what should I text this girl from work to keep a conversation going?

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Current Events » what should I text this girl from work to keep a conversation going?
So a week or so back, this girl from work owed me money for food and she was like "omg I still have to pay you back lol".

So she Zelles me later at like 12am, no message. So I just text her "about time " and that turns into a 2 hour text conversation from there.

We got food again at work and she owes me money again. I joked that I should just start a tab for her. She pays me back all the time so I know she's good for it.

I dont want to reuse the same line again on text so what should I say this time to start a conversation again?
Are you going to lunch with her at work or is she just straight out borrowing money and you don't eat together?
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
Jiek_Fafn posted...
Are you going to lunch with her at work or is she just straight out borrowing money and you don't eat together?
Was wondering this too.
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if it doesnt come naturally, dont force it
AMD is the best company in the history of computing!
Ask her if she'd ever want to get lunch outside of work.
I'm assuming you want to pursue more than just a work relationship with her?
Peacefully non-compliant/non-conformist
Be blatant, but respectful about your intentions. It's not that difficult
One can not help but imagine Microsoft as being ran by a thousand Homer Simpsons. -Obturator
Say if I wuz ur husband you wudnt have 2 pay me back haha.
Post #9 was unavailable or deleted.
"You up for some tacos?"

Anyone who answers no is not worth being around.
El sexo sucio y el planeta limpio.
"If you are tired of fear from links... Let Kirby's Nightmare protect you."
Text her: hey baby you ever had your ******* licked clean by a fat man in a trenchcoat?

Works everytime.
You aren't even really reading my posts; you're just staring at your e-mail client and fondly reminiscing about that hobo you stabbed to death. :P
Ask her on a date instead of paying you back, but like in a cute way
The Legend is True!
angeleyes94 posted...
Text her: hey baby you ever had your ******* licked clean by a fat man in a trenchcoat?

Works everytime.

I take back what I said, say this. Even if she isn't into it you can just be like "lol opps my brother took my phone and wrote that. I am so sorry."
Jiek_Fafn posted...
Are you going to lunch with her at work or is she just straight out borrowing money and you don't eat together?

I always go get food for myself during work, so when I pick up for her also we always eat together at work.

Itachi157 posted...
This. If you're picking up food for her and eating separately then ask if she'd be down to eat lunch together next time (preferably on your guys' day off so it's clearly not a "work lunch"). If she says no or gives an excuse I'd just drop it, she probably doesn't want much to do with you outside of work. Doesn't mean you guys can't be cool at work though.

If you're already getting lunch together, just keep doing so and talking to her during lunch. No real need for text conversations at that point. Maybe during lunch one day ask if she'd like to go catch a movie together (or some other activity) or like I said earlier, suggest getting together for a meal on your guys' day off.

I always talk to her during work, not just during lunch. I just don't know what to do lol. I want to text her more just cuz I want to have communication with her outside of work. Funny thing is I always initiate face to face conversations with her but she always initiates text conversations with me.

I guess some people are more comfortable with texting so I'm trying to improve my texting game too lol.

I'm convinced now this girl is completely oblivious that I like her lol.
just ask her out bro
Some guys have all the luck, Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks, Some guys do nothing but complain
BucketCat posted...

Its down there somewhere, let me take another look.
Progressive, Secular Humanist, Texan (he/him)
Well, do you flirt at all? Is there any teasing or touching?
Friend zoned.
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SomeGuyUO posted...
So a week or so back, this girl from work owed me money for food and she was like "omg I still have to pay you back lol".

So she Zelles me later at like 12am, no message. So I just text her "about time " and that turns into a 2 hour text conversation from there.

We got food again at work and she owes me money again. I joked that I should just start a tab for her. She pays me back all the time so I know she's good for it.

I dont want to reuse the same line again on text so what should I say this time to start a conversation again?
you guys talked until 2? lol What job do you guys work in?
Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
k1nG_j0hN posted...
Well, do you flirt at all? Is there any teasing or touching?

I've complimented her on stuff she's worn, her hair too. I've done more of the teasing and touching tho, which she has smiled at it at times. Though it always feels like I start at zero the next day I see her.

Arcanine2009 posted...
you guys talked until 2? lol What job do you guys work in?

We both get out of work at 11PM.
Is she single?
Some guys have all the luck, Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks, Some guys do nothing but complain
You could always turn it into a playful date invite. Something like "How about you pay me back by taking me to dinner "
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
Z490 | i9-10900K | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32GB DDR4 3600 | 4TB SSD
Correct me if Im off, but I think we have a good vibe and I wouldnt mind hanging out with you outside of work. So if youre free anytime soon, let me know. I think itll be fun.

Just lay it out there, and be 100% ok with it if she says no.
It takes zero effort to be a good person.
Current Events » what should I text this girl from work to keep a conversation going?