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Alpha kids are being raised by Millennial parents with Millennial philosophy/tech... and they're still just kids. Any shit we fling their way really oughta be aimed at ourselves instead.
Burnin, Blazin
Can't really fault the guy - if you were 72, single, and getting attention from a woman like this, don't you think you'd at least be tempted to pursue a romantic relationship?

Hell, for all we know, she's the one who pursued him.
Burnin, Blazin
Not a ton of sympathy here. His mother raised him into that.
Burnin, Blazin
Silent Hill 2 is all about story, mood, characters, music, and sound design. While the gameplay and certain aspects of the visuals are dated, those other aspects still hold up, and since they are so critical to the game as a whole, there's never been that pressing a need (or even a desire) for a remake. Also, much of the remake footage that's been shown hasn't really been that good, so that'll lower expectations immediately.
Burnin, Blazin
I read "praised Hannibal Lecter again" and laughed out loud in the gym
Burnin, Blazin
I thought so at first, but some forms of gambling are more popular among women, like lottery tickets and slot machines. Things like sports betting and speculative day trading are still male dominated, but the number of women dabbling in those is growing as well (after all, there are a ton of single women with disposable incomes as well, just not as many as men).

Without doing any research, I intuitively feel men are MUCH more likely to do something insane like bet their shirts, and also far more likely to turn violent when they lose.
Burnin, Blazin
While gambling might not be as male-dominated as some other vices, it's still a larger issue for men, who are significantly more likely to develop an addiction and risk huge sums of money. I think it will only become more endemic in the US as the percentage of "forever alone" men with disposable income grows. While I haven't taken the time to think up (or support) any solutions myself, I do think it's a festering societal problem that will eventually blow up.
Burnin, Blazin
BignutzisBack posted...
I need to know the easiest/fewest amount of exercises to pump my upper body, focusing on arm chest and shoulder mass more than tone.

If I had to narrow it down to one exercise based on your criteria and the tools you have, it would probably be

incline dumbell press

That'll build the chest (especially the upper pecs) as well as strengthen the shoulders. Other great exercises with dumbells are flat dumbell press, shoulder press, side and front lat raises, bicep curls, shrugs, and dumbell skull crushers. Those lifts will target all the major muscles in your arms/shoulders/chest.

Burnin, Blazin
I do regret my "None of these candidates" vote in 2016.
Burnin, Blazin
This is just another example of a larger social shift that's been happening for at least a generation: kids are staying kids longer. I don't have an opinion on whether it's good or bad, it just is what it is.
Burnin, Blazin
Yeah, nearly two decades go by between Bilbo's party and Frodo beginning his quest. Frodo doesn't start until he's 50. It's definitely a deviation from the book, but I think Peter Jackson made the right choice by keeping all the Hobbits young and around the same age.
Burnin, Blazin
ClayGuida posted...
I had 2 issues with the movie, for one, only like 2 actors looked tall, these dudes were like 6'4-7'1 and they're portrayed by dudes that are like 5'7

This was an immediate issue for me as well, but upon some more thought, I gave it a pass. It honestly gave me more respect for pro wrestlers as the larger-than-life characters they are. Seriously, the only man in Hollywood who could physically hold a candle to some of the actual people portrayed in this movie is The Rock. Who else has anywhere near the size and athleticism of a Kerry von Erich? Who can pull off Harley Race? I groaned when I first saw them get a normal looking dude to play Bruiser Brody (for the one quick scene he's in), but how many people on planet earth can pull off a convincing BRUISER BRODY? Yeah, some of the scenes broke the suspension of disbelief, especially when compared to the actual match clips in the movie, but I give the actors a pass. Wrestlers are just incredibly tough to portray unless you get actual wrestlers.
Burnin, Blazin
I've been sitting on this show since it premiered like nine months ago, but I always forget about it before committing. What's the general consensus on it here? Feels like it barely generated a sliver of the original series' hype.
Burnin, Blazin
As a kid, it was easily Gambit. Now it's hard to pick between Gambit, Rogue, and Storm. All three are just so cool.
Burnin, Blazin
Burnin, Blazin
Do we admire athletes like LeBron and Messi for their faithfulness to their wives, or should that be the expected norm?
Burnin, Blazin
Verdekal posted...
Visited The local CVS and there's an aisle full of whiskey lol.

As someone who's only lived in SoCal and Vegas, I was so surprised to learn that this *isn't* the case in many parts of the country. Seriously, when I first visited Virginia and learned liquor stores were the only places to get liquor, I was in disbelief.

Anyway, SD is beautiful and you can't go wrong just walking around Gaslamp and taking in the vibes. My food recommendation might not seem unique, but check out Hodad's for a great burger and the most delicious, decadent milkshake I've ever had. I have a big appetite and sweet tooth, and my gf and I couldn't tag team a single milkshake. We took it to-go in a soda cup, and it nearly filled the thing up.
Burnin, Blazin
I'm not really a steak guy, but I've had a few different cuts, and cap steak (two portions of the ribeye cap removed and wrapped together) is probably my favorite.
Burnin, Blazin
He was known for having near-mythical strength. Even among the human mountains that are NFL linemen, Allen was special.

