[VGMC] IT BEGINS! Jump Up Super Star/Beneath the Mask, Terra/Battle v True Hero

Board 8

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Board 8 » [VGMC] IT BEGINS! Jump Up Super Star/Beneath the Mask, Terra/Battle v True Hero
What's the best part of VGMC?

Day 1 of Video Game Music Contest XII has finally arrived! We've endured nominations, suffered the waiting period of bracket-making, and 128 songs are finally delivered on your doorstep, ready for voting. Today's first matches include Mario, Final Fantasy, Persona, and Undertale. If that doesn't get you excited...then I'll go look for some Ace Attorney songs. I guess. But in the meanwhile, please come vote on these!

Bracket - http://www.bracketmaker.com/tlist.cfm?tid=469506
Contest info - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lzzbpDP2whgvOTN2XHETfWg79IyPs01jdwIQu_L2C7k/
Discussion and results thread - https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/8-gamefaqs-contests/76419785
Main bracket playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW9O9mntH1RFBXCwz0vAKZg8V0rnrKHsE
Side bracket playlist - pending

- Listen to both of the songs. Links have conveniently been provided for both songs. Even if Song A is your favorite of all-time and Song B is from a series you hate... Listen. To. Both. (If I have suspicions you are not doing this, or your vote is based on something other than your song preference, your vote will be disqualified.)
- Obvious contest rules apply (no alts, one vote per person, no rallying, etc.).
- Please make your voting options clear, rather than burying them in text.
- Each set of matches lasts 24 hours, even if the new one isnt up by then.
- Always vote on the versions of the song provided, not versions from different sources.
- If you know ahead of time that you're not going to be around and you want to vote in advance, post your choices in the discussion/bracket topic.
- Please do NOT post tallies/score updates in the middle of the match, as this has a tendency to directly influence matches.
- You don't have to vote in all the matches, but it'd be cool if you did!

Match #1:

Super Mario Odyssey - Jump Up, Super Star

Persona 5 - Beneath the Mask

Match #2:

Final Fantasy VI - Terra

Undertale - Battle Against a True Hero

Side bracket (what should we call this?):

Final Fantasy Type 0 - Zero

Soul Edge - A Continental Gale

Easy vote form:
Jump Up, Super Star / Beneath the Mask
Terra / Battle Against a True Hero
Zero / A Continental Gale
Video Game Music Contest 12: Now in progress!
Beneath the Mask
Beneath the Mask
Battle Against a True Hero

will listen to the side bracket songs later
Archive of my and others' playthrough/ranking topics, fanfiction recs, etc:
Beneath the Mask - I don't like either of these songs very much. JUSS is great in context, but on its own? Bleh. BtM also works better in context for creating a neat melancholy atmosphere, but still isn't the best.

Terra - Oh, Terra. Why do you keep getting into contests and doing so poorly? I wish one or the other would stop. At least it got a winnable fourpack, lol. I like the beginning of BAATH quite a bit, but it's not as strong after that. Not really one of the top tier Undertale Songs.

A Continental Gale - Thought the song was Type Zero at first, which is much better. Maybe the nominator accidentally nominated Zero instead of Type Zero? An easy enough mistake to make. Anyway, Zero manages to be the worst song today. A Continental Gale has all these separate parts that feel like they're taken from different soundtracks (that one part is straight outta Eva), but those parts are good at least.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Final Fantasy Type 0 - Zero
This was not the best year for my bracket.
Congrats to BK_Sheikah00 for winning the BYIG Guru Contest!
Beneath the Mask
Battle Against a True Hero

A Continental Gale
Hey man, LlamaGuy did encrypt the passwords.
With what? ROT-13? -CJayC
Jump Up, Super Star
Battle Against a True Hero

Man, Jump Up Super Star really gets my blood pumping! It helps that I love that sort-of big band style. The references inside the song give it a nice flourish to those of us who have followed Mario throughout the years. Meanwhile, Beneath the Mask is good but still one of the weaker tracks from P5. It's great as BGM, but that's really its only purpose. If the purpose was to make a "chill" song from P5, When Mother Was There is probably a better choice.

Battle Against a True Hero was one of the songs I was the first nom for, and there's a good reason. It feels as epic as the battle it plays in without trying too hard. I love the build from the solo piano into the frantic pace of the bassline in the heat of combat while the melody retains that legato smoothness. Then, toward the end of the loop, man the ZUNpets hit home for a Touhou fan like me. It's just great. Terra's plenty good too! Nothing wrong with it at all, and it's a respectable contender. It just doesn't blow me away like True Hero.

