Rumours of a Valve buyout by Microsoft for 16 billion

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Current Events » Rumours of a Valve buyout by Microsoft for 16 billion
I'm pretty much against their buyouts. Was against Activision and their previous ones too.

If this is true it feels like they're just trying to buy the gaming industry now.
Fuck no. That would be the worst news I've heard in a long time.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
Gabe has refused every buyout before I didn't see why he'd suddenly cave now.

Remember Valve isn't public. They can't just buy it.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Its kind of embarrassing how desperate MS is with all these deals for exclusives.
He's all alone through the day and night.
On one hand I dont like this buying up studios on the other hand there isnt a single Valve game I care about or have played so it doesnt impact me really.

PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
crashing the industry with no survivors
just another freak in the freak kingdom
archizzy posted...
On one hand I dont like this buying up studios on the other hand there isnt a single Valve game I care about or have played so it doesnt impact me really.
MS is just desperately trying to keep up with other devs who have way more and way better exclusives.
He's all alone through the day and night.
Post #8 was unavailable or deleted.
Honestly 16bil seems kind of low, considering Steam basically prints infinite money
Keep it green.
metallica846 posted...
Why couldnt they just buy it?
They can make an offer, but they can't do a hostile takeover like you could with some public companies. Most of the shares are held by a small number of people
Keep it green.
Sonic_Cannon posted...
They can make an offer, but they can't do a hostile takeover like you could with some public companies. Most of the shares are held by a small number of people

gaben holds like 51% last I heard so it would be up to him in the end yeah? i trust him not to accept any deal MS offers him. he'd go from one of the most beloved game dev icons to a fuckin villain overnight lmao
Sonic_Cannon posted...
Honestly 16bil seems kind of low, considering Steam basically prints infinite money
Its actually $6-7 billion. And even that number astonishes me
He's all alone through the day and night.
metallica846 posted...
Why couldnt they just buy it?

They could, but they'd have to convince Gabe, who owns over 50% of the shares. If Valve were publicly traded and owned by tons of people with no single majority owner, they could offer a sweeter and sweeter premium until enough shareholders voted for the buyout. Here, there's really only one person to convince, but if he's a hard no, then they have no other options.
Burnin, Blazin
No monopolies please.
Yeah, this is not happening. Let's put aside that the source of this rumor is Dior, a Counter-Strike Youtuber. Google tells me it's estimated that in 2023, CS loot boxes alone made them nearly a billion dollars in revenue. Valve itself proudly stated that over 500 games made over 3 million dollars in 2023 which is over a billion dollars.

16 billion is fucking peanuts for a company like Valve. Throw a zero on the end and maybe this'd happen.
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
That's a real low ball offer for valve of all companies tbh.

Can't see the Lord himself selling out to Microsoft either. Valve is just too lucrative especially when Sony is releasing their titles on Steam, at best I could see some sort of partnership (make the three games happen and release them also on Xbox.)
ayy lmao ayy lmao || oaml oaml yya yya
ayy lmao ayy lmao || oaml oaml yya yya
archizzy posted...
On one hand I dont like this buying up studios on the other hand there isnt a single Valve game I care about or have played so it doesnt impact me really.
I think the issue here is less about Microsoft owning Half-Life and Portal and more about Microsoft owning Steam.
While I cant see this happening at all. People need to remember that Gabe is in his 60s and at one point will retire. And theres no guarantee Steam doesnt go entirely to s*** when he does.
Currently Playing: Animal Well
As an avid Blizzard fan, I honestly had no problem with that buyoutbecause modern Blizzard is pretty bad. The only thing MS could really do worse would be close older game servers, which is the one thing Blizzard was still good about.

But buying out Valve? Steam? Nonononono.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
geno_16 posted...
I think the issue here is less about Microsoft owning Half-Life and Portal and more about Microsoft owning Steam.

Ah that makes sense. I have to admit I didnt know they owned Steam. Im not a PC gamer. Always been a console gamer. I know Steam is massive. I was only thinking of it from a game series standpoint.

PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
archizzy posted...
Ah that makes sense. I have to admit I didnt know they owned Steam. Im not a PC gamer. Always been a console gamer. I know Steam is massive. I was only thinking of it from a game series standpoint.
Valve is barely a game studio at this point tbh.
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
pretty sure everyone who knows anything about the industry have already called this rumour complete BS.

Xerun posted...
While I cant see this happening at all. People need to remember that Gabe is in his 60s and at one point will retire. And theres no guarantee Steam doesnt go entirely to s*** when he does.

if a multi-billion dollar company can't function when someone retires, then that company is incompetently run and deserves to be defunct.
PSN: ArsenalGear, NNID: CrimsonG80, XB GT: CrimsonG80
Last game(s) finished: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (XSX), Gears of War 3 (X360)
CrimsonGear80 posted...
if a multi-billion dollar company can't function when someone retires, then that company is incompetently run and deserves to be defunct.
It can run fine, but a lot of the culture and consumer friendliness is almost certainly down to Gaben.
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
How about instead, Microsoft sells off the entirety of the Xbox division (and all their various acquired gaming companies within it, like Bethesda, Double Fine, ActiBlizz, etc., as well as the IPs those companies continue to hold) to Valve? That seems considerably more sensible, considering that Microsoft has, by and large, lost money over the decades in their attempts to get a foothold in the gaming industry.
pegusus123456 posted...
It can run fine, but a lot of the culture and consumer friendliness is almost certainly down to Gaben.

