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We all gotta have more posts than tc.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Wow, a blatant propaganda bill.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Well since neurodivergent is a buzzword and not any kind of meaningful medical term, you can say you are or you aren't and be correct either way.

What is it you're actually concerned about?
Edit: guess you answered before I saw. Just see a Psychiatrist or Psychologist and tell them you want to know how to go about self care. You can start with your primary care doctor and they can give you a referral. Not much else to say.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Rip man gas station burritos
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
70 usd?
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Pow_Pow_Punishment posted...
Why can't you workout the other arm and your legs?
I can but it's uneven. At the start I didn't want to do that at all because I had also hurt my back. I think my back is fine now, so I'll see what I can do. I have a PT friend, maybe she can recommend some alternative workouts. Mostly I can't to Bench/Deadlift or anything involving a barbell, there is a Belt Squat at the gym I can use. I don't want to completely ignore the one arm while working the other if I can help it somehow. I've been doing cardio instead.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Also if there's a link for Do Not Sell My Information please post that url too.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
What's the url for the cookie settings?
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Just got my cast removed and replaced with a wrist brace. They still don't want me exercising the wrist for 6 weeks. Very annoying, I feel fat and lazy because I can't work out.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
I don't get a link between report ad and privacy policy.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
ooger posted...
I'm betting the only people who can make that level of change are admins, not mods.
Yeah but it could have been Allen or Devin at that time, or there could have been an update in the database that changed the name. A few other boards changed name due to the latter.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Sufferedphoenix posted...
Not positive but I think he had some less than ideal things to say about one protests. Called them antisemitic or something. Ya know cause you can't point out anything bad they do because they are Jewish I guess.
Yeah everyone can shut up about antisemitism at this point. It's not antisemitic to criticize people's actions. Our government has been doing this for years and it's never made any sense.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
I don't get it. Especially when it's locked anyway, like we already know what most regular users think here.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
havean776 posted...
So they want to get rid of the exisiting userbase? And just hope it gets replaced?

Why not make a new website instead?
A new website would be considerably cheaper the overhauling this one.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Compared to current yeah. Mental stress depends, I've had positions come up in jobs that were simply impossible for anybody. I wouldn't get myself into that again if I can at all avoid it.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Aloc posted...
It's all over twitter.

I have 30+ examples. I will show you 3
OK well that's different then but I'm still not getting why this is Biden's fault. Is he taking to Twitter and calling the protesters "rioters" and blaming both sides?
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
rick_alverado posted...
Most people can't just turn their empathy off like it's a light switch.
But they can and should disconnect from the 24/7 garbage feed.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
You started with an interesting topic and ruined it with your dumb corporate rhetoric. You've been missing the point for 4 years that Gamefaqs is and will always be a one man show that won't ever have any bells or whistles because that's too much work for 1 person. Allen was the best thing that ever happened to the site, with Devin being a great second admin to work the database, but that's as good as it gets for Gamefaqs.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Aloc posted...
Oh my God.

This is like.

The first negative topic or thing I've ever made about Biden.

The reality is there is something utterly wrong with the way Biden is responding.

Would Trump be worse? Yes. But this shit going on isn't normal either.
I guess maybe I'm not understanding what you were referring to in the OP. Police brutality? Do you have a link?
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
ssjevot posted...
Trump is mad at Biden for holding Israel back. He wants them to attack harder and faster. He also wants the protesters stopped with more force than we are already seeing. There are some posters here who want Trump to win and will try to make you think it won't be worse and might even be better. That's because they want Trump to win.
That doesn't surprise me.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
NoMeLx22x posted...
I know you might find this hard to believe. But we don't actually have to do this. There is no "pact". Israel is a powerful country without our support. The fact that we're still giving them money and weapons to continue doing a genocide is gross, and the argument of "well its just how it's always been and how it always should be" is fucking dumb.
I didn't say it should be this way, I said this is how it is. I'm not sure if you're wanting me to be some sort of armchair-legal-historian here but I'm not pointing at any single agreement, I'm saying there have been a ton of agreements forcing us into this. I think they should be cut, but the entire world will have to change before we can just ignore the Israel problem. In other words, right now in THIS reality this ship sailed long ago and anybody not directly attached to the issue has no business caring. I don't see Gaza as an issue for or against either candidate nor do I see it as anywhere newsworthy as it is getting, the only problem I see that literally nobody can change is wrongheaded activists on either side of the Israel/Palistine issue blaming current politicians for the problem they inherited here and voting against them. That will cause swings in some areas, likely against Biden (incorrectly), but again nothing to do about that. We are allied with Israel. It would be interesting to see if Trump did just pull out and stop trading with Israel but I don't think it's an option in the near future.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Go away STEROLIZER. Everyone else just ignore him.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
NoMeLx22x posted...
What the fuck is this, some anime?

What is there some ancient fucking scroll that reads in some scribbled text "If one of us decides to do a genocide, the other country must support it with no exceptions"

What an insane post.

Also to ignore the tens of thousands of students that are currently absolutely caring about genocide, in so far as they're getting arrested over it, is weird.
I'm talking about basically all this history, and the formation of Isreal:

The US under Hoover thought we should be meddling in the middle east because Hoover was a moron, but nobody ever argued the point so we still do it to this day. The end of WWII signal led us becoming the world police, another deal that was bad for us, so that's what we have done to this day. So what you end up with is America fucked with the Palestine / Isreal stuff because it's always been our fault from the moment we began meddling. As far as I'm concerned opinionated students can mind their own fucking business or get a life, we are too heavily entrenched now as the world police to have any say on how we divorce ourselves from the middle east entirely. If people happen to be Muslim or Jewish or have some connection to those countries I can sympathize, and I wish we could get out of the mess but we can't. It's the long version of the War on Terror.

