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Community » MEGAsoldier
BrohammedAli posted...
Maybe consider proofreading in the future?

I can't even
KitKats posted...
Yeah, its really unfortunate when some people just want to make bad faith shit posts and troll a topic rather than engaging the discussion with candid honesty and genuinely express themselves.

It makes a mockery of sexual orientation as well, and generally treats fellow people in the conversation with no regard for courtesy or respect.

It is crazy to me that you think I am not genuinely expressing myself just because some dude named Dungeater has been quoting everything I have said shitting on me for no real apparent reason. I guess it is just easier to act like my points don't exist!
KitKats posted...
I currently am having a hard time believing youre being honest.

Are you honestly telling me you dont find anyone attractive whatsoever unless youve spoken to them about your fetishistic desires, and then you can form a bond of being attracted to them?

Or is this just some mental gymnastics to explain how you think youre legitimately super straight?

This is exactly what I am saying, yes.
Dungeater posted...
why are u guys even entertaining this faceless MEGA person

I am sorry you are taking such offense to me merely describing in a very vague nonhorny way how my sexual preferences work
KitKats posted...
A fetish or kink is not a sexual orientation, I hope you understand.

That is what I am trying to explain to you is that you don't understand how my brain works and that to me it absolutely is. My criteria for whom I attracted to is soley based on how well they can fulfill my weird fetishes and literally nothing else. I didn't ask my brain to be this way but it is what it is.
BrohammedAli posted...
Then youre asexual.

not superstraight.

When I say "not interested in sex" I mean more just the act of having sex, penetration or whatever. My fetishes are absolutely still sexual for me. Is that still "asexual"?
KitKats posted...
Right, which is why if youre attracted to women, you cant logic your way out of finding a (beautiful) trans woman attractive. You might be scared people think youre gay, you can deny it to friends and play stubborn, and even exercise your prerogative to not date trans people. Some people refuse to date others based on skin color, too.

But people who say they only find cis people attractive is not a valid sexual orientation.

What if it has nothing to do with a penis or being "perceived as gay"? What if I am not interested in sex at all but just have a weird set of very particular niche fetishes that only a cis woman is able to fulfill?
KitKats posted...
Whether or not you consent to being intimate with someone is different from attraction and sexual orientation.

To put it more simply, if someone is attracted to women, that does not mean only cis women. Sexual attraction doesnt work that way, and its transphobic to say your sexual orientation is only cis people, or that its not possible to be attracted to someone/anyone solely on the basis because they are trans.

Many people operate on stereotypes or cliches, but trans people actually come in all shapes and sizes, as do cis people. Being attracted to women doesnt automatically mean youre attracted to every cis woman, either. You can be attracted to one woman but not another.

I really can't wrap my head around bolded. You can't just tell people how their sexual attraction works.
TMOG posted...
Still working fine for me.

Firefox, uBlock Origin.

Fuck yeah I've been thinking about this for like the last month
I am finally playing Elden Ring after hearing people talk like this game was the greatest thing to happen to mankind for so long. It is pretty good so far, and that is coming from someone who doesn't like open world games at all.
I have a really good sense of smell. One time at work while we were all sitting in a separate room on our computers I smelled pizza come into the building, and specifically Papa Johns. I told them I am pretty sure there is Papa Johns out there and everyone thought I was absolutely crazy until they walked out into the breakroom and saw 3 boxes of Papa johns.
Heineken14 posted...
Stop dogpiling me brosephus.

ironman2009 posted...
holy shit did i miss a dogpile?

StealThisSheen posted...
Stop dogpiling them.

Before 5 minutes had even elapsed after making my post lmao
Heineken14 posted...
I feel like I'm being gaslighted by this topic for dogpiling on me!

This post is ironically a great example of dog piling. Notice how they have not actually engaged in the discussion of this topic whatsoever, but still decided to randomly shit on the tc with no new information or ideas, even just stating almost the exact same point another user did moments ago.
BrohammedAli posted...
as I lold at OP already, he decided it was a good idea to use the quote feature to take one of my posts, and then edit the content within.

