At least 4 people blocked me, one being CE's film maestro nobody but members of his personal discord likes, one because he blocked everyone who questioned using a trainer to beat Fromsoft games in some Sekiro topic and ended up having a meltdown that got him suspended, one because he couldn't handle with me telling him that Image comics are the vast minority of comics in the west and therefore aren't on the same level as Marvel and DC in the public eye, and the last because they ended up post something so bizarre and offensive in an animation debate with me that they got modded for it and they presumably blame me for that. Bro, I didn't tell you to invoke Godwin's Law regarding cartoons.
PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
Game devs don't deserve money- Zithers, in a topic he made on a game site about artists deserving money.