge, U.K. I was a bit early for the train. Id gotten the time of the train wrong.

I went to get myself a newspaper to do the crossword, and a cup of coffee and a packet of cookies. I went and sat at a table.

I want you to picture the scene. Its very important that you get this very clear in your mind. Heres the table, newspaper, cup of coffee, packet of cookies. Theres a guy sitting opposite me, perfectly ordinary-looking guy wearing a business suit, carrying a briefcase.

It didnt look like he was going to do anything weird. What he did was this: he suddenly leaned across, picked up the packet of cookies, tore it open, took one out, and ate it.

Now this, I have to say, is the sort of thing the British are very bad at dealing with. Theres nothing in our background, upbringing, or education that teaches you how to deal with someone who in broad daylight has just stolen your cookies.

You know what would happen if this had been South Central Los Angeles. There would have very quickly been gunfire, helicopters coming in, CNN, you know. . . But in the end, I did what any red-blooded Englishman would do: I ignored it. And I stared at the newspaper, took a sip of coffee, tried to do a clue in the newspaper, couldnt do anything, and thought, what am I going to do?

In the end I thought, nothing for it, Ill just have to go for it, and I tried very hard not to notice the fact that the packet was already mysteriously opened. I took out a cookie for myself. I thought, that settled him. But it hadnt because a moment or two later he did it again. He took another cookie.

Having not mentioned it the first time, it was somehow even harder to raise the subject the second time around. Excuse me, I couldnt help but notice . . . I mean, it doesnt really work.

We went through the whole packet like this. When I say the whole packet, I mean there were only about eight cookies, but it felt like a lifetime. He took one, I took one, he took one, I took one. Finally, when we got to the end, he stood up and walked away.

Well, we exchanged meaningful looks, then he walked away, and I breathed a sigh of relief and sat back. A moment or two later the train was coming in, so I tossed back the rest of my coffee, stood up, picked up the newspaper, and underneath the newspaper were my cookies.

The thing I like particularly about this story is the sensation that somewhere in England there has been wandering around for the last quarter-century a perfectly ordinary guy whos had the same exact story, only he doesnt have the punch line.

I'm so glad I decided to actually skim through this topic. Thank you so much for this.
St0rmFury posted...
I lost interest in the show after they introduced Connor, not sure why.

I was a teenager so I'll embarrassingly admit I was super into Connor and "you're not my dad!" type of teen angst. I didn't understand any of the plot at the time (Darla being pregnant, Connor being... half human? Full human?) but I was there for it.

But when they did the Cordelia and Connor thing... :| . It took nearly 15 years from when I watched Angel to finally get some modicum of closure explaining what the fuck was going on with that. Back then even with dialup internet you just... didn't know. Just had to live with not knowing.
I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I would have been initially hesitant to believe the newstory that broke which revealed Joss Whedon's true nature, if it weren't Cordelia/Angel. As soon as I read the controversy, it immediately clicked and I was like "omg coincidence or could this finally explain why the hell they did Cordelia dirty in Angel" and when I went on reddit it turned out to be true, that was the very reason why they did that to her character, but that was only the surface of what Whedon did to her as a person.
Reminds me of the Ted Lasso quip about endless optimism in the face of the highly cynical British population.
As someone who mostly watched Angel since it aired at the right time in which I could watch it unlike Buffy, I knew the characters on Angel first. So I was completely shocked at characters like Cordelia and Wesley being wildly different on Buffy. Cordelia was a bully and Wesley was portrayed as an unlikable tool. In Angel he was the anchor we rooted for... what Xander failed to be, and a non-creator insert who's actually likable and not awful.
Beany posted...
If anyones looking for a spiritual successor to Columbo I wholeheartedly recommend Poker Face with Natasha Lyonne.

But I still haven't watched the other Natasha Lyonne show people swear is good, Russian Doll.
Don't think I've heard this before, that sounded pretty good
darkace77450 posted...

Hooters waitresses are legally classified as entertainers and are thus subject to different rules.

It's a clever way to circumvent some laws, and as to the other post, Disney are unfortunately pretty shrewd at finding loopholes. Hell I recently discovered what was Disney's whole 65-episode season thing about.
It is kinda wild. I only recently found out about the story behind this movie, if only vaguely: apparently this was Coppola's passion project that he spent his life trying to make, like george lucas with those star wars prequels, and like those star wars movies, it will be similarly received with negative reactions.
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