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I dont understand the sentiment.

if anything I find it really cool. You play a game have fun, a year later if you enjoyed it you can come back and have a new experience.

if you didnt enjoy the game then theres no reason to come back.

Stardew Valley is really good for this
Currently Playing: Animal Well
ToteAll posted...
So the season 4 finale will also be a disappointing blue ball no-showdown?

Always has been

although season 2 ending was great
Currently Playing: Animal Well
My only complaint was I wish the towers actually defogged the map. Half the running around is from not knowing where to go. Which is most of Gongagas problem.

once the map is clear its easy to find stuff.

also you can just skip the side stuff. It usually tells you the reward for doing it and unless its a unique weapon you can always get better stuff like 5 minutes later.
Currently Playing: Animal Well
Baron_Ox posted...
feeling too lazy to type them out, but here are screenshots from IGN's YouTube channel (idk if there are any other showcases besides these):

I dont think Im interested in any of that tbh
Currently Playing: Animal Well
Baron_Ox posted...
there are about to be more showcases in the morning (and on Monday?), but idk if I'm going to watch

Whats left for SGF?

I know there is the Xbox one but I dont really care about any of the supposed games coming out other than Silksong.

and maybe Nintendo next week sometime
Currently Playing: Animal Well
TomClark posted...
Dusclops I guess.

But this tournament is making me realise that I'm far more apathetic towards pretty much all of the Gen 3 designs than I thought.
Yeah I dislike most of them and I feel a few are skating in over far more deserved mons that got voted out previously.

but I guess thats the nature of the poll

Currently Playing: Animal Well
SF_Okami posted...
Serious question, does anyone actually play Monster Hunter? As someone who has not played it, I feel like there's like 20 MH games and I never see anyone talk about it or anything. Feels like it wants to be bigger than it is but maybe I'm just missing something

Are you serious? Monster Hunter World was everywhere when it released.

Currently Playing: Animal Well
Here we go. Finally
Currently Playing: Animal Well
MarbyIsBack posted...
I heard them say Kingdom
I got excited
Then heard Come
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

The dream is dead

although to be honest itll be the show closer if it is going to appear (which 99% chance it doesnt)
Currently Playing: Animal Well
Cemith posted...
This and year 2 SF is all I'm psyched about
Monster Hunter Wilds for me also. But Im worried its going to start showing too much.

and maybe KH4 even though Geoff basically killed all hope for that appearing
Currently Playing: Animal Well
I wonder if playing Sparking Zero Ill finally understand the true Super continuity
Currently Playing: Animal Well
Thank you!

only Iron Boulder and Iron Crown and Prcharunt left to go for my living dex
Currently Playing: Animal Well
I imagine since exclusivity period ended and they have not announced anything they probably havent started porting. So a while Id say.

And since its assumed it didnt sell well on PS5, they probably arent certain they want to port it
Currently Playing: Animal Well
IMO they just need to hold out the 10 years to make CoD exclusive and crush the competition with that.

But I think all they need to do is make next console a Plug & Play PC that allows easy modding and theyd win back a lot of the market share theyve lost to PS
Currently Playing: Animal Well
Damn. Im just stuck on step 1.
Currently Playing: Animal Well
I really dislike a large majority of Gen 3 designs. But Flygon is by far the coolest
Currently Playing: Animal Well
Fenrir_Howls posted...
Zarude seems like to only issue there, at least you can shiny bait the others.

Im hoping so. But judging by Pokemon Home GTS, Gouging Fire and Raging Bolt are always in extremely high demand.

I might be able to get doubles of the Gen 4 future mons from Violet DLC and trade for them but Im not sure I could be bothered
Currently Playing: Animal Well

Ive been on a mission to complete my Pokemon Home living Dex.

Just Zamazenta, Zarude, Naganadel, Walking Wake, Gouging Fire and Raging Bolt left to go.

