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Probably only going to play if any DA1/2 characters make an appearance.

Getting a feeling it's going to end up like my DAI experience: buying it on sale for $5 and still being disappointed.
NoSite4OldCEmen posted...
Did Grace actually do anything?
I guess she helps wrangle the crew together, helps Bruce Willis to accept Ben Affleck's character, and provides a bit of the impetus to sabotage the remote detonation of the nuke.
bfslick50 posted...
Wasnt Chick doing it to regain respect in his kids eyes? Michael Clarke Duncan was the thrill seeker.
Poster isn't exactly accurate anyway.. They're all doing it because Bruce Willis's character asked them to save them planet and they said yes.
Watched it last week.

It's my favorite move.
Open a brokerage account with a reputable company (i.e Vanguard, Charles Schwab, etc). Its no more difficult than opening a bank account. I dont think any of the big companies charge for transactions or having an account anymore but check to be sure you arent being charged service fees for anything.

Add money to said account from your bank account.

Invest in whatever. If you have zero interest in doing research in to what to buy, just buy a reputable etf like VOO or something. An etf is a fund that is comprised of a collection of various stocks so if one tanks your risk is mitigated. If you really dont want to bother with it at all you can set up an automated schedule of purchases.

I like cruises primarily because its the easiest way to book a vacation for a large group. Dont have to worry about separate dining, hotel or entertainment bookings; just a one stop shop.
AIPAC has a pretty massive warchest to drop on whoever supports their views, so it is not exactly surprising.
Well, at least theyre being honest about it now.
I don't think it's "declining" but I think I am no longer the target audience for most of the stuff coming out nowadays.
I started with 0 and I felt that was kind of a mistake because everything that came after it is pretty bad in comparison.
Entirely depends if the guy who died is the prankster or the prankee or a random third person
Did you not have them quote a project like this?

Please tell me you're not having him work on time & material.
It'd be less bad, but still pretty bad
coyot posted...
what was his last good film? Honey boy? seems even cornier after FKA Twigs (also stars) accused him of abuse.

still might watch because alcoholism is such a taboo topic in film. I need the therapy :|
I thought he was great in Peanut Butter Falcon
I'm being a boomer but I honestly don't understand the popularity behind these semi-mobile devices.

Only situation I could see it having a purpose is when you're traveling and you don't want to bring a full size console but that seems terribly overspecialized.
Were_Wyrm posted...
How does this help the guy? The strip mall only allows Subway-style sandwiches, and the judge ruled it's a "Mexican-style" sandwich. Still doesn't meet the criteria....

that specifically serve made-to-order or Subway-style
I dont think anything would be worse than working in a slaughterhouse.
Back in the day, I only played them because of a lack of better options. Now that I have them I have no interest in the genre.
It's the employee's job to bring in business.

Otherwise they're just sitting at a desk twiddling their thumbs.
Jeff_AKA_Snoopy posted...
Too much or not enough?

As a Canucks fan I could have seen that being 2 games. Glad it wasn't more than one.
I don't think it should have been a suspension given the extracurriculars that happened before it. And if hitting the head is what triggers a suspension, why isn't Hyman getting one for going for the head about two seconds after this?
Yeah, I don't agree with that suspension.
Oh boy, time to cancel the protests everybody, they only killed 8000 kids, that makes everything okay now.
I'm currently watching it and am enjoying it.

I expected a show where two bros travel across the country fighting supernatural stuff and that's pretty much what it is.
I don't even know what a top of the line credit is or looks like.
DarthAragorn posted...
He was clearly trying to imply that the rich still pay more taxes by dollar amount ignoring that the percentages are pathetic
He's right though in the context of the article. The topic title is just not worded particularly well.
This is probably more due to a lack of options in the truck category versus a bajillion different options in the car category.
Sequel trilogy was so bad I stopped caring about Star Wars at all.

I cant think of movie(s) that stopped making me a fan of the franchise and took away my enjoyment from previous titles but there you go.
BewmHedshot posted...
Way to buy into Republican propaganda.
Curious what you're taking exception to. Is social security not running out of money? Why are we in this topic if the fund isn't going insolvent?
The_Popo posted...
This shit is inexcusable. If you need money to pay for other programs or divisions of the government, raise taxes. Dont keep dipping into the cookie jar until its empty.
The program itself isn't sustainable. Nobody was taking money away from social security, it's just that the demographics and math from when the program was set up close to a century ago don't work today.

