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Community » JaKyL25
When theyre sending us their Creepers, theyre not sending their best
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
PeaceFrog posted...
Where will be you go for a pun outlet now?

Just show up in random topics with political pun titles

I said on Discord, if I had to make a topic today, it would be
Trial of the Melania-m
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Is it weird that my first thought is The Wind Waker? I know its probably demonstrably not
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Kenri posted...
Disagree. "We understand that this is a heated issue and want to remind everyone that all discussions should stay civil and respectful" is not a pro-trans stance and it never has been.

Stonewall was as civil as it gets!
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
This is a personal attack on me and my topic series
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Maybe its just my phone but the game is running like shit right now
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Extending the range of a hurricane with a Sharpie is up there
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
skullbone posted...
Yeah I assume he adds 12 random cards to your deck on top of the 12 you already selected. Looks like a pretty silly deck.

None of the other Eternals cards are really leaving an impression on me though.

Darkhawk is back on the menu boys

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Custom Cards can transfer split combinations youve unlocked to any variant of that card, so at least that feature makes sense now
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.

(no not the site formerly known as Twitter)

3D free roaming on a Game Boy is badass
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Angela! Yes!
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Oof, took 4 keys to get Red Hulk (and the random one was a dupe), but I had to have him
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
LightningStrikes posted...
This response is literally the worst thing Israel could have done for its own safety.

Maybe not if they dont intend to leave anyone behind to radicalize

KamikazePotato posted...

Original Text:

Twitter Translation:

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
ChaosTonyV4 posted...
Israel bombed a car with Australian, Irish, Polish, and British aid workers in it

This reads like the start of a dumb ethnic joke

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Forceful_Dragon posted...
Why would anyone even buy a bible in this day and age? Do these people not have phones? There are infinity free apps if you want a bible.

Because Trump told them to
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
What happens if it were to get down to dead even? Would it benefit the Dems to call for another election even if it would be deadlocked?

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Suprak_the_Stud posted...
I know the Onion has done a lot of good stuff, but that worst person you know just made a great point article is truly timeless.

Its kind of incredible how decades of anti-semitism has led the broken clock to be right twice a day
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Its not the emote spamming that was notable

I was just amused that someone spent that much money just to be a dick
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Wow someone actually just spammed the Groot button emote at me
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
I got some generic Star-Lord variant
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
ChaosTonyV4 posted...

Panda Express just opened by me. I bet theres spy drones in the chicken!
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Miek is so much better now. If you are at all a Discard player hes a must have especially as a Series 4

I think the main reason I want to be collection complete is because the meta changes so much and also any random card might get a great buff like that

Like I didnt get Snowguard because she originally was a worst card in the game contender, and now shes playable and I still dont have her
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
I still get Token Tuesday whenever I have enough Gold

What else am I gonna spend Gold on? I only care about progression and being Collection Complete. Never bought a Variant and probably never will.

Bundles you can buy with Gold are increasingly rare and almost never give Tokens at a better rate than Token Tuesday
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Do cards like Apoc, Deadpool, Swarm, Sabertooth that get discarded/destroyed but then a different version comes back to their hand count?

Not that theres any real scenario where youd be using Apocalypse like this
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
That makes sense but I dont like it
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
I just spent Tokens since I dont typically use Keys unless Im also missing another one of the cards

Sadly theres only one upcoming week where that applies (Snowguard) so I might have to start taking risks

Currently missing:

Series 4

Series 5
Cull Obsidian
Jean Grey
Proxima Midnight
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
KommunistKoala posted...
patriot decks. mysterio clones, broodlings, squirrels all make her 0-1 frequently

Mysterio Clones work? I feel like they shouldnt since they function like theyre all cards youre playing that started in your deck.

Unless its not a Mysterio that started in your deck then yeah it should count as 3
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
They just announced a sequel to Pooh, this time featuring Tigger, who was not in the public domain at the time of the first movie but is now
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
I mean, compare it to the other Disk System launch game, SMB2j. Its ambitious! Kind of funny that Miyamoto completely outshone the sequel to his masterpiece
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
UF8 posted...
some excellent calls here, agree with ones like recca, little samson or lagrange point+joy mech fight for sure, and sunsoft stuff like gimmick (and to a slightly lesser degree journey to silius and hebereke) is very impressive in its own right too. the ones i have to also throw in the ring are these

(metal slader glory is kind of the best of these three, but considering the nishimura kyoutarou game (the 2nd link) and jesus were before 1990 i think they're worth talking about too)

recent stuff like 8bit steins gate or that one joke game from koshiro (both of which i think are legit runnable on hardware) are cool too

i hope og gameboy is next (and separate from gbc just so i have an excuse to pick something specific if perhaps predictable)

I already have a pick for Game Boy
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
WazzupGenius00 posted...
I typed all that and completely missed that Jakyl had already said the exact same thing

to actually add something to the thread: this Sesame Street game is impressive for the amount and quality of voice samples it uses. Way less fuzziness than something like Double Dribble or Cowabunga

Its good information to spread! Its why they briefly thought it was time to move on to the Famicom Disk System for extra power and the ability to save game states, before quickly realizing that no, cartridges with enhanced chips and battery-backed saves were in fact superior

One of the very few times gaming companies ever aborted a platform and reverted to the last generation of hardware, although funnily enough Nintendo would do it again with the Virtual Boy and the Game Boy

The only other example of this I can think of off the top of my head is Atari aborting the 4800 and reverting to the 2600

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Cozy had these 2
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Super Mario Bros is extremely technically impressive. Its the max use of the native hardware; everything more advanced than SMB uses chips with extra power in the cartridges

Not the actual winner for this category but still very notable
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
LordoftheMorons posted...

Hey he was on a season of WWE reality show Tough Enough, and IIRC he was one of the ones WWE wanted to win (he did not win)
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Theres a reading of that as I have to vote for Trump so he is placated running the current government and doesnt feel the need to overthrow the entire thing lol
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Reproductive rights has finally bumped Climate Change as my top issue
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Hope with a High Evo deck seems like her best home for now

I really think theres gonna be a great Surfer deck with her too, but High Evo is just such an easy way to get huge power with her I cant be bothered to experiment right now
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
As for Mockingbird, I think she needs to be 10 power so theres at least some counter to her.
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
FFDragon posted...
Assuming you draw and play her by 3, you're not getting any extra energy until turn 5.

I'll be happy to be proven wrong, but I think mockingbird is the star of this month and everything else is mid. (Okay war machine will find a way to be cracked too prob)

How would War Machine NOT be OP? Giving every card the Jeff treatment is amazing, Jeff himself is already OP!

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
I think someone will crack it and figure out the right mix of costs and card draw

PIxie works so well with the new Adam Warlock for example
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Its ironic that Hope and Pixie are released at the same, with kinda opposite methods of cheating out power

Theyll obviously still work great with each other but neither makes the other one better
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Pixie is gonna completely balance the game by making every match random, huzzah
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Why is the Oompa Loompa meth lab on fire
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Fun fact: Suikoden IV does 480p with Component Cables, but Suikoden V doesnt

But probably the best way to play 1-4 is from the PS Store on PS3 if that is still operational. Is it?
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Menji posted...
Realo's pretty big on TikTok.

Please tell me its not Alpha/Beta content
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Community » JaKyL25