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Blightzkrieg posted...
I also think being deliberately demoralizing can be considered a factor when evaluating difficulty.

When a game actively punishes you for failure, or failure is time consuming, or when failure isn't contributing to progress in a definite way, I'd argue all that can make a game more "difficult".

That's a fair point, in that it satisfies the most basic metric of difficulty (that is, it makes it less likely that any given player will eventually succeed), but I'm not sure I'd call that *good* difficulty (though I could concede that it's "legitimate," which I guess is a terribly loaded word to use here). Discouraging the player from trying again just isn't enjoyable gameplay, since it turns success into more a matter of "how much frustration, disappointment, and tedium can you endure?" instead of "can you develop your skills enough to win?". It's a fine line, certainly, since what's frustrating and tedious to one player because they didn't learn enough from failing to feel like they're progressing is going to be perfectly fine to another player who felt like they learned more from that failure (PO's an example of somebody who doesn't like Soulslikes because he just can't be bothered to put in the time it takes to overcome "frustration-based gameplay," which is a perfectly fair opinion), but in general I would say that the aim with difficulty should not be to demoralize the player unless that demoralization plays a narrative role (e.g. the player character is also somehow depressed by the failure and the player's loss of morale is meant to mirror that). Difficulty should be something to be overcome, not endured, since that's what makes for gameplay that feels rewarding.

Though I guess the narrative point does actually apply to Dark Souls, in that the games present getting demoralized and giving up as a canon option in the form of going hollow. Still, though, overcoming "the game tried to beat me" is more satisfying than overcoming "the game tried to make me quit," even if the latter may have artistic merit.

Also, Dark Souls would be better if you could pause. Come at me.
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Blightzkrieg posted...
Idk I don't really like this mentality. Im not saying Dark Souls is impossibly difficult or anything, I just don't know how many action RPGs would be considered hard if you don't consider Dark Souls hard. I'm sure there's something out there that's harder, but I'd comfortably say Dark Souls is more difficult than 90% of similar games.

At least when it came out. Now games are deliberately trying to be harder than Dark Souls so things are more skewed.

And most of the games that are harder are harder because they just inflate numbers to excessively punish mistakes and/or have less frequent checkpoints so it takes longer to retry whatever you're struggling with, which is arguably not legitimate difficulty.
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ConfusedTorchic posted...
they aren't really used for night lmao

This. In fact, using them at night this time of year is a particularly bad idea. The idea behind them is that your body produces melatonin in a pattern that's based on the sunlight you get, which in turn affects when you feel tired (this is called your circadian rhythm). If you're spending plenty of time outdoors, you'll get lots of sunlight during the day and none at night, which means your body will generally aim to be awake when the sun is up and asleep when it isn't. If you're spending a lot of time indoors or you're in an area/season that doesn't get a lot of sun, that can mess with your circadian rhythm and therefore your sleep schedule and quality of sleep. This is also why so many devices have a night mode that gives them an orange tint, since getting a full spectrum of light from your devices at night can trick your body into thinking it's getting sunlight and make you feel less tired than you ought to.

A sun lamp is, quite simply, a replacement for getting actual sunlight. It emits full-spectrum light that mimics what you'd see outdoors on a sunny day. They're commonly used in arctic areas in the winter to help offset the fact that the sun just doesn't rise for a couple months at a time (which can cause a form of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder that mostly amounts to "it's dark all the time and I'm depressed"), but are also useful in other regions that have particularly short days during winter, or for people that don't go outside much and/or spend most of their days exposed to the light from their devices. It's not something you should have on all the time, but you should start by using it for like half an hour early in the morning (6-9 am) to give your body that "it's morning now I'd better get up" push. Try to keep a regular sleep schedule around that, and you should see some improvement in sleep quality within a couple weeks.
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You think Smith doesn't realize cutting public services has consequences? People like Smith know full well the problems their choices cause. They just don't care, because they profit from the decisions by enriching their buddies. The only gamble they're taking is that the voters don't clue in to how responsible they are for problems like this and vote them out of having the power to keep doing that.
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papercup posted...
Never played DS2, and what I know about it I dont think Id enjoy it.

As much as it gets a bad rap, it's still a great game. Just don't go into it expecting to see zones arranged with consistent geometry and make sure you put a couple points into Adaptability to bring your roll back up to DS1 levels and you should be fine.
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You can get away with more when it's less realistic.
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Blightzkrieg posted...
It is unquestionably the third game.

Not if you count Demon's Souls.
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I should really revisit it one of these days. I got stuck on Sister Friede and drifted away, but I was generally quite enjoying it.
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Jen0125 posted...
They did one for me in the ER. I had to go to the ER because I couldn't eat or drink anything for days and I was extremely dehydrated. I was vomiting and out the other end constantly.

