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cuh posted...
Do you mean print-on-demand?

Unfortunately that gets a bad rep since a lot of Amazon books tend to be, um, low quality (absolutely no shade to everyone who publishes on there), particularly with the threat of AI-made books published on there.

But Ive also found some otherwise-hard-to-find books, especially older literary works, that are print-on-demand, so Ive been grateful for the service.

But also, isnt it the case that, historically, some authors would finish books with a date and location? I think some James Baldwin books finished like that, and James Joyces Ulysses ends with Trieste-Zrich-Paris, 1914-1921 . (But those are ending signatures of sorts, not locations of the publisher. )
Ah yeah a lot of the books i have bought recently I guess are reprints of older books from the 80's and before. I guess ts good for out of print stuff, but holy crap hire an editor please.
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