For side bracket, A Continental Gale is discount Guilty Gear... but I do like GG a lot. Still, the vocal in Zero is just soothing to the ears, though I have no idea wtf is happening in the first five seconds.
E come vivo? Vivo!
Beneath the Mask
Battle Against a True Hero
Zero (I liked Gale a lot, though. I'll probably throw it a nom next time.)
Our eyes were removed
For our own safety
Jump Up Super Star
Battle Against A True Hero
A Continental Gale

First match is kinda close, but I love JUSS way too much not to pick it over Beneath The Mask's chill vibes. The other matches are...not that close. At all. I don't remember a thing about Zero thirty seconds after being done with it, and Terra is kinda there too. Easy matches today aside from the first one.
Shine on, you crazy diamond.
Beneath the Mask
Battle Against a True Hero
Persona 5 - Beneath the Mask
Final Fantasy VI - Terra
Soul Edge - A Continental Gale

Great start to the contest, I don't dislike any of these tracks.

Yeah I like the side bracket this year, maybe we should call it "User's Bracket"? Or "Nominators Bracket"?
Congrats to BKSheikah, winner of the BYIG Guru Contest!
Jump Up, Super Star
Battle Against a True Hero
A Continental Gale

Really liked Beneath the Mask, but Jump Up, Super Star is easily a top 20 VGM for me.
Glaze on the layers of the atmosphere, white stardust sprinkles on a fine parfait.
I'll take your hand and you can take me here, up to the Satellite Cafe.
Beneath the Mask

Man I totally forgot about Zero. Really great song. Strongest of the day probably, though Terra gives it a run for it's money. The world needs more cheesy male singer+acoustic guitar ballads like this. In other news, first match is pretty solid. Neither is truly a standout but I like both well enough. Ended up going with Beneath the Mask because the mood it sets in game is really good. Battle Against a True Hero is ok but one of the weaker Undertale tracks. I just think that style of music is boring idk. In the side bracket I already mentioned Zero, but A Continental Gale is low-key pretty good also and I wish it got enough votes to be in the main contest. Side bracket definitely the strongest match today for me, though I think all the songs are at least solid.

Zero > Terra > A Continental Gale > Beneath the Mask > Jump Up Super Star > Battle Against a True Hero
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00 , this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
Also as for the poll I honestly just like listening to music. That's the main reason I'm involved in this, the contest itself is almost secondary for me. I guess I'll go with the early matches though since my favorites are still in at that point, and it's not like nominations when you have the stress of having to listen to EVERYTHING.
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00 , this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
Beneath the Mask
Battle Against a True Hero
A Continental Gale

Two pretty close matches. Side bracket match was a bit easier (though I did also like Zero). Side > 1 > 2
Oh I just realized I searched for a Youtube link for the side bracket and found the wrong version of the song (which may be evident in my comments).

I will clarify that I listened to the actual song now and my vote remains unchanged. This song is a bit worse but not by much.

My bad.
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00 , this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
Super Mario Odyssey - Jump Up, Super Star
Undertale - Battle Against a True Hero

Soul Edge - A Continental Gale
Thus is our treaty written, thus is our agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades. What was asked is given; the price is paid.
A friend of mine who says she'll be posting on later days as soon as GFaqs gives her account clearance is voting as folows:

Name: MargaretAnnMid
Video Game Music Contest 12: Now in progress!
Jump Up, Super Star
Battle Against a True Hero
A Continental Gale

Close second match

Today's side bracket tracks are pretty neat!
Jump Up, Super Star - Not a big fan of either song. Beneath the Mask doesn't do much to stand out from similar previous Persona songs, and overall is a lot duller than them anyway. Jump Up, Super Star is at least unique, and I do admit it's pretty fun even if I don't necessarily like it, so I gotta give the point to it.

Battle Against a True Hero - One of the only Undertale songs I believe deserves all of the praise it gets. Terra is an absolutely amazing song as well, but I'm a sucker for high-energy songs as opposed to softer ones, and Terra unfortunately just reminds me of other songs that do its job better.... even in the same game (thanks, Searching for Friends...)