Then I had a follow up with my gyno the next day and they did an ultrasound. I had a CT and 2 ultrasounds in 24 hours.

So more of an emergency situation. Makes sense. The usual reluctance to do anything to jeopardize a woman's ability to have kids at least sometimes takes a back seat to actual live-saving.
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More than the multiplayer, it bugs me that every stage in Crystal Chronicles has a secret objective that you really want to do to build your character up, but that you can only see by connecting and playing with a GBA, even if you're playing solo. That's just trying to push the GBA connectivity for no real benefit.
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faramir77 posted...
Multiplayer requires each player to have their own GBA and connection cable. When this game came out 20 years ago, that was my biggest barrier to playing multiplayer. Now the biggest barrier is finding at least one friend willing to play this with me, lmao.

I always found that was a problem with any of the GBA-based multiplayer games. GBA connectivity was a neat idea that was always held back by the requirement to have friends with GBAs to take advantage of it. I had enough cables to connect everyone, and between replacing my base GBA with an SP and borrowing my sister's I was able to supply enough for my core group of three to play them, but that wasn't exactly ideal because the SP was clearly better than the other two. I think that concept suffered the same problem as Streetpass in that portable gaming is (or was) just bigger in Japan and it was therefore easier to find somebody else with the necessary systems.

It's an idea they could actually revisit a lot more effectively now. Almost everyone has a smartphone and consoles are already bluetooth-enabled, so if the individual content was just streamed to a phone app instead of needing to connect a dedicated handheld system, you could get that kind of asymmetric personal view with just about anyone. Controlling it might not be ideal (though recreating GBA controls on a phone isn't terribly hard), but it'd at least be more accessible and require fewer extra peripherals than the GBA connectivity idea.
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I'm surprised they were willing to do a CT scan. My girlfriend's had hip problems, but has to wait for an MRI to check it out because they don't like doing CT scans in that area on women due to the risks of x-raying the ovaries.
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IqarP15 posted...
Whenever my mom buys steak. But which kind of steak, beef chicken etc.

As much as it could technically be a thing, I don't think I've ever heard a single person talk about "chicken steak."
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Good. The AAA game industry is absolute trash to the people doing the real work, despite being ludicrously profitable for the people at the top. Unionization is the only way to tip the balance back in workers' favour.
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faramir77 posted...
Honestly this. When the wizard or dragon or whatever starts shooting purple fire you know you're fucked.

It goes:

Normal Fire < Green Fire < Blue Fire < Black Fire < Purple Fire

Now I'm imagining a minor evil wizard mixing some potassium chloride into all of his fireballs to make people think he's more powerful than he is.
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Magical fire's colour generally represents different things in different universes, so it's hard to give a blanket answer.
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Devil_May_Cry posted...
They said the same thing about us millennials

They weren't wrong.
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Pretty rarely. Between the cost, the fact that it's generally a one-and-done meal of its own instead of being part of something we can eat for a few days, and the fact that neither of us are really all that excited by steak in the first place, there just isn't much reason to bother with it. If we have beef, it's usually ground, or occasionally I'll get a roast and do something with it (usually slice it up for slow cooker beef and broccoli).
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SinisterSlay posted...
I don't get it

"Let's go Brandon" is a euphemism that certain individuals adopted to use in place of "Fuck Joe Biden" during/after Biden's campaign in 2020. With Biden's decision to pull out of the 2024 race, however, there isn't exactly a lot of market for anti-Biden merchandise, so a store specializing in such merchandise is going to have a hard time.

Spirit Halloween is a chain of pop-up stores that temporarily rents out vacant commercial properties for a few months around Halloween to sell cheap costumes, decor, and other Halloween paraphernalia. They've achieved meme status as a kind of grim reaper of struggling businesses, in this case the Let's Go Brandon store.

The joke has now been explained to death.
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Presidents come and go, but Spirit Halloween is forever.

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For his professional decisions? Sure. At a personal level? Sure, though some mods get uppity about personally insulting people even if they aren't users and will literally never see what you're saying and you might get modded for flaming. For any political activities in which he's involved? That might be more dangerous.
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Oh baby talk esoteric toilet language to me.
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The GBA player is outside of the scope of discussing GBA hardware, but within the scope of discussing GBA games.
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SinisterSlay posted...
Simply because you can't get aftermarket batteries to replace them.

This likely won't be the case forever. It is at the moment because battery technology is evolving quite rapidly, most EVs are new enough that battery replacements are fairly rare, and standards for how those batteries are installed in the car haven't really been established, but all of these issues are things that will solidify as the market grows, which will make aftermarket production and installation easier to establish.
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NES-GBA is a weird comparison because the GBA was the handheld equivalent to the SNES, not the NES. NES-GB/GBC would be more apt.
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Count_Drachma posted...
The DS version is trash due to the controls.

