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Also the FBI doesnt play around. If they are raiding you, they have a lot of evidence and other information to back that up.

This is a big deal and Im all for it.
StealThisSheen posted...
New Day are legitimately good people. Very good wrestlers, though one of them is injured and may never actually wrestle again. That said, if you don't want to actually watch wrestling, one of them, Xavier Woods/Austin Creed, runs a gaming channel on Youtube, called UpUpDownDown, where he basically just... Plays games with other wrestlers, talks about games with them, and so on. It's legitimately entertaining stuff, because they never get into politics or anything else, they keep literally everything about video games.

This! So much this. Love the New Day, I feel their message is more important than ever.

Im still sad about Big E. Im hoping he can slide into commentary or something adjacent if he cant wrestle due to his health, which should come first always. Would be a huge waste for his personality to just be gone.
I Have a feeling this would actually drive you slowly mad. It would be fine at first because everything is new but once that fades, the mental whiplash would be a lot for people to handle.
AI integration or what ever buzzword they used instead is purely a smoke and mirrors game.

When interest rates went up, venture capital spending pretty much dried up overnight. That money funnel is how a lot of tech companies actually survive. But now there is a problem.

Enter AI. It was new and dubious enough that Tech bros could promise huge potential in the future. The money starts up again because investors and venture capital like this idea or were atleast sold on a promise.

Unfortunately in a FOMO race that grips all of tech people all scrambled to add AI cause its the hot thing (and it can be a source of income). So now every app has to have AI or you look like a dinosaur in the market place. But people raced so fast to get there they never stopped and wondered why. So now we have AI in PDF readers, in Facebook posts, etc.

Its all going to fade away quietly for the next gimmick because its not commercially viable like these tech chuckleheads dream of

Or the various AI companies are going to get sued into oblivion when a bigger company like Sony, Disney or other IP holder that realizes they arent immune from the AI stealing machine.
Tyranthraxus posted...
What Wii U owners?

There were Dozens of Us!

Splatoon with the Wii U screen had a different kind of magic
Energy has never been my problem.

1 million dollars would solve way too many of my problems or at least make things way easier.
I like the 5E system for some other settings but something about it doesnt work for the fantasy setting for me personally.

Pathfinder 2Es action economy in a group feels really nice compared to 5E at times. But again thats a personal preference.

I also just dont want to support Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro if I can anymore. Just too much trust has been lost.
Little Caesars gets slept on but they can have some great deals
I feel like Andrew Lincoln had this happen. He was red hot on the Walking Dead. Left the show but I never saw him in much after that. And now he is back in the saddle with that too.
They can pass this all they want, enforcing it just with in the EU would be a nightmare let alone the rest of the world.

I feel like the people creating this law have a very different view of how global communication works and it shows.
Arbys has always been a place that I could do without. So them.
Thats like, your opinion man.
It was a vastly different era and Chyna was as one of a kind. She has a lot of firsts due to being able to actually wrestle with the guys.

The Womens division had to be slowly built back up after Madusa/Alundra Blayze dropped her belt in the trash live on Nitro when she switched brands. Vince was always once bite, twice shy. And hated losing control.

Chyna really spear headed a lot for bringing the women back as wrestlers rather than just eye candy.
Metallica being at 69 is really funny to me.
MrResetti posted...
What was it


And thats just awesome. Quick and nice guy? Thats just good juju right there!
I feel like the flaw on this is that the world isnt really ready for a switch for everyone to be vegan overnight. The infrastructure isnt there but thats a a lot of money
Balataro is a really unique card rougue-like using normal playing cards and poker rules.

Papers, Please is a really interesting game that has a ton of different endings. The branching paths arent easy though. I find it good.

Vampire Survivors is a reverse bullet hell game where the rogue like part is having different weapons builds. And thats before getting into the huge cast plus DLC

All of them should be 20 bucks or less too.
Sometimes you just need it! I find them great for needing to destress, think or just force me to relax a bit.
Crono99 posted...
Sure, but IMO as long as AIs rely on predictive text it's still a glorified party trick. Sure it can do a lot of things and sometimes it can give fascinating answers and it can definitively help with a lot of repetitive tasks, but until an AI is actually capable of knowing and understand what it's saying I don't think it's going to be the new industrial revolution that some people are banking on

What I don't like though is that artists are already struggling and AI generative art makes it even worse for them

I totally agree with you. Its a shiny toy but people are acting like its the solution to everything.

