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Life is UNFAIR

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
EPR-radar posted...
It's all bullshit. The GOP cult has gotten to the point where Republicans think they are all pure as driven snow, and every Democrat is a criminal.

All their lying bullshit is a way to pretend they aren't being this simplistic about things.

This is true, and it is what the Fox/Rush/Newt propaganda of the 90s was designed to do. Turn politics from policy debates into a GOP crusade against demonic Democrats. And they succeeded. All that BS in the 90s is where MAGA comes from. No way a loser like Donald Trump gets this far without 3 decades and change of outrageous propaganda softening the ground first.

That is why folks on here who say that both sides are the same and should just talk through their differences both make me sad and crack me up. The GOP broke the system on purpose and dont want to talk. They want their gullible voters angry at evil Democrats. It gets them votes and shields them from accountability. This is exactly the way they want it, and what stupid Rush Limbaugh and Fox News were for.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Beany posted...
Well said, TC, I agree with all of that.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
As my posts on 261 and here can attest, I am staunchly pro choice. But: I am not sure it can be classified as a logical argument, but I think it is a compelling one: it is impossible, truly, to know when the spark of life begins for a human. I dont think that a clump of cells is truly alive, but I think it is tricky business to make a determination like that once a pregnancy is in motion. If it were my body, or someone asked me for advice, I dont think I could choose abortion. I would be too worried about the possibility of ending a life that has already begun in some way.

I am pro choice because that is not my decision to make. A woman, along with whatever support she chooses, gets to decide what to do with her body. Decisions about whether to bring a life into the world and all the consequences either way of that decision are hers to determine. Neither I, or the government, or anyone has any business imposing their view of this on her. I am personally uncomfortable with abortion, but my view is irrelevant. The person carrying the child is the only one to make this call about their destiny. Period.

It does not help the pro life argument that much of it is also completely dishonest. Many are obviously using abortion bans as a way to control women, and many stop caring about abortion as soon as the baby is born and its use as a wedge issue is exhausted. Pro Life arguments would be a lot more compelling if the same people spewing them where not also constantly trying to cut Medicaid and school lunches for children.

I hate abortion, but government needs to stay out of the decisions that shape our destinies. Government needs to give us a basic environment to thrive and then get out of our way instead of trying to impose on the decisions that shape our lives. Women must be allowed to do what is right for them, their bodies, their lives.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I retain in almost perfect detail pretty much every song I have ever heard. It is annoying as hell.

I retained no math and none of my years of foreign language study so I can remember everything about the Linda Ronstadt album my parents played for a few minutes when I was in third grade, or the song about seasons I learned one day in kindergarten.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
This moron is the worst President we have ever had, and one of the worst human beings who has ever lived.

The brave men and women who have fought and died for this country deserve so much better than a whiny narcissist trying to overshadow them.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I have been training people to do my job for at least 12 years. It takes about a year to learn to do it competently. In addition to the three years of law school, of course.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
If something has the Trump name on it, you know two things: 1.It is a scam/grift; 2.It is soon to go bankrupt.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
ItsNotA2Mer posted...
Phish Food, (followed closely by Cherry Garcia).

This. You my friend have good taste in ice cream.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Giant_Aspirin posted...
that sucks! glad you're okay tho

This. This happened to me once and it is really scary. It is such a pain to replace tires, but the important thing is that TC walks away.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
ablegator posted...
I dont recall saying good luck.

This is one of my all time favorite Simpsons exchanges, so I am glad you all finished it out!

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
The thing I don't get about where this conversation is going is that there are so many things you could legitimately criticize Biden about. I am absolutely voting for Biden, who is miles better than utter loser Donald Trump. But he has made some mistakes as President that are easy to identify and discuss.

And this poster chooses the one issue where members of both parties tried to take action, and Trump stepped in and told them not to touch the border until after election season so he could run on it. He picks one example that shows Trump's bad faith explicitly, and should anger him because the former President has told the House to not address a problem that Fox News has told him really loudly is such a big deal.