I dont like my chances
Currently Playing: Animal Well
Really hope they havent removed damage numbers
Currently Playing: Animal Well
FINALLY monster hunter
Currently Playing: Animal Well
Can we all just agree there are enough shooters now and stop making any more for like 10 years?

theyre never revolutionary in any way. They all play the exact same
Currently Playing: Animal Well
I do not understand why they bother showing extended cutscenes for stuff like this.
Currently Playing: Animal Well
I like to see the worlds but not really.

that being said. The games (after 1) have always been like 80% f***ing around in Disney and then cramming 95% of the plot into the last 20%. So when KH3 did it and KH4 inevitably does it. It wont bother me
Currently Playing: Animal Well
Use the wards.

Arcane Ward is great.

and the 3rd Ward which Ive forgotten the name changes her regular attack and makes her fairly great.

plus teleporting
Currently Playing: Animal Well
I think like maybe 30% of it was really good.

I feel the latest Star Wars show come up with like 4 scenes they want. And then they just write whatever the first thought they have to tie those scenes together.
Currently Playing: Animal Well
While I cant see this happening at all. People need to remember that Gabe is in his 60s and at one point will retire. And theres no guarantee Steam doesnt go entirely to s*** when he does.
Currently Playing: Animal Well
4 always wins
Currently Playing: Animal Well
I was pretty hyped but seeing 2025 killed my interest and I just forgot about it.

It was worse with Monster Hunter as it was my most anticipated game at the time.
Currently Playing: Animal Well
Baha05 posted...
Shake it all you want outside the secret bosses the added enemies really dont do much for the remixes. Hell I almost forgot about this one goofy Frankensteins Monster type enemy in Halloween Town because it requires you to go to a specific spot. I think the only other enemy with importance are the mushrooms they add. But outside that the cutscenes could be seen on YT and the same goes for the new secret endings which is how the majority of players and fans knew about them until they finally released them.

on the contrary. The most talked about and frankly best content in Kingdom Hearts IS the super bosses especially Lingering Will

Currently Playing: Animal Well
Baha05 posted...
Yea and no they add the additional content and boss fights are cool but they are something you can see on YT

This is really wrong.

KH1 adds a lot of unique heartless that function differently to regular heartless as well as a canon super boss, additional keyblades and more lore connecting games 1 & 2

KH2 fm adds so much of the above. But most importantly 14 super bosses that are really fun and crazy difficult

Currently Playing: Animal Well
You can watch some of the video and then stop YouTube saves your position.

its also split into 20 chapters so its not hard to jump to a section either.
Currently Playing: Animal Well
Took a while to get to the end. But watching it in its entirety was worth it for the song referencing the entire video
Currently Playing: Animal Well
This is just a pricing algorithm based on how likely each generalised group is to claim.

Currently Playing: Animal Well
Very keen. You know with her those 4 hours are going to be great
Currently Playing: Animal Well
Really great idea and Im surprised its never been used again in another game or at least Ive never heard of one.

Two major things annoy me.

the first run through. Why do you have to wait until the Clock Tower opens to proceed. Such a long wait

Fighting the bosses every time loop is really annoying. You should just have a song that switches the effects the bosses were causing
Currently Playing: Animal Well
I like Angel so much more.

every character is better on Angel
Currently Playing: Animal Well
CrimsonGear80 posted...
wouldn't be shocked if it had legs and ends up selling up to "expectations"

I feel like it will only start to pickup when they release a pc port (and even then not by much).

and then again when Part 3 drops
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
Its a shame because Rebirth is one of the best games Ive played in years. It deserves so many more sales IMO
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
Those first five seasons are some of the best tv of all time IMO

I do feel like they got screwed by being just popular enough to renew the show.