I don't see how.
PSN: ArsenalGear, NNID: CrimsonG80, XB GT: CrimsonG80
Last game(s) finished: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (XSX), Gears of War 3 (X360)
The source is some dipshit YouTuber. This has less chance of being true than the tooth fairy.
Asus ROG Strix Z790-E | Core i9-13900k | 64GB DDR5-6000 | RTX 4090 24GB
Dell AW3423DW QD-OLED - 1440p Ultrawide, 175hz, GSync
Please don't forsake us, Lord Gaben.
Shut your BF28/9 sound hole and listen up.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Strike three.
metallica846 posted...
Why couldnt they just buy it?

Because it's not for sale and Gabe has beef with Microsoft.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
There's 0 chance they'd sell.

Maybe instead of trying to claim other people's success they should invest that 16 billion into MAKING GOOD EXCLUSIVES.
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
KajeI posted...
There's 0 chance they'd sell.

Maybe instead of trying to claim other people's success they should invest that 16 billion into MAKING GOOD EXCLUSIVES.

So much this.

I remember people thinking it was a big deal when they bought Bethesda. Whats happened since on that front? Starfield? Its not the system seller they were hoping it would be. Its not even close.
No way Gabe would sell. But Im pretty terrified that when he retires or dies whoever ends up with his shares will fuck us over.
Oh hell no, Microsoft as it already exists is honestly to big, it buying Valve gives them steam and I dont trust MS to manage it without massively screwing it over

thankfully though as long as Gabe doesnt want to sell them MS cant buy them
Raiden2909 posted...
Oh hell no, Microsoft as it already exists is honestly to big
This is another thing, if this actually wasn't bullshit, it might be big enough that the government would be able to successfully sue to stop it.
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
Glob posted...
So much this.

I remember people thinking it was a big deal when they bought Bethesda. Whats happened since on that front? Starfield? Its not the system seller they were hoping it would be. Its not even close.
Starflop happened.
"Average Joe" is a trolling term since it's completely an opinion. "Overachieving" is also an opinion. - SBAllen (Hellhole: 52458377)
Post #36 was unavailable or deleted.
Maybe they'll finally upgrade that $1000 Valve Index. Who's still paying that much for it after 5 years.
This is where cool people write stuff.
Microsoft created Gaben.

The most valuable educational experience for me was sort of the nontraditional one. I was going to university and went out to visit my brother. He just started at this new software company, which was the third largest software company on the East side of Lake Washington, and I was going out to visit him, and all of a sudden he was working all the time. So rather than hanging out with me and seeing the Space Needle, I was just hanging out with him at work. Steve Ballmer, who's currently the president, got mad that I was distracting him and said, Well, if you're going to be spending all your time hanging out here, you need to do something useful. Those first three months, when I was working with people like Tom Corbett and Neil Konzen and Steve Wood, were probably the most intense and valuable educational experience I've ever had. They sort of showed me how to be a professional software developer. You know, it was an incredibly vast and really significant set of lessons that I learned
Not to bang on Harvard, but I learned more in three months with those guys at Microsoft than I did in the entire time I was at Harvard. At Harvard, I learned how to drink beer while doing a headstand in the snow. Which, you know, is a useful skill, but not nearly as useful as how to actually develop software and think about how small group and large group processes affect applications.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Gabe owns 6 yachts. He doesn't need more money enough to sell off his life's work.
~ DH ~
Foppe posted...
Microsoft created Gaben.

Combination Microsoft and Doom. He was working at Microsoft when they did the survey to see who has what software installed and the only application people had more than Windows was Doom and that's when he was like "I gotta get me in on this."
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
This "rumour" started on Twitter with no sources to back it up and it's still going. Come on now.
Microsoft has shown time and time again that they don't know how to manage their products, much less their gaming division. There's not enough money in the world for me, if I were Gabe I'd NEVER sell my company to anyone.

On top of that, steam is probably the last pro consumer company in gaming. I trust them FAR more than I do the big 3 plus epic. The day Steam falls, gaming as a whole dies.
Back_Stabbath posted...
gaben holds like 51% last I heard so it would be up to him in the end yeah? i trust him not to accept any deal MS offers him. he'd go from one of the most beloved game dev icons to a fuckin villain overnight lmao
It's not known how much Gabe owns because it's private and he doesn't have to report it to the sec. We know he owns "at least" 51% but reality is probably much higher.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
While I can 100% believe Microsoft wants to purchase Valve I have no reason the beleive this rumor.

If some how this random Twitter dude is right, I doubt t Valve would accept such a low amount or really any sale. Any meeting would be like that time Microsoft wanted to buy Nintendo, just laughter from everyone in the room
We're on a journey to forever! Dreams eternal in a wondrous world without walls
We are Forever, wondering what the future holds
For the love of God please no.
I do drawings and stuff
Normally companies will put out feelers like this to gauge customer reactions

I hope Gabes doesnt cave or I guess Ill really finally be out of gaming all together

Sadly though this is just a matter of time

Id rather Apple bought Steam out
It all returns to nothing
It just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. (NGE)
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the rumour is true just as I would expect such an offer to never be accepted.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
archizzy posted...
On one hand I dont like this buying up studios on the other hand there isnt a single Valve game I care about or have played so it doesnt impact me really.

Doesnt Valve own Steam though
"It's a simple question, Doctor: would you eat the Moon if it were made of ribs?"
That would be a catastrophic blow to gaming on PC.

It really can't be emphasized enough that Gabe led Valve is not perfect, but they are damn well better than 99% of the type of companies looking to take their position.

TheShadowViper posted...
That would be a catastrophic blow to gaming on PC.

It really can't be emphasized enough that Gabe led Valve is not perfect, but they are damn well better than 99% of the type of companies looking to take their position.

Microsoft would fold Steam into the Windows Store which would absolutely destroy the modding scene since the way the Windows Store packages games is fucking insane.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
Current Events » Rumours of a Valve buyout by Microsoft for 16 billion
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