So many items to choose from, and he chose the issue where Trump has explicitly instructed his spineless peons to not take any action. And then he says Biden is the one sitting on his hands. Woof.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Whiterun_Guard_ posted...
ok fine you guys win. what is biden doing about the border crisis

I seem to recall a bipartisan bill that would have done some things to address the (political) "border crisis". It seemed like everyone was in agreement on it. What oh what could have happened to it? Certainly GOP/Trump bad faith had no part in derailing it???? Maybe you should google it. Specifically, the reasons why it didn't pass our completely good faith Congress.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I don't know how many times this has to be said, but I guess we will do it again.

Under normal political circumstances (much of the last 248 years with some very notable exceptions), there is nothing wrong with a position in the middle of things. The centrist or independent voter is an American political mainstay.

We are not living in normal political times. One side is flawed and makes some policy mistakes. The other side recently tried to overthrow the duly elected government, is courting extremists with overt Nazi propaganda, is stripping basic rights from marginalized people, and has formed a cult of personality around a (rightfully) twice impeached obvious criminal in lieu of any policy that will help any person.

There is no middle position left in American politics-outrageous MAGA positions and behavior has seen to that. At this period in history, there is a clear right side and clear wrong side. You can side with the people who hate democracy and most of the people in this country, who will burn the whole system down to cling to power, or you can vote for Democrats and side with the people who are actually trying to govern. It is that simple.

I wish it was different. I miss a time of healthy debate in this country. But MAGA has broken the system so that is not possible. There is no center position available when one side is clearly evil. We all hate it, but its the truth. If you are in the center at this moment in history, you are providing aid and comfort to the bad guys.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
1.The Supreme Court is a complete joke. The credibility of this court is absolutely non-existent.

2.It was very clear that a hard right take over of the Court was probably going to happen if Clinton was not elected in 2016. I know she was a deeply flawed candidate who ran a bad campaign. But the alternative was complete loser Donald Trump and a Party that had already proven itself to be a bad faith entity-especially when it comes to the judiciary. I am worried that our electorate didn't learn from 2016 sufficiently. Because many people were focused on dumb stuff like email serves, we have a Court that is going to make life miserable for America for years to come. Plus an attempted overthrow of the duly elected government, and a cult formed around known loser Donald Trump of all people.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Villain_S_Fiend posted...
I sleep in a racing car! Do you?

I sleep in a big bed with my wife.

Crackers are a family food. Happy families. Maybe single people eat crackers-we dont know. Frankly, we dont want to know.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Kradek posted...
Agree with all of this. A better argument for people who want to make it "Biden v Trump" is to make it "Democracy v Fascism". The Republican Party will absolutely turn us into some model of either Hungary or Russia if they're ever given the chance, with or without Trump.

This is an excellent way to frame it. I wish I had put it this succinctly and well.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
This election season is the time to just say it straight out without any of the niceties we grew up taught to display in order to respect opposing political opinions. The modern GOP is evil, and has been for a long time. Donald Trump is evil, and has been since before he entered politics.

If you vote GOP or refuse to vote for Biden, the only realistic alternative at this point, then you are endorsing evil. You are allowing it to slither into power, to harm this country, and to hurt marginalized people who are our neighbors and friends.

Biden is absolutely flawed and makes mistakes. I dont care, and neither should anyone else. This time there is clearly a good side and a bad side, and a refusal to endorse the good and figure the rest out later means you are on the wrong side.

I dont want to hear about policy or anything else. MAGA is screaming who they are from a damn bullhorn, and it is not acceptable. It never was. Vote Blue, or understand that you are helping people who are screaming in your face that they are evil ascend to power, with all of the unconscionable consequences that will bring.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I assure him that I am from the land of chocolate. Then watch as he stares into space for 15 minutes.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Nothing about this joke Supreme Court surprises me anymore. What a disgrace.

And then he blames his wife. As if he cant see what is happening in his own yard. As if he doesnt have a huge responsibility to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.