This one sucks. RIP.
Burnin, Blazin
Yeah, even when completely ignoring the story, the final chapter was shit because it forces usage of all seven party members without any warning. I find it almost impossible to believe that the average player has the entire party properly equipped at all times, so the player is guaranteed to be gimped. It's either restart to re-spec or force your way through at least ELEVEN BOSS PHASES without having fun. Chapter 14 was a clusterfuck of bad design choices.

The larger party does highlight some of the limitations of the materia level-up system. The final game should include the option to purchase maxed out versions of the non-unique (HP UP, MP Up, Steadfast Block) materia as soon as the player has manually maxed them out one time.
Burnin, Blazin
Older, always have. In high school, the other guys on the football team would ask me to buy em beer because they figured I was the one guy who wouldn't get carded, but I was always too afraid to try.
Burnin, Blazin
One thing that's bummed me out the last few years is how many of my friends have come to prefer culinary experiences like this. They've become very successful and grossly out-earn me, and I just can't keep up with the lifestyle creep they have volunteered themselves into. I'm very happy for them, but I miss the days when we'd scour for the best happy hour dives, and I just can't afford these posh places where appetizers are $30.
Burnin, Blazin
Honest and kind. I wish her well, whoever she is.
Burnin, Blazin
KamikazePotato posted...
Is jail time on the table for the specific charges he was convicted of? Theoretically speaking.

Yes, and a surprising amount of it, from what I've read. Merchan can conceivably sentence him for up to 20 years in jail. To me, it doesn't make sense that a max sentence of 20 years somehow correlates to an opinion among legal experts of "even if he's guilty, jail time is practically impossible" but I'll obviously defer to them.
Burnin, Blazin
Thorn posted...
Sentencing date will be July 11

I know the legal heads have stated jail time would be incredibly unlikely, but my dream headcanon can't help but imagining Judge Merchan becoming an American hero and locking him up for just a week. Just IMAGINE Republicans delaying their national convention because their candidate is sitting in a NY jail cell. So fucking delicious I can practically eat these thoughts with chocolate ganache.
Burnin, Blazin
It's coming in GUILTY on at least the first 13 counts according to MSNBC.

Burnin, Blazin
It was approximately... 10 hours of jury deliberations, right? This is way outside my wheelhouse, but I'm under the impression that this is considered somewhat brisk, and that it bodes well for a bunch of guilty verdicts?

Regardless of typical courtroom standards and expectations, it's hard to believe that a couple secret Trumpers in the jury could convince the rest of em to vote Not Guilty in under 10 hours.
Burnin, Blazin
voldothegr8 posted...
$250 lol. They charge by the ounce in most cases, that meal was upper hundreds if not 4 figures.

It wasn't wagyu though. The Japanese wagyu was something like $60 an ounce, but their "normal" cuts were way less expensive. From my brief recollection of the menu and pricing, there's no way the steak was more than $400.

Regardless, it wasn't worth it even for $200. Surprised at just how tender it wasn't.
Burnin, Blazin
Some in-laws treated me to an expensive dinner at Jose Andres's Bazaar Meats in Vegas. We ordered a two-pound steak to share, and while they refused to even let me glance at the bill, I have to assume it was at least $250. Not worth the (presumed) price at all, but maybe that's partly because they ordered it rare. I enjoy a medium rare steak, but rare is too much.
Burnin, Blazin
The remastered collection is awesome. It features all the content and DLCs of all three games (apart from a throwaway DLC from the original that no one cared about) and is usually steeply discounted. I've seen it on sale on the PS store for like $6.
Burnin, Blazin
Probably someone from India. I could be wrong, but it seems like film popularity is still more actor-driven and less franchise-driven in Bollywood.
Burnin, Blazin
metallica846 posted...
Why couldnt they just buy it?

They could, but they'd have to convince Gabe, who owns over 50% of the shares. If Valve were publicly traded and owned by tons of people with no single majority owner, they could offer a sweeter and sweeter premium until enough shareholders voted for the buyout. Here, there's really only one person to convince, but if he's a hard no, then they have no other options.
Burnin, Blazin
Look at the shape and size of the rhino's head - bro is built for bruisin.
Burnin, Blazin
solosnake posted...
Its a great game, but they made a lot of improvements for the SWITCH, id definitely try to play it on there if you can

Yeah, the Switch version has some really good QoL improvements. The side quests are considerably less aggravating.
Burnin, Blazin
REMake 2002 essentially perfected the fixed camera angle, classic survival horror style of the series. It's pointless to try and outdo that game using the same style, but there's still tons of potential for re-imagining the first game using the latest remakes' visuals and style. The original game has arguably the most iconic location and character roster in the series, and it deserves to be revisited.