Thats been a moddable violation since the quote feature was established. I wouldnt say it warrants a warning but hey the mod staff disagrees.

Yeah that's fair, that is a fair moderation, completely agreed. If that is soley what he was moderated and warned about, then fair enough. I do completely agree with a quote change moderation. Not a flame/trolling one here like I was lead to believe.
Hypnospace posted...
Ok, reading comprehension clearly isn't your strong suit

You act as if all you're doing is "defending TC a little" when you're doing a lot more than just that, and that post directly contradicts your claim

Hmm, I think maybe the problem if you definition of "defending" a user might be a little warped. My post did not say a single thing personally affirming to TC's claims or opinions in this topic. My post was entirely directed at it being a bullshit moderation that follows the exact themes of other bullshit moderations for other users I have seen in the past. So yes, I do constitute defending the fact that the moderation was bullshit and not actually commenting a single thing what this topic is actually about as a "little defending".

Oh, and of course the group of individuals who mass report.
Hypnospace posted...
This you?

Why do you act as if people magically can't see your dumb posts perpetuating some cringe ass conspiracy theory

??? You think I am trying to act like a post I made less than 2 hours and 30 posts ago doesn't exist? What? That doesn't even make sense.
Hypnospace posted...
What posts itt do you think should be modded and why

Cause chances are the issue both you and MEGAsoldier have is you don't actually understand what constitutes flaming people

Lmao it really is so crazy. I make a post defending TC even a LITTLE and immediately its "This dude didn't read the topic" and "This dude who has been here for 20 years doesn't know what flaming is". Jesus christ
I understand you guys obviously don't agree with him but what did he deserve a moderation for?
Asherlee10 posted...
Did you actually read the the topic?

I sure did!

Cemith posted...
None of these "CE is a dogpiling echo chamber!" guys ever do. They just use the opportunity to martyr

Noticed a lot of posts like this too. Anyone making a post that is even slightly hinting that they side with TC in any way is also just met with immediate shit talking from the usual gangup crew. Good times.

It is pretty common practice on CE to be dogpiled by the same 15 people who will hurl insults at you for 100 posts, and you best believe they have been mass reporting you as well, and then you get a classic CE mod who doesn't actually read the topic, just sees that the usual crew are mad at you before handing you a moderation. Not a whole lot you can do about it.
My chestnuts are fucked but at least I almost have all the butterflies
CountCorvinus posted...
Find the quote that Dudebusters said I said. Not once did I say "anti-white racism is the most common form of racism" or whatever, nor did I deny the existence of institutional racism. In fact, I was the one explaining it. He's full of it and is completely misrepresenting the topic and the responses within.

Dudebroster also came into to a topic i was in recently and just randomly starting claiming I was saying a bunch of shit I never said. When I asked him to find me a single post where I said ANYTHING that he accused me of saying, he just blocked me, so don't get your hopes up here bud.
foreverzero212 posted...
Because TC is not on team renewable energy. They are on team haha found random negative headline about state thats on the other team.

Dang when I read this I thought you were just butthurt bitter at TC about some beef between you two but yeah okay you definitely right fair enough carry on

Humble_Novice posted...
I truly hope more people realize that Texas isn't a very good place to live in.

I knew those 100s of google accounts I made to review bomb would be useful again someday.
NoxObscuras posted...
Reading comprehension my dude. I'm not calling you misogynistic. But the whole "why do all women shit on men so much" rhetoric is usually spouted by the guys that use women hating men as their justification to hate women.

So for you to sit here acting like there are so many women out there that hate on men for no reason, you've got to be consuming social media content that's biased to show how "hateful" women are.

So yeah, go outside and realize that most women don't just blindly hate men for no reason.

