Dragon Age: The Veilguard sneak preview of gameplay reveal

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Current Events » Dragon Age: The Veilguard sneak preview of gameplay reveal

R.I.P. SaikyoMog! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-seAIeu3Og
"You know, there are certain flaws in this film," Tom Servo
Apparently it's getting a lot of hate and I never played Dragon Age before, but can someone explain why?
Prestoff posted...
Apparently it's getting a lot of hate and I never played Dragon Age before, but can someone explain why?
It's stylistically even more of a departure from what people want. Dragon age has always had a bit of an identity crisis, so it's not surprising .
Prestoff posted...
Apparently it's getting a lot of hate and I never played Dragon Age before, but can someone explain why?
Gamers are fractious babies.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Prestoff posted...
Apparently it's getting a lot of hate and I never played Dragon Age before, but can someone explain why?
They did a cinematic trailer with Varric being the exact same person he's been for like twenty years and they called it a Marvel quip-fest.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
Hopefully the gameplay demo is good, but the cinematic trailer released the other day did have a cartoon like Fortnite vibe that was a huge departure from past Dragon Age games.
Prestoff posted...
Apparently it's getting a lot of hate and I never played Dragon Age before, but can someone explain why?

The initial trailer got a lot of hate for not looking anything like the other games graphically or tonally, though there's the caveat that the series evidently has never been good with first trailers looking like the games they're representing. After seeing this gameplay sneak peek, I get the feeling this game didn't buck that trend, and if that's true, I imagine most of the people who were worried about the game will turn around after we see more tomorrow. I'm definitely feeling more hopeful, at least.
You haven't set a signature for the message boards yet
Lazy_Haar posted...
The initial trailer got a lot of hate for not looking anything like the other games graphically or tonally, though there's the caveat that the series evidently has never been good with first trailers looking like the games they're representing. After seeing this gameplay sneak peek, I get the feeling this game didn't buck that trend, and if that's true, I imagine most of the people who were worried about the game will turn around after we see more tomorrow. I'm definitely feeling more hopeful, at least.
Yeah, it's been a thing for all of them. People were divided in the shift for 2, and inquisition had people hoping it was more like origins. They've unfortunately never been good with trailers.
Afternoon bump
R.I.P. SaikyoMog! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-seAIeu3Og
"You know, there are certain flaws in this film," Tom Servo
Prestoff posted...
Apparently it's getting a lot of hate and I never played Dragon Age before, but can someone explain why?

The trailer was garbage and probably one of the worst trailers of all time. The short gameplay clip they showed looks way better than the trailer.
We all live in a Yellow SUV! a Yellow SUV!
people whined about a cinematic trailer even though the characters have been snarky with each other since the first game
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
thronedfire2 posted...
people whined about a cinematic trailer even though the characters have been snarky with each other since the first game
Yeah bro but it's cool to hate that now.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
Almost showtime
R.I.P. SaikyoMog! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-seAIeu3Og
"You know, there are certain flaws in this film," Tom Servo
thronedfire2 posted...
people whined about a cinematic trailer even though the characters have been snarky with each other since the first game

The cinematic trailer reminded me of a heist film like Ocean's Eleven. The gameplay sneak looked much better.
Face it Cloud is a gaming icon and has appered in lots of games while mario has only appeared in 2 games sunshine and 64 ~xSlashbomBx
R.I.P. SaikyoMog! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-seAIeu3Og
"You know, there are certain flaws in this film," Tom Servo
This looks like a game for sure.

RIP Dragon Age
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u223/chocolateFRESH/arts/kraid.png - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
Yeah this looks mediocre as shit. I would say this isn't Dragon Age but it appears Origins is the anomaly of actually being a quality product and the rest are not.
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u223/chocolateFRESH/arts/kraid.png - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
Looks a lot like Inquisition which was pretty good so I'll be cautiously optimistic still.
So is it basically like inquisition but more linear?
Combat bringing some Amalur vibes.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Who thought this would be a good gameplay demo? It is showing absolutely nothing. They should have shown some later gameplay stuff with tactics and other character abilities.