The controls are fine, provided you use the thumb strap as a pseudo-analog. It's awkward and takes some getting used to, but once you do, it works well enough that controls aren't an issue. That's just not intuitive at all because I don't think any other games really used it like that, and you're out of luck if you've got a Lite or anything later because that strap only came with the Tank.
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VioletZer0 posted...
A big reason why people are turning on remakes now is because they started remaking games that are already perfect.

To be fair, a big part of why those games are being remade now is not to make them worth buying as an upgrade, but rather because half of the modern customer base wasn't born when the originals came out. There are more egregious examples like TLoU being remade a generation later with marginal improvements, but with things like TTYD from 20+ years ago, I'm not overly interested in buying the remake because it doesn't do anything to make me want a second copy, but I see the value it has in bringing the game to modern audiences who didn't have a chance to play the original.

With pretty much anything post-2000, the games could certainly just be rereleased as ports instead of remaking them, but I get that making a few improvements to graphics and the like helps capture the attention of modern audiences (standards for graphics have changed with the success of the indie market and other more stylized games, but a lot early 2000's stuff isn't quite janky enough to have the retro charm needed to convince people to accept the jank).
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Zareth posted...
It's hard to make a "realistic" seeming building that's still affordable for kids to buy. The closest they've gotten are the modular building series, and those are all over 200$ each. Vehicles are much easier to make at a reasonable price point.

Yeah, you don't need to make a vehicle particularly large or complex for kids to enjoy vrooming it around, but if you want to make an actual playset (especially to scale for minifigures), that kind of has to be large enough that it starts to push the boundaries of what kids can build and becomes too expensive. The scale of Lego also just doesn't lend itself to really fine details, so whatever details you get in buildings tend to be limited to contrived "this is where the minifigures will do X" sort of things, rather than more organic, flexible spaces.
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Damn_Underscore posted...
something I really noticed is how much the fun goes up when you learn speedrunning tricks. I'm not even talking about BLJs, just tricks to help you traverse the levels faster and get certain stars more quickly.

That's just platformers in general. It's fun to pin down the traversal mechanics so you can pull off trickier jumps and take shortcuts you otherwise wouldn't have, on top of the fact that it just feels good to zoom around when you know that that zoominess is a product of your mastery of the mechanics.

Traversal in general is something that a lot of games don't put quite enough emphasis on. If simply moving around the game world feels good, that establishes a baseline amount of fun that carries throughout the whole game. Heck, the entire genre of skating games has been built out of the idea that having options for creative traversal is fun enough in its own right to make an entire game off of it.

Damn_Underscore posted...
By the way has anyone played the DS version recently? I did play it back when the DS was first released but I don't really remember it. It doesn't have the nostalgia factor that the N64 version does, but there may be some improvements

Not recently, but my recollection is that it was generally an upgrade in that using different characters for different stars offered more variety, but the only way to control it that wasn't a massive downgrade from the N64 was to use the thumb pad that almost nothing else ever used. That makes it rough to play on anything other than a DS Tank, and in my case my dog chewed up my thumb pad and I can't really use it anymore, so it's been many years since I've played it.

It's one that I wouldn't mind seeing rereleased. Some of the touch-centric minigames might not translate well, but it'd be a more enjoyable game on pretty much any system with an analog stick.
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Wind Waker HD. The upgrades and the ability to check the map on the gamepad without pausing meant that the exploration around which the whole game was focused became genuinely fun, instead of being a chore. The remake took Wind Waker from being a fairly mediocre 3D Zelda to being a serious contender for the best 3D Zelda.
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Rivendell is a great set, though very pricey. I also really like the Tranquil Garden.
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OhhhJa posted...
Let's be real. Him dropping out of the race is an implicit admission that he's not qualified to be president right now considering that's the whole reason he's dropping out of the race

Not really. Dropping out just recognizes that enough people don't think he's capable of doing another term. There's a distinct difference between being able to do something now, being able to do something for another four years, and enough people thinking you'll be able to do something for another four years, and that latter point is what drives pretty much all of the decisions around who runs.

Count_Drachma posted...
You left out widescale protests, including the takeover of universities where police wound up having to get involved. Hell, just the other month, police in RIOT GEAR were at UPenn.

Are you suggesting that Biden should have taken the course of action that would have made those protests unnecessary? If not, you can't really claim that he's to blame for them. It has indeed not been an uneventful four years, but it has been uneventful in the sense of issues which the president has significant power to fix, which is the salient consideration in this context.
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Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
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Generally speaking, games where the appeal is retrying the same challenges over and over again to maximize your score/rating tend not to take very long to "beat." That's not a very useful metric.
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Having figured it out, I don't think I'd need to use it now, but it's a good idea to help beginners get their footing.
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Dikitain posted...
I pretty much looked at it and said "This is a re-packaged NES Remix, right?"

Which was fun enough in its own right, but not enough to convince me to buy the second one, so similarly not enough to buy this one.

