Are we sure Biden isn't a Republican?

Current Events

Monopoman posted...
At worst the democrats have similar military policies as republicans but outside that most of them are different especially when you have people like Bernie identifying as a democrat. Yep both parties spend plenty on the military, but outside of that they don't really line up similarly often this is even more true when Trump changed the Republican party into what it is today, where it feels like they are becoming more right wing and more conspiracy theory based.

it seems to me like the democratic party, right now, is in danger of following in the footsteps of the republican party.

the republican party went through a purity crusade too, between 1994 (election of newt gingrich) and 2016 (election of donald trump). during this purity crusade, they forced out all the RINOs (republicans in name only). when all of those voices were shut out, it created a platform for truly malevolent opportunists to take over, like trump.

i'm going to be the "both sides" guy here. it isn't great to attack joe biden for putting out an innocuous statement like "violent protest is bad," which 95% of voters probably agree with. it's really destructive to the palestinian cause and the economic causes of the left if these things get associated with political violence in the minds of voters, fairly or not.