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Community » Kami_no_Kami
Its always crazy to me how many gen 3 designs are either shape with face or way too similar to existing Pokemon.

Like this round is just Triangle with face vs circle with face vs circle with face vs not Seel line vs not Shellder/also circle with face vs 2 ugly-ass eels vs Relicanth vs heart with face.

Yes, I know that Voltorb and Magnemite exist.
Not Pat Robinson!
Gaogaigar OP artist for those not in the know.
Okay, but which one was the worst? My moneys on Pinocchio or Mulan. Say what you will of the 1-to-1 remakes, but at least they didnt completely miss the point of the original stories like these 2 stinkers.
Funniest shit Ive ever seen.
GuerrillaSoldier posted...
to be fair, if it was any other season, i wouldn't buy it
Nobody would.

Metroid Prime 4 has a better chance of being there.
Is Jeff Bezos a CEman?
Almost never. Most people in customer service who are dicks have people above them to complain to. Most people who are dicks outside of customer service can either be ignored/avoided or are in a role that would be disadvantageous to be rude to (boss/networking target/etc).
Frosted_Midna posted...
Someone needs to shove a bunch of Skittles down his throat until he is happy. He just sounds miserable!
I dont think hell ever be happy.

So I wholeheartedly agree with this plan.
Volbeat and Illumise always looked really stupid to me, especially Volbeat. There are probably gen 7-9 Pokemon that are worse since 90% of those are differing levels of bad but I dont know those well enough without looking at Bulbapedia.
Kajagogo posted...
lol @ one of the comments.
I was saying Boo-urns
Spinach and green peppers.
rexcrk posted...
Damn, Splinter didnt have to go that hard lmao
I like how he remembers hes supposed to be singing in-character halfway through.
What about Super Straight God Super Saiyan Blue?
Do boots count as shoes?

What about flip flops?

What about those asinine foot-glove things?

Either way, its a yes. Id sell my soul for that amount of money.
Texans: Guns dont kill people. Advertisements for guns kill people.
I mean, the stories are super simple and all of the bad guys have names like Saturday morning cartoon villains, so I can definitely see that.
Gotta go with Godzilla.

This round isnt even fair. Its stacked between meme picks Miltank and Blissey, and all the legendaries.

Anyway, I assume Blaziken will take next round with Mudkipz as a wildcard.
Eh I would play Mega Man 3 too. Honestly, I would play all 6, as theyre all pretty good.
Sounds good, but also sounds like it would destroy my gums.
It continues to be one of my favorite series after all these years. The character dynamics are just too good. Its a crying shame that it ended early, but the anime (without the OVA) picked a good point to end at.
Woah, my 12-year-old will love those!
How often do you suppose astronomers in his universe summon him by mistake?
Hellfire or Poor Unfortunate Souls.
Westernwolf4 posted...
Crackers are a family food. Happy families. Maybe single people eat crackers-we dont know. Frankly, we dont want to know.
So thats it? After 20 years? So long, good luck?
He says something like this whenever he has a new project to promote.
What about Earthworm Jim?
The woodpecker sighs.
I have limited exposure to him personally, but in my experience, he was never that funny. For whatever reason, I never even got into his show, but Id watch the clips that people were freaking out over at the time (Lil Jon, Clayton Bigsby, etc), and it always seemed too overly goofy for me.

I remember watching his stand-up on Comedy Central back in the day too and not being terribly impressed.
Its a ring toss game.
Noted gay icon, Andrew Tate.
What is that calendar?
Goku when?
Always been a big fan of the Hoothoot line.
Shocked that Mew is dominating. I always thought his design was kinda lacking, while Cyndaquil and Typhlosion are 2 of my favorite designs from any gen.
Gonna need to upgrade that Iron Dome to a Lead model, then
Was gonna post Cattleya, but Id probably get modded.
CSCA33 posted...
Potter was discriminated against for not being a "pure-blood" wizard which are the upper class witches and wizards, and muggle-born stole their wands and magic abilities according to the ministry of magic
This went on to affect approximately no part of the story.
What are you all talking about? The Simpsons ended in May of 2000.
Community » Kami_no_Kami
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