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Diceheist posted...
How about just remove the apartheid elements and let everyone within Israel's led territory vote on the country's future? Peacefully and democratically.

i think that would be a wonderful outcome, provided everyone can get along and not kill each other.

the arabs in the occupied territories outnumber the jews in israel proper, so they would likely win any one-state election. i remember when something similar happened in iraq after the shias won, and it led to persecution of religious minorities + sectarian bloodshed/civil war. so my honest questions to you are

  1. what is your plan for stopping Hamas or a Hamas-like party from winning this election, coming to power, and then genociding all the jews.
  2. what is your plan for convincing israel to go along with this and grant suffrage and political freedoms to every palestinian in the occupied territories.
Fenriswolf posted...
Prove it. Are you suggesting that pro-Palestine sentiment is an evil conspiracy by the Chinese on Tiktok and not a reaction towards continued US support of Israel even when they're slaughtering civilians?

i never said that. this is a strawman argument.

ClayGuida posted...
Opinions that ignore reality.

the internet/social media encourages groupthink. it also encourages people to push the most radical positions and disavow all complexity and nuance, because the most radical, black-and-white arguments get the most clicks. i think a lot of people are internet-brained because they've been acculturated to this kind of thing.

israel misses what is right because it is deficient. the protestors miss what is right because they are excessive. true virtue finds and chooses the mean.
i have opinions that are often disagreement with yours
ClayGuida posted...
"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" doesn't say 'controls everything from the river to the sea'.

"from the river to the sea" was a slogan for the PLO since its charter back in the 1960s. it was used in context of eliminating israel and creating an arab state that subsumes the current borders of israel. it was used as a zionist slogan before that in a similar but opposite context.

i think it's overly charitable to read the most benevolent of all motivations into what they're saying.

but i also think clinton is right and most of the protestors don't really understand history very well so maybe you're right idk.
Thanatos_the_Great posted...
That they want Palestine to be free.

great, i would like a free palestine too. but what happens to israel if palestine controls everything from the river to the sea.
Yazarogi posted...
You're wrong about most of the protestors sucking.

when great throngs of people are shouting "from the river to the sea," what are reasonable people supposed to extrapolate about the protestors.

israel exists. it isn't going anywhere. it's not going to be dissolved as a country, nor should it be.

if someone is rooting for hamas to overthrow israel and take over the entire levant from the river to the sea, that's not great, because the first thing hamas would do is turn the table and genocide ten million israeli jews and their muslim collaborators in the arab population.

therefore, either hillary clinton is right and the protestors don't know history, or the protestors really are anti-semitic

there has to be a middle ground between these two radical paths, but as usual anyone who speaks out against the zeitgeist is deemed to be pro-genocide, a secret republican, whatever.
Thanatos_the_Great posted...
I'll bet you used to call anyone who opposed South African apartheid a communist.

i would have called the ones waving hammer-and-sickle flags communists, sure
Doe posted...
Shut the fuck up

no ty
TheFuzz3451 posted...
By virtue of recognizing Israel's actions as genocide, the college students protesting understand the history better than Hillary Clinton, who doesn't.

israel is indeed conducting a genocide and it is evil

lots of those college students are also cheerleaders for hamas/houthis and they're helping trump get elected, which will kill millions of people

most of the protestors suck
i want the game to be more arcadey

GTA-3 style movement


paint and sprays that don't take you to a customization screen, like in earlier games
hillary clinton is 100% correct
AceMos posted...
putting chips in your brain to connect to technology is not actually possible

as our brains ARE NOT COMPUTERS

your brain is a kind of computer and the day will come when this (and other types of mind-machine interface, e.g. full dive VR) are very possible
KimmyGranger posted...
From what I hear, he's a Republican with a small d

it's not, it's actually a very good idea and probably the future of humanity
Ubergeneral3 posted...
after playing SoD and then leveling in the new updated zones, holy crap does everything feel so much better. I don't want to go back to SoD. It takes too long to do anything. Say what you want about the epicness of the old world, all the difficulty in vanilla comes from things being inconvenient and time consuming.
not sure how much you've played the game, but this is a complaint i've heard a lot over the years and i think it really misses the point of what makes an MMO compelling

when the modern WoW developers sanded down all the rough edges from the leveling experience, it had a number of bad effects.