Damn_Underscore posted...
This should have been released in 2004, not 2024

Enough games from ~2004 have been successfully rereleased recently that I don't know how meaningful that suggestion is.
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Would it be insensitive to say that blows?
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Melody_JR posted...
I finally figured out how to fish. Lol

I haven't played since the beginner rod was added, but I think that was a really good move. Fishing was hard until you got a couple levels under your belt to make the bar a little wider.
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I occasionally use emoticons, but virtually never emoji.
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Dikitain posted...
Legally, your landlord shouldn't be letting you do landscaping, period. Hell, legally your landlord shouldn't be letting you change a light bulb either, but that one tends to get waved.

Which all boils down to my initial point of "if you don't like HOAs because they restrict your ability to do what you want with your home, renting isn't an improvement." Renting offers even fewer freedoms in that regard.

Dikitain posted...
If it would solve the problem, then in my eyes you have no one to blame but yourself if it would never happen.

I don't think I can blame the fact that every other person in the world isn't simultaneously boycotting HOA homes entirely on myself. My decisions won't solve the problem alone.
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Dikitain posted...
The difference being a landlord would have to deal with the HOA, not you. If a landlord tells you to fix your fence, you tell that landlord to shove his ideas up his ass and floss his teeth with them. Then he can fix it for you.

If your landlord takes issue with your landscaping choices or how you want to paint the house, though, good luck making the choices you want. Even more so if it's a lease that offers little by way of tenant protections and they can evict you (or just choose to not renew the lease) if you do anything they don't like, like park your car in the wrong place. That doesn't even need an HOA, that's just the landlord controlling their property. And that's all without considering the lack of stability in the rental market (meaning there's a push to get out as soon as you can afford to so you don't get priced out) or the push to start building your own equity instead of giving it all to somebody else, both of which are strong motivators to stop renting.

Dikitain posted...
Then don't move into a house. When you are shopping for a house you have a set of parameters that you are looking to fulfill. If whatever you are looking at doesn't fulfill those parameters, then you don't buy the house. It is up to your real estate agent to give you houses that meet your criteria. That is what they are getting payed to do. If I tell them "I want a new house in a neighborhood with no HOAs" then they better show me places with no HOAs.

And if there are none, then you complain about overbearing HOAs limiting your housing opportunities. Alternatively, you settle for an HOA house because it's better than renting, but still bad enough to complain about. Alternatively, you buy a house with an HOA that doesn't seem too bad on paper, but then find out after settling in that they're tyrants, and you complain about that. Alternatively, you buy a house with an HOA that isn't too bad, but a couple of turbo-Karens take over and make it worse, and you complain about that. Alternatively, you buy a house without an HOA, but the neighbourhood establishes one that doesn't align with what you want and you get outvoted and strong-armed into it, and you complain about that.

Yes, people are prone to metaphorically buying houses next to pig farms then complaining about the smell, and that does apply to some complaints about HOAs, but that doesn't mean nobody has room to complain about theirs. The notion that everybody should just stop buying HOA houses to make HOAs go away is about as plausible as the idea that everyone should vote third-party to fix the two-party system: It would solve the problem, but there's literally no chance of it ever happening.
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Zareth posted...
Same. First modded post in weeks.

I don't even have any other moderations in my history. Even beyond that, the last few I've had have just been notifications, not deletions. I genuinely couldn't tell you the last time I had a post deleted.

I guess they're either super-paranoid about people being chased away from the board by this particular topic, or there's a handful of mods that are particularly upset by anything bad happening to Trump.
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darkknight109 posted...
This makes a frankly alarming amount of sense...

While also being a delightfully wholesome mental image, because everyone loves Awkward Dad Goofy. At the very least, it makes more sense than Kingdom Hearts.
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Dikitain posted...
Renting is also an option.

If your main concern is that you don't have the freedom to live the way you want under an HOA, renting probably isn't going to solve that unless you get a landlord who doesn't care at all about what you do with the place.

Dikitain posted...
Or living in an older house.

If you can find one. Especially if they're the only places without oppressive HOAs in the area, the supply of old houses often doesn't keep up with the demand for them.

Clench281 posted...
Multi unit condo buildings couldn't even exist at all without some form of HOA. Such an arrangement would lead to true horror stories.

Yeah, a condo corp is kind of mandatory. There's too much shared infrastructure to not have some kind of organized upkeep system, which has to include a relatively small number of spokespeople handling contracting and budgeting. You can maybe just get away with having a single property manager or building owner handling that, but then you run the risk of the property manager shirking their duties and/or overcharging condo fees (and, really, a property manager is just a really small HOA).
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FrozenBananas posted...
Looks like I wasnt the only one to get warned. Some angry mod nuked half the fucking board

By the sound of it, with the same copy-pasted explanation for everyone.
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