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Community » Solution_45
Back_Stabbath posted...
these days you ask for their tiktok or insta, old man

bad boys for life
bad boys: ride or die
R_Jackal posted...
HOAs can eat my whole entire ass. Wouldn't be caught dead in one. Get my own house to have someone tell me what I can and can't do as an extra later on top of the law is fucking stupid.


squatting is theft
damn sharty you thicc
RespectWomen posted...
Why did you make her so thick

respect thick women
bone apple tea
that's shitty
GATTJT posted...
Hmm, I barely played Valhalla and skipped Mirage, but maybe I'll jump back in with this one

the go to starfield defense
let that sink in
pororin pls
nuggets big mad
LincolnDuncan posted...
I feel like he's so insecure about the size of his penis that he has to pee into the bottle with the widest possible mouth. I remember a dude in high school bragging unprompted that he had to use a Snapple bottle if he wanted to pee in a bottle. Like, ok? No one asked and now I just think you're talking big.

or he's so paranoid about random piss tests
VeggetaX posted...
LMAO KD ain't ever gonna get the respect he wants

if he wanted respect he wouldn't have run to the best team in the league the season right after blowing a 3-1 lead on em

girl: he's probably cheating

me and the boys:
not pixiv gosh dangit
it just works
i could yes
i wanted you to blend it that's why
P4wn4g3 posted...
Every day. Albuquerque has the world's worst drivers though, or at least America's.

red lights and stop signs are just suggestions here
chrono625 posted...
Man moderations are petty up in here lol

a bunch of people bout to be banned from ce forever
Humble_Novice posted...

below 23 dollars rn
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
Because there are 5280 feet in a mile, duh.

if the console isn't a mile long, i aint interested
Music_Rock_Cat posted...
Chicago airport too

alot of missed flights and pissed off people

the roads to sea-tac airport too
how many people will actually want to join his new company tho
buying gf
overwatch and warzone
if luke and ren had a proper lightsaber fight at the end i wouldn't have been so mad
i drop my pants and boxers to the floor
Turbam posted...
Tony just needs to quit crying and get a clue

he should also take a shower and hit the weights
wackyteen posted...
but i'm just me and I don't want a large <_<

Last time i got a large I didn't eat it fast enough before it ruined.

is it gay to kiss a woman???
they can give it to me if they have nothing else to use it for
caitlin's way and alex mack

fuck that's some nostalgia
the kyoot pupper doing a kyoot throat kiss
i hear knocking at the door
bron and bronny bout to be headed to the pistons
SSJGrimReaper posted...
i want a hot clown woman to fart into a balloon and pop it directly in my face

she can squeeze her nose every time she farts
one of the lord of the rings extended editions
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