So Michael Swaim is back at Cracked.

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Current Events » So Michael Swaim is back at Cracked.
He's doing video content again. For the site he and many others were fired from when they torched the video content back in 2017.

And I wish the guy well and all but geez this feels like this Simpsons scene:

Meanwhile, Daniel O'Brien is pulling down Emmys writing for John Oliver.
CyricZ He/him
Damn, that just seems like a step back for him. Cracked has sucked for over a decade, and Swaim should have been the breakout personality from the site.
...I think I'm done here...
Cracked is still a thing ? Not trying to joke, honestly is it still a popular thing ?
Biden is the greatest President ever.
Post #4 was unavailable or deleted.
cjsdowg posted...
Cracked is still a thing ?

cjsdowg posted...
is it still a popular thing ?
Post #6 was unavailable or deleted.
Is anyone from Cracked doing anything besides Cody? I guess I just learned Dan O. writes for Jon Oliver.
[____]===0 . . . . Ye olde beating stick.
radical_rhino posted...
Is anyone from Cracked doing anything besides Cody? I guess I just learned Dan O. writes for Jon Oliver.
Seanbaby made a math game but by and large still exists in 2007.
Soren Bowie and Katy Stoll seemed the most likely to break out into real acting roles.
[____]===0 . . . . Ye olde beating stick.
Wow it's probably been like 15 years since I thought about Cracked.
See you next Wednesday.
CyricZ posted...
Meanwhile, Daniel O'Brien is pulling down Emmys writing for John Oliver.
Wow, didn't know that. Good for him.
"Am I a butterfly dreaming I'm a man... Or a bowling ball dreaming I'm a plate of sashimi? Never assume that what you see and feel is real!"
radical_rhino posted...
Soren Bowie and Katy Stoll seemed the most likely to break out into real acting roles.
Katy is working on SomeMoreNews (YT series) with ex-Cracked contributor, Cody Johnson. Haven't seen anything about Soren.
If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
Looks like Soren is a writer for American Dad.
CyricZ He/him
I'm amazed any of them would go back after the way they were shitcanned. Especially since the site is pretty much forgotten now.

After Hours, Man Comics and Agents of Cracked used to be so good back in the day, though, so I'm glad the rest of them are doing well.
Can I get famous if I grow a beard like Marx or is that on ice
updated 5/22/2023
I genuinely had no idea Cracked was still around. I thought it folded years ago.
Current Events » So Michael Swaim is back at Cracked.