Better Will Smith role: Men in Black or Independence Day

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Current Events » Better Will Smith role: Men in Black or Independence Day
MiB, independence day is mid
My fate was the grandest, most brilliant of them all.
ID was a better fit for Smith as an actor but MiB is the better movie.
"History Is Much Like An Endless Waltz. The Three Beats Of War, Peace And Revolution Continue On Forever." - Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
If we're talking exclusively Will, then MiB.

ID was more of an ensemble thing.
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I feel like he put more of himself into MiB, whereas the main character in ID4 could have been anyone
Sack to crack, going to town
I enjoyed ID4 more, but he was better in MiB.
You gotta laugh. That is the one thing at the end of your life you will not wish you did less of.
He had a more central role in MiB.
Buffalo Bills
They are equally adequate
Why be stupid? Does it make you happy to be stupid?
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Easily MiB. The only thing really memorable about his Independence Day role was a bunch of people thinking he mispronounced Earth when he didn't.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
Current Events » Better Will Smith role: Men in Black or Independence Day