for example, removing group quests reduces cooperation and teamwork. that kind of thing reverberates to other aspects of the game, like bad vibes communicating across a tuning fork. if people don't have group quests, they never dip their toe into the social aspects of the game. they start playing the MMO as a single-player experience. then you get to the point where you can just hit a queue button and auto-find a group, which is even worse.

the cumulative effect of all these things eventually erodes away other really important aspects of the game. the health of guilds in modern retail is really, really bad, precisely because the game is too fucking convenient and there are no rough edges to incentivize guilding.
El_Dustino posted...
We should spend less energy being angry at the liberals and more energy convincing people to vote for Biden even if it sucks because the alternative is so much worse.

a better argument would be that biden doesn't suck and he's actually been a really good president, which is the truth
the correct answer is vanilla

wrath was fun, but it also started a lot of trends that ended up being very bad for the game
DKBananaSlamma posted...
Bruh tl;dw that shit. I ain't watching a 32 minute video >_>

2x playback exists
Kradek posted...
This thread's premise is bad and TC should feel bad.

that is correct

PraetorXyn posted...
Thats like asking for praise for jumping over a 2 inch high bar. Its both correct and incredibly depressing. Its an exemplar of how fucked this country is if this is the best we can do.

so tell me about your dream president. help me understand. if you could have ANYONE in the White House in the world, what would they do? what would their policies look like?
Asherlee10 posted...
Political alignment being a spectrum still doesn't mean there is a "true" anything. The whole concept is a logical fallacy (No True Scotsman). You can only gauge how far left or right someone is, that's it.

seems like you're tripping over this weird nuance of language. i don't know why you're hung up on the word "true."
will there ever be another anime as good as tenchi muyo
Bleuets posted...
Yes, I look forward to election time and I consider it a privilege to be able to vote for the President of our country.
Monopoman posted...
At worst the democrats have similar military policies as republicans but outside that most of them are different especially when you have people like Bernie identifying as a democrat. Yep both parties spend plenty on the military, but outside of that they don't really line up similarly often this is even more true when Trump changed the Republican party into what it is today, where it feels like they are becoming more right wing and more conspiracy theory based.

it seems to me like the democratic party, right now, is in danger of following in the footsteps of the republican party.

the republican party went through a purity crusade too, between 1994 (election of newt gingrich) and 2016 (election of donald trump). during this purity crusade, they forced out all the RINOs (republicans in name only). when all of those voices were shut out, it created a platform for truly malevolent opportunists to take over, like trump.

i'm going to be the "both sides" guy here. it isn't great to attack joe biden for putting out an innocuous statement like "violent protest is bad," which 95% of voters probably agree with. it's really destructive to the palestinian cause and the economic causes of the left if these things get associated with political violence in the minds of voters, fairly or not.
Monopoman posted...
Well that and there is left on different issues, I would argue Obama is farther left on social policies

maybe i'm misunderstanding you, but are you saying obama is farther left on social issues than biden? it's not clear from your post
StealThisSheen posted...

While it's true that spectrums are finite, in that they have ends, spectrums can also change over time, so I'm not sure that actually refutes anything. It feels like you're taking things very literally in order to post dishonestly.

the point is that a lot of Millennials and Zoomers have got this idea in their heads that they're supposed to resent biden because he's not a "true leftist"

and i would like to deconstruct that, because i think it's a bullshit argument that's based on nothing more than memes, vibes, and truism

this topic literally accuses biden of being a republican, even though he's enacted the most progressive economic policy since LBJ. i don't think i'm the one who's being dishonest.
StealThisSheen posted...
There can't be a true "furthest left" and "furthest right" because things change literally every day. This feels like a very dishonest question, and said user already answered it, based on our current system.

well someone else (not me) used the word "spectrum", and a spectrum literally has a furthest left and a furthest right on it, like the visible spectrum

when i hear someone say they want someone who's "truly left", i have to wonder what that means, because it's a very fudgy terminology

like your concept of a politician who's "truly left" might be AOC, but the next poster's concept of a politician who's "truly left" could be like, mao zedong, cultural revolution stuff

so it seems like a pretty bad yard stick that's different for everyone
Asherlee10 posted...
There is no "true" anything in politics. It's a spectrum.