So yeah, RE-REMake has me way more pumped than a new version of RE5 or CV would.
Burnin, Blazin
It's sad that we still get these topics where a long-time user digs themselves deeper and deeper into a pit of embarrassment.
Burnin, Blazin
The footage makes me want to beat the shit out of him. What a shitbag.
Burnin, Blazin
Southernfatman posted...
Lake of Rot

They got the Malenia butterfly and everything lol
Burnin, Blazin
Good - this is like the first good change I've seen come out of FL in who knows how long.

Youth culture has changed a lot in the last generation or two, and laws are lagging behind. Kids are staying kids longer. If someone is a pedophile for being attracted to a 16-17 year old, then why should it remain legal for an 18-year-old to sell their sexuality in a vocation that's inherently dangerous and seedy?
Burnin, Blazin
LeoRavus posted...
It's easily the hardest of the REmakes and the camera sucks. Hopefully Capcom redoes it proper.

It's likely the toughest on an initial playthrough because the first 20% of the game is a real wall. Resources are scarce and bullet-sponge zombies are everywhere. A player who tries to shoot everything will always find themselves stuck in seemingly hopeless situations.
Burnin, Blazin
Hello you absolute legends.

My former friend, Muta, married a Nazi.
Burnin, Blazin
archizzy posted...
I don't know why more people don't do that honestly.

The story you posted probably does sound like a dream scenario for some people, but you have to be very lucky and stumble into the opportunity. The odds of a young person buying in a cool market, then watching their equity explode in ten years as the market turns red-hot, and then cashing out to live the good life... are very slim.

Even if you *were* sitting on a mountain of equity that you could cash out tax-free (married couples get 500k tax-free gain on the sale of their primary home, single people get 250k), you'd still need to be willing to relocate far away, and many people have things preventing them from doing that.

I can actually use my brother's neighborhood as an example. In 2021, he bought a very modest house in an area of Los Angeles county that was clearly working class (mostly 3 bedrooms, all built before 1950), but since it's LA, these simple homes are still worth like 900k now. When I look around his street, I notice that all of his neighbors are normal blue-collar folks who bought these homes decades ago, when it was affordable for average-income earners to actually do that. They're now sitting on mountains of equity, yet hardly any of them move out.

All the areas around them have grown more expensive too, so like you said, they'd have to move to completely new places at this stage of their life. Also, their grown children, who usually live with them because they are priced out of getting their own places, would be totally screwed. So you have situations where the house is worth a million bucks, but it's a cluttered piece of crap with multiple generations living inside and like five cars parked outside.
Burnin, Blazin
Incredibly difficult, and I'm seeing that indirectly because of my sister's current situation. She's moving her family across the country from northern Virginia (expensive) to San Diego (extremely expensive). She's a pediatrician and will gross about 290k in SD. Her husband works in a specialized government role and grosses about 170k. That's a married couple grossing a combined 460k, and they're still stressing about how they can make San Diego work financially. Decent homes are going for about $1.5 million there, and with current interest rates, you're looking at monthly mortgage payments will in excess of $10,000. They also have three kids, at least two of whom will require daycare, and that will likely run... like another 4k per month.

So yeah, they'll feel the squeeze even with their high salaries. It's so, so hard for families with children to make something like this work.
Burnin, Blazin
Frostmourne posted...
I'm honestly starting to get more *checkouts*

That's my favorite part of getting healthy, losing fat, and developing some visible muscle on the upper body. It may be superficial, but the difference between being essentially invisible as an awkward fat guy to getting looks, smiles, and occasional compliments is almost indescribable. It's a real boon to a man's mental health, or at least it has been for me.
Burnin, Blazin
I platinum'd the first game, but did so with God Mode active most of the time. Do the Hades vets here think I robbed myself of a better experience?
Burnin, Blazin
_____Cait posted...
There was nothing else like it back then

Yep, which is probably why it hooked me so hard back in 2003. I remember starting it right before senior year of high school and being tempted to miss random school days because or a killer Tom Nook sale or something.
Burnin, Blazin
Burnin, Blazin
A couple times, and I really enjoyed it. The smell is more intense and potentially off-putting than the flavor, imo. I'd love to enjoy it more often, but it's really expensive here in the States.
Burnin, Blazin
I feel like this (child marriage, age of consent) is an area where the current laws are woefully behind the culture. The average life expectancy isn't 40 anymore. Girls aren't expected to marry at 16 and immediately start making babies, a third of whom won't even survive to adulthood. Most of the public realizes that a teenager entering a relationship with an adult in their 30s/40s is a bad idea and could be deeply harmful to the teen's development. Times have changed and kids are simply staying kids longer, yet child marriage is still legal in most of the country, and the most common age of consent in the US is still 16. Those things should change imo.
Burnin, Blazin
I've never had to relinquish my phone anywhere, but I've been to a sex club where the rule is that phones stay in pockets. I think everyone appreciated that rule lol
Burnin, Blazin
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