The United Stares SC-yet another thing the GOP has turned into a clown car.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
devilminion posted...
Trump at the keynote later that night: My son, you know my son? Great boy. 17, 18, 19 years old, great future ahead of him. Had his graduation today, but I couldn't attend it. I'd have loved to, wished nothing more, but those liberals. Yes, those liberal youths would have made it about themselves. The illegals too. They would have rioted and burned the place down. <Insert nonsensical ramble>. I couldn't do that to my boy Bary...Barron, so I had to let him have his moment alone. Huge sacrifice, I know. I keep hearing how humble I am to have done such a thing. The most humble president ever, they say.

This is great, but there needs to be something about the Principal coming to Trump with tears in his eyes and calling him sir to really nail it.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
EPR-radar posted...
I'm fond of the belief that these people all end up in Hell.

I almost added a line about this to my original post: I absolutely dont believe in Hell. But if I am wrong and there is one, I think the people I describe in 4 are absolutely going.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
1.I absolutely think God is real.

2.I absolutely think science and faith are fully compatible.

3.I am absolutely fine if people believe differently than I do. Faith is deeply personal. Most of my family of origin does not believe in God, and they are the best people I know. If you are a person trying to do good things in your corner of the world and treat people with respect, then you are my brother or sister. I dont care what your religion is, or if you have no religion at all.

4.People who use religion to divide, judge, or attack others make me sick (looking at you far right). My God has a very clear command to respect, include, and love everyone, no matter who they are. The people using religion as a cudgel instead of a command to do as much good as possible with as open and inclusive a heart as possible are completely missing the point.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I was disappointed to read this yesterday. I dont think Mitt is a good guy or anything, but I do honestly think he believes Trump is bad for America. But his take on this is plain moronic:

1.Saying that a President is above the law is extremely bad if you want a functioning government;

2.Him pushing the idea that Biden should pressure those working in the state judicial branch to drop charges is problematic in more ways than I can count, including federal interference with state and executive interference with judiciary;

2.He seems to be pushing this as some grand political strategy for Biden and a way to heal the country. As if pardoning Trump would gain him one GOP vote, and wouldnt lose him millions of Democrat votes. As if a gesture like that would heal anything when Trump and his MAGA cult never stops crying about persecution and rigged elections no matter what.

Refusing to hold an obvious criminal accountable is just the worst of all possible takes. Come on Mitt.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Uh, Homer, there is a hidden message in this song you may have missed.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
DipDipDiver posted...
Forcing people to stay married when they don't want to be is not good for families.

This. Not good for families, not good for anyone.

Not a new revelation, but for a party that used to be obsessed with small government (before the only policy position became Trump worship), the GOP sure cant seem to stay away from everyones deeply personal business.

Here is an idea: How about the government provide for basic health, safety and opportunity for all and then get the hell out of the way and let us live our lives?

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
DipDipDiver posted...
I would be 100% down for a game that lets you switch between them like in Syndicate

IGN has a 40 things to know article following the trailer, and it says you can! Not sure where info is coming from, but they said it clearly. They Said design suggestion is to use female character for stealth, male character for more attacking type missions (he wears heavy armor so it is harder to sneak).

Dont know any of this for sure, just parroting what I read. Could be wrong, but I think they even mentioned that you could switch like in Syndicate.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I am so sick of hateful people spewing their idiocy every day. Life was truly better before the internet. I know I am yelling at clouds, and I have learned a lot from a lot of smart people on the internet, but it sure was nice when not every random garbage opinion was amplified for all to hear.

Also: I am happy for myself that instead of being weird and idiotically angry about the fact that a video game protagonist might be from a different background or a different gender than I am, I can just play and enjoy the game. Because the trailer looks awesome.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Dakimakura posted...
These actually look like normal pricing now.

This is exactly what I was thinking. No disrespect to TC or anyone but: Isnt this what all big games do now? Multiple editions, each pricier than the last?

I dont like it, and Ubi deserves their share of criticism, but this does not seem unique to them.