Bernie and AOC might be the furthest left of well-known politicians.

if you believe politics is a left-right spectrum, then there must a furthest right, and there must be a furthest left on that spectrum. a spectrum is just a line.

so what is your ideal "true left"
HylianFox posted...
We often tend to forget that there truly is no "left" in American politics

what's an example of a politician or government you would consider to be "true left"
joe biden has been the most left-wing president in 50 years

has presided over an incredibly pro-worker, pro-labor, pro-employment administration

and has been rewarded for doing so with the bitter economic resentment of every so-called progressive
every single one, i grew up with them, they taught me how to type
it's okay, in a few years it will all come full circle. you will finish pissing off every one of your would-be allies, and the zeitgeist will turn against you. you will destroy everything Bernie worked so hard to build, but you'll still have enough rubble to virtue signal from probably
Aloc posted...
Yeah you're straight up right wing

you guys don't care about winning or governing, all you care about is OTHERIZING everyone who disagrees with you as a "right winger," a "conservative."

all you do is shit on everyone who makes a single compromise. you don't care about policy, you care about virtue signalling how cool and pure you are to other people on the internet.

maybe there's a lot of people who used to be in your corner, who are fucking tired of your shit, and tired of taking your shit. maybe instead of shitting on genocide joe all the time, you should consider you might be pushing people away, which is putting stuff like M4A even further out of reach.

dumb dumb dumb.
Irony posted...
If you're going to do your dumb enlightened centrist bullshit then just go to conservative.

i'm not even a fucking centrist
name_unknown posted...
Dems should really only help Johnson if he brings back the border bill with Ukraine funding.

why not just bring ukraine funding for an up-or-down vote. there was a lot of bad stuff in the border bill.
maybe instead of attacking me as a "right winger," which i'm not, you should ask yourselves what you're doing to drive liberals like me away
ClayGuida posted...
So worried about Ukraine aid today, but not in the last 4 months. Go figure.

what a dumb thing to say
Aloc posted...
Blatant right winger lmao.

no, just a neoliberal shill, "lmao"
UnsteadyOwl posted...
Making a deal with Johnson to get much needed aid for Ukraine is not an endorsement of him or his beliefs.

you and i know it, but that's not how the fucking leftists will see it
ClayGuida posted...
Let Johnson figure it out himself, dems don't need to support him.

ukraine needs help
darkace77450 posted...
Supporting a bigoted, election-denying man who has made it clear he wants an American Christian theocracy isnt the way, guys.

i'm so tired of takes like this. there are thousands of people dying in Ukraine right now, and millions more will die if Russia invades the Baltics. the republicans are going to appoint another bigoted, election-denying man anyway, so why not do something that's badly needed to help Ukraine. again, there are human lives at stake.
texas is very winnable and we should invest lots and lots of money there
luigi33 posted...
Just like the red wave in 2022 according to the polls. And 2016 polls, and all of the special election polls that predicted GOP victories that Dems ended up winning from 2020 -2024, right?

if 2024 is anything like the 2016 polls, we're extra doomed, because the 2016 polls underestimated trump's support
texas is a good investment, we should play there

florida is a good investment if and only if it forces the GOP to waste money investing in ad buys there
unfortunately he's still polling well ahead of joe biden, which means he'll probably be elected president and none of this will matter
dictator putin stages another election after murdering opposition leader in prison
is he still stapling the lights to the ceiling though
vote by mail's not going to make a difference in 2024 sadly. this could also be looked at as a prophylactic measure for the GOP, enabling them to come out swinging against democratic vote by mail ballots: if GOP state judges declare all vbm invalid, and GOP loses net 5% vote share and democrats lose net 10%, GOP comes out ahead.
why do you guys think tiktok's algorithms are pushing so much stuff about palestine to people's feeds, hmmmmmm

zoomers are posting about gaza way more than they ever posted about, say.... republicans banning abortion for millions of people

artsakh got wiped off the map and ethnically cleansed in the last few months and nobody even knows about that. why is that do you think

why do you think the algorithms care so disproportionately much about gaza
tiktok is fucking cancer and it should be banned
Endofall posted...
That is hyperbolic to the extreme. Opium directly caused countless deaths and its effects are still felt centuries later. Most of the harm from TikTok is vague luddite fearmongering blaming problems in society on modern tech that every generation goes through.

every generation has not gone through the chaos and upheaval that social media has caused, and it is questionable whether democracy will even survive it
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