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Just read some Navy history today, have about 140 pages to go this week for Six Frigates and 180 for Barbary Terror . Anything interesting in SF...hmmm...
Chesapeake was considered an unlucky ship, only one of the six that the designer disavowed due to a rival builder being put in charge of its construction and taking any excuse to build it to his own specifications. Turned out kinda slow, caught three broadsides in the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair, currently being commanded by Decatur and not allowed to salute back to other navy ships due to being disgraced. I wonder if it'll redeem itself or continue to be unlucky...War of 1812 is starting next time.

cuh posted... I've only read the first book once when I was waaaay younger, definitely want to re-read it someday. Dune is so cool or hot I guess lol