Zero - HOT. DAMN. THIS SONG. I'm normally not that crazy for Bump of Chicken, but this got to me the first time I played Type-0. I'm an especially big fan of the reprise of the Final Fantasy main theme that happens in the in-game version that didn't make it to any soundtrack... which is different from the version linked (actually I don't know if any links exist... not sure) but that's alright. A Continental Gale is a pretty good song as well despite being something I normally wouldn't be a fan of. That part at 0:48 is especially hot, and after that it stays pretty hot but it can't edge out Zero.
Super Mario Odyssey - Jump Up, Super Star
Final Fantasy VI - Terra
Final Fantasy Type 0 - Zero
insert something about BKSheikah here
Persona 5 - Beneath the Mask
Undertale - Battle Against a True Hero
Final Fantasy Type 0 - Zero

Beneath the Mask -Rain- is the superior version, IMO. In its absence, I think Battle Against a True Hero is my favorite of these six.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
oh right

azuarc posted...
Side bracket (what should we call this?):

Auto-Include Bracket

no need to get fancy here
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
Jump Up, Super Star
Battle Against a True Hero
Match 1. Beneath the Mask .

I'm not really digging Jump Up Super Star. It's not bad, but Beneath the Mask is so chill and relaxed. It's so good.

Match 2. Battle Against a True Hero .

Terra just isn't doing it for me. Battle Against a True Hero though? Song is hype and really gets you going.

Side Bracket. A Continental Gale .

Neither song here was really doing much for me, but A Continental Gale is better sounding, got a kind of cool sound about it.
Jump Up, Super Star
Battle Against a True Hero
A Continental Gale
After all, we are in The current times.
Post #27 was unavailable or deleted.
Post #28 was unavailable or deleted.
beneath the mask
terra's theme

second match v good
Persona 5 - Beneath the Mask
Final Fantasy VI - Terra
Soul Edge - A Continental Gale
Super Mario Odyssey - Jump Up, Super Star
Final Fantasy VI - Terra
Soul Edge - A Continental Gale
Long live Saint Seiya!!
Beneath the Mask
A Continental Gale
Beneath the Mask
Battle Against a True Hero
A Continental Gale
The Iron BKSheikah break your bracket and make you humble!
Jump Up, Super Star
Battle Against a True Hero
A Continental Gale

Neither song in the first match really does it for me, but BtM is especially boring so I'll give it to the swing tune.
Battle Against a True Hero is a pretty good Touhou song. Terra is Terra.
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
Jump Up, Super Star
This signature won't change until Chrono Trigger gets a re-release on a modern Nintendo console.
Beneath the Mask
Jump Up, Super Star
Battle Against a True Hero
A Continental Gale
Jump Up, Super Star
Optimism is the first step to disappointment.
R.I.P. signature ASCII
Jump Up, Super Star
Video Game Music Contest 12: Now in progress!
Jump Up, Super Star
Battle Against a True Hero
A Continental Gale
Beneath the Mask
A Continental Gate

Day 1 and I'm already voting against my "favorites" bracket gj me >_>
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
Video Game Music Contest 12: Now in progress!
Jump Up
True Hero
KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
Persona 5 - Beneath the Mask
Undertale - Battle Against a True Hero

Soul Edge - A Continental Gale

thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -transience
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
Jump Up, Super Star
Battle Against a True Hero

JUSS really gets you pumped up, and has kind of an air of nostalgia. Beneath the Mask, though, is pretty plain, tbh.

Terra is that classic song I like to play in flute, but doesn't have much else to offer. BAATH is quite the song, though.

The third match is so close that it's pretty hard for me to call it, but I'd go with Zero (listening to the voice of a young man that sounds like it's in his teens is kind of soothing...). I'm not a fan of the orchestra in ACG, though.

Battle Against A True Hero > Jump Up, Super Star > Terra > Zero > A Continental Gale > Beneath the Mask
Here lies the sig of BK_Sheikah00 , who swore fealty to the Gurus of Board 8.
Beneath the Mask
Battle Against a True Hero
There's always hope for better things in life. But you can't let anything, friend, lover,God himself,be your hope. You have to be your own hope
A masked gale -- it strikes
Zero terra firma left
True hero jumps up
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
A Continental Gale

JUSS and BtM are better for different moods. I'm much more familiar with JUSS but BtM is good too.
Currently Playing : Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (NS)
Jump Up, Super Star
"Total sentence imposed is ten [years in the state prison]"
- Lyrics of "Knight of Fire" boss theme in Xenogears
Board 8 » [VGMC] IT BEGINS! Jump Up Super Star/Beneath the Mask, Terra/Battle v True Hero
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