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They sure tried.
Don't think I had internet in my house then, but I remember staying after school to work on assignments, but what I was actually doing was printing off N64 cheats from gfaqs. My teacher found out and seemed genuinely upset with me. Not mad, just let down. I felt really bad.
Pretty sure you can post the whole link from the address bar and it will still embed here.
I guess I'm fucked then because the last game I played was Minecraft, and she hasn't played a video game since like the first Atari.
I think so. Some of their originals are my favorite shows, and there's a huge library of other stuff.
Hayame_Zero posted...
Yeah, it's been rent-free in my head ever since learning about it. Some years ago, a guy on Youtube documented his experience with it in vlogs, and over time he just started getting incoherent and looked like he was strung out before it killed him.
This sounds...dark. You remember the channel by any chance?
Probably the best Christmas of my childhood is when I got an N64 with a bunch of games. We always opened presents on Christmas eve night, so I got up super early Christmas morning and played the hell out of Mario 64. I have a lot of nostalgia with that system.
May I be horny?
Not really but I think Amy Lee is a good singer.
If his trap is flapping lies are flowing.
Minecraft party.
32" 1440p
I've also heard flerfs say "Sea" == "See". Not sure what that one's all about, but they are pretty obsessed with seeing things across the ocean.
suspicious link
Revelation34 posted...
Because not all of them believe that.
I would wager the vast majority of people who identify as flat earther believe all of that shit. But of course there are the fringe ones who don't have the conspiratorial or religious beliefs. Maybe some bored rich people like the guitarist of Deftones. I do know all the leaders of the Flat Earth Society held those beliefs.
CountCorvinus posted...
Destiny's friend?
I totally forgot, Destiny joined Fuentes's stupid platform where Fuentes streams his Nazi propaganda about the "Jewish question". Destiny has always been buddies with that crowd for some reason.
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...
You've never heard of it, then. These people claim that NASA, all meteorologists, telecommunications companies, Google, the airline industry, the US military, and all astronomers are in on a conspiracy to trick people into believing that the earth is round.
I've heard from some flat earthers also that those people are hiding God in the firmament. NASA especially, because they say the Hebrew word Na-sha, meaning "to deceive", looks like "NASA". There is some Biblical literalism baked in it seems. In fact I think the guy who wrote their flat earth bible, the 1800s pamphlet Zetetic Astronomy: Earth not a Globe, was trying to create (pseudo-) scientific experiments to prove Biblical claims. Flat earthers still use the debunked experiments in that book. If you debate a flerf long enough their religious beliefs will come out eventually.
Those Poor Bastards - Getting Old

This Russian guy makes animated video clips of some of their songs.
I admittedly prayed a couple times when I was down & desperate. Of course I expected nothing and got nothing. Kind of shitty you have to hit rock bottom before god-belief starts to look appealing.
Virus posted...
I'm sure not a lot of you use virus scans frequently.
Literally never. Used to be on top of that, but never found malware. I don't think it's a huge problem like it used to be.
I think it's false.
Kazaa, downloading a "movie" that was a 3MB .exe file.
Irony posted...
How many mods are actually so big that they required speeds above that? I've seen mods that were like 2GB but I don't think that's that big.
Mostly hi res texture packs. Skyrim 2018 + 2020 is about 25GB total, and that's scratching the surface of all the texture mods I would install (A Noble Skyrim, Skyland AIO, etc)

I'm starting to want to play Skyrim again now...
Axiom posted...
awful mod manager
Vortex works great and is super easy & intuitive to use. I'll never understand why people hate it so much.
MrToothHasYou posted...
Pretty much all of these Universities have either money invested in, or receive grant money from, sources tied to Israel, and in some cases defense contractors whose weapons are currently being used to ethnically cleanse Gaza. One of the main goals of these protests is divestment from these, and a transparent process from the school administrators in doing so.

Here, for example, is a page listing the overall goals of the students protesting at Columbia University:
Thanks for the actual answer to my admittedly stupid question and not getting too annoyed by my bit of facetiousness. I haven't followed these protests at all, but I've always been anti-Israel in the war. I honestly didn't even know Israel gets most of the weapons(60%) from America and that all these universities have money tied up in Israel. No excuse for my ignorance.
Possibly a stupid question but what are these protests at American college campuses supposed to accomplish regarding a foreign war? What are these students going to get done here in America? Why don't they just go home and play Minecraft?
You may think Jordan Peterson is a nuggetwanker but you have yet to adequately support the transphobic part. Jordan Peterson's stance and the views that inform it are well explored in various interviews and other appearances. Trans people have very little if anything to do with those views. By continuing to call him transphobic you assert that his feelings about trans people are a primary motivation for him. This is factually untrue.
The only reason Jorbpson became famous in the first place was for his obnoxious refusal to use gender-neutral pronouns in his classroom (pretend you don't remember that viral video that made him an alt-right hero) and then the subsequent media campaign wherein he whinged and moaned about Canadian bill C-16, which he either didn't understand because he's stupid or intentionally misconstrued because he's a transphobe.
No, I stopped watching at least a decade ago. PBS Nova & Frontline were/are great, some late night shows, that's about all I was watching.
What's the deal with not releasing the CK immediately? I didn't even finish my first playthrough of the game and I've just been waiting for the CK before I give it another go. Why does it have beta access? Did they not use the damn thing to create the game?
I like some Great Value stuff. Haven't tried the soda pop.
Kal Cahoone - Evita
You can try manually updating ublock filter lists. They update automatically like every 5 hrs or something.
uBlock is best with firefox, and shouldn't be used with other adblockers, including private browser ad-blocker.
Appears to be some kind of ad or maybe browser add-on malware.
While I absolutely love and adore the game, the original xbox version of Morrowind is probably the most broken game I ever played.
My honest thought would probably be something along the lines of: "ok"
I thought Year One was hilarious. Seems to be almost universally loathed.
Damn dude.
I suspect you haven't tried listening to his actual comments on the subject instead of what people are saying about him.
This pseudointellectual cringelord you mean? Listen to him whine about being suspended from twitter for misgendering, as he doubles down on the misgendering.
Smoke weed everyday.

Hail Satan.
Wes Anderson movies.
Trees of Eternity - Black Ocean

RIP Aleah
TMOG posted...
Nope, the entire episode was that Strickland hires a new employee who's on drugs (might have been cocaine and not pot, now that I'm thinking about it) and the company is forced to give him accommodations due to his disability to the extent that he doesn't have to actually do any work and can just show up and get high in the bathroom all day, so every other employee at Strickland Propane aside from Hank starts faking illnesses and disabilities so they can get the same treatment.
Ah, well, I'll just take this as a reminder that I really need to re-watch this show.
Love it. Maybe a little less than The Simpsons when it was good and worth watching still.

TMOG posted...
Like the one that suggested everybody on disability is either a pothead or faking it
I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that this was probably a joke. Hank Hill is old fashioned, that's part what makes his character so funny.
Yes I had a Saturn and I loved those games.
Just mashed potatoes? No. With turkey & gravy? Hell fuck yes.
Is he not in prison yet?
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