what should I text this girl from work to keep a conversation going?

Current Events

Jiek_Fafn posted...
Are you going to lunch with her at work or is she just straight out borrowing money and you don't eat together?

I always go get food for myself during work, so when I pick up for her also we always eat together at work.

Itachi157 posted...
This. If you're picking up food for her and eating separately then ask if she'd be down to eat lunch together next time (preferably on your guys' day off so it's clearly not a "work lunch"). If she says no or gives an excuse I'd just drop it, she probably doesn't want much to do with you outside of work. Doesn't mean you guys can't be cool at work though.

If you're already getting lunch together, just keep doing so and talking to her during lunch. No real need for text conversations at that point. Maybe during lunch one day ask if she'd like to go catch a movie together (or some other activity) or like I said earlier, suggest getting together for a meal on your guys' day off.

I always talk to her during work, not just during lunch. I just don't know what to do lol. I want to text her more just cuz I want to have communication with her outside of work. Funny thing is I always initiate face to face conversations with her but she always initiates text conversations with me.

I guess some people are more comfortable with texting so I'm trying to improve my texting game too lol.