This is absolutely pointless to watch. It is so painfully generic. Mindless button mashing.
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u223/chocolateFRESH/arts/kraid.png - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
It's not grabbing me but it's not bad. Just seems like another run of the mill action rpg and there's already a lot of them.

Also they could have shown more than just a level 1 character with 1 ability. Show me more what I can get later.
Wrestling fans are the worst thing about being a wrestling fan.
Darn, I was hoping they'd go back to origins' combat system lol.
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
Z490 | i9-10900K | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32GB DDR4 3600 | 4TB SSD
NoxObscuras posted...
Darn, I was hoping they'd go back to origins' combat system lol.

I think at this point it is clear Origins is going to be the only one like that, the rest absolutely are chasing action RPG styles.
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u223/chocolateFRESH/arts/kraid.png - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
Post #25 was unavailable or deleted.
I'll never understand people thinking this was going to be like Origins, they were moving away from that over a decade ago.

This looks remarkably solid IMO.
mobilebloechel posted...
I hope it all takes place in the Fade

NoxObscuras posted...
Darn, I was hoping they'd go back to origins' combat system lol.

Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Murphiroth posted...
I'll never understand people thinking this was going to be like Origins, they were moving away from that over a decade ago.

This looks remarkably solid IMO.
It was more of a small hope that they'd go back to it. I have that hope with each new release lol
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
Z490 | i9-10900K | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32GB DDR4 3600 | 4TB SSD
They just released the gameplay reveal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTNwHShylIg

Game overall looks good. A tad bit more cartoony than Inquisition, but still fine. Tone seems fine so far. Battle seems to have embraced action and Im fine with that since Inquisition was kinda held back by this.
Now my main doubt is if we actually get good and evil choices, cause Bioware has been trending towards making goodie two shoes characters that only want to help.
Def isnt as bad as i thought it would be. Reminded me of kingdoms of amalur, which has good combat but lacking enemy variety and boring quests
http://i.imgtc.com/iJyp6bF.png http://i.imgtc.com/ZBw36Qh.png
Thanks for the peeps that made the pics <3 if i make typos it means i am on phone
Wow that was some riveting LMB spam and Arkham auto-targeting and dodging...
Well I'm a big fan of the series and prefer the dragon age universe over mass effects but yeesh this game does not resemble the past games at all.

The trailer had some some red flags but you can forgive it for being a cinematic teaser. This gameplay reveal looks like a completely different series all together. I'll still get it day one but I'm pretty disappointed in the direction they took the series.
XBL : Mrpicardbottoms
PSN : Bosh369
Looks fine. I'm probably going to wait for them to do those combo packs that include the DLCs that usually come out a year or two afterwards.
Abel is probably to Xenosaga what Neo was to the Matrix. - archmageraist
apocalyptic_4 posted...
this game does not resemble the past games at all.
No Dragon Age game resembles the past games.

2, different.

Inquisition, different.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
Looks pretty good so far. I think I'll get it once it has a edition that has all the dlc (if any)
Kee Oth Rama Pancake
It looks pretty bland. Is there no character creator this time?
FAM FOREVER | https://iili.io/HSJO4Uv.jpg
SomeLikeItHoth posted...
It looks pretty bland. Is there no character creator this time?

There is one
Kee Oth Rama Pancake
Looks boring
His foundation lie in the holy mountain. Selah.
Looks amazing. Can't wait for the epic story! The gameplay looks so fluid this time too
Prestoff posted...
Apparently it's getting a lot of hate and I never played Dragon Age before, but can someone explain why?

It's because of butthurt Origin fans from 15 years ago still haven't gotten over the gameplay changes since. That and they've only seen the cinematic trailer from yesterday that showed a completely different art style than what the gameplay showed today. Mainly a lot of fickle angry internet people. The core fanbase is going nuts over excitement right now.
I thought the first cinematic trailer was awful, but the gameplay reveal from today restored some hope
"Every last inch of me's covered in hair!"
Prestoff posted...
Apparently it's getting a lot of hate and I never played Dragon Age before, but can someone explain why?