Also, if folks dont want to pay these prices, the expensive editions will probably be on sale not long after release. I dont usually do anything but the standard, but for Christmas I bought Dead Island 2 deluxe for $20 (down from $100 I think) on a whim.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
DuuuDe14 posted...
Something similar happened to me in high school and your post reminded me of it. When I had a girlfriend, two different girls had both told me I should break up with her and date them instead. I was just confused and refused them but it turns out my girlfriend was cheating. So maybe it was their way of trying to help me. Who knows it was so long ago at this point.

Just saw this response and just wanted to say sorry that happened to you. Glad it is far behind you, but that still stinks.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
My firm belief is that everyone must vote blue to save this country. We cant get complacent.

But I dont care what polls this far out say. My firm belief is that come November, Trump is going to come out of the election a loser. Again.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Why, why, why are people like this?

There is zero wrong with being a stay at home Mom or a stay at home Dad. There is also zero wrong if people want to focus on career instead, and everything in between.

I believe in diversity and equity and acceptance of others from all backgrounds as core values. All I hear from idiots like this is about the tyranny of diversity or whatever such nonsense, but I am not the one using my platform to tell people how to live.

I want people to be who they are and do what they want as long as they are respecting those around them while they do it. This seems pretty simple, but some people cant seem to get it.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I have not watched the video because the idea does sound toxic, but it did remind me of something strange that happened in my life.

When my wife and I got engaged, two women who I had dated and had made absolutely clear at the end that they wanted friendship and nothing more came and asked me to break off the engagement and be with them. One asked me to marry her instead.

I say that not to boast. I am far, FAR from a catch. Just an ugly lawyer (at the time pre-law) who doesnt even have the sense to do the legal work that actually makes money. I have just always remembered it because the whiplash was so extreme. These women had made it clear it was friendship between us from now on all the way, and as soon as the ring went on everything changed from their perspective.

Btw, all three of us are long term married to awesome folks today, so it all turned out like it was supposed to.

I think it is very natural for people, men and women and those from every background, to want what they cant have. Tale as old as time and all that.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Pikachuchupika posted...
Death by snu snu

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised!!!!

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
HotDogMayo posted...
I actually wrote a paper about sentencing disparities in regards to the death penalty. One of the interesting things I found when researching it is that it also matters who the victims are. I don't remember the stats off the top of my head but basically if you kill a white woman you're more likely to get the death penalty than if you killed a black woman and if you're a black man accused of killing a white woman you're much much more likely to get the death penalty

You are absolutely right, and I am glad you raised this.

I wrote a paper on this too. It was part of my law school thesis years and years ago. But the data on unfair application of this penalty that cant be undone once carried out just gets worse and worse.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I completely oppose the death penalty for the reasons outlined in the thread,,but I want to emphasize that it isnt awful just because innocent people are executed. It is also unconscionable because it is unfairly applied even to the guilty.

If you are a different race than white or too poor to afford good representation, you are orders of magnitude more likely to get a death sentence than a white person with money. Simple as that, and backed by years of data.

Even if you think some people deserve to die for their crimes, we are simply not wise enough to administer it fairly. We never will be.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I was in my late teens when this happened, and I did not want him to be impeached. This was the 90s and the groundwork for MAGA was being laid, and everything from the GOP was a lie and/or completely partisan. To this day, I will not take the perjury seriously, as the whole thing was absolutely a partisan fishing expedition, no matter what you think of Clinton otherwise.

But.what I did not grasp as a teen was the problem with the huge power imbalance between an intern and the most powerful person in the world. At the time I just thought they were consenting adults and really didnt think about it much further. But now I have grown (I hope) and times are different (I hope) and I recognize that Clinton should have been removed for that conduct alone. What he did with an intern with him in that position is unacceptable.

I think Clinton was a great President. I was really involved with Dem. politics at that time and I met and talked with him a few times (he would not remember me of course), and he really is just the most personable individual you have ever seen. But he is a complete creep, looking back on things. The GOP was being completely awful and ridiculous too, which made it hard for me to see.