Like Im getting kinda tired of apps that dont even need AI suddenly have it just because its a buzzword.

Its FOMO for companies.
Going to need confirmation on that driver name before I believe TC.

Ive had some weird dasher names though.
3 always serves me well. If I gotta live in silent hill, being the worlds greatest fighter seems like a really good talent to have.

Heck, it sounds like an anime plot if you survive.
France or Germany cause that just sounds like a fun challenge.

To be fair I know nothing about the game other than its premise.
Cheetos are unique and when I want them. I want them, knock offs dont do it.

Fritos dont hit the same at all.
Cant win if you dont play. Thank you for being generous TC!
In terms of class fantasy? Legion was the fucking bomb to me. It felt like it had all led to this and you would get class armor and your weapon was this whole extra ability/passive tree. And the skins? Best time to be a Druid!

It just hasnt been the same since
Asherlee10 posted...
Fuck that dude. You don't want to work for someone like that anyway.


The fact that he blurted that out like that is a huge red flag.
Revnir posted...
I put that text in Dall-E and asked it to make an image based on it:

I think we have reached the CEngularity with this post. Gawd Dayum

It truly is the end times
GrandConjuraton posted...
Type beat? Seriously?

I'd rather just be "old".

I must be old too because Im not getting it.
Weird. Where I grew up there are a ton of them and they have their own following. They do have good food. The Sourdough jack is slept on.

They also have one of the most varied menus in fast food.
Scardude posted...
I've seen this movie. It was dark and enjoyable.

It's certainly dark but that's kinda the point. It feels like what an updated robocop premise should be.

Really well for filmed for its budget
I like Metroid more. The games click better to me.

I just couldnt seem to get the patterns for certain bosses with Castlevania. I need to go back and retry now that I think about it
Harpie posted...
Didn't he just ask for a 1 billion dollar salary?

Worse. A 55 billion compensation package. What ever the hell that means. From the stock holders no less.
Gotta follow the rules to get it reclassified! Even if its just a proposal, that fact they are even going to vote on it is huge.
I just dont get Logan Paul.
Zikten posted...
I think I heard Smile 2 might happen. It Follows 2 would be great too

They announced last year they are trying to do They Follow. But a lot of projects like that get announced and dropped.
Guide posted...
Chill Penguin!

Im sad I didnt think of this considering how much I love that game but

I thought of Gohma from Ocarina of Time.
littlebro07 posted...
Leo finally winning an Oscar was the true nexus event.

He clearly traveled back in time to make it happen and fucked everything up

Bruh, this is hella funny.
Kinda depends on the sandwich. Right bread for the right job I say.
They were smart not to charge for it at least
Thats a great bill. I would love to see how they are going to enforce this without looking completely inept at how the internet works.
Tropicalwood posted...
By chance you didn't just yolo the install and slap everything together, did you?
It might be your ram is installed in the wrong slots for a two stick configuration. (Did that exact thing and it wouldn't boot )
They need to be installed in slots B2 and A2 for some dumb reason iirc, not B1 and A1.

This! Its so weird and unintuitive. I had this exact thing happen with my first build. Been wary of it ever since.
Former Dodgers pitcher Trevor Bauer looks to be tapping his agent
The Toad is dubious on the veracity of these statements.

Also there is like 2-3 red flags I can see but you do you.
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
I want a living primarch.

Then you kinda have only 2 options. Ultras or Dark Angels.

Second choices going by a dubious state of what living means. White Scars, Space Wolves and The Salamanders could all have their Primarch return
Really depends on the flavor and play style that you like.
Hayame_Zero posted...
When Sealab got weird, it got weird.

I think it was the contrast of the realistic style it has, as opposed to something like ATHF.

This. The Sealab creative people were just in a different place than anyone else. Gotta give them credit that it makes them really unique for how they would just go for it.
Wellhas the mania gone to your brain or not?
Be very very stressed out due to various medicines I need daily.
there is desperate moves to make. This will go down as a truly bad one. I cant wait to see how this plays out.
SrRd_RacinG posted...
Weed-use is linked to many despicable acts.

I want to say a Youre mom joke here but I have a feeling it would be modded. But I cant help if people think about it on their own.
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