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Hail Hydra
There's a picture that I REALLY want to sure, but I have to size it down due to GFaqs restriction limits.
Hail Hydra
Hail Hydra
I just played pretty extensively for a few hours and had an absolute blast.

In spite of the color palette, the world feel is still very much Pillars through and through.
Hail Hydra
I'm looking forward to it.

With most of the criticisms being levied towards the DEI boogeyman, I'm largely dismissive of them.

Outer Worlds kicked ass and I love the Pillars series.
Hail Hydra
It's good, but keep in mind that Steam still doesn't have a lot of reviews for the game. When I checked this morning, the reviews were still under a thousand total.

It pretty much gets the combat and battlefields right. The tone of the game is in the best place it's been since DW3, but the story is mostly hot sewage. Some folks may enjoy it more than I do, but as usual, it's more Naruto-lite than an actual respectable telling of the Three Kingdoms drama. That said, it's Omega Force's best effort of all the games and you can tell they put their heart and soul into it; Omega Force just sucks at storytelling.

I also miss playing as the characters (Gan Ning, ffs) and can't stand the entire, unnecessary subplot of the OC.

All that said, the game is fun.
Hail Hydra
Stop, you criminal scum!
Hail Hydra
And no, it wasn't a four-way stop. The road I was coming down was a moderate business road. The side Car 2 was coming out of is an apartment complex and the street we were turning into was a neighborhood.
Hail Hydra
captpackrat posted...
If car 1 does not have a stop, they have the right of way.

If it is a 4-way stop, then the vehicle that arrives first has the right of way. If both arrive simultaneously, then the vehicle on the right goes first.
That's what I thought, thank you. I was car 1, and stopped briefly to signal my turn. Then car 2 just started barrelling out and I had to beat him to the turn. Made me question what I know and if I was in the wrong.

Thanks for the responses, y'all.
Hail Hydra
Car 2 was at the stop sign before Car 1 moves into the middle, yellow turn lane. It's a genuine question, because I honestly have no idea.
Hail Hydra
Heihachi death scream
Hail Hydra
"User is not currently an active member."

Huh. Neat.
Hail Hydra
April Fools was months ago.
Hail Hydra
You honestly can't blame yourself for not knowing any better. It just sounds like people took advantage of you, but how were you supposed to know any better?
Hail Hydra
agesboy posted...
Man, I watched this sometime last year and it was the hardest I've laughed in a while.
Hail Hydra
firedoom666 posted...
Yesterday I was surprised when I accidentally microwaved a spider. I don't know if it was on the bottom of my plate or snuck in when I opened the door. But it survived one minute cooking in there, and sprinted out when I opened the door
If we get mutant spiders, I'm coming after you.
Hail Hydra
Mostly text, but I can ignore a phone call.
Hail Hydra
I liked Barstool, but fuck this guy.

Still, I hope it's not serious.
Hail Hydra
Saw that article and threw up in my mouth. I was relatively excited about Veilguard, knowing that DA of old is dead. But if this is their attitude, Bioware can go to hell.
Hail Hydra
I mean, she does look ugly as hell.

This is the first time I'm seeing it.
Hail Hydra
The reveal of Mr. EAD as a guest character for Mario Kart 9, as Nintendo's special way of telling F-Zero fans to "Eat a Dick".
Hail Hydra
Thanks. It looks pretty cool.
Hail Hydra
What game is that?
Hail Hydra
I'm sure he cares a great deal.
Hail Hydra
captpackrat posted...
For those who don't understand the idea of milk in bags, you put the bag into a pitcher then cut off the corners to pour it. It uses a lot less plastic than a jug.
Sounds a lot messier, too.
Hail Hydra
This is the closest I can find.
Hail Hydra
Hail Hydra
I voted Tiger Jackson simply because I never believed I would hear him referenced even once within the past 15 year timespan.
Hail Hydra
This takes me back to the time where I got modded for posting an article about cooking with semen.
Hail Hydra
Hail Hydra
I'll be honest, I never played DA2. I was hesitant prior to release and after release, I couldn't bring myself to try it.

Anyways, I don't hate Inquisition as much as I have the previous times I've tried to play it. The class limitations are still garbage and it really shows that EA has no idea what an RPG is.

But the combat is clicking, despite being so much worse than DA:O.

The game is visibly gorgeous, but the map design is frustrating and the minimap is absolutely the most worthless minimap I've ever dealt with.

Just playing in the Hinterlands, I'm convinced this game might actually have more "content" than BG3. But, boy... This is just yet another game that BG3 makes look bad in retrospect. There's so many worthless collectibles and encounters, and the map is unnecessarily large, not scaled well at all.

The pacing also sucks.

That said... I'm having fun, curved standards and all
Hail Hydra
But is it coming to PC anytime soon?
Hail Hydra
I swear I've started this game 4 or 5 times and end up hating it every single time. The class limitations kill me, but I'm still somewhat interested in the characters and overall world.

Wish me luck
Hail Hydra
I actually found it quoted in another one of my posts lol

I'll just post what I did on the Larian forums.
For me, the lack of variety is a symptom of the larger issue being lack of overall companions in general.

The ones we have are really good and more fleshed out(by nature of the game) than almost any of the companions in the previous two games.

But the trade-off is that there's like a maybe a third of what we're used to having available to choose from.