Again, dont care about the perjury in the face of a completely biased and unfair proceeding. Do care about the power imbalance between a WH intern and the President of the US. I wish I had been mature enough to figure that out at the time.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I wash my hands before and after if I am in a public place. Just after if I am at home.

I often wash my hands in video games too when permitted because I think it is amusing. I found a game that finally gave me a trophy/achievement for this behavior last year! It cracked me up. I had been waiting for years!
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
ai123 posted...
Let the voters decide what is appropriate in a democracy.

Personally, I don't see the need for any age restrictions once a person reaches majority. If you think a candidate is too callow or too senile, vote for a different one.

This is what I think too. If someone is old enough to vote, they should be able to run. I am also opposed to age limits. Let the voters decide.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Humble_Novice posted...
Vote for Biden and the Democrats. It's clear which choice for 2024 is the correct one.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I have seen Rockapella in concert a few times. They were awesome.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Thanatos_the_Great posted...
Oh, she knows. She's not ignorant - she's lying.

I hear you-I dont agree with her spin on this.

But the post I was responding to said she was an old white lady who knows nothing about foreign affairs. I think that is false, and a silly way to start a discussion on a topic like this, so I said so. We can disagree with her (and I do) while sticking to the facts.

The fact is she was Secretary of State for a long time. She knows more than most about all of this. It doesnt mean she is right. But we should start a discussion with what is true and not just statements about what we feel.

MAGA does this all the time, and I hate it.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Dakimakura posted...
Old white lady pretends she knows more about middle eastern affairs.

I am no way defending her generalization here, which is gross. But I mean.she was the Secretary of State. Chances are excellent she knows more about foreign affairs than the vast majority of Americans.

It is however, wrong to assume that protesters are doing so because they are ignorant of history and current events. That was not a good thing to say.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Baha05 posted...
Probably because Order 66 was still in play?

Sure, but he was the most powerful Jedi in the world. And Order 66 was in play when he waltzed into the guys office and came within an inch of defeating him.

I know why the Jedi went into hiding because I have watched a movie before. My question is why didnt this particular Jedi take another shot at it at any point over 20 years instead of just waiting for Luke to come along?

Order 66 was technically in play when Luke was doing his thing, but he still did it anyway.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
There are so many problems with the prequel trilogy, but my big one was always why did Yoda just leave (other than he had to because we find him in exile in Empire)?. He almost took down the Emperor on his own. Seems like that would have been worth another shot instead of retreating for decades.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I join the many others saying woke now that MAGA extremism has taken ownership of the term. There are very few things that will close me off to a persons opinion immediately, but someone calling something woke will do it.

For some reason, anyone saying that something hits different makes me cringe.

My kids and their friends use Rizz all the time and I dont hate it, but I will always remember it as the first slang term to make me feel old. Because my kids had to explain it to me.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I would feel too guilty.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I think a hockey team called ice would be really dumb.

It would like be naming an MLB team baseball or a football team the goalposts.

The NBA already has the Nets, which is also stupid. I would avoid any name that feels like people are just throwing out stuff that is around for names.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
bobbycorwin posted...
To be fair, Trump did talk about infrastructure more than Biden has. Infrastructure week was always 2 weeks away.

This. Infrastructure week was always just over the horizon-just like everything Trump does-and his base is not informed enough to know they are being relentlessly played.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I studied criminal justice as part of my college degree, and I went on a bunch of ride alongs with police as part of a class (including a couple of rides in a helicopter, which I still cant believe was an option for liability reasons. Come to think of it, the whole program was kind of dangerous and probably wouldnt be allowed today).

I talked with these DC police officers a lot, and they talked about how important it was to knock and announce even if it meant evidence got flushed or something. They always talked about situations just like this, and how it was much safer for them and the person inside if they clearly identified themselves as police right off the bat. I went with these men and women to a lot of doors, and they always knocked and yelled Police before doing anything.

I think about this every time I read a horrible story like this. They are so frequent now. How is it that police departments still havent figured this out when the need to identify has long been apparent?
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
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