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Reading Thread Forever

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Current Events » Reading Thread Forever
For whatever you like to read!

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Im currently reading Prophet of Edan, book 2 of the Edan Trilogy, and probably the third one next month. On the 10th, Ill start re-reading Fools Assassin, book 1 of Fitz and the Fool, the final sub-series in Realm of the Elderlings, which Ill finish the re-read of in April. In the next month or two Ill need to read Perils Gate, Wars of Light and Shadow book 6 I think. When time permits, Im probably going to do a Cosmere reading order, re-reading the little but Ive already read before getting to the stuff I havent.

Id also like to read Ryan Cahills The Bound and the Broken and Ken Lius Dandelion Dynasty, but Im not sure when.
I picked up The Well of Ascension, Elantris, Warbreaker, and Dawnshard today. I wanted to read Dawnshard after Edgedancer and before Rhythm of War, but I couldn't help myself and finished Rhythm of War after Edgedancer.
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I'm fiddling around with the AI features on the new S24, they're pretty neat! I asked it to summarize this thread. Why am I posting in here? Because it won't summarize offensive content and this thread is a rare wholesome CE thread. Here is what it did:

Book discussions on GameFAQs

GameFAQs users discuss the books they are currently reading.

Some users share their reading plans for the upcoming months.

One user comments on the slow start of Redemption of Time by Liu Cixin.

Another user recommends the book to the previous user.
By the way, anyone who hasnt read Christopher Ruocchios Sun Eater, go rectify this immediately. Its a criminally under know masterpiece, and the last book should be coming out in 2026 at the latest (the penultimate book comes out in April, but the eARC can be purchased from Abadan and its incredible).
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I don't play the game but I like the art, characters, setting, and lore.
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Currently going through American Lit readings, short stories week. The Revolt of "Mother" and The Luck of Roaring Camp are two stand-outs so far.

spanky1 posted... Lol magnificent. It's crazy looking back at how quickly the tech has progressed, everyone's jumping on board now. Very cool stuff.

mazingetter posted... Niiiice, I have a thing for artbooks. Top right cover is very eye catching.
I bet those FFXIV artbooks are really nice. Does the Endwalker one have anything of the Endsinger or was that too late to be included? I bet concept art of that would be sick.

I wanted to buy the Okami one way back but I never got around to it.
I recently finished Misery and loved it, I'd put the book and movie about equal.

Back to the Daevabad Trilogy! Loved the first book and getting started on the second
The Legend is True!
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220 pages of Navy history to read tomorrow!
MJOLNRVII posted...
I bet those FFXIV artbooks are really nice. Does the Endwalker one have anything of the Endsinger or was that too late to be included? I bet concept art of that would be sick.

I wanted to buy the Okami one way back but I never got around to it.

There's going to be another FF14 art book, Endwalker: The Art of Resurrection -Beyond the Veil-, to be released this June.

The Okami Official Complete Works is still available on the Amazon and Udon sites.
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rd of the way done with Navy readings
Captain Truxtun has a LOT of funny stuff going on.
I got my premium hardcovers of the Brandon Sanderson Secret Projects today. I'm in the middle of reading something else right now but I'm probably gonna read The Sunlit Man next. It was a splurge but I wanted them bad after not hearing about the Kickstarter until it was over.
rds done with Navy readings
Jefferson is now President and dealing with Tripoli. The diplomatic relations between France/Britain/US are fascinating...Napoleon called the Quasi War "a family quarrel" lol