This is not true and multiple people have said this isn't true. I don't consume ANY social media and I hear it all the time. I don't think it is super personal 100% and is just used a meme for woman for laughs a lot of the time, but to act like it doesn't exist outside not even social media, but niche social media, is just absurd to me. It is honestly like if someone told me "Huh? Drake never had a rap beef wit anyone, u ok dude? Touch grass" despite that being the only shit I have heard about for the last month.
I don't even use these mainstream social media sites and I have seen this meme a million times, not sure why people acting like it doesn't exist. Hell I literally just overheard a girl at a party bragging that she sent a text saying something like "it's okay, men are trash anyway" to a guy after he ghosted her.
I had a job once where I had to basically cold call people asking how their dog is doing in attempt to sell them shit for that dog despite the fact that I was fully aware that the dog was dead, so yes.
I have been playing Elden Ring, so I thought of the horse

OzNarcissus posted...
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

Wait what
Honestly a plan of lassoing the Sun down to earth to burn all the guns away is more likely to be successful than attempting gun control in America.
rexcrk posted...
Time and a place for your nonsense, dude. Time and a place..

This post is the strangest take in this topic so far tbh
Ctrl+f "trans"
Phrase not found
His show was such ass. I know I didn't do it any favors by going in and expecting Curb Your Enthusiasm, but goddamn what a weird show. It was like...a drama? With a LITTLE humor sprinkled in? Such a strange direction.
I wish someone would make a documentary about reading the topic list for just a sec
ScazarMeltex posted...
Lol, do you really think no one else is working on human/machine interface tech?

Is that what I said? I said I don't "see", meaning nobody has apparently done anything worthwhile enough to itself well known enough to pop up, or maybe just too boring and unrelated to any sort of Sword Art Online advancement for me to remember past a month. Probably just more companies theory crafting for 20 years zzzzzz
I would probably just shame them for referring to it as a "limited diet".
My old workplace made us sit through a powerpoint that was titled something like "what not to do in business" and was basically just 40 minutes of them shittin on the Juicero
BunkerBoy posted...
Isn't that the basis of the modern day Republican party?

Xatrion posted...

Dang topic case and point right there
Wow, the poll results and the responses in this topic being complete opposites, what a surprise
When I was in High School a group of my friends and I were talking about some random korean MMO, and one of my teachers came up to us and started talking to us about Everquest. I don't remember why but we kinda started shitting on her because of it right to her face. Now every time I see it I just think about how bad I feel about shittin on some poor teacher who was trying to relate to her students.
Yea well I don't see anyone else working on brain chips and I want to experience IRL Sword Art Online before I die so I'll take anyone working on anything, Elon or not. Better than nothing.
I have really only used it for video game questions, but so far the Google AI thing has been pretty accurate for me, and I do enjoy not even having to click on a website.
Fenriswolf posted...
LOL you mean Baldur's Gate 3 being one of the most acclaimed and successful game of 2023 and is full of LGBT romances?

To be fair both sides love this game, because while those do all exist, the game also has no issue with the player doing awful things to those characters, and depending on your party will even encourage it. Hell even story wise there are options to lead most of them to absolutely brutal fates. So everyone kinda gets what they want.
FF8 has a pretty big focus on summons. There are quite a few of them and most of them are hidden in some way or require some pretty cool side quests.

That all being said like 95% of them are trash when actually used in a battle, but they also give you stats and passives so still important.
They all line up and Trex pawnch that shit right back into space
A friend's house like 10 years ago. I was very butthurt because it was my first time using an N64 controller and I just could not figure that fucking thing out, leading me to getting my ass whooped in Smash.
I do kind of agree with what they said about the combat movement. I had played quite a few JRPGs as a kid before I got around to playing Trigger, and I remember very vividly spending a long time trying to figure out how to move in battle, and then becoming disappointed when I couldn't. Lunar 2 (1 probably has it too) is a good example of what I was looking for. It is turn based, but attacks are similar in the sense that AOE's are dependent on where your party members are standing on their side of the screen. But the game gives you a movement option where you can basically just use their turn to point and click on a spot for them to move to, while still being entirely a turn based JRPG.
I like Chrono Cross more than Trigger.
This happened to me on Neopets by a admin when I was like 10. It changed me.
Goddamn this topic made me go back and watch the worm scene, calling these characters stupid is an understatement
Community » MEGAsoldier
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