Arcanine you can consider this my rebuttal to your argument as well. Israel is a pro-slavery dictatorship and Hamas is a terrorist organization claiming they are helping misplaced Jews claim back their holy land. I don't see much good on either side, but indeed there are thousands of victims.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
ooger posted...
It shows how little they care about the decades of history this place has.
Why do you think they had something to do with that? I find it more likely that they don't know about those boards.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
I'm not sure I'd say all this is great just because having a do-nothing congress is terrible. There is a potential government shutdown every other week now, which affects federal employees. And who's to say we won't have a repeat of this in the near future?

A nice side effect of this though is that we don't have highly corrupt bills spewing out of congress. Not much need for that though when the Supreme Court is just a sockpuppet for Trump or whatever edgy Republican extremist of the day. I don't think our Supreme Court has been such an obvious sham. We really need voter power ovet it, otherwise I don't see how we actually have a democracy at all.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
I was expecting more hornyposting than this. Old CE is truly gone.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
I don't think most people care about the Israel/Palestine stuff much. Mostly Jews and Muslims. We have an ancient pact with Israel that we have to honor, otherwise America wouldn't have anything to do with this mess. So it's not really most people's business.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
2TB separate storage drive that's only for games works, I have to uninstall stuff sometimes but whatever. I have 2 more tb that I've been reserving for a potential reformat but I haven't used it for anything so far.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Fandom is a common word
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
ooger posted...
Your point being?
That you brought it up out of context.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
StarFighters76 posted...
Yes they do. They tend to scoop up my maps the moment they are posted here, or they did. I dunno if they still do, or how far back they stopped at. I think they asked me if they could host one map, and I guess that opened the door for them to host all my other stuff. But they respect they are my maps (no changes made and I am credited), so I don't mind them doing it.
Well they are the only other site like this one that seems to operate in a friendly way with users and contributors. Have you tried opening an account there? If I have one there I haven't logged into it in over 15 years.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
I mean if this is just a end to women's sports then I can see why it's a free winning issue for Republicans. I don't think they'd get away with not enforcing it, they'd have to (and should) take it to court.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Pokmon were created not evolved.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
StarFighters76 posted...
Yeah, if I wrote any guides lol.
Does Neoseeker take maps?
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
ExtremeLuchador posted...
The internet archive is a thing. They accidentally lost a bunch of guides when they did a server migration 10+ years ago. That's the only way to read them now.
Internet archive keeps getting into hot water over copyrighted content. They have a pending lawsuit or two that might change the way they operate. Actually one went through against them and they are appealing it.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
ooger posted...
However, "the snakes on a plane" board was mysteriously changed to "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle Box", so now all the archived threads make no sense.
That was a change from last year and there aren't any archived messages.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Oh you're right
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
All the weird random shit I know about this site, completely swept away just like that.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Or was that deleted when I wasn't paying attention?
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
I feel like everyone should be doing this now. I plan on it, I will just move them to Neoseeker if they aren't already there.

Luigi_and_Tails posted...
Not uploaded anywhere else, except very old versions. Unsurprisingly, something written as an angry 14-year-old is pig shit compared to something re-written in my early 30s.

I don't want to draw any more attention to the games my guides have been written for, I assume the contribution IDs will probably be enough for some sleuthing. However, I must praise one of the other FAQ writers for this:

Like I said, nothing super popular and I'd assume most folks wouldn't know what the games are. However, the community is pretty close-knit. I don't use discord but maybe at least one person on the relevant subdiscords or whatever would recognise my name.
Most of us were cringy, angry, angsty teens when we wrote these. They still have value though, I know mine don't have alternatives anywhere. You should just re-upload them as-is to another site (Neoseeker is basically the only place I know of). Maybe Allen will start a new spinoff like he implied to someone in his thread and you can put them there later.

Oh and final note I've definitely used your guides before.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
LUE was also the main place where there weren't many rules. Back then you couldn't talk about LGB issues without getting modded unless it was on LUE.

The difference is there was a justifiable reason LUE was locked down, and no other boards were altered at the time.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Idk what fitness AI you're talking about so idk.

Routines I've come up with a few, I did some research and prilactical testing and found that I hate full body gym workouts and I have the easiest time sticking with a push/pull/legs. Me and my dad worked on it together and work out together with some variation. Most important though is doing Benchpress and or barbell shoulder preas/deadlift variations/squats. The rest are filler which we got a lot of from athlean x. Others are exercises we heard elsewhere that are good. Currently I'm trying to lose weight although I have a broken wrist from ninja obstacle course training, I have been walking and hiking a lot. I really enjoy hiking and backpacking. I never really do enough of either.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
No hornyposting
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
ChaosTonyV4 posted...
How can you see margins this big and not be worried? I dont get it, man. If the Supreme Court rules that Presidents are above the law and Trump wins, we are fucked.
It should be noted that it's always been legal for someone in prison to become the president. It's just been ignored because since a prisoner can't campaign and is obviously a bad choice for president it never mattered. Our system is unfortunately heavily slanted towards the rich and powerful being able to do anything, so if Trump goes to prison it isn't going to matter, he's still delectable unless he somehow gets censured or whatever the process is under the 21st amendment, and the Supreme Court hookers already gave him a pass there.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
They should vote to reopen it to older users who missed the signup. Idk how many of us are left though, might not be many. Not that it will matter much once the boards are closed permanently.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Guide posted...
tc specifies online comp
I didn't realize they existed for online.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Some drama is happening
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Community » P4wn4g3
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