MJOLNRVII posted...
It was a splurge but I wanted them bad after not hearing about the Kickstarter until it was over.
God I hate that, absolutely sucks to find out about something cool on Kickstarter that's already passed funding/is finished.
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Finally finished the 220 pages of Navy readings, splitting it into three was more digestible.
The pettiness of these officers was nuts, totally astounding compared to the tightly buttoned image of the post-WWII American armed forces. Like you'd think the honor or good of the States would come first but nah...
Just the latest example, I'm currently at the First Barbary War. The first two Commodores sent to deal with Tripoli's piracy basically either sit in port for the duration or take a vacation. Third guy, Commodore Preble, gets sent and is committed to actually settling the matter via combat. He requests reinforcements from America to deal with Tripoli. They reinforce him with additional ships but since one ship's Captain Barron has seniority, the thought process is this:
Barron won't serve under a man his junior
Preble won't serve as Captain again after being Commodore
So Preble ends up requesting to return to the States despite the Secretary of Navy, Congress, Jefferson all believing he was the right man for the job and Barron being ill/unfit for duty. And it's just symptomatic of how literally EVERY big name I've read about acts exactly the same. Jefferson on his predecessor: he's the president of a party, not the United States *self-fulfills his prophecy by undermining Adams whenever possible*. Jefferson on his election: we're all federalists, we're all republicans! Absolute insanity.
"Done" with the Presidency readings for the week.
Immigration requires the choice of text about or by American immigrants for an essay, I think I'll go with Riis How The Other Half Lives .
I finished reading The Sunlit Man and thought it was fantastic as someone who's a bit of a Cosmere fan, but moreso as a Stormlight Archive fan. I'm glad this was the first of the four Secret Project books I decided to read. I haven't read everything in the Cosmere, but this was my first one that took place in what I guess is its space age. Seeing a unit of measurement for Investiture threw me for a loop, and the mix of sci-fi and magic was neat.
Spangled by Gary Jennings
You're never ever fully dressed without a smile!
So awhile ago, I got a copy of Dungeon Crawl Classics rules for myself and my friend; just saw today that someone is kickstarting a Mutant Crawl Classics zine featuring War of the Worlds stuff. Kinda want to pick up a copy of MCC rules now too...
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Speaking if books, that's with this trend of books writing "printed in <location> on < date> on the last page these days? I find these books tend to feel like they're made of lesser quality and tend to have lots of typos.
Italian, French, German.
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cuh posted...
Do you mean print-on-demand?

Unfortunately that gets a bad rep since a lot of Amazon books tend to be, um, low quality (absolutely no shade to everyone who publishes on there), particularly with the threat of AI-made books published on there.

But Ive also found some otherwise-hard-to-find books, especially older literary works, that are print-on-demand, so Ive been grateful for the service.

But also, isnt it the case that, historically, some authors would finish books with a date and location? I think some James Baldwin books finished like that, and James Joyces Ulysses ends with Trieste-Zrich-Paris, 1914-1921 . (But those are ending signatures of sorts, not locations of the publisher. )
Ah yeah a lot of the books i have bought recently I guess are reprints of older books from the 80's and before. I guess ts good for out of print stuff, but holy crap hire an editor please.
Italian, French, German.
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cuh posted...

This books sounds really cool omg

No offense but this just sounds like Joseph Campbell-Lite. He has already traced mythmaking between time and cultures, as well elucidated the role these myths play in our modern lives.
I refuse to let my freedom of speech be held hostage by political insurgents and rabblerousers.
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More Navy reading tomorrow!
Got Mutant Crawl Classics ordered and backed Martian Crawl Classics on Kickstarter. I need to find my HG Wells book and see how much of his work I have, want to get a definitive text.
The Luck of Roaring Camp is still so good.
Learned about campanilismo today, pretty interesting idea-- basically Italian immigrants had loyalty to those close enough to hear their church bells, mistrust for those who couldn't, due to Italy having city-states for so long.
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Just read some Navy history today, have about 140 pages to go this week for Six Frigates and 180 for Barbary Terror . Anything interesting in SF...hmmm...
Chesapeake was considered an unlucky ship, only one of the six that the designer disavowed due to a rival builder being put in charge of its construction and taking any excuse to build it to his own specifications. Turned out kinda slow, caught three broadsides in the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair, currently being commanded by Decatur and not allowed to salute back to other navy ships due to being disgraced. I wonder if it'll redeem itself or continue to be unlucky...War of 1812 is starting next time.

cuh posted... I've only read the first book once when I was waaaay younger, definitely want to re-read it someday. Dune is so cool or hot I guess lol
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