>nearly decade long troubled development cycle
>multiple original writers/developers left or were fired during development
>studio famous for making RPGs continues to streamline any remaining RPG elements
>partially due to EA forcing them to use an engine that's terrible for RPGs
>a series that started out as a tactical dark fantasy RPG is now an action RPG with a questionable lighter tone

being concerned about any of this makes you a hater and a manchild tho
just another freak in the freak kingdom
Freddie_Mercury posted...
>partially due to EA forcing them to use an engine that's terrible for RPGs
Are they still stuck with Frostbourne or Frostmourn or Jason Bourne or whatever they used for DAI?
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
Huh. I like how fluid the action combat looks. I'll need to watch it on something other than my phone to get a better gauge on it. Not surprised that the opening bits of the game are linear. I read that the game will be relatively open, maybe not to the scale of Inquisition, but more open areas. I'm intrigued. I feel better about the game now than I did before. Will wait for release day reviews, though. Not pre-ordering this one.
Face it Cloud is a gaming icon and has appered in lots of games while mario has only appeared in 2 games sunshine and 64 ~xSlashbomBx
I've been hearing rumors that you can only control the MC and can only issue commands to the other characters. The gameplay trailer makes me worried that really is the case.
Scarecrow17 posted...
Looks boring

--Zero- posted...
Looks amazing. Can't wait for the epic story! The gameplay looks so fluid this time too
Actually got a good laugh out of me since these posts were back to back, lol.
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
--Zero- posted...
It's because of butthurt Origin fans from 15 years ago still haven't gotten over the gameplay changes since. That and they've only seen the cinematic trailer from yesterday that showed a completely different art style than what the gameplay showed today. Mainly a lot of fickle angry internet people. The core fanbase is going nuts over excitement right now.

The ones that actually watched the gameplay trailer today and are hating on it are likely just bitter naturally and had their minds made up from the get go. The usual people that hate on everything are already in this topic lol. The gameplay showed off a rogue so of course it'll be more action based with that character and at one point you got to see a skill tree with a bunch of empty slots to fill. That scene was super early in the game too. It was meant to just show people what's going on story wise from the last game and what the engine looks like.

Thing about Dragon Age that casual people don't understand is you come into it for the love of the characters and love first before anything else. Real ones know.
Yeah people haven't gotten over this RPG series that started with a fantastic combat system in Origins continually being casualized with each installment. You may enjoy automatic combat where you spam one button to win like the shit we saw in the gameplay reveal today but a lot of people want more out of their role playing game's combat.

"But it showed off a rogue!"
Yeah it showed arkham auto-targeting shit, the character flipping and rolling around like a moron and basically spamming a single attack. Oh he chose another attack a few times for flavor then it was right back to the spam and being in zero danger. You're coping if you think there's gonna be any more depth to it than what we saw.

Edit: BUT all that being said, you are correct that Bioware games are more about the characters and their interactions. Gameplay is almost an annoyance that gets in the way of what you play them for. At least to me.
Vyrulisse posted...
Yeah people haven't gotten over this RPG series that started with a fantastic combat system in Origins continually being casualized with each installment. You may enjoy automatic combat where you spam one button to win like the shit we saw in the gameplay reveal today but a lot of people want more out of their role playing game's combat.

"But it showed off a rogue!"
Yeah it showed arkham auto-targeting shit, the character flipping and rolling around like a moron and basically spamming a single attack. Oh he chose another attack a few times for flavor then it was right back to the spam and being in zero danger. You're coping if you think there's gonna be any more depth to it than what we saw.

Edit: BUT all that being said, you are correct that Bioware games are more about the characters and their interactions. Gameplay is almost an annoyance that gets in the way of what you play them for. At least to me.

You never seem to have anything good to say lol. Did we watch the same video? The one button attack was because its at the start of the game before you gain any skills. I know it was for like 2 seconds but they showed an action/skill tree screen with multiple slots needing filled.
Combat looked boring and repetitive. Hopefully its just Bioware marketing being really dumb and only showing off combat at the start of the game and it becomes more complex as the game goes on.
We all live in a Yellow SUV! a Yellow SUV!
Its very funny to resent people for liking the only decent game in a series
I pray god will curse the writer, as the writer has cursed the world with this beautiful, stupendous creation, terrible in its simplicity, irresistible in truth
Current Events » Dragon Age: The Veilguard sneak preview of gameplay reveal
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