If you finished at season 5 before the cliffhanger thats a 10/10 ending

season 6 is odd. But then gets going when it reveals the big twist.

season 7 sucks

8-10 is kind of bad but the idea of closing the gates of heaven and hell is a really great place to end the series. But they do nothing with it. Demon. Dean is another great story. That becomes nothing.

then its a huge mixed bag for so long. I did like the Amaya season but the way it was implemented was average.

then season 14 really redeems the show and ends on one of the best setups you could end a show on.

and then 15 s***s the bed beyond belief. Seriously. Theh could have had a huge season fighting all the best villains from the shows history. They could have had a huge Multiversal Sam/Dean fight against God. Instead they spend most of the season saying Sam and Dean were always kind of the worst hunters of all time but god liked them. Then rather than postpone the finale a few months. They just film it with like 4 people not even bringing back main characters. F*** me watching that hurt
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
Even funnier when you know ( season 3 spoilers) Elliot cheats on Sean with JD, then eventually leaves Sean for JD. Nobody cares Sean. Nobody cares
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
Thank you for this!

got a question. Im trying to get an entire living dex on home. All pretty simple except Im stuck on certain Pokemon like Jiraichi since you cant GTS for those.

I was told event redemptions are the best trades for things like that. Is this a qualifier? Or does it need to be way rarer
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
I like what they did with it.

Its one of the biggest spoilers in all of gaming. There was no way just repeating the death would have any impact.

Not having her die was also the biggest theory before the game released.

Doing both was really the only avenue they could have had. I do wish theyd implemented it better though. Like maybe have us just save her and live with that for a while before crushing us with the truth. I didnt like the snap cuts between it
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
Just so we are clear. Digimon dont have specific forms they digivolve to even though the anime tends imply that. They follow kind of branches were they have multiple options to digivolve to.

im digging deep here and may be incorrect but i think theres something special about Exveedramon and most Veemon become Veedramon and only 1 in 100 Veemon become Exveedramon
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
Fenriswolf posted...
Nice cherry picking LMAO

Metacritic user ratings are subject to review bombings and are the very definition of useless. And both of these games actually translated into sales, hypocrite.
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
Fenriswolf posted...
So a developer makes some decently reviewed games that didn't translate into sales on either PS5 or Xbox. How dare MS not keep funding them.

And MS didn't even buy Zenimax specifically for Arkane and Tango. They bought it for Bethesda and ID and the other studios were a bonus.

Nah. Best to keep funding this

or this

Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
Fenriswolf posted...
LOL how many people bought Ghostwire Tokyo when it was a timed exclusive on PS5 again?

Xbox shill defends Xbox. News at 11

anyway. Who bought Hifi Rush when it was an Xbox exclusive.
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
I remember it having a fun gameplay system but annoying to get rare items. And the story was average.

worth a play though
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
Gamepass is clearly unsustainable. Despite all the glowing praise for Hi-Fi, its not translated to sales.

I assume Microsoft was hoping buying out Activision would be able to force people to Xbox for exclusives so they could then raise Gamepass prices higher.

Then the market turned and interest rate skyrocketed and playing the long game was no longer feasible.

I imagine thats still the gameplan but in the short term its going to mean a whole lot of closures and layoffs.
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
Not really surprising. Day 1 Gamepass sounds good for consumers but it sucks for sales. I do wonder if future Bethesda games will remain day 1 cause Starfield most likely burnt any goodwill they had left
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
radical_rhino posted...
So its (spoilers for 30 year old game):
* snow town and snow area
* (maybe) bone town
* crater
* Wutai
* Junon return
* Mideel
* Corel return
* fort Condor
* underwater base/submarine
* Rocket town
* forgotten city
* midgar return
* final area

Doesnt seem like more than Rebirth, especially considering that the cities you return to can just be set pieces rather than having you be able to walk around in them again.

also figure against Ultima, Ruby and Emerald since no way they can leave those out.

Gelnika sunken ship as well

Vincent is going to need all of his side backstory as well

also probably need an expanded space section

chocobo breeding

entire open world map (I think they confirmed they are attempting this)

part of me wants them to include the frog trap forest but I reckon that gets cut

and if the rumours about sales arent great I cant see it being as big as Rebirth which is a huge disappointment
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (Randomised)
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