Garioshi posted...
Remove the cap on SS taxable income and we'll never have to worry about it ever again
Only buys ~25 years and we're back in the same situation again.
Bio1590 posted...
Leafs finally winning a Game 7 against Boston only to have Florida absolutely railroad them again is objectively the funnier outcome.
I dunno, keeping Torontos Round 1 failure streak alive is pretty funny to me.
Worst game I've ever played was some freeware fan Mortal Kombat game slapped together in the mid-90s that wasn't entirely functional.

Worst game that I've played to completion is Dragon Age Inquisition
I doubt it, why would they Streisand effect a few whistleblowers when there are already loads of other whistleblowers still out there testifying.

The first whistleblower who died had been screaming bloody murder for over five years, they ain't getting the horse back in the stable.
ClayGuida posted...
"Urge the Department of Education to codify criticism of Israel as unlawful antisemitism"
ModernPost posted...
One of the best games ever made.

Waxitron_Gazer posted...
the first time i rode in a tesla, the uber driver picking me up had to get out of the car to show me how to open the damn door.

embarrassing and also just really bad fuckin design.

amongst all the other issues they have.

anyways that's my blogfaqs.
That pretty much sums up my experience when a relative picked me up one time.

Then I couldnt figure out how to exit the car.
Well, at least they caught him.
evilpresident posted...
They still got the Adepta Sororitas keyword as far as I know.
Thats just for list building.

Itd be like saying Space Marines can be female because the servitors you can take that have the Space Marine keyword could theoretically be female.

Or Sslyth mercenaries are actually Dark Eldar because they have Dark Eldar keyword.

Or a trench dug into the ground is actually part of the Imperial Guard because it has the Imperial Guard keyword.
evilpresident posted...
The Arco-Flagellants, Pentitent Engines, Missionaries, Crusaders and Preachers.

Though how willing the Flagellants abd Engines are is up for debate.
They arent Sisters though, they just happen to appear in the army list for the Sisters.

Same with Imperial Navy personnel appearing in the Imperial Guard list, or servitors appearing in any Imperial list.
How would you feel if someone did it to you?
Government regulations affect smaller businesses too.
GeneralKenobi85 posted...
Are people genuinely that outraged about this though? Games Workshop does something that draws criticism like every other day. The people making youtube videos about it are going to make videos about all of those things because that's what get them views.

I do get that there might be some valid criticism about this specifically, but I honestly just don't see why anyone would care. 40k is such an old and bloated franchise that you can pick out millions of things to be bothered by.
I would imagine some custodes players would be bothered by their lore being changed, but honestly since Im not a custodes player nor do I know of any custodes players its not a big deal to me.

Everyone who plays a specific faction is going to be a bit angry when something about what they played gets changed. Primaris and muh spiritual liege were the big ones for SM, the Necrons overhaul changing the lore from killer robots with space gods to Tomb Kings in Spaaaace with pokemon gods, squats being turned into a faction

Its just a case of they changed it, now it sucks, but now its a more visible issue because politics are involved.
The primaris dreadnoughts treating honored veteran warriors into disposable batteries is what killed me. I think the model itself looks okay.

I figured my manlet marines went off on a penitent crusade and didnt come back which I suppose is a fitting end.
evilpresident posted...
What army do you play? My main issue with the Primaris stuff is how streamlined all the Space Marine factions are now. Death Company for Blood Angels, Grey Hunters for Space Wolves and so on. They all just look the same.

I dabble in a lot of different armies (Guard, Admech, Orks) but I stopped playing my marines after the Primaris thing. I just didnt like how they handled it lorewise at all. The real kick in the nuts was when they started converting firstborn marines into Primaris, I just couldnt take it anymore.

Killing off the dreadnought was the final nail in the coffin for me for playing space marines.

Being reminded of all this again has put me in an incoherent rage.
ssjevot posted...
It's funny this is the retcon people are up in arms about and not Primarus. You know the one designed to make your thousands of dollars of Space Marines obsolete so you have to buy new ones. They keep slowly discontinuing the old "first born" and it seems to be having a slowly boiling the frog effect since even though it's obvious what is happening I rarely see any outrage.
People were absolutely seething in rage at the Primaris reveal.

Im still seething over it. I hadnt even gotten over the Spiritual Liege fiasco.

If this was my first work and I got famous because of it, yeah, Id bring them back if thats what the fans want.
I cant be the only one just waiting for the whole thing to be completed in order to play it.
Steffenfield posted...
So who loses all of the money?

The trading firm that accepted the stock loan in good faith?
The person who loses the money (or rather the value of their investment goes down) is whoever bought the stock that you sold and the stock price subsequently craters.
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