This is a reason I would've liked to not have origin characters. All their quests are still fully present in Tav/DU's playthrough and in the case of my recent Shadowheart playthrough, I felt hers fell a little flat playing from her perspective.

In my first run with Tav, I was on the edge of my seat wondering what Shadowheart was going to do with the Nightsong, because ultimately all I could do is influence her, but it ended up being her decision to make. Also, she was able to convey how she felt about her Shar worship and how it relates to a lot of the decisions I made throughout our journey.

Whereas when I'm playing Shadowheart, I can't honestly care about Shar or Selune from a personal standpoint, where as a character she's supposed to. When it came time to make the big decision, she just silently stood there in "generic player dialogue animation" and I felt like Homer Simpson looking at a button and going "Let's see what this does!"

Much less impactful than the guilt/curiosity I felt looking from the outside in.

Anyways, long-story short, if we had more companions, we would've had more variety. But the number of companions itself is criminally low for a BG game.
Hail Hydra
I'm trying to see if I can find one of my older posts on the BG3 board about my experience with playing as origin Shadowheart.

But it largely came down to the fact that in her pivotal moment, it had a lot less meaning to me, because I can't possibly care about Shar and the related dilemma in the way that Shadowheart herself does. But when she was my companion and was an agent of her own thoughts and actions, it was more impactful because all I could do was influence her, with the choice ultimately being hers to make.

I equated playing as origin Shadowheart to Homer trying to decide whether or not to press a button.
Hail Hydra
Durge and Tav are distinct characters in-game though.

I agree that it's likely WotC will treat Durge as the canon protagonist in any future media, but you can find him as a separate entity in any given playthrough as Tav.

Because of that, there's literally nothing stopping WotC from treating them separately if they really wanted to.

As far as missing out on the story of the companions, I tend to disagree a bit there, at least with this game moreso than Divinity. Maybe you get some extra flavor text by playing as one of the origin characters, but their stories and respective questlines are still largely intact even with a custom character. What's more is that you lose out on that character's personality by playing them directly.

I remember trying to play as Fane in D:OS2 because people insisted you had to play as him, at least once. I gave it a shot, but it largely turned me off of Origin characters entirely.

And with games like these, "lack of story" is never even remotely an issue at all with a custom character. These games are supposed to be packed with massive, sprawling worlds that encourage exploration and interaction on a level that other genres simply don't provide. There's plenty of story to go around through the various questlines, side quest and main quest alike. And by giving the player a robust character creator, you're then giving them the freedom to infer and implement part of their own handmade story into that same game world. Just because the devs didn't do your character's story for you, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Hail Hydra
I feel like comics were the original micro transaction honestly.
Hail Hydra
Hail Hydra
I like the Durge origin a lot, but I hate when people insist that it's the canon playthrough and makes Tav obsolete. The problem is that when you know enough of Durge's story, it doesn't leave enough blanks for you to fill in yourself when making a character with their own inferred backstory and such.

For Half-Drow, it's up to you, but in my experience when I played as the half-elf subrace, I didn't get any of the Drow dialogue IIRC. That's why I ended up going full-drow and customized him to look Half-Drow-ish.

In any news, I took some more pictures and found ones of my first playthrough.

And some more pics of (one of) my current playthrough with a few better face profiles.

One of the pictures is being uncooperative with Imgur for some reason, so I'm working on that.
Hail Hydra
Feel free to post your own!

I should have some pics from my playthroughs on another computer. I'll see if I can dig those up. ...You'll notice something of a recurring theme among my main playthroughs.
Hail Hydra
Main Tav

Bad Tav

Bad Tav's Musclebound Compadre(Not Robert Downey Jr.)

Good Durge (Don't mind the blood)

Bad Durge (supposed to be half-drow, but I wanted the Drow experience)
Hail Hydra
adjl posted...
When it comes to things like parking across driveways or in bike lanes, I'd be fine with just making it legal to key the car or smash a window. To get even 40% of a cash reward is just icing on the cake.
Yep, amen.
Hail Hydra
It felt kinda in line with the rest of OG DB, but I didn't care too much for it and was sick of General Blue by that point.

General Blue is honestly a MUCH better villain in retrospect, than he was watching the show while it aired as a kid.
Hail Hydra
You mean I get to report inconsiderate assholes and get paid for it? When's the next flight?

It's one thing if people are being petty with this, which I'm sure they will.

But this reminds of one particular fuckwit who parked his full size truck in the middle of a narrow parking lot lane to run into AMSCOT.

I'm all for it.
Hail Hydra
Down with the chicken! DOWN, I say!

Hail Hydra
Episode 4, the videogame one. I appreciate the Easter eggs and all, but eh. I liked Storm's episode quite a bit. I'll miss her punk look though. Probably her best iteration of that fit ever.
Hail Hydra
It's unbelievable how good this show is. Only one "weak" episode in the entire season, as the stakes get higher and higher. And the dialogue is SO good!
Hail Hydra
ParanoidObsessive posted...
Or conversely, Bugs being way cooler than pretty much anyone who isn't Daffy.
Column A, Column B

Bugs is a much, much better character than Sylvester, but again, I stand on my previous notion of "Fuck Tweety".
Hail Hydra
ParanoidObsessive posted...
Have literally never had this issue.

Hail Hydra
I'm in Melbourne too
Hail Hydra
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