How to beat the Wave of Heartless in KH1.

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Hambo posted...

A few years ago I learned my friend had never beaten Maleficent and when I offered to help, I was shocked to find out it was the first fight. I think I ended up beating both forms for him, then somehow he beat Riku without too much trouble. Then later he got stuck on Chernabog for some reason and is still stuck there to this day.

Another friend got stuck on the final boss and I realized it was actually kinda tough if you aren't over leveled. I just beat FM the other day and the solo flying fight is crazy annoying and way harder than I remembered. I actually had to use several elixirs, and I usually forget about items in KH games.

Damn I don't know what's crazier in all that, but Chernabog ? I've tried to lose at that fight, just to see if he can fight back. Dude literally just stands there folding and unfolding his arms.

I definitely agree about the flying part that one took me aback when on 1.5 when playing on hard, thank goodness I already had a ton of elixirs and items and stuff, really more than I could ever need.